Battle Against the Heaven

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Wild Forest

Bows and arrows were not used for gold coins.
If he wanted to buy clothes for his mother and sister, there was only a clothing shop in Qingyang Town within a radius of a hundred miles.
He had to give up.
He went home to practice the Five Elements Magic Arts.
Five Elements Magic Arts: Golden Needle, wooden stick, Water Pearl, fireballs, and Earthwall.
Each of them was divided into the early stage, the middle stage, and the late stage.
The three levels of Qi Refining could be used as basic magic arts, and characters emerged in his soul sea.
The more condensed the Spiritual Qi was, the more it consumed, and the stronger the attack and defense were.
So he mobilized the Spiritual Qi and condensed it on his index finger and middle finger of his left hand.
After an hour, most of the Spiritual Qi in his body had been consumed.
He took a Spiritual Qi Pill and continued to run the Spiritual Qi.
Four hours had passed.
The Spiritual Qi in his body was empty and his index finger was numb.
There was still no progress.
He took two Spiritual Qi Pills and took a sip of the Spirit Strengthening Wine.
The Spiritual Qi in his dantian gradually filled up and he began to condense and circulate mechanically.
He seemed to suffer from Qi-deviancy Derangement the entire night.
He took anima energy pills and drank spirit wine, madly circulating them over and over again.
The rooster crowed with joy as its hair was messy as if it had gone mad.
It pointed its fingers at the ground, and a golden light flashed at the end of the fingers.
His bloodshot eyes stared at his fingers.
The ends of his two fingers were bright yellow like a pair of yellow jade thumb rings and golden earthworm-shaped halos, which were twining and moving inside.
It was recorded in the book that if two fingers were formed, it meant that both were formed at the same time.
It was unclear whether the two fingers were good or bad.
With a point of the index finger, a golden light shone out from the door, and so was the middle finger.
After casting three magics in a row, the anima energy in his body was empty, and even his fingers had no influence.
He examined his dantian and everything was normal.
The medicine bottle was empty.
Half a bottle of Spirit-fortifying Wine and fifteen Qi Pills.
One gold coin was required to buy one Qi-refining Pill, which cost each person 50 silver coins.
He ate them all in one night.
"Practicing is too expensive!
I can't afford it!
Why can't I eat so much?" He couldn't help but feel distressed.
"I still need to practice many spells, how much should I have to eat?
Where can I get money?" Thinking of the lack of sleepiness and money, he gritted his teeth and said, "Make money!
I want to make money!
Make more money!" Di Yan is walking along the mountain while carrying the Hou and carrying it on his back.
The other Xiuzhenists then fly over his head.
Lv 3 Qi Refining Realm allowed one to cultivate in sword kinesis.
Flying on a flying sword made one's speed much faster.
Flying swords were of considerable value.
He could only shake his head helplessly and speed up his pace.
The Barbaric Mountains were located in the depths of the Barbaric Mountains.
The peaks were high and the mountains were deep.
The forests were tall and the forests were dense.
The entrance to the valley was at the front.
This was the first time he had entered this place since he came here to pick herbs and went back after resting.
Among the seventy-six peaks of the Barbaric Mountains, the Black Dragon Peak was the closest to the exit, so it was safer.
Back then, Di Shan had fallen down the Black Dragon Stream at the foot of the peak.
With the help of the huge stone's soul force on his back, he could see the grass and trees within four hundred meters.
He kept looking around and moving towards the Black Dragon Peak carefully.
Deep in the mountains and forests, the rotten leaves, rotten mud, moss, soft feet, and the sound of footsteps were almost inaudible.
It was easy to use soul power to pick herbs.
However, 200 meters away from the left, there was a wood Ganoderma root on the tree.
It was hard to find it when the soul power was weak.
Now, under soul power, the herbs could be seen clearly.
In just six hours, the basket was filled with medicinal herbs.
The Barbaric Forest was truly a place of treasure.
This was like picking herbs!
Just how much money was there!
He couldn't help but sigh with emotion from the bottom of his heart.
There were a few other good medicines in his bag of holding.
One of them was a stalk of spiritual medicine that was protected by a three-flowered barbaric python.
It was snatched from the giant python that killed it, but unfortunately, the fat snake was too large.
The smell of blood brought about a vicious beast in great danger, so he quickly left.
The Black Dragon Peak was peaceful and flat.
It used to be the biggest mountain in the Barbaric Forest.
Legend had it that 10,000 years ago, a black dragon fell from the sky and broke the mountain in half.
The mountain was destroyed, and the earth and rocks covered the mountain.
It used to be majestic and steep, becoming lofty and flat.
The mountain was thick and thick, suitable for plants to grow.
There were dense forests on the mountain, making it gloomy and gloomy.
The back of the Black Dragon Ridge was steep, deep, and gloomy.
It was shrouded in clouds and fog all year round.
It was gloomy and gloomy.
No one came back after ten thousand years.
According to legend, the Black Dragon Stream was a place where black dragons buried their bones.
The torrential rain washed over the mountains for tens of thousands of years, and the stream flowed down into the Black Tortoise Lake in the depths of the forest.
Two thousand years ago, the Imperial Preceptor of the Azure Dragon Empire led a group of people into the palace.
Their lives were unknown.
The imperial court's guards had been guarding the stream for over a hundred years.
In the end, they had no choice but to leave.
Until now, no one had come out.
At the bottom of the stream, he felt that something was tempting him.
His remaining obsession surged over and over again.
He couldn't turn into a bird and flew down.
His original soul seemed to still be alive.
After learning the Sword Defending Technique and having a flying sword, I must go down and have a look.
As I thought about it, my heart gradually calmed down.
After four hours, he went to another road and picked a lot of herbs.
It would be dark when he got home.
When he thought about making money, he became powerful again.
He had never had any harvest when he went all the way to pick herbs, which made him ignore his thirst.
At this time, he was thirsty and hungry.
There were a few red lilies a hundred meters away.
Red lily roots were sweet like sweet sweet sweet potatoes, raw taste sweet, quench thirst and relieve hunger.
They were more delicious than loaches.
Eating a lily root, it was estimated that the lily roots were particularly sweet when the herbs were collected.
His stomach filled, and his entire body felt comfortable.
He went all the way to pick medicinal herbs, one after another.
Eh, there was someone!
He quickly hid himself in the grass.
After spying on the four people in front of him, the old man and the girl stood in the middle.
Two guards, one in front and the other in the back, walked toward their hiding places.
How good would it be if he could first cultivate the Breath Holding Skill?
Di Yan's heart beat like a drum as he secretly regretted his actions.
Three hundred feet, five hundred feet, three hundred feet, the four of them were getting closer and closer.
"Who is the hidden person?" The guard in front shouted as he held his long spear horizontally and stared at the grass.
The atmosphere instantly became tense.
The old man nodded and calmly said, "Come out, little fellow." They knew that they couldn't hide, so they slowly got up and carried their backpacks on their backs.
They walked out with the medicine scabs in hand.
When they saw that it was a child who was picking herbs, they walked over.
The girl was about seven years old.
She was petite and holding a short whip in her small red skirt and dark boots.
Her face was like Fu Yanyao's nose and lips, and her phoenix eyes were very beautiful.
She was about 40 years old, flanked by two guards, with a sword hanging at her waist and a long spear in her hand.
She was wearing a silk suit and a soft armor.
The old man was about 60 years old.
He was dressed in cyan and had his hair tied up in a bun on the back of his hands.
He looked solemn and gentle.
He whispered, "The Spiritual Roots are at Level Three of the Qi Refining Realm.
It's not easy.
Follow me." It was lucky that they hadn't been robbed, so they had to follow suit and soon arrived at the stream.
The stream was thick with fog, the grass around their feet was wet, and there was only a lotus root left on the ground.
It was the place where they had rested before.
The old man turned around and said, "The ruined spiritual root has been cultivated for a hundred years, so it's hard to escape a pile of bones.
I will give you a chance.
You can go down and see.
Whether it's a blessing or a curse, but it's the will of heaven.
I will give you good fortune, and these things will be sent to you." A voice-transmitting talisman, a golden silk soft armor and a small medicine bottle are falling into Di Yan's bosom.
The guard threw a rope to the foot of the stream in the fog.
It turned out to be a rope-type Magic Treasure.
One end of the rope was injected spiritual force to support the rope, which could be extended continuously.
He is really killing people without shedding any blood.
The old geezer has put it nicely but he unexpectedly wants me to die.
Enraged in his mind, Di Yan says in a low voice: "Senior, I don't know how to control my flying sword.
Won't it be easier for you all to fly down?" The old man was stunned and said, "The Demon Ancestor cursed the Wild Forest.
Cultivators are not allowed to fly within ten thousand meters of the ground.
Those who disobey will die in three breaths.
Over the past ten thousand years, many people have been cursed to death.
Everyone knows that.
Don't you know that?"