Immortal Sunset Ape

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The Hero Saves a Beauty

"Ah!" Before he pulled out his knife, a soldier standing next to him had just listened for a long time.
Then he saw that the general he respected most in his life was angry with such a villain.
He immediately became angry.
He pulled out the saber at his waist and chopped Ding Yuan's arm.
Immediately blood splashed.
Ding Yuan's arm was cut off from his shoulder.
Ding Yuan screamed and sat down on the ground.
you dare to hurt me.
I will never forgive you.
I will report it to Lord Ding and punish you!" "You son of a bitch!
I won't change my name!
Zhang Wu, go to sue that old thief!
If I'm afraid, I won't be a good man!" The soldier who cut Ding Yuan off saw that his arm was broken and he still dared to speak like this.
He admired Zhang Wu's courage and was reluctant to tell him his name.
"Brother Zhang, you're in big trouble now!" Liu Zhen saw that he had injured Ding Yuan with a knife and said quickly.
"General, I really can't stand this fucking official's attitude to you, so I attacked you in anger.
Now I have caused you a big trouble.
Please kill me in case I get you into trouble in the future." When Zhang Wu heard Liu Zhen's words at this time, he suddenly came to his senses and knew that this time he had implicated Pan Qiang.
He felt very guilty in his heart and quickly knelt on the ground, holding a bloody knife in his hands and saying.
"Please stand up, Brother Zhang.
I don't blame you for helping me save my anger.
We're officials in the same court and have fought on the battlefield for more than ten times.
We're as close as brothers, so don't say such words anymore." Pan Qiang's anger was immediately relieved when he saw Ding Yuan's arm cut off.
Thinking of this, he had no choice but to resign himself to fate and hurriedly help him up.
"Thank you for sparing my life, general.
However, I thought that if this person was not killed, he would be a scourge in the future.
If it was really as he said and Ding I went to complain to him, wouldn't the consequences be unimaginable?
We might as well kill him right now.
If the emperor asks us in the future, we would only say that he disobeyed His Majesty's decree and violated him, causing the people to sacrifice their lives.
That's why we eliminated the evil for the people, Your Honor." Zhang Wu was very grateful that Pan Qiang did not blame him.
Thinking of the relationship between the dog officials and Ding I, he couldn't help but feel a little frightened and quickly suggested.
it's a serious matter to assassinate an official of the imperial court.
What should we do if the emperor blames us?" Pan Qiang also felt reasonable after listening to his words, but he had scruples in his mind and did not know what to do.
"General, Brother Zhang is right.
This disaster has already arisen.
If we don't kill him, I'm afraid that he will gossip about it in front of the old villain Ding.
It's better to kill him to avoid trouble later." Hearing Zhang Wu's words, Liu Zhen also thought that this plan was feasible and hurriedly advised him.
"Well, today I will eliminate the evil for the people.
Don't blame me for being cruel.
I blame you for having a short life and being unkind.
I'm the most shameless person to make people and gods angry and not tolerate by the people!" Pan Qiang had no time to care after hearing Liu Zhen's words.
He pulled out the official's sword at his waist and stabbed Ding Yuan in the chest.
"Ah!" Ding Yuan screamed.
Suddenly, blood flowed from his chest and his life was in danger.
It was a pity that he didn't even know why he had lost his life.
He died with his eyes open.
At this time, the two women who had accompanied Fan Baitian saw what had happened.
They were frightened to death and lay paralyzed on the ground.
They stared at the sword in Pan Qiang's hand, afraid that two transparent holes would appear on their bodies.
"My lord, these two women are definitely not good people.
Why don't we just play it by ear..." At this moment, a soldier came in from behind.
"Please spare our lives, milord!
We're all civil girls, but we were kidnapped by this damned official and he was forced to serve us.
Please spare my daughter, my lords!
We're like our new parents!" The two women were so scared that they burst into tears when they heard that someone had suggested killing them.
They crawled to the ground and kowtowed to Pan Qiang, begging for mercy.
"Are you speaking the truth?
Quick, tell us if anyone else has been kidnapped by that damned official?
Listen carefully.
If you're wrong, I'll make a hole in your body." Liu Zhen threatened when he saw the two women kneeling on the ground begging for mercy.
He knew that Pan Qiang's heart was softened and he couldn't bear to kill them.
Yesterday, he kidnapped two more women and locked them in the inner room.
Those two women would rather die than submit, so he didn't succeed and was still locked up in the room." An older woman saw Liu Zhen ask and was afraid that she would not answer slowly, so she hurriedly said with fear.
"Lead the way.
If you're lying, we'll definitely kill you." Liu Zhen glanced at Pan Qiang when he heard that there was still someone kidnapped.
When he saw Pan Qiang's signal, he immediately shouted at the woman.
"Okay, okay, Your Excellency, please don't kill us!" The two women quickly got up from the ground and led them into the inner room.
When they entered the room, they found that there were two women lying on the ground with bandages in their hands, and their mouths were stuffed with a piece of white cloth, motionless.
Liu Zhen hurriedly stepped forward and pulled out the white cloth from the mouths of the two women.
He called out to them twice but did not see any movement.
He quickly used his hand to test the gap between their noses and found that their breath was faint.
He got someone to relieve the ropes binding them and ordered someone to prepare some chicken soup for them on the outside table.
He then fed them some of the soup and the two women woke up after a while.
The first to wake up saw so many soldiers standing around.
She thought that Ding Yuan, that treacherous officer, was using a different method to force her.
She looked around and looked at Pan Qiang and scolded, "You damned officer, you've given up on this.
I won't let you off even if I'm a ghost!" "Miss, don't be presumptuous.
This is General Pan.
He saved you.
Thank him for his kindness!" Liu Zhen scolded her in a low voice when he saw her wake up.
"Liu Zhen, don't blame them.
Go fetch some food.
The two ladies must've been starving by that damned official, resulting in their incoherent conversation." Pan Qiang saw that the woman had woken up and was still cursing at him.
Knowing that she had misunderstood him, he quickly tried to dissuade Liu Zhen.
At this time, the other woman also woke up at this time.
She looked at them in horror and dared not speak.
"Yes!" After Liu Zhen finished speaking, he quickly got up and went to fetch some chicken drumsticks and rice.
He then handed them to two women.
Sure enough, as Pan Qiang expected, the two women had been locked in Ding Yuan for two days.
In order to force them to yield, they didn't even give them a drop of water or a bite of rice.
At this time, their eyes were already burning with hunger and they were extremely exhausted.
They wanted to die for a few times, but they couldn't move, so they could only get what they wanted.
Now that they had food to eat, they hesitated for a moment and then carried it over and ate it like a wolf.
Everyone watched them finish their breakfast with sadness.
After a while, when they came to themselves, Pan Qiang asked them how they were locked up here by Ding Yuan, the treacherous official.
The two women then explained the reason for their crying to Pan Qiang.
It turned out that the two were twins.
The older one was called Fang Yi and the youngest one was called Fang Yu.
Both of them were in their old age, and they lived in a village outside the Xin Ye City.
Their father lived off vendors, and his mother taught them some poems and songs.
They led a happy life.
However, a few days ago, Ding Yuan, an official, found out that they were both beautiful.
He made up an excuse to kill their parents, killed more than a dozen of their families, robbed them, burned their homes, and forced them to be his wives.
However, the two were stubborn and obstinate since childhood.
They viewed chastity as more precious than their lives.
Ning Tao would rather die than see the official tarnish his chastity.
Therefore, he thought that he would die today, but he didn't want to be saved by them.
With tears in their eyes, the two sisters knelt down together to kowtow to Pan Qiang to thank him for saving their lives, but Pan Qiang helped them up.
Hearing the complaints of the two sisters, the soldiers were extremely angry.
They raised their knives to chop off Ding Yuan's head, inserted it on the javelin, and picked the head hanging above the gate of the county government before they could vent their anger.
When the two sisters saw that their parents had finally been avenged, and that they were now homeless, they cried out that they had requested to be Pan Qiang's maidservant to repay his great kindness.
Pan Qiang had some scruples at first.
Because he sent his troops out, he forbade him from taking his daughter with him, so he just euphemistically refused.
However, when he saw the sisters crying like pear blossoms in the rain, he felt sorry for them and could not bear it.
When he thought that their parents were dead and they had no one to rely on, coupled with the joint request of the soldiers, he reluctantly agreed.
He also ordered people to take the clothes of the soldiers and asked them to dress as soldiers to go forward together to avoid unnecessary trouble.
The soldiers had the two women lead the way to find the granary to relieve the refugees.
For a time, countless refugees flocked to the Yamen.
They also saw the head of the dog official was beheaded and hung high at the gate of the Yamen.
It was very satisfying.
All the villagers ran to tell each other and cheered each other.
They knelt down and said that Pan Qiang was an official of the Qing Dynasty.
Pan Qiang was also very happy to see so many people.
For a moment, he forgot his worries, reprimanded the two women, and was going to let them go.
Originally, Liu Zhen had strongly advised Pan Qiang to kill two women in order to prevent them from spouting nonsense.
However, Pan Qiang was a hero who disdained to kill two women.
Liu Zhen saw that Pan Qiang had made up his mind and couldn't say anything else, so he had to let them go.
The soldiers made some more food.
After eating, they took the two sisters with them to set off.