The Exorcist Beauty

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Kunwu Decisive Battle on the Moon surfac

"It really breaks my heart.
I think I'm very kind to them!
Except for you, I have never been so tolerant to children.
I didn't expect you to be so ungrateful." Devil King said.
"I can fully understand how they feel.
Merritt, who other than us can bear you?" Sirius said.
"It's a pity that I can't see my goddess and brother-in-law again." Baruch said.
A man makes success!" Sirius pointed at himself, and then pointed to the devil, "The failure of life is so obvious and simple." "Humph, they hate me, but I insist on staying with them!
When I understand this armor and finish my business, I will immediately provoke them to hate me and make them even more afraid of me." "You've gone too far, Merritt." Sirius said.
"You don't need to say that, do you?
Especially you, Barlu.
Don't think that I can't deal with you when your little brother wakes up." "Ha- Returns!" Suddenly, Baruch sneezed loudly.
Barlu, have you caught a cold?
Let me see." Xiyan Xiu asked with concern.
"I'm fine.
Someone must be talking bad about me.
The armor is so hot.
Can I take it off?" asked Baruch.
"Why is it hot?
There is a constant temperature detonator, let me see.
Hey, Barlu, your mech is a little broken.
It might be too close to that war, so I have to take off it and repair it." Xu Zhiming said.
"Can I take it off then?
Aren't we back in the spirit realm?" Barlu asked.
"No, the Devil's Palace has already infiltrated the soil and air of Mars.
Many toxins are for human body!
You'd better drive back first." Xiyan Xiu said.
"Then let's go back first.
Yan Xiu, you stay here first.
Perhaps we'll need you.
Grand Elder, Grand Grand Secretariat, we'll go back first." Said Xi Yuzhen.
"Yuzhen, pick up those weapons when you go back!
How to deal with most of them.
I'll ask the Devil Clan.
If there are no problems, we'll stay.
You wait here.
I'll come back soon." Shifan didn't know how he saw it in the book and rushed in.
"Brother Yu Zhen, Ah Yun, I'll send you out.
Thank you for your hard work this time." Young Master Zi said.
In this way, they left the Demon Palace and picked up the weapons that had fallen from the grass.
The original archway was gone, and the weapons fell to the ground.
Medicine Pill Jizi also took back her two Heavenly Cloud Columns.
"Great grandma, which one is mine?" Ji Zi asked.
"I'll take the other one back to you." After saying that, Xi Yuzhen took a Skycloud Sword.
They went back to the locking machine and opened the door.
Only then did they find that the lounge chair used by motorcyclist and Devil King was gone.
"Brother Ming, the motorcycle you made for Devil King is very handsome.
Brother Yun said that he also wants one." Barlu said.
"Can you wait for a while?
I've been working too much recently.
I'll do you another one when I'm free." Xu Zhiyuan said.
"There's no need, Brother Zhiming.
I can do it myself.
However, I have some questions to ask you.
I'll come and find you when I'm free," Yue Yun said.
"Well, I'm not in my office in the zoo.
It's my garage.
My boss knows where to find me." Xu Zhiming said.
"Hurry up, get on the car.
I'm getting hotter and hotter!" said Barlu.
The group of people returned to the truck, started the car, and returned to the quadrangle of the old fox Yue Yun in the new capital.
In the car, Barlu had already taken off the mech.
"Everybody, take off the mecha and get off.
Grandma, I'll take these mechas to my office first and check the impact of the environment of Mars.
Master, you go back first." Xu Zhiming said.
"Thank you for your hard work, Ming.
Let's go back and start now.
How about an excuse?
Barlu?" Old Fox asked.
"No, Grandpa Xu, I'm so tired.
I want to sleep first." Baruch said.
Barlu is very tired.
Don't bother him anymore." Xi Yuzhen said.
"I see!
Then have a good rest.
Baruch, we'll make an awkward trip when you're well," the old fox said.
"Husband!" Xi Yuzhen said in a tone, and then the old fox trembled a little and did not dare to say anything more.
"Then Mr.
Ah, Mr.
Ah, we should also go home," Lin Zhengying said.
"Azure, ancestor, goodbye." Lin Yazhen said.
"Great-grandma, great-grandma, thank you for your care.
Yun, Barlu, thank you too," Ji Zi said.
Don't go first!" Yue Yun said, "Let's go and see how the devil king's palace captain is doing, okay?
Everyone says it's glorious.
I've lived next door for so long that I haven't seen it.
Anyway, it's only a few steps away.
Let's go take a look." The group of people's interest was piqued and they walked into the courtyard together.
However, they did not expect to find out that they had long since moved into the hall.
There were only four walls left standing there.
Even the lights on the ceiling and the toilets and bathtubs in the bathroom had been moved!
Even the windows had been dug up, leaving an empty compartment there.
What happened?
Did our family get stolen?" the old fox said angrily.
"There should be Devil Qi left.
It should have been moved away by the Devil Clan." Xi Yuzhen said.
"What about my house?
Let's go and have a look!" Yue Yun said anxiously as the group of people rushed towards the right wing.
Fortunately, everything was as usual and they had not been robbed clean.
Good, my home is still here," said Yue Yun.
"No wonder everyone has a problem with the Devil Tribe.
It's too much!" Barlu said angrily.
"Woo woo woo, Barlu, do you really understand how hard it is for us little demons to survive between cracks?" said the old fox.
"Yes, Grandpa Xu.
Thank you for your hard work," said Barlu.
"You have to protect us in the future." The old fox said.
"No problem." Batulu patted his chest and said.
But when he thought of the battle just now, he immediately felt weak.
But they're really powerful.
Granny Xu, I really don't think I'm more powerful." Barlu said.
"You're still young.
There's no hurry.
You'd better study hard.
Then we'll go back and have a good rest." Xi Yuzhen said.
"Yun, Barlu, welcome to our house at any time." Lin Zhengying said.
"Ayun, Barlu, bye." Lin Yazhen said.
"You two are S cana [Li'na]," Ji Ning said.
In the next three days, apart from hunting for food, the two of them hid at home and did not go out.
The fat bellyamsara was half an inch fatter, but he also saw through the secret of the book.
It could not be said that there was nothing to gain.
On the fourth day, Xu Yongyi received a call.
Another strong typhoon was about to attack China.
The Baruch family needed to take care of it again and also strengthen the dam to block it.
He asked them if they wanted to come.
If not, they could deal with it by themselves.
The two decided to go.
They both agreed to meet Xu Yangming's family first.
After they brought the materials, they would go up the mountain.
This time, there was one more person, and Xu Yingming was also here.
He was ordered by the Great Elder to come and find the two.
He was suppressed in advance when he came to look for them.
First, he built an afternoon's house and a dike.
Barru took comics and computers as guards and sat for the whole afternoon.
He ruined God of Darkness by the way and defeated the Xus twice.
The first time Xu Xingming stayed in bed and caught the wallets.
The second time, he changed to Xu Zhiming.
Both of them were scolded.
In the evening, Xu Yongyi, Cui Zhongting, Yueyun, Bayuru, and the dinner floor, heard Xu Yingming talk about the purpose of this trip.
At this time, there had begun to be gusts of wind and rain outside the house.
"Baruch, Great Elder asked me to inform you how your security guards are working.
From the moment you opened the door, they have been protecting you all the time.
You won't be in danger, it's the people around you who will be in danger.
We should know that those red lines can't be stepped on.
I will tell you, of course, the first one to tell you." Xu Yingming said.
Brother Yingming, if I go to jump into the sea, will something happen?" Baruch asked.
"No, your bodyguard will catch you and send you to a safe place.
But if you have water-lipping equipment, they won't interfere.
In short, they may interfere with your dangerous and injured behavior.
Some people will be different.
Yun, help me to make Boss Lu go down." Xu Yingming said.
"No problem." After Yue Yun finished speaking, he immediately pressed his palm on Barlu's head.
"Oh, it hurts, what's the matter?" Baruch said with his hands covering his head.
"As expected, Yun, you are supposed to be a family of Baruch.
You're fine with it.
It's your turn.
Yi, you should give him eight." Xu Yingming said.
"Is that so?" Xu Yongyi raised his hand and said.
Then he raised his head, held his head, and immediately said, "Don't make trouble.
It hurts!" He didn't expect that before he finished speaking, a bolt of lightning hit Xu Yongyi and made him fall down on the plank and tremble.
"Yes, they just want to paralyze you." Xu Yingming said, "That's it, Robots will make judgments based on the interpersonal relationship and the intentions of each other.
We will consider you as a Baylu friend.
unless absolutely necessary, Robots will not give you a fatal blow." "Stupid Yi, you fool." Cui Zhongting said.
"Indeed, he is quite stupid, or should we talk about Lu Ci?
Next, we have to get to the point, Barlu, although your mecha will judge by itself, your orders are the most important.
Before you regain your memory, there is no way for them to issue attack orders, but you can remove the security measures.
You can say that we are strangers, even enemies.
If you want your mecha to be careful, they will listen to you.
So we are in danger, so you shouldn't say anything in any case.
Come, Yun, take this." After Xu Yingming said that, he threw the gun to Yue Yun.
He received the gun, and the muzzle of the gun was just pointed to Barlu, and the gun was cut into two pieces.
"The rule of holding a weapon is also very important.
It is determined that they are my family members.
Even if Yun is hostile to Barlu, she will not launch a fatal attack.
If they are just friends, who else can point a gun at Barlu like just now, at least she will be paralyzed.
If they are strangers, maybe they will cut off their hands.
If they are hostile, their heads may be gone.
So, Baruch, the Great Elder asks me to tell you, you should give a command to your subordinates.
They will not kill any living creatures unless they have no other choice.
They will just leave their limbs or hands cut off.
After all, we are here, so we can help you clean up the aftermath." "Well, what should I say?
Can we talk here?" Barlu asked.
"I just heard it from your side.
In order to make it completely universal, you have to go back to the inner palace and talk.
So you should listen to what I said first and follow my orders!
You must not protect me.
Kill all lives, unless there is no other way." Xu Yingming said.
"At my command!
You must not protect me.
Kill everyone, unless there is no other way." Barlu said.
"Now that it's done, let's go to the Demon Palace when we're free.
We shouldn't go now." Xu Yingming said.
"Why?" asked Barlu.
"I know that." Xu Yongyi suddenly got up and said, "I heard that the treasures of the New Demon Palace were produced on a big broken watch!
All the demons and ghosts who wanted to make a fortune rushed there.
Even if there was poison gas, they couldn't control it.
Don't say I'm stupid.
I'm sacrificing myself to complete the task.
There must be someone who gets an electric shock!" "Then thank you for your sacrifice, Yongyi.
Just like what Yongyi said, the Demon Palace has undergone a full-scale upgrade after opening.
Not only did the outer palace expand by a hundred times, but it also produced many more treasures and all sorts of strange things.
Even though there are more trap monsters, it still attracted all the desperados of the spirit world, or even powerful demons and ghosts to take a gamble.
The inner palace has now become a business place for us country bumpkins.
Elder Zi sent an army to protect us.
Although there are armies and Barlu, you still killed the elder.
Many treasure hunters saw you going crazy, so you should go secretly after the storm.
However, brother Yingming still needs to thank you.
Unexpectedly, after you opened the door, not only did the Demon Palace not collect you, but it also upgraded to upgrade and produced more treasures.
For many people who rely on the Demon Palace to survive, brother Yingming said thank you." "I also heard that our little white fox fell over there!" Xu Yongyi raised his hand and said.
"That's right.
Because of the Stellar Flames, there are Saints everywhere in the Demon Palace.
It's a disaster for us.
Fortunately, we have counterfeit drugs Legal46,of the Snow Fox Family.
Now that we have overtaken them, we can earn at least 50,percent of the money.
My uncle said that we don't need to look at grandpa's face to improve the defense of the Jade Dragon Mountain.
We're also very happy that we don't have to take out money from our purse.
Thank you, master Bayrion!" Xu Yingming said.
"I think this great god is up to some kind of conspiracy." Yue Yun pointed at Barlu and said.
"That's weird.
I'm not a demon king.
I don't want to do any schemes.
I want to be a good man." Barlu said.
"Liu Dehua said the same thing in the Seamless Sect, but he is still a bad person." Xu Yongyi said.
"Hahahaha!" The four big shots burst out laughing together.
On that day, they talked and laughed, and the wind and rain were pouring outside.
The next morning, the wind and rain were even stronger.
Yue Yun got up in the morning, brushed his teeth and washed his face.
After breakfast, he hid himself in the crack of the door to watch the wind and rain outside.
The wind and rain blew like waves floating in the air.
He first thought of Lin Yazhen in a daze.
He wanted to say that since he had come to Xin Zhu, he should visit their house after the typhoon.
Then, he recalled all the various adventures that he had experienced during this period of time and thought of all the interesting things that he had experienced.
He couldn't help but laugh in a silly manner.
Suddenly, he remembered that he seemed to have invented something wrong.
It should be very important, but he couldn't think of it.
He had been thinking, thinking, but he couldn't think of anything.
Just when he wanted to give up, a flash of inspiration, wasn't it the super-light cosmic engine?
"Hahaha, they said that I was the one who invented it.
I don't have any inspiration, how am I supposed to do that!" Yue Yun thought to himself.
At this moment, the wind and rain in the air caught his attention.
He thought of the nature of light, the mechanism of the flavonoid Transmitting Formation, the key to the production of the force field, the connection between the nuclear fusion and man-made gravity...
All these seemed to have joined up because of the wind and rain.
Suddenly, the spirit light reappeared!
He felt as if a sun rising in his mind.
He suddenly had an idea that made him jump up!
Yes, that's it.
That's it!
"Ha, ha, ha, I missed it!
I missed it!" He shouted and rushed out of the house, shouting and jumping like a madman!
He talked about the words that only he could understand.
His whole body was wet into his underwear in three seconds, and soon everyone in the house was attracted.
What's wrong?
Yun laughed!" Xu Yongyi said.
"No, it's not like that.
You haven't seen him yet, but he has made a big invention." Xu Yingming said.
He didn't mention the details in order to avoid leaking out more information.
In short, a month later, Demon Fox Race gave him the design map from the demon fox family.
It was the first-generation superoptical engine experimental design.
He took it up and looked at it carefully, but actually he couldn't understand how hard it was written.
But he felt that it wasn't important.
It was enough that the Doehring Cowart in front of him could understand.
"Dettrathens, take this Forging Design.
Little Fox, test them.
We test ours.
Let's just honestly tell them what we've achieved.
It's only just the beginning.
We still need them." At this point, the demon king noticed that the expression on Do Cyberspace's demon lord's face was still very unsightly.
"Don't worry about that old geezer.
He's just a stubborn old devil.
Since I've assigned him to supervise the operations of destroying the furnace, he's also in his post.
Of course I know you're more reasonable, but we demons first follow the rules.
He has the rules, so I won't be able to help you." "Your Majesty, there's nothing much about it.
It's fine as long as you don't mess up the main business." Doehring Cowart said.
"It's over.
I don't want to provoke him.
Without him, I can't do it.
His place is very hot.
Without him, there is no one suitable to deal with him.
You go, do it quickly." Devil Lord said.
"Yes, Your Majesty." Doehring Cowart took the blueprint, bowed, and then left.
The Demon King was busy dealing with other documents.
He thought that he would go and check again when it was almost the winter vacation to make sure that the two of them were still afraid of him, the great Demon King.
Thinking of this, he couldn't help but snicker again.
For many years in the future, the Devil Lord had gone to find trouble with them many times.
Time passed like this until ten years after Old Maldini's death, and until the last moment of Baruch's life transformation.
At that moment, the memories of his past life suddenly came to his mind, and then suddenly!
His eyes opened!
It was a pair of strange and evil eyes, like Barlu and Chen Wenchen.
To some extent, his life ended at this moment.
"Oh, I'm sorry.
You're so happy in this life.
Chen Wenchen, you love your family.
You're not alone." "Let's lend your life first.
I hope it will work this time, and I will return your personality to you." This series, finished!