Zhenxian Song: Legend of the Sword Saint

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Young Man in the Village

The quiet little village was filled with a quiet and peaceful atmosphere, but it was broken by a shout.
"Bad boy, have you finished your wine?
Are you slacking again?
Let's get beaten." An old man in a tattered cassock was chasing after a boy in his teens, with a chicken feather duster in his hand.
"Damned old man, if you want to drink, go fight by yourself.
I'm not free!" The boy shouted and ran.
The neighbors were used to the two.
"Oh, chopping firewood, hunting, and asking me to fetch wine.
How am I supposed to live in this way?" Fen Hill cursed the old man a thousand times, but he was still very reluctant to go hunting.
At the age of thirteen, Fen Hill was very eager to practice martial arts.
Although his peers had reached the martial arts realm, there was still no source of power in his body.
He shook his head disappointedly.
When the children in the village were ten years old, they had to attend the Origin Energy test.
If they perfected their adulthood when they were ten years old, then they would be able to become a good seedling.
Of course, they could learn martial arts even if they didn't have any Origin Energy.
However, their comprehension of the realms would only stop at the peak of the martial artist realm.
They would never be able to reach the Martial Mentor realm with their Origin Energy.
Village Chief was one of the people who Fen Li worshipped the most.
This was because Village Chief was the only one in the village who had reached the peak of the Martial Mentor Realm, and he had the chance to reach the Great Martial Mentor Realm in his lifetime!
However, when he was ten, the results of the test made him very disappointed.
He couldn't feel any source power in his body.
That was to say, no matter how hard he tried, he could only stop at the peak of the martial artist.
Thinking of this, he felt gloomy and spirit-struck.
However, he soon regained his confidence because he heard from his grandfather that the peak of the martial artist was also very powerful.
He could break rocks and bones with his bare hands, and he could fly in the room with his body movements.
However, he had to practice to the extreme.
He recalled the "Saber Sage" incomplete bladesmanship that the old man gave him.
He did not believe it anyway.
Knife skills only needed one move, and the third volume of "Swiftness is the only thing that can't be broken." With a helpless smile, Fen Li took out the old stone saber that his grandfather had given him and slowly pushed it towards the Magic Beast.
His target was a rhinoceros.
The rhinoceros with a huge body possessed great explosive power, but Fen Li knew his weakness.
A word,slow!
The rhinoceros was huge, but lacked flexibility.
Fen Hun held the stone saber tightly and rushed forward.
Its strong body was like a beam of white light, rushing to the rhinoceros.
The rhinoceros found that its enemy was approaching and was struggling to wriggle its huge body.
It used its sharp long horns to rush to Fen Jun's head.
Fen Jun rushed to the rhinoceros' back with a flash, and the broken stone saber in his hand slashed to the rhinoceros' back.
"Puchi!" A bright blood stain bloomed on the rhinoceros' back!
Puchi, puchi, two more blades.
The rhinoceros' eyes were red as they twisted its enormous body in an attempt to knock the enemy down.
Fen Hu leaped over the rhinoceros' attack and with a reverse grip, he plunged the stone saber into the back of its neck.
The rhinoceros entered a berserk state.
Seeing this, Fen Li immediately ran backward.
Not long later, the rhinoceros finally exhausted its last bit of strength and fell to the ground to die.
Fen Hu skillfully decomposed the rhinoceros and muttered, "Not bad luck.
We slaughtered a rhinoceros.
The bull's bones and tendons can be used to exchange for a lot of money.
We leave the crystal cores for those from Tian Shen Sect.
They specially collect these magic beast crystals." He then put away the things and walked towards the village.
"Second Uncle." Fen Sheng saw a big man in the village.
He was a man in his forties who specially collected the furs and bones of these beasts to make weapons and armor.
Fen Sheng chuckled as he handed the item over to the blacksmith.
The blacksmith sighed.
"You're so young and yet you're able to hunt a rhinoceros.
This rhinoceros horn is worth a lot now.
I'll give you a total of ten pieces of black iron." In the Eastern Continent, there were a total of eight kinds of coins,Black Iron Coins, Ancient Copper Coins, Pure Silver Coins, Yellow Gold Coins, Crystal Coins, Amethyst Coins, Black Crystal Coins.
In this small village, only Black Iron and Ancient Copper could be used.
As for pure silver and higher currency, they could only be used by the major sects on the mountain.
Fen Li smiled and took the money and walked home along the path.
Looking at the sunset, he felt that he was approaching the Martial Artist Realm.
Thinking of Village Chief's words that a Peak Martial Artist could fly onto roofs and run on walls to break stones and bones, he became more determined.
At this moment, a heavily injured man was walking to Fensheng at the gate of death.
Fensheng secretly shouted that something was wrong.
The man in front was a hunter in the village.
Fensheng rushed forward to hold the hunter and asked, "Uncle Wang, what's going on?" The hunter was dying.
He said, "Xiao Sheng, go back and tell the message quickly.
The bandits on the mountain are coming!" Fen Li first settled Hunter Wang in a shack on the side of the road, then pulled out the stone knife on his body and flew towards the village.
As soon as he arrived at the entrance of the village, he found hundreds of horses stopped at the entrance of the village, and there were a group of aggressive bandits on the horse.
The leader shouted, "You must pay 5,000,copper coins for protection within two hours, otherwise...
don't blame us for being rude!" At this time, the village chief said humbly, "Brave men, can you forgive me for a few more days?
In the past, it was 2,000,copper coins.
This year, it suddenly rose to 5,000.
We can't get enough money in a short time." "Hm?" The bandit was furious.
"Old thing!
Are you trying to trick me?
I clearly saw that you guys had collected a lot of crystal cores from hunting together a few days ago.
How dare you say you don't have any money?
Are you trying to court death?" He seemed to be really prepared to strike.
"Hold on!" A low-pitched shout interrupted the bandits' words.
A young man with a gloomy face walked out of the bandits.
"Heh heh, it's fine if we can't gather all of the women in your village for now.
I just happen to be short of a lady.
I'll bring her back as the lady of the village." The villagers were even angrier.
It was obvious that they were pushing their relatives into the fire pit.
No one dared to say a word for fear of angering the bandits.
The middle-aged man's face darkened when he saw that the villagers didn't say a word.
He said, "Since you refuse to pay, and you refuse to hand over women, don't blame us for being rude!
Brothers, let's slaughter this village!" The bandits were excited, as if licking blood with a knife was their greatest hobby.
Usually, bandits who had massacred small and weak villages would think that this trip was as easy as before.
However, this time, they were wrong.
A gust of wind blew past, followed by the head of the big bearded bandit with an expression of disbelief.
It was not a gust of wind, but a dilapidated long saber!
"It's Village Chief!
A few years ago, I heard that Village Chief had already reached the peak of the Martial Mentor Realm.
It's very rare now that he has made his move.
I wonder how far he has gone?" A villager shouted excitedly.
Upon hearing this, the middle-aged man frowned slightly and said, "It's a little troublesome.
This small village actually has an existence who is suspected to be a Great Martial Mentor.
It looks like I need to go back and gather some manpower." Then he said, "Hmph, I'll let you live for a few more days.
This debt won't be settled so easily.
Brothers, let's go.
The bandits will leave soon.
At this time, Fensheng, who is hiding in the grass in the village, secretly let out a sigh of relief.