The Gentle President Stares at Me

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You're Mine

She had thought that those scenes would only be recorded in romantic Korean dramas.
It was just a scene elaborate by the screenwriters.
But he never expected that such a scene would be put on him today.
Lin Ruoyi, this kind and ordinary woman, from the moment she met Chen Lihong, her world seemed to have completely changed.
Today is the day of a confrontation with Chen Lihong again ...
Even though all kinds of escaping scenes had already been imagined in her mind before, unfortunately, when she faced Chen Lihong again, Lin Ruo Yi only felt the blood in her brain surging.
For a moment, she actually didn't know what to do...
"God, who can save me..." Watching Chen Lihong approach step by step, Lin Ruoyi has already sensed that something was amiss.
It was too late when he quickly dodged and was ready to escape.
Chen Lihong's arm was like an octopus's tentacle as it rapidly grabbed at her.
After merely two steps, Chen Lihong firmly grabbed her arm and used all his strength.
Her body, which had been rushing forward, had been thrown onto the bed in an instant.
At the moment when her body was thrown on the bed, her body had been bounced up again.
Lin Ruoyi's head was even dizzy and she didn't come back to her senses for a long time.
Following that, Chen Lihong had already pounced on her.
He used his big hand, which was like a pair of pliers, to grab her chin tightly.
He opened his mouth and said coldly, "You still want to run?
Where do you want to run to?" Looking at Chen Lihong's sharp and dazzling eyes, Lin Ruoyi struggled angrily, trying to break free from him.
Just when Lin Ruoyi was a little puzzled, Chen Lihong muttered with a face of disgust,"As a woman, she really doesn't care about etiquette at all.
She's so dirty..." "How dare you!" Before Lin Ruoyi could say anything in anger, he had already picked her up and walked straight into the bathroom.
"You bastard, let me go, let me go!" Lin Ruoyi is struggling nonstop.
She shouts loudly and even pats Chen Lihong's body, but her opponent does not move an inch.
It seems she does not care about this kind of attack at all.
With heavy footsteps, he finally led Lin Ruoyi into the bathroom.
When they came to the front of the big bathtub, Lin Ruoyi had already seen a faint smile on his lips.
"Darling, you dare to scold me?
It's not right for you to struggle like this.
Do you know, it's completely possible for me to throw you to the ground!" Chen Lihong's voice seemed to be filled with a strong magic power as it melodiously echoed in Lin Ruoyi's ears.
However, Lin Ruoyi did not have the energy to admire this sight at all.
Before she could react, Chen Lihong, who was hugging her, suddenly loosened his grip...
"Plop!" Lin Ruoyi, who was originally still in his embrace, instantly fell to the ground as if she had no strength to support herself.
Lin Ruoyi had no sense of security at all.
It was as if she was jumping up and down, and she was so scared that she almost fainted.
She was panic-stricken, feeling the wind whistling around her and feeling the strong sense of weightlessness.
No matter what kind of feeling it was, it made her panic like never before.
However, it was already too late.
The time was too short.
In a short period of time, Lin Ruoyi didn't even respond.
She didn't know how to deal with all this.
Her body was already firmly thrown into the bathtub by Chen Lihong.
On the surface of the bathtub, which had long been filled with water, there was now a layer of snow-white bubbles floating.
There was still a slight fragrance of shower dew on the bubbles.
When Lin Ruoyi's body fell down quickly, she had picked up large patches of water, and the bubbles were splashed everywhere with the flow of water.
There were many tiles that had already climbed to the walls, but as the water flowed, they slowly fell down.
Then, they slowly became smaller and smaller.
Lin Ruoyi was taken a mouthful of water without any preparation.
She felt the buoyancy coming from her limbs and struggled for a long time before she finally came out of the water.
As he spat out the bath water, he shouted, "You are a pervert, you are a pervert!" From start to finish, Chen Lihong always stood next to the bath.
With a hint of amusement, he calmly watched the scene that had just happened.
The faint smile on the corner of her mouth bloomed even more.
She looked at Lin Ruoyi and said, "What a pity.
It should have been a good picture of a beauty coming out of the bath, but it was ruined by you." "You bastard!" Lin Ruoyi was furious.
Even though he says so, Chen Lihong's heart has already been deeply shaken by that scene just now.
She had indeed seen Lin Ruoyi's beauty before, but she had always thought that it was a beauty that could only be found after careful effort.
But now, when he saw this scene again, he had clearly discovered that it was all natural.
Especially now, when Lin Ruoyi's wet body appeared from the bath basin in her clothes, Chen Lihong's eyes were firmly fixed on her exquisite and beautiful figure.
Especially that proud upper wall, when the wet clothes stuck to his body, the curves of his body were exposed.
Even from the broken button, one could vaguely see the whiteness inside.
He then looked at the crystal clear droplets of water that were slowly sliding across her exquisite cheeks and falling into her clothes.
At this moment, Chen Lihong even imagined that if only he had been that tiny drop of water!
As he thought about it, he had already stepped on that long and slender leg and stepped into the tub.
"What are you doing..." Lin Ruoyi, who had experienced Chen Lihong's heroic posture, naturally knew that at this moment, Chen Lihong would definitely not let her off.
She was extremely nervous.
When she was about to escape, the man had already pulled her back easily.
Without waiting for Lin Ruoyi to make any preparations or show up, she drove straight in from behind.
The pain made her body stiff for a short time, and then she softly lay on the edge of the tub.
She clutched the basin tightly with both hands and didn't recover for a long time.
However, Chen Lihong did not pay attention to her feelings at all.
His body started to sway towards Lin Ruoyi's body while accompanied by the flow of water.
And gradually, her body, like a doll, fell softly into the water...
"Lin Ruoyi, Lin Ruoyi!" Only after seeing Lin Ruoyi faint did Chen Lihong finally realize the seriousness of the matter.
Ignoring everything else, he quickly took her out of the tub and put her on the bed.
The next moment, he ran to find Ling Fengqing.
"What's wrong?" Ling Fengqing's eyes were sleepy.
In recent days, he was really exhausted.
Today, he finally saw Lin Ruoyi come back.
He wanted to have a good sleep, but he was pulled up by Chen Lihong as soon as he fell asleep.
"Don't talk nonsense.
Come with me to see Lin Ruoyi." Without waiting for an explanation, they dragged him into the bedroom, followed by Su Yan.
When they saw Lin Ruoyi lying on the bed, Ling Fengqing and Su Yan's expressions instantly changed.
She was lying softly on the bed, her face was pale and her clothes were completely wet.
She looked so embarrassed.
More importantly, there was a faint red between her legs that was slowly seeping out.
It looked so shocking.
"What did you do to her?" Seeing this scene, Su Yan madly rushed towards Chen Lihong.
Lin Ruoyi was her best friend and the only good friend she had ever had since she was young.
How could Su Yan not be excited and angry when she saw her becoming like this?
"Well, let Ling Fengqing check it first!" Chen Lihong didn't have the mood to argue with Su Yan.
He frowned and shouted.
In order to not affect Ling Fengqing's diagnosis and treatment, Su Yan forcefully suppressed the anger in her heart.
Only then did she finally shut her mouth and quietly stand to the side.
Ling Fengqing's sleepiness had already been scared away.
He ran towards Lin Ruoyi with his medical equipment.
He didn't find anything when he didn't check Lin Ruoyi's body carefully before, but after he checked her body carefully, he couldn't help gasping.
Beside him, Chen Lihong saw that Ling Fengqing's expression was not very good.
He couldn't help but ask, "How is it?
What happened to her?" Ling Fengqing looked at her good friend resentfully and couldn't help but ask in her heart.
Was this still the same Chen Lihong she knew before?
Was this still the Chen Lihong who loved Lin Ruoyi deeply?
"How could the gap between losing one's memory and one's previous one become so big?" Seeing Ling Fengqing furrow her brows and remain silent, Chen Lihong couldn't help but frown and ask, "What happened?" In the end, Ling Fengqing said the truth helplessly, "She is too weak, and her wound is severely torn.
She needs a thread-up surgery..." "D*mn it, Chen Lihong, you bastard!" Before Ling Fengqing could finish her sentence, Su Yan, who was on the side, was already unable to restrain herself and rushed towards Chen Lihong.
A fist had already been mercilessly punched towards his face.
Chen Lihong, who should have been able to hide, was shocked by Ling Fengqing's words.
He stood there in a daze and didn't move for a long time.
Until the fist was still beaten on his cheek, he staggered and almost fell down.
"Stop fighting!" It was Ling Fengqing who helped pull Su Yan away.
Otherwise, who knew if Su Yan would directly stab the dagger into his chest the next time.
However, in Chen Lihong's mind, those words that Ling Fengqing had said from beginning to end were still lingering in his mind.
He was thinking about all sorts of possibilities.
How could this be?
When he was playing with those women, he had gone too far, but none of them had ever been like this.
"Is it all right?" Looking at Ling Fengqing's busy appearance, Chen Lihong still asked cautiously.
"That's enough." Ling Fengqing, who was drenched in sweat, raised her head from the surgical table.
She threw away the bloody scissors in her hand and said while taking off her gloves, "Recently, you have to help her replenish her nutrients, and she can't live as a married couple." Hearing this, Chen Lihong frowned and asked with great dissatisfaction, "How long will it take?" "At least wait for the wound to heal?
It will take at least half a month." This period of time was estimated because Lin Ruoyi's constitution was good.
"Okay, I know.
You can go back and have a rest." Chen Lihong had never been as tired as he was now.
She turned around and looked at Lin Ruoyi, who was lying on the bed, with mixed feelings in her heart.
Although Su Yan was very worried, she was still dragged away by Ling Fengqing.