The Dark monastery

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Rescuing A Kind of Life for Love

The dim lamplight in the room slowly ran out of lamp oil.
As Elder Fan An continued to describe his past experiences with fervor and assurance, it slowly began to slowly disappear bit by bit.
It was not until they suddenly fell into the darkness without warning that Kaiser and Fan En found out that they were addicted to the memories of the past and did not know how fast time flew.
After returning to his senses, Fan An gently chanted the holy language for light.
Soon after, a weak streak of light slowly seeped out from Fan An's fingers, temporarily replacing the light.
At this time, he picked up the spare oil oil found beside him and slowly poured it into the mahogany holder.
While he was making a fire, he also took the opportunity to sort out his thoughts.
Before Fanne finished his story, he had already solved many of the problems in his heart.
At the same time, more and more problems had been generated.
"For example, the whereabouts of Jie?
How did Billy, who had already lost control, return to his kind father in the heart of Appen?
Why didn't Fan En return to his hometown to find his wife?" "It's complicated." For a moment, he did not know where to begin.
The only thing he could do was to wait for the author of the story and then continue it.
The strong flames in the oil lamp gradually restored the initial brightness of the darkroom, and the light in Fan En's hand gradually dimmed down.
That's all I can remember!" Fan Huaying found that after staring at him with great interest for a long time, he finally found that he still wanted to hear the long-cherished look in his eyes.
Fan En helplessly made an expression as if he had summarized all the memories.
Instantly, he was both astonished and puzzled.
How was it possible that the story was gone just like that?
"You don't even know how you survived after a disaster?"Kyrin's eyes widened in disbelief.
"When I woke up, I was brought into the dark monastery!
No one told me who was so kind to save me!
They only told me to stay and recover.
When I really recover completely, it will be two or three months later!" In his tone, Fan'er sounded quite helpless.
After all, his injury was so serious that even the advanced healing Holy Script could only stop the bleeding of his wound.
When his wound was really healed, he would not know anything about what had happened when he asked others, so he could only be an ungrateful fool.
"Don't you ever miss home?
Don't you have the impulse to go back home?
Don't you think that your wife and children may suffer alone because of you?"Kyn didn't quite understand Fan En's attitude.
Logically speaking, when he recovered, he should rush back to his hometown to investigate immediately to see if his wife and children were still alive in the human world.
Why hadn't he heard of his wife and children for so many years?
"Do you think...
that I don't want to?" Fan En said with a great sigh when he heard the words of rebuke from Ken.
There were too much pain and helplessness in his voice.
"In the first ten years, I kept dreaming and praying day and night.
I wished I could immediately grow a pair of wings and fly back to my warm home from this dark and dark place!" After stopping for a while, Fan En finally chose to accumulate his emotions for many years.
Those unknown thoughts were released in front of the present Ryan.
"But, I can't!
If it weren't for this ghost mark!
If it weren't for this ghost that made me die in pain as soon as I stepped out of the dark monastery like being burned by fire!
Otherwise, even if I would die, I'd only be able to die with the bodies of my wife and children in my arms.
I would also go back at all costs!" Fan En violently pulled open his collar, and a black and clear mark clearly appeared on his neck.
The Evil Imprints like the Demon's Eye were imprinted there.
It was as if the heartless Demons in hell were using it to carefully observe the outside world.
"In the end, I gave up...
At the beginning, I forced myself to refuse and let myself recall the past.
There was still a pain of being crushed in my heart.
After a long time, I would gradually forget about it.
However, when I saw France today, I understood that...
the days before were all just something that I avoided thinking about.
In actual fact, just like this brand, it had already been deeply imprinted in my heart!" Elder Fan En said as he cried with regret and hatred.
The more he spoke, the more helpless he became and the more hoarse he became.
In the end, he seemed to be murmuring to himself.
Cacusim really could not bear to see a poor person who was manipulated by fate, so he chose to turn his head away.
"If this mark did not exist, I would have long gone back to find Lei Na.
I would have gone to find outstanding people!
I would not have lived over twenty years of the Desolate Age here." Elder Fan En wiped away the tears that had just fallen from his face.
He was filled with emotion as he wondered just how different it would be if he had not been trapped here for so many years now.
Unfortunately, he couldn't imagine the world that had already been completely out of place.
Keane could now understand the feeling of Felt wanting but not being able to obtain it.
Wasn't it the same as the current him wanting to illegally recover but not having any specific methods?
"I think France will forgive you!" The emotional Appen spoke out the words that Fan En most expected to hear.
Not only did this calm Fan En down greatly, but it also saddened him to understand that this thought was also what he most desired to hear from France himself.
"But, what's with the mark on your neck?
Why did you lose your freedom?" A very bad feeling suddenly flashed through Cayne's heart.
Would it be possible that France and him would be planted with this imprint and never be able to leave this place for the rest of their lives?
However, after a slight worry, he thought to himself,If France was good, then as long as it was France!
Then in the future, no matter where France went through the latter half of his life, it wouldn't matter anymore!
"That's in order to prevent us from escaping from this dark monastery.
Those who have been judged as guilty and have fallen into degradation will have delusions of escaping, and will be branded with a curse mark!" Said an elder who had woken up suddenly, causing Cacusim to be shocked.
Isn't this the paradise for the Fallen and the betrayers?" Like the others, in the outside world, Cacusim had always thought that this was a secret base or the final park of the church's opposition.
How could Elder Lock say that it was like an evil prison?
The feelings of doubt were leaked out without hiding, along with the slightly wrinkled brows of Cacusim.
"That's right.
This is indeed a forbidden place where the church deals with the betrayers and the Fallens, and everyone in the church knows about it.
However, everyone in the outside world thinks that this place is out of the church's control, and that's not entirely true." Elder Fan En shook his head, like a deflated rubber ball.
"Does this place also have a secret that is not known to the public?" "Do you know?
The person who is in charge of the entire Dark Black cloister is the loyal partner of the former Pope, and he is also one of the teachers of the current Pope!
That is to say, he is now acting as the substitute for the Pope, watching us and imprisoning us!" The words of Elder Lock bombarded in the head like thunder.
"But the director...
is also one of the Pope's accomplices?" Just as he thought of Fan En's miserable past and subconsciously thought that the director was not a good person, he suddenly heard the sound of footsteps coming from the basement.
"Who could it be?" Elder Faner was a little nervous.
Not all of the people in the cloister were friendly.
If it were a case of crime, he would not hesitate to fight to the death.
"It's me, Headmaster Nuo Si!" The person who had come up seemed to have heard Elder Fan En's question and had actually first reported his name.
But wouldn't it mean that Hero would see the situation of the Big Devil at the beginning of the story?
The devil who cursed you so viciously?" In search of the curse mark left on Elder Fan En, Balin was miserably led a pitiful life of an orphan without parents for the past twenty years.
And the dean of the Dark cloister, who was the initiator of all these sad stories, would be right in front of him.
He was so angry that he forgot to think deeply about whether he had the ability to fight against the headmaster of the Dark cloister.
He picked up his sword and rushed to the stairs, intending to kill him by surprise.
It happened so suddenly that even Fan En and Lock, who were standing beside him, had no time to stop this reckless sneak attack.
They could only watch Kenyon rushing to the position where the dean was about to appear and the sword that could not avoid conflict.
"Ha ha ha ha!
Where did you come from, little brother?
You want to use your weapons to greet me?
You're such a lively and lively little brother!" An old man with white hair and a white beard, who looked to be in his seventies or eighties, suddenly appeared.
When Kaiser was still wondering if he was the director, it seemed that he didn't lose his temper because of Kay.
Instead, he first showed off his superior skills, called Kaiser.
Then he saw that the sword in Ken's hand, and even the robe worn by the dean, were held still by two fingers of his right hand before touching it.
It was really a sharp move to grab the white blade with bare hands!Kyne couldn't help but admire this Director Nuos's extraordinary performance.
You misunderstood!" Just asKyn was about to give up the sword and fight bare-handed with the director, Fan En grabbed his raised elbow and stopped him.
"Uh-huh?" Ken was stunned.
What was going on?
"Actually, Principal Nuosz is a good person.
Although he has indeed caused me to be unable to leave this place for the past twenty years, at first, his good intentions were because he was afraid that once I recover, he would be unable to resist the urge to seek revenge on the Pope!" Fanne's eyes turned red.
Right now, he was truly very grateful to Principal Nuosa's good intentions.
It was something that could not be concealed.
Even now, in his subconscious, there was still the emotion of wanting to take revenge that was surging within him.
"Additionally, at that time, I almost had nothing, even the closest Lanna and France weren't in this world.
I think that at that time, I definitely wouldn't have been able to live on my own.
If it wasn't for the good intentions of the former principal, then today, I wouldn't have been able to see my cute France with my own eyes!" Fan En's grateful tears filled everyone's hearts with endless regret.
"Thus, although I hate this demon-like mark, I can't hate the Headmaster of the Church!" He didn't expect that the Headmaster would be a good person.
After listening to Fanne and Roger's unfortunate encounter, he still couldn't believe that this white-haired man, who had a very close relationship with the Holy Emperor, was standing in front of him.
Back then, I forgot the law that can't be thefted because of a moment of greed.
Just when everyone in the church said to execute me, it was also because of Principal Nuosg's pleading to the Pope that I was sentenced to life imprisonment here!" The time that Elder Luo entered the cloister was much earlier than Elder Fanen, but he never told anyone why he came in.
After letting go of the previous grudge, Elder Fan En and Elder Luo briefly introduced Ken to the principal about his background.
Before Elder Fan En could speak about France's disease, the principal had already discovered that France, which was unconscious beside him, was in a state of near death.
"Little brother!
I know why you came.
Come, follow me!
The doubts that you want to know, maybe you'll understand in a bit." Landlord Nuose looked at France and said before he opened his mouth, "Did you say that Ken is going to follow him?" Then, Director Nuoss turned around and walked back to the stairs of the basement, leading Cayne, Elder Fanne, and Elder Lock to the basement.
The spiral staircase kept spreading down as if it had no end.
Director Nales, who led the way ahead, just walked on his own without any sign of stopping.
When he paused for a few times on the way, he thought he had arrived at the destination.
As a result, the dean went down again, giving him the illusion that he was going to go to hell.
"Director, do you really have a way to save France?" Keane finally couldn't bear the pain that he didn't know and stopped in his tracks.
"Hehehe!" With a chuckle, the principal still didn't reply and continued to walk down.
Only then did Kane, who was helpless, forget his previous question and continue to follow behind him.
In the end, they finally came to a circular hall, which was three times larger than the hall on the ground.
Even the ceiling was spherical, and the entire hemispherical space could still be seen traces of artificial excavation.
It must be the building that the predecessors had made great efforts to complete a long time ago.
What was even more surprising was that, logically speaking, this place should have been several floors underground.
However, it didn't even give off the slightest sense of discomfort.
On the surrounding walls, there were twelve strange and tightly shut windows that shouldn't have appeared underground.
Could it be that this place was not underground, but the surface of another world?
Kane gently opened one of the windows.
After it was opened, a long and narrow letter appeared.
Looking at the size of the letter, it was a single walk that only allowed one person to pass.
Although it was not like the alien world that Cacusim had imagined, she was curious about where this passage led to.
"Are you curious?
Kid?" The words of Director Nin's made him alert to his own impoliteness, so he quickly closed the window, afraid that his actions would bring trouble to everyone.
Moreover, it was only then that he discovered that Fan En and Luo Ye had already found a seat at a round table in the hall by themselves and sat down.
So he sat down too.
Only then did he find out that there were no more than 12 seats in the hall.
Where should I answer you?
Kid?" Director N brilliance took out a pair of presbyopia glasses from his arms and put them on.
Then he opened the main seat of the round table and sat down.
"How do we save Frances?" Kyn felt that this was an act that he knew.
If it weren't for Frances, how would he have come here?
You're just a kid!
You're so impatient!" The dean smiled at first, then suddenly put away his smile and changed into a very serious expression.
"Indeed, there should be a way to save your wife.
However..." Principal Nuoss looked at Ken's resolute expression, as if he wanted to confirm whether Ken's intention to save his wife was firm.
"But Headmaster...
Fan En's daughter isn't as simple as losing her soul!" Elder Luo had investigated the situation of France.
Her situation was terrible, and it was not something that could be saved with just the use of the mystical words or the Soul Returning Secret Technique.
The Tenebrous Abode of ours does indeed contain ancient texts that have been forgotten or lost within the church.
However, the state of France isn't completely as simple as if her soul was taken away!
There is also a powerful magic power binding and harming her, moreover with more than one type of magic power!
There are also seals, curse, and other powers mixed together.
Under such vile circumstances, she is actually still able to survive until now.
This can already be considered a miracle and be a gift from the heavens." Luo carefully analyzed the various situations he sensed from France's body.
Under such complex and harsh conditions, trying to make the law safely recover was an impossible dream.
"But...he's my daughter!
No matter what, I must save her!" Fanlon knew that the chances were slim, but he still felt pity for his daughter's unfortunate encounters.
The one with the same goal as him, 'Kayne', also nodded in agreement.
"That's right!
That's right!
I didn't say I won't save her!" President Nisse tried to appease the excited Fan An.
Did that mean that he had other ways?
"Didn't we find a new ancient document in the deeper cloister?
After the translation of Elder Burke who is proficient in ancient language, we finally have a preliminary result a few days ago." Deep down?
This isn't even the bottom of the cloister?Kyrin couldn't help but wonder what a place this is.
Is it really a passage to hell?
"What was recorded in that ancient book was an extremely mysterious and divine power!
If one were to do it according to the method stated in the ancient book, it is said that at the same time as one's soul and life was cast, one would be able to completely obtain salvation and purification!
One would also become a lucky person blessed by the gods forever!
Apart from being able to dispel the power on abide by France law, one would also be able to give you a France blessed by the gods!" The more one who loved civilization and ancient представляет, the more magical he said, the happier he became.
Only this ancient book could change the fate of the entire human race.
why don't you cast a spell to save France Law quickly?" Kenyon thought.
If this method was really as good as what President Nuos had said, then why didn't he save France Law as soon as possible?
I must save him.
It's a pity..." Director Nuosi sighed softly.
"What's the matter?" Kayn stared at the Director, puzzled.
He then turned to look at Fain.
He saw that Fain seemed to be frowning as well, but he didn't know what was going on.
"If we want to use this method to save people, we must first find the materials that are necessary to cast the spell!
And the materials are all in other places..." The dean of Nuos sighed again, and even Fan En also sighed this time.
"Then why don't we go and find him?
What's..." Before he could finish his words, he suddenly thought of Fanne, Goh...
all of them were unable to leave the Black monastaries!
"I'm sorry, I forgot that you all can't leave this place...
but I didn't leave a mark on my body!
I'll go look for the materials that can break and break apart!" When he thought about how much France was suffering in this state, he decided to go and find those materials himself!
"Thank you!
Shinji, little brother!" Fan En held his hand, so excited that he could not even utter a single word!
"That's good, listen!
It is recorded in this ancient book that the first material necessary for casting is...
'Dragon race horn'!" As soon as the dean of Nuose finished, everyone present was stunned.
"Dragon tribe horn?
What's this?
Where can I find it?" "It doesn't matter!
I'll go and find it.
Even if I have to go all over the world, I must still bring back the "Rain of the Dragon Clan"!" After saying that, he resolutely stepped onto the far road to France to save France.
"You can rest assured and go!
For now, you can hand over France to this rotten old man who has not fulfilled the duty of my father for more than twenty years!" When he decided to leave immediately, Fan En patted him on the shoulder to reassure him, which also approved the firm feelings of France.
Although her condition is very bad, you can rest assured!
Although the people here are incapable of saving her, they will not let her die so easily!" Who knew how long it would take to find the "Dragon Clan's Bugle Horn"?
Other than Kane, the only thing everyone could do was to take good care of France for him.
In this way, he embarked on the journey to look for the dragon horn...