The Dark monastery

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Rescuing Love, Painful Wife

France had been an orphan since childhood.
Anyone who knew her knew that she had never seen her parents since she had a memory.
She was brought up in the charity orphanage attached to the church.
When she was eight years old, a new boy, Kenyon, was sent to the orphanage and also walked into her life.
A boy who was an orphan like her and was only one year older than her!
When she knew that the newcomer, Cacusim, was an orphan that she had never seen before, she was so happy.
That was why she insisted on being the first person to talk to him after entering the orphanage with one foot.
My name is France, please give me some pointers!" That was a bright and warm sun, above his head was a blazing sun that was so strong that it could knock one out, yet the discomfort on his face was not any less intense than the shock that the smile on Little France's face gave him.
The excitement and happy smile that came from the bottom of his heart almost melted his heart.
Correct, from this day forth, this boy had completely devoted himself to this sweet girl.
This was the first time that Kenyon encountered such a situation.
It was also a beautiful memory that he could never forget in his life.
Although they were both orphans, Appen was lucky enough to bear the heavy responsibility and expectations of being put on by the church.
Strictly speaking, Cayne was luckier than France Law.
He still had everything in the Church that he could rely on.
Hence, when Cayne found out that France not only had no parents, but also had no relatives who knew her.
Cayne would swear in his heart that Cayne would, even though he was still young, that he would still be a firm and loyal knight, and that he would not have any relations with any of France's citizens.
And that was also the reason why, ever since then, Keane had been even more careful in protecting France.
Every time a child in the courtyard wanted to take advantage of France, he would definitely become a brave warrior who protected France.
In their small emotional world, France was like a noble and lonely princess, while Lu Boyan stood silently in front of the princess, protecting her from all difficulties and obstacles.
At the age of eighteen, France and Quinn, who were legal adults, left the orphanage together.
Their mood was like a nestling who finally learned how to fly and had the freedom to grow up, and they were so excited that they could fly freely in the vast blue sky.
Without thinking about it, the adult two decided to live together and call each other fiancé and wife.
They made a happy agreement for life.
Appen had been one of the children whom the church had placed great hopes on ever since he was a child.
Since he had entered the orphanage, the church had actively educated and cultivated him.
They had hoped that he would grow up and become an important member of the church's elite group and even an important figure.
Perhaps, with your intelligence and hard work, which is higher than ordinary people's, you may even be one of the candidates for the next or next pope!" His foster father, who was born in the broken slum and as the teacher of swordsmanship, was the head of the Holy Sword Knights at that time, Billy, and he was one of the people who looked forward to this dream the most.
He even imagined that one day he could stand on the street and proudly say to everyone that he was raised by himself since he was a child.
It was also under the expectation of Yin Molan that Cayon followed the lead of Billy and smoothly made progress in his great dream, which caused the father-son relationship between the two to become deeper and deeper.
When he came to his adulthood, it was reasonable for him to officially join the church.
First, he was arranged by Billy to join the Holy Sword Knight team led by his foster father as a trainee knight.
Since he had been educated by Billy in the orphanage, he was like a shining new star in the beginning.
In the following six months, he was quickly promoted to C-level as a magic skills teacher and began to hold some important training work in the church.
Everyone looked at him as the young man favored by the leader of the Holy Sword Knight.
The feeling of being valued everywhere made him quite proud for a while.
On the other side, France, who had promised to act as a small woman at home, was the Quinn who waited at home for day after day of exhaustion and returned every day.
He considerately helped him to get rid of fatigue, check out his poverty and wait for him, and silently worked as his strongest lamphouse.
It seemed like a happy day, but it also gradually changed because of the fast increasing popularity of Appen in the church.
In less than half a year, Cayne was too busy to go home on time.
Sometimes, he had just stepped into the house and had not eaten a good meal before he went out again due to the matter concerning the church.
As the busy party, of course, they would not notice that they were always waiting at home.
The only thing in their hearts was how much loneliness and emptiness they had to endure, but because of France's docileness, they always hoped that their own mood would not affect Kane's outward performance and they would not have to endure it alone.
Therefore, a thoughtful and deeply in love with France would never use such small things to worry about the man she loved, who was working for his career.
She would only silently use her own way to worry about her beloved Quinn.
Then, on that day...
At dusk on that day, Cayne, who had been returning home late for almost a month, came home on time, except for Roland.
Unexpectedly, he saw France standing at the door of their home, staring at the direction where he would have to go home alone.
His Efficient and loneliness in his lover's eyes made him unable to bear the pity and pity in his heart.
Function, who had accidentally seen his husband return early, were even more ecstatic as he ran towards the path.
Without saying a word, he threw himself into Ein's embrace.
He gently listened to Kenne's endless apologies and his loneliness, which he had been waiting for all by himself for this period of time.
His heart was filled with the joy of his deep love for her.
"I'm sorry, France!
I won't ignore you like this anymore.
Look at you, you've lost so much weight.
Please don't worry about me anymore, okay?" Keane kept kissing and kissing the woman he loved the most in his life, while France also responded to his burning desire intimately.
"Today, I must make a sumptuous dinner!" France was so excited that he turned his head and went straight to the kitchen in their beloved little nest that only belonged to her.
She swore to herself that she would make sure Keane had a sweet and romantic night with her tonight.
Looking at Luan, who was in the paradise of happiness, the careless Kai Yi never knew that due to a minor illness a few days ago, her body was still very weak.
It was only because of her lover that France, who was trying to resist the fever that was still on his forehead, and his body, which had not much strength left, had made a romantic romantic romantic candlelit dinner for him.
After having a romantic dinner, Appen picked up his equipment.
"Is there anything else I need to do?" The disappointed France forced himself to avoid showing any reaction that would make him too agitated.
However, it still allowed Cayn to discover the helplessness and sadness that she had inadvertently revealed.
Recently, I heard that the city was haunted.
During these past two nights, I heard that there were already a few people whose souls were seized by night devils.
The high level monks and priests in the church also began to arrange for day shift patrols, hoping to quickly eliminate them!" Even though there were hundreds and thousands of people who weren't willing to leave happily at this moment, when he thought about how the people in the city might already be living in a situation of fear and insecurity, the kindhearted him could only sacrifice his own little self's happiness.
"Wait for me!
Is that okay?
I will definitely capture it today!
Wait for me, I won't be like I am today anymore." Even though he felt pity for her loneliness, he could only write her an empty promise that he didn't know if he would be able to fulfill.
He didn't even know if there would be other things waiting for him to protect and rescue in the future, but now he could only comfort his lover like this.
Go then!
I understand.
I'm not that kind of unreasonable woman.
You have to take good care of yourself and don't let any accidents happen to you." No matter how reluctant Frances were, they would not stop men from doing what they wanted to do.
Moreover, it was a good thing to save people.
Although she was lonely, all she could do was to stay in the shelter and wait for Appen's later return as usual.
It would be great if it was really like this...
Not long after Appen went out, she accidentally saw the coat that he had forgotten to bring out, and a feeling of consideration and worry welled up in her heart.
This night, the citizens of the city all hid themselves.
The entire city was completely silent.
Only the occasional sounds of frogs chirping and the miserable cries of dogs coming from the distance could be heard.
At this moment, Cayne was standing in the city's spray fountain plaza.
Several church members who were on duty tonight were discussing if there was anything suspicious after a routine patrol.
"Kayrin, how're you feeling?" The one who spoke was Ya'an, a member of the church's advanced priest group.
He was one of the first friends that Cayn had made in the church.
As one of the members of the Advanced Priest Group, Ya'an naturally knew more about the Holy Inscriptions and Saint Power than Kane.
As for the Quinn who joined the church from the very beginning, he was a member of the Holy Sword Knights.
He was developing in a completely different direction.
Regarding sword skills, sword skills, and offense and defense, he was the real specialty of the Quinn family.
Regarding the power and miracle of the Holy Spirit, as a formal knight, Karne was completely a layman.
It was said that Night Demon, a ghost-like life form of the devil world, was not a strange creature that could be killed by swordsmanship.
It was said that it could only be destroyed by destructive words such as exorcising demons and exorcising evil characters.
That was to say, more than half of the people in tonight's Exorcism campaign had to rely on the elegant talents.
"It's fine, there's no movement.
What about you?
Gale?" Gale, a mysterious person from a mysterious country in the east of the continent, 'Han State'.
After years of experience and learning in the Holy Roman Empire, he wouldn't say that the foreigner in their language had become a guest knight of the Holy Sword Knights' guild.
No one knew where he came from, but no one could underestimate his cultivation in swordsmanship.
Although he used the strange swordsmanship of Han country, there were few people who could compete with him face to face.
Some people might despise and reject him because of his foreign identity, but the naturally kind Appen and the reserved Kelly became good friends.
After he was promoted to a captain in the knightage, he even volunteered to let Gale join his team.
Such kindness of understanding made Jifeng the most considerate friend of Kajen.
"No." Feng calmly checked around again, and then he answered slowly.
"Does Night Demon know that we are coming to destroy it and run away temporarily?
Am I right, Laifu?" A red-haired young man with a cane in his hand, who was obviously keeping a long distance behind Cacusim and others, spoke to the thin little man next to him, who was called Laifu.
He didn't have to look back to know who the person talking was.
Except for him, he was a flat king.
Since he entered the church, he had been constantly treating him as the annoying priest who would be the future successor to the throne of the pope.
His tone was always filled with pride and arrogance.
Even Kane, who rarely hated to reject people, had a great deal of disgust in his heart.
It should be.
But I'm worried that if it suddenly appears behind us and eats our souls, what should we do?" Laifu, a poor, timid man, was subdued by Pingdu and became one of Pingdu's men who were easily bullied by him.
"I really hope it will appear soon.
Otherwise, it's too pitiful to come out to blow the cold wind every night." The person who interrupted the conversation was Anda, another minion of Pingdu.
He was quite capable.
The reason why he joined Pingdu was that Pingdu had given him a lot of benefits and help when he entered the early stage of the church's study.
To be honest, that was because Secretary Pingdu was born in a rich noble family.
Otherwise, with his half-supposed strength and professional knowledge, how could he be qualified to be a priest?
Come on, Night Demon, I'm Captain Joe.
Come out and let me destroy you earlier.
Ha, ha, ha." H flatk cried out in the silent night.
The insufferable Cacusim had to drag Ya'an, Jifeng, and other people who couldn't bear to go to a farther place to avoid this painful torture.
"Kyrin, I really don't know how you usually accept him," Ya'an said sympathetically.
From time to time, he would turn around to look at the man who had brought shame to the Haoji family.
I have a bad feeling.
I feel that the magic element here is getting stronger and stronger.
Unfortunately, I think Night Demon may have really been irritated by Pinqu." A senior priest who belonged to the priest group of Ya'an spoke.
Although he did not know him very well, he once heard that Night Demon was a fortune teller who had the ability to detect the existence of magic.
Once a monster approached him, he could sense and tell everyone about the appearance of the monster.
I didn't expect to bring this noisy man out.
It's really a little useful.
Quinn, we have to increase our vigilance." The pure joke-like Ya'an stirred up a young and surging fighting spirit in her heart.
She thought about tonight's fierce battle with Nightfiend, who knows, it might really become a glorious experience in his memories in the future.
"Well, Ya'an, it's all up to you today!" Although the sword was useless to Night Devil who had no real body, he still habitually pulled out his sword to accompany him in the unknown danger.
"Priests, be careful as well!
Remember that Night Demons only have Holy Characters and Holy Water of their demons." As if he were the leader, Appen reminded the church friends who were on duty with him tonight.
After all, human life was precious.
No one wanted to be unable to see the sun tomorrow.
"Okay!" After everyone was ready, they all stood by and waited for the moment when Night Demon appeared.
As they waited anxiously, the sweat of nervousness and fear had soaked their clothes.
The longer they waited, the more time seemed to be getting closer and closer to a state of stillness.
Then, the person who had a special sense of the monster finally spoke, "It's coming!" With a low cry, everyone's mood was tensed to the highest point.
Among these people, almost all of them had never seen what the Night Devil Master looked like.
Most of them had only heard about the legend that people who had seen the Night Devil could not escape death.
It was said that even those who were lucky to survive became half-dead.
"Clang!" The sound of a bottle falling to the ground was heard by everyone.
Everyone looked back nervously and saw a drunk who was so drunk that his face was flushed, and even the road was almost overturned.
How could he break into this square at such a tense moment?
"Look!" Ya'an waved his finger, and everyone looked behind the drunkard.
A huge black shadow with red eyes was gradually approaching the drunkard?
Ignoring everything else, the kind-hearted Appen rushed out regardless of his own safety.
At the same time, Ping'er, who saw the behavior of the hero, also reached out his wand and began to read the sacred language.
"The Divine Text of Slowness!
Go!" To his surprise, the strong Pingdu didn't sing the characters to the evil magic movie, but put the slow-moving Holy Talisman on Cainchao who was in a hurry to save people?
In this way, Cain Nail definitely missed the first time to save people.
You've gone too far." The slow-moving Quinn looked at him powerlessly.
His tone was full of pain and hatred, and he could not wait to send himself to die on behalf of the innocent drunkard.
Fortunately, Kajen's action did work.
At least, the magic movie had temporarily diverted his attention from the Magic Movie.
As he had used the Holy Book of Slowness, the magic movie had thought it would be easier for him to deal with the Fallen Evils than the Fallen Evils.
"Hurry up, go save that drunk man.
Laifu, I'll take care of the magic movie," said Pingdu as he cast the Magic Movie.
Meanwhile, he also asked Laifu, one of his subordinates, to rescue the drunk man.
In this way, he would be the only one who had contributed to the operation of Night Demon and the rescue of the drunk man.
"In the name of the mercy of the Holy Spirit, the demon retreated!
Magic-repelling Holy Script!" Ya'an immediately recited the Magic-repelling Holy Script.
A light blue holy light arrow shot out, but was counteracted by the magic shield beside the magic shadow.
Did it really come prepared?" After Ya'an failed, he could only laugh at himself.
But when it came to the life and death of his friends, there was no time for him to be lazy.
Then the second singing began.
"Hey hey!" Just as everyone rushed up to retreat the Evil Holy Script to attack the demon shadow, it sneered.
Then, hundreds of thousands of Devil Light Arrows burst out from the demon shadow's body.
Be careful!
That's the Thunder Light Surge Incantation!" As soon as Ya'an finished his words, several people were hit one by one.
The others quickly changed their tune and began to sing the magic defense magic words to defend.
By the way, the magic shadows are all afraid of the Holy Water, aren't they?
Quick, Gale!
Use the Holy Water!" With a sudden flash of inspiration, the slow-moving Appen came up with a good way to deal with Night Devil with the swordsmanship that they focused on.
Unfortunately, his body was still in a half-Paralyzing state, so he could only call Gale to help him complete this idea.
"En!" A low voice sounded, and Gale hurriedly found the nearest holy water bottle.
However, in the chaotic battle, it was not easy to find it in such a short time.
"Ah!" A scream was heard.
The Evil Warding Magic Talisman that Ping Ping had just chanted was bounced back by the magic monster.
He was hit by the holy force and flew out.
He fell heavily on the floor a few feet away.
He was really embarrassed.
At the same time, the wind found a bottle of Holy Water and quickly smeared it on his sword.
The sword, which had been poured by the Holy Water, was shimmering in the moonlight.
Just when the wind was ready to strike, a gust of night wind blew on the street.
It was so cold that it made people tremble and sneez.
At the same time, it also made everyone calm down and feel the strange wind.
Everyone stopped and waited to see what action the wind, which was about to strike out, would take.
"Retreat!" Gale suddenly shouted and asked everyone to retreat, as if he was telling Night Devil to quickly retreat from the human realm.
Then, the gale disappeared from everyone's sight.
Instead, there was a flash of light and a silver shadow, which was so fast that it could blow up a strong wind, shuttling through the square in the dark night.
The silver light kept tangling around the magic shadow.
After each time, some of the magic shadow's body was cut off by the silver light and turned into dust.
In the blink of an eye, the famous Dark Night Demon Shadow became the battle record of the silver sword in the hands of the Gale.
"You, Gale!" Till now, Ya'an realized that the man named Gale was really capable.
However, he didn't know that the Silverlight Swordsmanship that Ji Feng just showed was the "Heavenly Speed Swordsmanship" that the Han people were most proud of in hundreds of years.
The movement named Gale, which he created himself, would become famous due to this move.
"Uncle, are you okay?
Remember, it's the Priest Peace in the church who saved you!" As soon as everyone calmed down from the tension of the battle, the three men of Peace County had shamelessly robbed the credit in front of the drunkard.
"You...!" The pathetic Kajen struggled to stand up with everyone's support.
He was speechless when he saw this.
What happened to you?
Are you injured?" An unexpected voice sounded in Kaiyin's ears.
It was France!
Why would she come?
Turning around, France Law that was holding a long jacket in his hand was running in this direction while gasping for breath.
Why did you come here?" Looking at his lover's tender eyes, Ryan ignored the others as if they were air.
He was so emotional that the others left enviously and enviously, leaving only Pingdu and the four drunkards in the same place.
"Just now, I felt that the weather had suddenly turned cold.
Now, it's almost midnight.
You didn't wear a cold coat when you went out, so I brought you clothes." France's love touched Kay, but it also aroused the desire to be jealous.
When he heard it, he sneered at them.
I think it's my wife who is worried about you not coming back at night.
She's afraid that you'll cause trouble by picking on flowers outside, isn't she?" Kajen went mad at Pingdu's words.
How could there be such a bad guy who liked to spread rumors and cause trouble in the world?
"Huh?" Pingdu's ironic tone was inconsistent with whether or not she had heard it.
However, she stared at the scene in front of her in confusion, as if she had seen something extremely strange.
"What's wrong?
France?" Keane looked at France with a puzzled expression.
"Uncle Yuan?
Aren't you at home?
Why are you on the street?
Why are you so drunk?
Just five minutes ago, didn't I pass by your house!
Aren't you still arguing with your wife?" The France Law that was so naive that it was easy to believe that she didn't know that Uncle Yuan had been here for more than five minutes.
And fortunately, she brought the coat for Cacusim tonight.
Otherwise, when the thing happened, they might not know how he died.
"Err...!" Uncle Yuan, whose true face had been exposed, suddenly let out a strange voice that he didn't know what he meant.
He was so scared that Pingdu, Laifu, and Anda immediately took a few steps back.
"It's a pity.
I thought I could have easily fooled your souls!
It seems that I have to force myself to do so." As expected, Night Demon turned into a commoner.
It seemed that he had always taken advantage of the other party's relaxation to swallow the souls of the prey.
Now that the identity of the disguise had been revealed through France, it did not matter how he changed back to his original form.
With a shake of his body, Night Demon's real face was black as a shadow.
There were two sharp horns on the top of his head and a demon with a pair of huge bat wings on its back.
Looking around, he found that except for the three men from Pingdu UNOPS and France, most of the other members of the Night Demon Group thought that they had completed their mission and went home separately.
Keane clenched his fist, but he still felt numb.
If the damn slow-mannered sacred language had caused Lu Kai to break down, he would never have let Pingdu off.
"Roar!" Night Devil let out a roar before releasing a powerful magic force that caused a storm that knocked everyone to the ground.
When Night Demon rushed to Pingx and the others, he took the opportunity to do something that no one could believe.
He actually pushed Laifu away.
Laifu, who had suddenly met his owner, could only open his eyes in disbelief and despair.
He was pushed into Night Demon's arms by Laifu.
The desperate and helpless poor Laifu's soul had become the first target of Night Demon's feast tonight.
Run!" Pingdu pulled Arada, who was running for his life, when Night Demon was absorbing Reifu's soul.
At the moment, Although Alda felt cold because Pingdu had ruthlessly betrayed him, seeing that this was the only chance to escape from the horrible Night Demon, he followed Pingdu and ran away, regardless of whether he could still be saved or not.
" breaking law!
Run, now!
Run!" Although there was still some distance between Kelly and France and the Night Devil, Kelly was extremely worried about France's safety and shouted at France to quickly run away.
what about you?
How can I abandon you and escape in this state?" The husband and wife loved each other deeply.
Seeing that Kai Er was corrupted on his conduct, France wouldn't leave no matter what.
Thus, the two of them stalled like this and missed the opportunity to escape.
At this moment, Laifu's ice-cold body, which had been absorbed, was tossed to the side by Night Devil.
Night Demon, who was still roaring, had fixed his eyes on the lover nearest to him.
I'm going to stop it.
Hurry up and leave!" Keane supported his still numb body as he raised his sword while pushing France who was supporting him away.
It was said that couples in this world would always be the same as birds in the forest.
Whenever they met with a disaster, they would fly.
However, the firm love for Keane wasn't confused in the slightest by Keane's actions.
Instead, he broke free from Keane's pull and rushed towards Night Devil's embrace.
"Ye devil ah!
Eat me!
Perhaps you'll feel satisfied after you eat my soul!
As long as you don't eat my husband!
I beg you!" Demolition for love and blindness actually naively thought that if conditions were discussed with the devil would be successful?
That stupid action of his made Keane feel completely helpless and dumbfounded.
His heart was broken as he looked at his beloved France, and step by step, he approached the hateful night devil who wanted her life.
Silly woman!
This is the first time I've seen someone foolish enough to come to my door and let me enjoy my soul!
Alright, I shall show my mercy!
After eating your soul, I will..." Night Devil, who coveted human souls, mocked France's innocence while putting his mouth, which was able to absorb human souls, close to the 9 OptiPlex head.
"I'll send your lover to hell with you!" Just when France thought that Nightfiend had agreed to her request and closed his eyes to await his death.
The cunning Night Demon had cruelly destroyed her extravagant hopes by her ears.
The law of France, desperate and unable to change facts, could only widen its beautiful eyes to accept its impending death.
"Don't worry!
People whose souls are eaten by me won't feel pain.
They can't even be considered dead.
After losing the soul, they should turn into nothingness." Night Devil's ruthless kiss of soul-devouring was in front of Kaine, who was angry for the sense of powerlessness and desperate despair of hope of disillusionment, and pressed against her forehead.
Demolition felt as if something was losing in his body, but there was no way to stop it.
how could this be?
Her soul...
I cannot...
absorb her soul?
My magic power...
how could it disappear?
She...?" Suddenly, Night Demon's expression changed drastically.
A look of shock and disbelief swiftly changed everything.
It seemed as though it was unable to absorb this France spirit and was also gradually losing its own magic power.
"Damnable devil, what are you doing against France?" The savior came!
Ya'an, who had unexpectedly returned, discovered Night Devil, who was desperately absorbing its soul.
This caused the Night Devil, who was still confused as to why he was unable to absorb its soul, to be even more alarmed.
He struggled with all his might, but was unable to release its mouth.
Is it...
What is she doing to me?" Night Demon found that he seemed to underestimate the woman in front of him.
Who was this woman who offered her soul voluntarily?
"Is it going to be wiped out by human beings?" Just as it suddenly felt fearful of itself, it felt as if it was about to be wiped out.
Ya'an released twice the power of the Exorcism Manuscript with both hands.
Just like that, the sharp-edged arrow of holy light was inserted into the vital part of Night Demon's body.
"If my magic power is still there...
I won't care about this kind of sacred incantation." The Night Demon, who had died in the hands of a human and was extremely unwilling to die, was still complaining before his death.
The demon, who was unwilling to give up, finally turned into a cloud of smoke and died.
Thank you so much!
If it wasn't for you...
my France law..." Keane shed tears of gratitude while Ya'an merely smiled.
How could a friend be considered a good friend if he had to care so much?
Fortunately, on the way, he suddenly felt that something was wrong.
He always felt that things had gone too smoothly.
How could Night Demon suddenly attack him without any preparation?
After he speculated that Night Demon had premeditated the action, Ya'an, who was deeply uneasy, returned to confirm it again.
Fortunately, he was right.
" breaking law?
France law!
What's wrong with you?
Don't scare me!
France law!" Keane walked up to France and realized that the situation was very bad.
She was lying on the ground and not moving at all?
Could it be that Night Devil had sucked her soul away?
Ya'an, who was standing by the side, also rushed over to resolve the situation on behalf of France law.
From his outer appearance, France looked as if he was asleep.
His heartbeat was extremely weak, and his breathing was extremely slow, as if he was a dying patient.
Ya'an checked her pulse, chanted the high-level recovery words for physical strength, and infused them into France's body.
However, the power of the words did not work at all.
Ya'an, who didn't give up, didn't give up so quickly.
As a senior priest, he took out all his skills and then used the Holy Text of Returning from Death that only the senior priest could use.
This Holy Text could allow a dying person to live for at least a few more months.
If ordinary people used this Holy Talisman, their whole body would be activated and the potential of the person who usually slept in his or her body would be activated.
The only disadvantage was that the priest who used this holy language would not be able to use it within a month.
Ya'an would only use this holy language when he had no other choice.
However, although the powerful and dazzling silver-blue light from the palm of the Holy Character coming back to life was continuously sent to the Le'er's heart, she showed no sign of improvement.
She was still like a Zombie, sleeping motionlessly.
"Even you can't do anything?
Ya'an?" Cacusim asked in a hoarse voice, all the sorrow in his heart expressed in his tone.
It was a pity that in the end, Ya'an, which had already done its best, could only be given to this painful friend of his.
One of them shook his head and sighed helplessly, and then patted Cacusim on the shoulder, not knowing what to say to comfort him.
In the end, she had no choice but to quietly walk away, lest she said anything more that would make Quinn sadder.
In the midst of the night wind, the infatuated Kelne tightly hugged France, who was also infatuated with France, like a dead man, and stood in the middle of the plaza.
It was only when dawn was about to break that he carried her to the church's doorstep to seek help.
It was just that all the people in the Church had tried their best to think of a way.
They could even be said to have done everything they could to break the law.
How could no one save her?
Someone had taken the Holy Water and said that he wanted to help France exorcise devils.
Someone had placed sacred words on her to purify both her body and mind.
Someone had even used his soul to sense the sacred words' saint power.
He wanted to know if she had lost her soul.
All the people in the church had tried all kinds of methods, and both the elders and the church's hosts had seen the France Law.
Everyone believed that all the church could do, but they did not know why it did not work at all.
They only knew that France was currently in a state of hibernation for animals.
Her soul was still in her body, but she had no reaction to the sacred words that tried to save her.
"It seems that all the people in the church have done their best!" Finally, the Pope came forward to show his concern, but he only showed them the most basic care and sympathy.
"Is there no way?" The desperate Kaiyin could only look after his wife all day long, give up his own life, and give up the great bright future that might be realized.
For him, there was no such pain as if a piece of flesh had been dug out from his heart.
If France died just like that, he would have immediately committed suicide without a second thought.
He looked so depressed and desperate that even his friends, who came to visit him, could not bear to say anything more to stimulate him.
As his best friends, Ya'an and Jifeng could only come over often to ask him if he lacked daily necessities.
There was not only Ya'an and Gale.
Watching him like this, Billy, who had dreamed of him since he was a child, felt sad and miserable.
Billy, who was like a new father, looked at himself giving up.
When he wanted to blame him, he was afraid of hurting his heart.
If he wanted to comfort him, he must have heard the words of comfort.
In addition to being sad for him, he didn't know what to do.
Of course, he didn't dare to think about the exciting effect of bringing up the information about the next throne test of the knightage leader in front of Cacusim.
One day, when the bad Pingdu opened his door, his accumulated emotions that he had no place to vent were released.
His fierce eyes turned into fierce beasts, glaring at Pingdu in front of him.
I'm sorry!
I don't know what happened that day," Kenyon said in surprise.
He was used to being arrogant, but now he lowered his head and apologized to him.
It turned out that he knew what shame was.
I sincerely apologize.
I know it's useless to say anything more.
However, I've also searched for information in private to remedy this matter." Was this the Pingdu that he knew?
Was he frightened by Night Demon?
Why did Pingdu also have a day to do good deeds?
He just indifferently looked at Pingdu explained his late kindness.
Except for the news that Roland could immediately recover, he would not be tempted by anything else.
"I know...
that the church has already done everything it could.
This doesn't mean that no one in this world can save France!
At the very least, I know that there is still a place in this world where there is hope." Pingdu's words that made others feel excited did indeed move Kane's despair.
Could France still be saved?
Regardless of whether it was in the entire world, as long as there was a place that was beneficial to France, he, Kain, would definitely carry France away!
"Do you know about the church's forbidden area, the Dark Mountain?" Pingdu's words were like the murmurings of a devil, bewitching Kane's mind that had long since lost its sanity.
That was right, the Dark Mountain!
Of course he knew that it was an abandoned, evil place!
There was also a dark black monastery on the hill that the church had treated as hell itself!
It's totally a forbidden land that shouldn't be mentioned!" Kajen, who was loyal to the church, still habitually remembered how the church described that place that was no different from the living hell on earth.
"I know how the church's people pain the people and places there!
However, that doesn't mean that there is no one there who can save you in France." Pingdu once again incited Keane.
What was he thinking right now?
From the look of his face that carried a strange smile, Keane truly didn't have any way of defining these two words.
However, if what he said was true, what if there was someone there who could save France?
What then?
For France, he could do anything!
However, what if he challenged his own beliefs?
"I know you're struggling!
When I first heard the news, I was also struggling to tell you or not.
But because this matter was caused by me, I felt it was my obligation to tell you this.
My father also said that there was once an Elder of the church who was proficient in medicine and healing the Holy Inscriptions.
He banished himself to that damn place because he couldn't heal his wife and children by himself." After saying that, he knew that he would be annoying if he continued to stay, so he turned and left Cacusim's home, leaving Cacusim in a trance.
Of course, in the end, Ein still brought France to the Dark Black Event on the dark hill...