The Dark monastery

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Legend of the Dragon Clan's Dragon Clan'

In the beginning, the people who came to this world were the Deities.
The world was originally a void, but it was created by the hands of the gods to become what it was now.
Of course, Kyrin knew this as well.
As a devout believer of the church and the man who had almost become the leader of the knightage, he was very familiar with the myths of the church that had been passed down for a long time.
According to the legends, this was how the creation of the world had come to be...
When everything was in a chaotic state, there was nothing left on this land.
On the ground, as far as the eye could see, there was only endless yellow sand and dust, as well as rolling billows and torrents.
The flame would occasionally roar toward the sky in an explosive manner of magma.
The shapeless and colorless wind left a wild and violent scar all over the surface of the ground.
There was not the slightest sign of life within the Tai Chu world.
For some reason, the four elemental essences which had created everything didn't live in harmony with each other.
Instead, they constantly fought each other, using the desolate earth as a battlefield.
Until the day of the arrival of the Gods...
The arrival of the Deities had brought a spark of hope and hope to this world that had the chance to create a life of ten thousand existences, but had lost the ability to coordinate with it for no reason at all.
The church had left a perfect natural ditch on the surface so that the originally uncontrolled flood would have a stable flow of flow into a place with a stable flow of air and a concentrated collection, thus creating an ocean and river.
They piled up the earth that was created by the ditch and stacked up high mountains, so that the wind was no longer random and did no harm to anyone.
There were different types of wind strength in every part of the world.
Hehs were guided by the spurting lava to calm down in the fiery holes.
The raging flames that had been slowly burning did not erupt for no reason.
The four elements, wind, water, fire, and earth, under the guidance of the Deities, had finally acquired a stable and peaceful pattern.
As soon as he said this, the gods began to create legends...
Flood and flames formed a warm steam in the sky, which finally condensed into the clouds and snow in the sky.
The fierce wind blew over the sea, stirring waves again and again, bringing with it ocean currents and tides.
After the land was moistened by the rain, the green plants began to germinate and take root.
The green plants covered the entire surface of the earth, and also formed its protective layer.
Then, the laws of the four seasons slowly took shape, and the ground began to give rise to the appearance of the very first world.
At the same time, this was also the initial vitality of this world.
"Life is here.
Finally, it can multiply!" It was said that the deities who had brought the world to adjust and follow the rules, after completing this transformation and grand feat, had once said this with tears flowing down their faces.
And then, the Deities began to create new life on this vast piece of land...
On this piece of land, the deities were the first to create the angels who would replace the deities as divine servants and help the deities to exercise divinity on the ground.
The first four were the four elemental Angels which the Deities had acquired from the energy of the four elements, and were born from the natural pole.
That's what the myth said: "Deity blew into the air, and the wind began to twist.
The first Oracle slowly came from the center of the tornado.
He was an angel from the wind, as well as a violent and gentle angel on both sides, Lafyer." "Deity is bathing in the sea, and the power of life is gently wrapped in the sea.
It is not only born of fish and aquatic creatures in the sea, but also an angel born in a huge coral reef, which is called gale." "God kisses the earth.
Because of God's favor, the earth trembles its body for the first time to show its honor.
It also brought an earthquake to the many creatures on the surface, causing the earth's angel, You Li'er, to emerge from the trembling.
"God hugged the flame, releasing a huge flame with two wings in the lava.
The Fire Flame Angel born from the high temperature lava mass was born since then.
His name is Michael." After Deity finished creating the Four Elements Angels, he had given birth to many other Angels of different sizes.
However, the Deities weren't satisfied with this.
Because in the eyes of the gods, angels were the servants of gods, the emissaries of gods, and they could not be regarded as the real residents of this world.
As a result, God tried to create a new form of life form once again.
He made soil into pieces and blew air on them.
Then the soil became pieces of land animals of different sizes.
It was a pity that this kind of crude life was not very long, and it did not have high-level intelligence and soul.
So he produced birds from the wind, but the problem of wisdom and soul had not yet been solved.
In the end, they had to merge the power of the four elements and create new and upright new lifeforms in the way of creating angels.
Therefore, the deities made wings that could fly freely with wind elements, used fire and water to mix with the hot blood flowing through their bodies, used hard rocks as skeletons and skin, and finally, the deities bestowed them with intelligence and souls.
Although the size of this new lifeform was a bit too large, this new lifeform was indeed a completely new creation.
Because of the blessing of the various Deities, the new lifeform had a pair of wings that could raise the wind.
It also had a mouth that could emit a raging fire, a majestic horn, incomparably tough skin, and bone marrow.
It also had a tail that could balance an enormous body.
This was the first real perfect race in the world created by God, the Dragon Tribe.
They had perfect and impeccable bodies, as well as intelligence and Mage power bestowed by God.
It was said that this kind of race once lived in the glory of the world and was called the first overlord of the Dragon Race in history.
However, after the firework-like prosperity, it also disappeared at an especially fast speed.
For some reason, this type of enormous race disappeared from the stage of history.
It was just to leave a prestige that had once been insufferably arrogant.
According to legend, the first dragon created by the gods was an All-Embragence Dragon, and it was also the closest dragon to God level.
It could be considered the Dragon God of the Dragon race.
It was said that the name of Suan Ni was Stykis.
After that, the eight divine dragons that were born and had a great reputation in history were the super dragons that the deities had strengthened and bred according to the four elements and four special abilities.
Dragon of Wind Linddeel controlled the wind and whistled through the wind.
Dragon of Water truly hid himself within the depths of the great sea.
Whenever there was a great tsunami, it was said to be the time when the dragon of fire would lose his temper.
The dragon of fire's Leigen was hiding within the magma within the volcano.
Each time there was a violent eruption from the volcanic crater, the dragon of fire would always tell the world not to forget the evidence of the dragon's battlefield.
Meanwhile, the legend of the dragon of earth's race, for some reason, entered a state of slumber, turning into the highest mountain peak in this world.
The other four divine dragons with special abilities were the Black Dragon Bahamuts.
Supposedly, when the dragon was angry, it would spit out an extremely destructive flame that had the power to destroy a piece of the earth.
The Holy Crusaders loved each other.
Legend had it that they had the power to bring the dead back to life.
It was said that the boned dragon, Jia Luonan, was the dragon who controlled the souls and reincarnation of the dead dragons.
The Black Dragon was said to be a divine dragon that had the power to seal and was guarding the holy beast in the east.
Then, under the protection of the Dragon God and the Eight Divine Dragons, a prosperous era of the Dragon Race was written down several pages in history.
It was rumored that the Dragon Race's biological form was also evolving with the continuous evolution, producing more and more different types of dragons.
Some of their wings were extremely developed, able to fly several thousand li without needing to rest.
Some of their limbs were extremely powerful and possessed absolute violence.
Some possessed exceptionally high intelligence and knew how to move one's mind to survive, while others developed their bodies into a human's legs that were in perfect form.
However, for some reason, such a glorious history would disappear one day.
The sudden disappearance of the Dragon race had resulted in the first extinction of the race recorded in history.
The entire Dragon race seemed to have been completely erased from history, leaving not a single trace behind.
Although there were rumors that a small portion of dragons and dragons of the Dragon race had survived, they had completely separated themselves from the track of history.
It was impossible for them to return to their former glorious times.
Later on, some human historians speculated that the development of the Dragon race might have exceeded the limits of what all the deities could tolerate.
In the end, it aroused the wrath of the gods and most of the Dragon race's people were removed from history.
Some people thought of this as an important example in history, believing that humans must be more devout and worship God, and should never do something against God in order to avoid the wrath of God again and bring disaster to the entire human race.
Whether it was the church's means and excuse to devoutly preach people, it was an indisputable fact that the Dragon Clan completely disappeared and retreated overnight in history.
However, in all historical historical relics, myths and legends, or in all of the records of the Dragon race's history and story, they did not mention or explain the so-called "Dragons' Horns" or anything like that.
What exactly was this thing?
Based on the literal explanation, it was highly likely that this thing was something that could cause a loud noise.
Keane guessed that this could be the case, or could it be that during the war between the two armies, the dragon race would use it to communicate with the people of the dragon race on the battlefield?
But what would the prosperous dragon race do for the sake of fighting?
Could it be like what was recorded in history, that it was to fight against the gods?
Then why did the entire race disappear in the end, and even history did not mention the reason for their disappearance?
However, was the "Dragon Race Bugle" still in existence?
If so, where would it be?
In a daze, in Ryan's mind, he thought back to one of the eight divine dragons, the legend of the Dragon of the Earth, who had transformed from the highest peak of the world due to his hibernation into the Flying Dragon Mountain.
Thus, his first goal was to head east and reach the border between the Holy Empire, the Sacred Empire, and the Han Empire.
This was the highest peak of the towering mountain range that had the borders of the two countries.
It was the Flying Dragon Mountain of the Drowsiness Mountains.
He believed that even if the dragon tribe's horn did not exist on the Flying Dragon Mountain, there would definitely be traces of the dragon tribe people.
This was because Cayn knew that at the base of Flying Dragon Mountain, there was a relic of the Dragon race which had been passed down since the era of the Dragon race.
It was a relic of a dragon clan which was extremely likely to have taken over a city.
According to legend, it was a relic of the Dragon clan's capital, 'Crow'er'.
This was also one of the reasons why he would choose this place as the starting point for the exploration of the Dragon Race's horn.
Thus, the dusty and dusty Cayne was now standing at the foot of this lofty sleeping dragon mountain range, looking far into the distance at the high and mighty Flying Dragon Mountain.
The Mountain Range of Undead was the border between the Sacred Luo Kedi Empire and the Han nation.
However, even though both sides were famous and powerful nations in history, there had never been records of each other's struggles since the beginning of their own history.
Of course, it couldn't be because the monarchs of the two countries were too noble and open-minded.
As a matter of fact, those stupid Lords probably would never turn a blind eye if they could receive extra land due to the war!
Ironically, it was the ambition of the monarchs of the two countries.
In fact, a natural environment called harsh terrain was completely destroyed.
From a distance, people could see the momentum of the towering weird mountains, the steep and dangerous valley, and the narrow and urgent streams.
All of them were talking about the natural notice of danger here to human beings.
There used to be extremely ignorant and insane kings who wanted to put the whole army in danger regardless of the casualties.
However, the fact was that before the army reached the top of the mountain, all of them were either dead or had run away.
No one was willing to stay in this army that was absolutely a sacrifice.
Such a terrifying act of throwing away their lives had finally been able to temporarily let those fools who thought they were almighty understand the terror of the truth of the matter, and let the citizens of both countries know how stupid it was to challenge this mountain range.
Yes, it was because of its towering danger that this mountain range blocked the intersection between the Holy Roman Empire and a powerful country in the east, as well as powerfully stopped all bloody disputes between people from both countries.
It also gave rise to many bold adventurers whose blood flowed courageously and never feared death in history.
It was an excellent place to create a great career and be famous throughout the ages.
Of course, wonderful natural beauty was always easy to be added a lot of mysterious legendary colors, and such a special and strange Dragon-hzinger Mountain Range was certainly impossible to escape the myths of people.
From its rugged appearance, it looked like a fierce dragon in a deep sleep, ready to devour anyone who dared to offend it.
The steep borderline was like the spinal cord on the back of a dragon reaching straight into the clouds, and the winding mountain was like a sleeping dragon on the ground.
Thus, the magnificent name of this mountain range had the same strange appearance as it was used to address it as the Mountain Range of Frozen Dragons.
Amongst the mountains of the Meteorite Mountains, the highest mountain was the Flying Dragon Mountain.
It looked more like a loyal guard who was carefully protecting the heart of the sleeping dragon.
As a result, the legends of the Dragon Clan, big and small, kept spreading here and there...