Legend of the Brave Soldier

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Making a Trouble (1)

In a hospital in Yan Jing!
At this moment, a single ward was surrounded by doctors, and everyone was examined carefully.
Outside the door stood a middle-aged man, who was dressed in casual clothes and looked dignified without anger.
Next to the middle-aged man stood a woman.
The woman was well-maintained and dressed in famous clothes.
She looked like a noble lady.
Unfortunately, at the moment, she didn't look like a noble lady at all.
She was crying and her voice sounded very sad.
"I don't care what method you use, you must cut the people who beat our son into pieces." The noble lady said coldly as she cried.
Her face looked even more ferocious, and she gritted her teeth, as if she wanted to tear everything apart.
"It's a legal society now." The middle-aged man looked up at the noble lady.
His face was also very ugly, but he was able to control his emotions very well.
His voice, however, was cold, completely different from his expression.
"Bullshit legal society.
Let me tell you Chen Jianjian.
We have such a son.
If we break it, I will divorce you." The noble lady pointed at the man who was called Chen Jianjian and threatened him directly.
Then she added, "Don't think I don't know how many bad things you have done these years.
You know how many people have been wronged.
Now you want to kill a student, but you tell me a bullshit legal society?" At this moment, the noble lady had completely lost her mind.
She completely forgot to stay in the hospital.
Her voice was getting higher and higher as if she wanted to tell everyone in the hospital.
However, this showed that the noble lady was extremely angry at this moment.
The words that contained anger were not necessarily true.
Just like the words that came out of the wine, sometimes the words that contained anger were also true.
Chen Jianjian, the deputy director of the National Security Agency, Yan Jing sub-bureau, was in the National Security Agency, so he had enough privileges.
This decision was made in emergency times.
But if he was used by someone with ulterior motives, he would be a butcher.
Over the years, Chen Jianjian had done some jobs for catching foreign agents, which were beneficial to the country.
But how many bad things were hidden behind?
How many people knew?
"You..." Chen Jianjian was so angry that he pointed to the noble lady and raised his hand.
He wanted to slap her, but he didn't do it in the end.
The reason was unknown.
The noble lady in front of him was his wife and also the reliance of his official career.
If he was slapped, his career might be shattered.
His official career could not be improved, and he might even be pulled directly into the abyss by some people with evil intentions.
hit..." The noble lady's anger continued burning, growing stronger and stronger as she challenged her husband.
"I'm telling you, if you dare to continue fighting today, I'll cut you in half." "..." Chen Jian Jian didn't say anything, but he didn't dare to say anything.
He felt bitter and angry at the same time.
His son was beaten to spit blood.
If he didn't feel pain, it was a lie.
If he didn't want revenge, it was a lie.
However, if he wanted revenge, he couldn't do it aboveboard.
"Unreasonable." Chen Jian said after a long time.
Then he went straight into the ward to check his son who was lying on the bed, and was also waiting for the doctor's results.
As a result, the result came out soon.
It was not too dangerous.
The breast bone was not broken.
It was only shocked to spit blood by the great power, which made Chen Jianjian feel relieved a lot.
It was true that his son was fine, but something had happened to the one who dared to beat his son to spit out blood.
Chen Jianhua cleared up his mood, comforted his wife, and asked her to stay to take care of his son.
Then he left the hospital.
However, before he left the hospital, Chen Jianjian promised in front of his wife and son that he would let the people who beat his son pay in place of his son.
Who was that person?
Needless to say, it was naturally Liu Yi.
The person who was beaten to spit blood was the young man in the classroom.
His name was Chen Heli and he had a graceful charm.
However, he was not.
On the contrary, in Sijiu City, he was a typical playboy.
He usually bullied men and women and was extremely arrogant.
Generally speaking, his father was not just a deputy director of the National Security Bureau.
It was not his turn to be arrogant in Sijiu City.
However, Chen Yinsheng was still arrogant because he had a powerful grandfather.
Well, let's not talk about Chen Yinsheng's background.
Let's talk about his father's behavior.
Chen Jianjian, who only cared about revenge, had already lost his mind.
He didn't even check Liu Yi's background and called his subordinates directly.
He sent people to wait for Liu Yi at the school gate and wanted to take him back.
A charge?
It was too easy for the National Security Bureau to convict a person.
It was a real charge that they suspected that you had connections with foreign food organizations.
According to his son, Liu Yi was good at martial arts, but it was not important.
No matter how skilled he was, did he dare to attack the National Security Bureau?
It would be fine if he didn't do it, but once he did, it would be easier for him to handle affairs.
The National Security Bureau could commit a crime of trying to escape and shoot him directly.
Wouldn't that be easier?
Liu Jian had indeed hoped that Liu Yi would be able to resist, but unfortunately, he could not let anything happen as he wished.
When he got the military uniform, it could be said that the school was over.
He didn't come to school in the afternoon.
Liu Yi directly left the classroom, went out of the school gate, and walked to the villa.
But soon, two plainclothes people blocked him.
One of them directly showed his certificate and said in a voice neither too loud nor too low, "We are from the National Security Bureau.
Now we suspect that you are associated with foreign narks and go back with us for investigation." He didn't even say the word 'please', which showed that the speaker had expected Liu Yi's sad ending.
"Oh..." There was no expression on Liu Yi's face.
He remained calm as he looked at the two of them, his disdain written all over his face.
After that, he extended both of his hands with a playful smile on his face.
"Unfold it." Take the initiative to be handcuffed.
This was a once-in-a-century or once-in-a-century event.
Almost all the criminals of the National Security Bureau would resist every case.
But this was the first time such a thing had happened.
The person who spoke previously couldn't help but frown.
He was a bit astonished and guessed in his heart, "Could it be that the student in front of me isn't simple?" In Sijiu City, there were many sons of aristocratic families who had powerful backgrounds and were extremely arrogant, but there were also some who had a high background and were extremely low-key.
If they met those sons of aristocratic families, then you would be in trouble.
However, this thought only lingered in his mind for a moment before it was denied.
This was because Liu Yi's clothes were very ordinary, making him look like an ordinary peasant from the countryside.
It was obvious that the extremely low-key disciples of aristocratic families would not belittle him like that.
Even if they wanted to keep a low profile, they wouldn't be so untidy as Liu Yi.
He directly detained Liu Yi's hand and took him to the car parked on the roadside.
After that, the car started and drove away.
However, no one noticed that even though Liu Yi's face did not show too much expression, if one looked carefully, it would not be difficult to see that there were two completely different expressions in Liu Yi's eyes.
One was cruelty!
The other was playfulness!