The Exorcist Beauty

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Kindness and Pain (Pt.)

How long did this advertisement last?" Li Jiazhen asked.
"At least ten years!
I still remember the lines of the advertisement at that time,It can catch me.
I know!
Xiao Ling, your brother is really scolding you." Lin Yuqing said.
"He scolded me every day.
What do you think, teacher?" Xu Ruling asked.
"Are you calling yourself a stupid camera again?
I've seen your photo on the Internet.
It's called a stupid camera.
Even if it's taken by a fool, it can go to the end of the world.
Obviously, your brother is using this camera to shoot you." Lin Yuchen said.
"Damn Ming!
Ah, but I don't want to talk to him anymore.
I'd better take my stuff back as soon as possible.
I love to be sleepy." Xu Ruling yawned.
"Ling, give me your car key.
I'll drive." Dong Xiaowan said.
"Well, Xiaowan, sorry to trouble you.
I am really a little tired.
I like being sleepy." Xu Ruling said.
When Dong Xiaowan arrived at Mingchi Villa, it was almost 10,o'clock.
Everyone else in the car was asleep.
She had to shake them one by one.
A group of girls got off the car in the cold wind.
They huddled up together and walked on the long ladder leading to the wooden house.
"Oh, oh, oh, it's so cold." "Come on, let's go!
We'll be there in a few steps!
Come on, come on." "Auntie Guo, lend me your arms.
It's so warm." "No problem.
I'll burn it for you!" "It's so cold!" At a temperature of seven degrees, they rushed into the cabin where they lived the day before.
Without saying a word, they ran to bed and hid under the quilt, and soon fell asleep.
The next day it was over ten o'clock, they woke up one after another and went to the bathroom to wash up.
"Xiaoling, Xiaoling, get up!
Get up!" After shaking for a while, Xu Ruling woke up from her dream.
She opened her eyes and found that it was Li Jiazhen who shook her.
"Zhen, what are you doing?
I want to sleep," Xu Ruling said.
"There seems to be someone in the other six rooms!
Where's your key?" "What?
What?" Hearing that, Xu Ruling immediately sat up.
"What's going on, Zhen, tell me clearly." Xu Ruling said.
"I just wanted to brush my teeth, but A Synthesis was already inside.
I wanted to say that we still have another room.
I remembered that the key was in your bag.
But I didn't see it.
I wanted to say that someone should have taken it to open the door!
I didn't expect that I ran to see it, but the door was locked.
I wanted to knock on the door, but I found someone on the balcony!
He even waved to me and I ran back immediately." "What?
Someone is stealing our room!
I'll go and see!" Xu Ruling followed Li Jiazhen to the door, only to find that it was Xu Boan on the balcony.
"Good morning, little aunt!
Why did you sleep until now?" As soon as Xu Ruling appeared, Xu Boan took the initiative to say, "Aunt, why didn't you get up until now?" "Oh, it's you, Bo An.
Zhen, don't worry.
This is my lobby nephew, Xu Boan, who is my relative.
Bo An, how come you have the key to my wooden house?" "It was given to me by Uncle Ming.
I took Yongyi and the others for a short-term cultivation during the weekend.
Uncle Little Ming told me that there was a six-man wooden house vacant in Chi Xia Mountain Villa last night, so I brought them here," Xu Boan replied.
"Smelly Ming, how can he make his own decisions?
I rented this cabin!" Xu Ruling said.
"Haha, little aunt, I've heard about the details from Uncle Little Ming.
Let me transfer the money to you.
I'll give you the money later." Xu Boan said.
"There's no need!
I want to thank you for helping me stay here.
Otherwise, I would have spent my money for nothing.
It's just that Ming doesn't want to talk to me about this to make me hate him!
He doesn't respect me so much!
But this is a question between him and me.
It has nothing to do with you.
What about Yongyi and the others?" "I asked them to prepare breakfast for everyone.
There should be nothing left in the restaurant.
We are waiting for prisoners now, so we can't treat you too slowly.
Miss, you should be Li Jiazhen, right?
I often heard little aunt mention you, and I am very honored to see you in person." Xu Boan said.
Are you Little Ring's nephew?" Li Jiazhen asked.
"Yes, my name is Xu Boan, younger than little aunt.
The lock has been opened, please come over for breakfast." "Then let's wait here together.
Zhen, this is my uncle's relative.
It's all right!
I think my brother took the key to the room when he came with dumplings!" Xu Ruling said.
"How does your brother know we won't live together?" Li Jiazhen asked.
"He must have done something to the GPS in the car!
He's secretly monitoring me.
I'll deal with him when I get back!" "I don't think so!
Little aunt, you drive down the mountain at night and go up the mountain.
This mountain is so cold.
I think I can also guess that you will vacate this room.
It's not difficult to guess," Xu Bo'an said.
"Little Miss, Little Ming Master didn't keep an eye on you.
He guessed it.
According to him, it's easy for me to predict your every move," said the Ruyi bell.
"Stinky boss, you are with my brother." Xu Ruling thought in her mind.
"Zhen, it's all right.
Let's go back and bring everyone here." Xu Ruling nodded and brought Li Jiazhen back to their original log cabins.
After explaining to the others, they came to another log cabin together.
"Welcome!" They were all dressed in Tong military uniforms.
The five little foxes lined up and greeted the crowd at the door.
What a cute little friend!" Lin Yuchen said.
"Teacher, they are all my relatives.
This is my nephew, Xu Yongyi, niece Xu Xinhui, niece Xu Xinyi, niece Cui Zhongting, and niece Cui Yuxiu." Xu Ruling introduced them to everyone.
Soon, they were done and shared the sandwiches made by the little fellow in the living room on the first floor.
They used various kinds of fruit sauce, ham slices, boneless fried chicken, and fruit slices to make a bunch of sandwiches.
They also prepared a large sandwich for Guo Jing.
This is delicious!" Guo Jing bit the sandwich and said happily.
She used her action to give them a big praise.
"It's delicious, little boy.
You're really good at cooking!" Deng Xiaoting said.
"Hee hee hee." The five little foxes stroked their heads and smiled shyly.
"Why don't you eat?
Let's eat together." Lin Yuqing said.
"We have.
Sister Lin, we went to the restaurant in the morning.
We're full." Xu Yongyi said.
"Yes, my brother almost finished all the dishes in half of the restaurant.
He is very good at eating." Xu Xinyi said.
"You eat a lot, Third Sister." Xu Yongyi said.
"You are just a Hindian.
You are fat and black." Xu Xinyi said.
"Xinyi, we can't have racial discrimination," Xu Boan said.
"Yes, Yongyi, you can't bully my sister!" Xu Ruling said.
"Aunt, it's Xin Yi who is talking nonsense.
How can you talk to me?" "If you don't go to tease her first, you won't answer.
You'll start first." "You're bullying me!" "Okay, don't quarrel.
Aunt, wait a minute.
We're going to the Panlong Valley.
Do you want to go with us?" Xu Boan asked.
"Isn't Panlong Valley in Shan Linxi's place?
I've been there," Xu Ruling said.
"There's also Coiling Dragon Valley over at Fuxing Village.
The view is also very good, and the greatest benefit is that there aren't many people here.
How about that?
Would you like to go with us?
We can have a picnic there." Xu Bo'an said.
"I'd like to ask everyone who's ready." After Xu Ruling finished her sentence, Zheng asked for his friend's opinion.
"Okay, of course we will go together." "Mingchi and Sacred Wood Garden have been there anyway.
Let's go and have a look." "I have no problem with that." After getting the approval of his companions, Xu Ruling said to Xu Boan, "Then let's go with you." He said yes.
After breakfast, a group of people came to the parking lot, only to find that Xu Boan's car was of the same style as Shengyuan's.
"Bai An, did you drive out Second Aunt's car?" Xu Ruling asked.
"Yes, this car is the best sightseeing car at home.
Of course, they will drive this car after they come out.
It has shockproof, warm air, and various living facilities.
The biggest advantage is that it consumes less oil and has sufficient batteries.
It's the most convenient to drive this car out.
Little aunt, you don't know how Uncle Ming treats you.
I also booked this car.
He will not hand it over to me until next year.
Later, there are still a bunch of people waiting to buy this car!" Xu Boan said.
"Then you drive ahead to lead the way, and we'll follow behind you," Xu Ruling said, avoiding the topic.
"Okay, I'll slow down.
Little aunt, enjoy the scenery along the way.
There are fewer people along this road and it's still natural.
It's worth appreciating." Xu Boan said.
Soon, the two cars set off and headed north.
There were hardly any special plants along the way except for road trees.
On both sides of the roads was a primitive frosty forest, which looked very pleasing to the eye to match with the green of spring.
The leaves of the road trees were a lot of dark red, which was quite in harmony with the natural landscape on the side.
Both cars opened the windows, and the spring breeze blew gently.
There were streams and valleys along the road, and the air smelled good.
It was not just comfortable.
"This part of the road is really comfortable, and I've never been here before.
It feels so fresh," Li Jiazhen said.
"That's right.
We've run all over the mountain a dozen times, Yilan went dozens of times, but she missed this part." Hu Caidie said.
"It's also my first time here.
Let me take a photo." After saying that, Lin Yuchen took out her favorite rabbit from her backpack.
Of course, this kind of behavior immediately infected everyone.
A group of girls took out their cameras one after another and began to film the scenery along the road.
Half an hour later, the two cars came to the entrance of a industrial road with two empty electric poles.
Here, they stopped the car.
Xu Boan led the five little foxes down the car first.
They all carried backpacks and hung a black camera around their necks.
It was a PsX50, a rare photo camera.
"Wow, Boan, why do you all have the same camera as me?
Don't you have a better one?" Xu Ruling asked.
"Little aunt, I brought another camera, it's here." After saying that, Xu Boan took out a black camera from his backpack.
When he saw the camera, Lin Yuchen immediately screamed.
I can knock out 3X!" "Miss Lin, you know a lot!
However, this camera may not be useful when you bring it out for a trip.
I usually put it away.
In the wild, this idiot is more reliable." After that, Xu Boan put the camera into his backpack.
"What a fool!
Damned stinky Ming!" Xu Ruling said angrily.
"Hee hee." The five little foxes laughed on the side.
"Ha, I got it.
Aunty, don't scold Uncle Little Ming.
This camera is really the best traveling machine.
Didn't you see that I'm using this camera myself?
Come with me.
You'll know soon enough." Xu Boan led the group of people, big and small, and set off.
They started from the parking place and took a industrial road to go down.
It was a dirt road.
After about 40,or 50,minutes, they went down into a stream valley.
"This is the Coiling Dragon Valley!
That's enough, Yongyi, you're free to move around." "Yes, Brother Uncle An." In the valley, the five little foxes dispersed, picked up the idiotic-looking fox and began to take a photo.
Xu Boan, however, walked towards Xu Ruling.
"Aunt, this machine in the mountain is the best.
As long as we stand by the stream, we can take photos of the fish, insects on the water, the waterfall in the distance, and the corners between the mountains.
Within 50,centimeters, we can handle it with this horse without using the camera lens for a long time.
Even Yongyi and the others often take good photos.
After using them, everyone else in the family will also take photos with this one.
The price is cheap.
The last time grandpa went to the south, he still used this black bear to shoot.
Didn't he use his mobile phone to send it to you?" Xu Boan said.
"Do you mean that the black bear wants to bite his head?
It used this camera to take the pictures?" "That's right.
Of course, for me, this one is very spring, so I carried my one on my back.
If I have time, I'll take it out again.
Otherwise, this one is really useful when I go out for a trip.
If it's in the Four-sided Hot Springs, I can take good pictures of the fish in the water and don't even need to jump into the water." Xu Boan said.
"Is the Four-ring Hot Springs nearby?
I heard my friend mention it.
Can you take us to see it when you are free?" Lin Yuchen asked.
"Teacher Lin, we can't go there in March.
There are waterside pavilions everywhere.
It won't be suitable for us to go last month.
The weather is rare today, so let's stay here for an hour.
We can cook when we go up there." Xu Bo'an said.
"It's too small here.
I don't think we can hang around here for a long time." Hu Caidie said.
"How can it be small?
Miss Hu, this valley is not small.
Everyone is used to strolling in the forest playground, and the scenic spots are flying.
Please calm down and walk slowly.
There is only one view spot, and it has its own taste.
But be careful of the waterside pavilions.
Although there are not many spots here, there are still some." Xu Bo'an said.
Everyone wandered around the valley for an entire hour, and Xu Ruling was really interested in it.
She picked up the camera, and saw a black object shaking under a stream stone.
When the camera was closed, she knew that it was a group of small fish.
"Hee hee, I'll be a paparazzo if I use this one." She picked up the camera and took a photo of it.
The journey back was on a slope, but it would not be easy to walk slowly.
When they returned to the parking place, they opened the covers of the car, pulled out the conditioning counter, and began to cook.
Both sides unconsciously competed with each other in terms of speed.