Immortal Sunset Ape

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Eliminating The Evils for the People

Ever since Pan Qiang received the imperial edict, he had a million doubts in his heart, but he couldn't figure them out.
He still couldn't figure out the purpose of the emperor's actions.
He hurriedly called in his former trusted aides and came to discuss the matter.
After everyone heard this, they were all confused and had no choice but to act according to the orders.
In the evening, Wang family invited Pan Qiang to have dinner.
He pushed it straight to the point that his heart ached and he had no appetite so he couldn't eat.
Madame Wang was ten years younger than Pan Qiang.
She was gentle, kind, and knowledgeable.
She was originally a noble young lady who had read a lot since young and was omniscient in the arts of poetry, chess, literature, and painting.
When she was sixteen, she married Pan Qiang.
Their relationship was deep, but they were unable to give birth to a son and a daughter because they were inherently unstable.
Whenever she thought of these things, she felt very guilty.
Afraid of ruining the Pan family's reputation, she repeatedly advised Pan Qiang to build another wife and fulfill his filial piety.
Pan Qiang had always delayed the feelings between husband and wife when he thought about this.
That night, Mrs.
Wang heard about the news and the two sighed for another half of the night before Pan Qiang fell asleep.
Madame Wang ordered the maidservant to clean up the mess.
She didn't dare to sleep too deeply.
After closing her eyes for a while, she got up again and prepared porridge and food for Pan Qiang, waiting for him to get up and eat.
On the second day, Pan Qiang ate breakfast and personally ordered 100 elite soldiers.
These were all good brothers who had been following him since the early years.
They had been born and gone through thick and thin for many years.
They did not dare to disobey the will of the Saint and dragged their sick bodies.
They immediately set out on their way.
Madame Wang saw him off with tears in her eyes, hoping that he could return to court as soon as possible and the whole family could reunite.
Pan Qiang and his men mounted their fast horses and galloped all the way to the northern region of the lake.
On this day, they traveled through Jinghe to the desert town and arrived at Xin Ye County.
Along the way, they saw many refugees who had fled the desert in twos and threes.
Some of them took their families with them, while some went half by half.
There were countless people who were injured or sick.
Everyone was skinny, and the cries of children were endless.
There were countless people who were either lying on the ground or dying.
Seeing this, Pan Qiang and the soldiers were all sad.
They remembered that the emperor had issued a decree before, telling people to open warehouses and distribute food to relieve the refugees.
Why was this place still full of refugees?
They were very confused at the moment.
The team was thirsty and hungry at the moment.
It was a good time to go to the county government to take care of the food problem.
Besides, they also wanted to ask the County Magistrate why they did not release food to relieve the refugees.
When they arrived at the county government office, they went straight to the county office without waiting for a notice from the county magistrate.
Speaking of which, this Noob County Magistrate was named Ding Yuan.
He was originally a butcher who lived on slaughtering pigs and cows.
He did not know a single person.
He was violent, romantic and lecherous.
He used to be a distant relative of the Minister of War Ding.
Later, with the money he had saved for many years, he begged him to kill a Magistrate.
He did not work at all every day.
He only sent officers and soldiers to collect money and food everywhere.
He robbed ordinary women and did all kinds of bad things, causing people to complain.
However, he dared not speak out.
On this day, Dingyuan had just told the chef to prepare a table with pig head, lamb leg, big fish, big meat and other delicious dishes on it.
On the table, two madams were drinking with each other.
Ding Yuan had already drunk a lot of wine at this time, and he was feeling dizzy.
He was very angry when he saw Pan Qiang directly broke in after being informed by his servant.
However, he didn't know where he came from.
When he was about to lose his temper, he saw a large number of armed and strong soldiers standing behind him.
He was so scared that he didn't know what to do.
He quickly got up and asked, "Your Excellency, what do you want to know when you came to this remote county?" "Are you the county magistrate?" Pan Qiang saw him get a table of delicious food and thought of the poor people outside, so he concluded that he was not a good officer and asked angrily.
"Yes, I am.
How should I address you, sir?" Ding Yuan said with a bashful smile.
Seeing that he came with bad intentions, Ding Yuan showed a murderous look on his face.
He was a little timid and couldn't figure out his background at the moment.
He thought that he should ask about his background first before making any plans.
"I was ordered by the emperor to go to the Divine Dragon Fund to exterminate the demons, and I passed by this county today.
I found countless victims of starvation and dead bodies all over the place.
I want to ask the county magistrate, His Majesty has given an imperial decree to wage war, why there are so many people starved to death on the streets in your county?" Pan Qiang became even angrier when he saw his face.
He didn't want to beat around the bush with him and directly asked.
When Pan Qiang saw so many guards coming in with Pan Qiang, he thought that they were officials like generals.
He was scared with sweat all over his head and didn't know what to do.
But now hearing his self-introduction, Pan Qiang knew that he was just a general with the same rank as his.
However, he didn't dare to do anything to him.
He breathed a sigh of relief at once.
Because of his relationship with Ding Ning, he didn't take Pan Qiang seriously.
So he returned to the chair, picked up a pair of chopsticks, picked up a pig's ears, and slowly ate it.
While eating, he took a sip of wine from the table and said arrogantly, "Oh, I was originally the former general.
I'm sorry that I didn't recognize you!
Today you rashly broke into the county government office with the army.
I don't know who ordered you to do that.
How dare you to ignore me and the law of the imperial court.
Do you want to rebel?" "Rebel?
You treacherous official dare to complain first!
Nowadays, people outside live in the wild and countless people starve to death on the street.
But you, magistrate, not only don't open the warehouses to provide relief, but also ignore the lives of the people here.
Even if I kill you today and report it to the emperor afterward, you deserve to die!" Panqiang saw that he didn't take himself seriously and was so arrogant, so he couldn't help but get furious and wanted to kill him immediately with a knife.
But on second thought, it was a great taboo to kill an official of the imperial court, so he had to suppress the anger in his heart and threaten him loudly.
"Pan Qiang, I'm giving you a good show today.
Don't be ungrateful.
Listen carefully.
I'm the student of the Minister of War, Ding.
If you dare to hurt me, I can guarantee you will die a miserable death.
I'm accompanied by a beauty and delicious food today.
I'm in a good mood, so I won't argue with you about the trespassing in the Chang'an Office.
If you are smart, you'd better hurry up and get your people away from me in order not to ruin my good mood.
Otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless.
I'll report this to the Minister, and you won't be able to escape!" Ding Ning thought that they were both at the seventh-level official rank, but he said arrogantly and wanted to kill himself.
He was so angry that he immediately brought out the official Ding Na, wanting to give him a blow to make him retreat.
However, he happened to offend Pan Qiang.
As soon as he finished, he scolded, "You're not a treacherous official, but a treacherous minister's student.
Even if I scolded him in front of the treacherous minister, what can he do about it?
I can't kill you today, which can be regarded as a good thing for the local people." After saying that, in a rage, he pulled out the sword on his waist and was going to chop Ding Ning's head.
At this time, a soldier behind him stopped him.
"General, you don't have to argue with this kind of treacherous official.
Killing him will dirty your sword.
Besides, it's hard to explain to Lord Ding.
If he blames you again and gossips in front of the emperor, isn't it..." Hearing Ding Yuan's words, the soldier was also very angry.
Seeing Pan Qiang pull out his sword to kill him, he quickly stopped him.
The soldier was named Liu Zhen, and he was the commanding officer of the army.
He was of Level Nine, and Fang Erjiu was in his prime.
He had fine features and looked very upright.
If you looked closely, he did not look like a soldier.
He was a scholar, and because he was intelligent and thoughtful, he was very popular with Pan Qiang and treated him like his own son.
Pan Qiang listened to him, and thought it over.
Although he was not afraid of Ding Qiang, his wife was still in the capital, so he had scruples.
He gave Ding Yuan a fierce stare and then put the knife back into the sheath.
Ding Yuan was frightened when he saw Xiao Chen coming at him with the knife.
He closed his eyes and was ready to die.
But after hearing Liu Zhen's words, he knew that Xiao Chen had scruples and dared not kill him.
So he immediately became bold again.
He laughed and provoked Xiao Chen, "What?
Lord Pan, are you afraid?
I'm sure that you don't have the courage to kill me.
It's a felony to kill an official of the Imperial Court privately.
If you don't believe me, you can try.
What can you do to me?
Ha!" "You son of a bitch!
I'll kill you even at the cost of my life today!
I hate you from my mind!" Pan Qiang saw that he was already afraid and stopped when he thought about it.
He didn't expect that he dared to laugh at him again at this moment and didn't put him in his eyes.
Killing intent rose again, and he reached out to pull out the sword.