Alchemist Huang

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Princess Chen Ling

In other people's crowd, Huang Yu still knew that his father made some medicine for the emperor.
But we didn't know what kind of medicine it was.
We only knew that after the emperor took it, he would be very manly.
However, people always laughed at him.
Because of this, his father still had a little status.
Most officials in the palace would show some respect for him.
He always slept with his wife, but he didn't like his brother since he was a child.
Both of them didn't like to talk.
And it was easy for him to lose his temper.
Sometimes my father called him pillow and hid in the house.
Xiao Anzi also grew a lot, but he was still shorter than Li Quan.
And he also became afraid of anything.
Even when he was in front of them, he couldn't relax.
Maybe it was because he saw the emperor give an order to cut off some eunuchs he knew.
Maybe it was because his father told him something when he was old.
Li Quan became more honest these years.
He didn't have the arrogance and arrogance as a child.
Sometimes he even listened to what Huang Yu said.
He also told Huang Yu that he would be a general in the future, make great contributions to the emperor, and then marry Princess Chenling.
And Xiao Qi and the old man were chased after him twice.
They didn't show up for more time, and it had been more than a year since then.
Huang Yu hoped that the old man would take him out to have a look at the outside world.
Huang Yu had loved Princess Chen Ling since he was a child.
His appearance had also become more and more beautiful.
This way, Huang Yu felt that the distance between them had grown even further.
However, the fact that the Princess often came to play with him and even said that she liked Huang Yu caused Huang Yu to feel even more pain and suffering.
He knew that he had fallen in love with the Princess, but with his status as the Princess, it was impossible for him to marry her.
Furthermore, there were too many people in the palace who wanted to marry the Princess.
One could even say that the Princess was everyone's dream.
Thus, Huang Yu wanted to reduce the contact with the Princess.
Although he wanted to meet the Princess that badly, he was still too busy to go around spreading the news.
The Princess would not blame him.
Everyone who passed the message understood.
A bad news came to Huang Yu suddenly that day,the Emperor had executed Xuanjue.
Huang Yu was astonished by this news as he had been with the late Emperor and had often met him.
But how could he have been killed by the Emperor?
Was it possible that he had stolen something?
Huang Yu wanted to find out what was going on, so he went to the old Imperial Preceptor.
But to his surprise, the old Imperial Preceptor remained calm.
Seeing that Huang Yu had come, he asked the old Imperial Preceptor to sit down first.
The old Imperial Preceptor made some tea and sat down slowly.
Huang Yu poured him a cup of tea and asked, "Why was he killed by the Emperor?" The old Imperial Preceptor glanced at Huang Yu and said, "Look at you.
You're so impatient.
Have I taught you before?
If something had happened..." He said, "Calm down, please.
I know.
But Xuanjue is dead." Huang Yu got impatient.
"The reason why Xuanjue died is because of you." The old Imperial Preceptor seemed to have heard of this.
Huang Yu pondered for a while and then poured himself a cup of tea.
He waited for the old Imperial Preceptor to tell him, because he knew that the old Imperial Preceptor had taught him before and had to find out what he could get to get other people's things through other means.
He also knew that the old Imperial Preceptor always needed the cigarettes to tell him his theories.
Therefore, he had to wait for him to tell him.
It turned out that the old Imperial Preceptor was becoming weaker and weaker.
Xuanjue was his most brilliant disciple, hence he decided to bring Xuanjue into the palace for a pilgrimage.
But Xuanjue was eager to demonstrate his loyalty by saying the wrong things during the pilgrimage.
As a result, the Emperor ordered him to be executed.
Huang Yu was still confused.
He asked the old Imperial Preceptor, "Then why didn't you plead with Xuanjue?" The old Imperial Preceptor glanced at Huang Yu again and asked, "Why would I plead for him?" "He's your favorite disciple, and you've brought him along for more than ten years." The old Imperial Preceptor sighed.
"You don't understand.
You wanted to see who he'd be helping.
You wanted to see if it's useful and if it's an occasion," the old Imperial Preceptor replied.
"Then you did nothing to see if Xuanjue was dragged down?" Huang Yu retorted in anger.
I did not see him being dragged down.
I did not dare to look up.
I did not dare to say 'I'm guilty' repeatedly.
I only hoped that the Emperor would not blame me." The old Imperial Preceptor remained silent for a moment before he continued to ask, "Did the Emperor blame you?" The old Imperial Preceptor smiled and replied, "And the Emperor did not say anything.
Lord Liu saved me." Huang Yu understood now.
The former Imperial Preceptor had mentioned this Mr.
Liu to him before.
It was probably because the late Emperor had just ascended the throne and lacked experience in matters and trusted him greatly.
Although he was a eunuch, he could be said to be second only to his own.
The Emperor liked to listen to his opinions and every time the Emperor hesitated, he would come to the Emperor's side to give him advice.
"But why did he have to behead him?
Did he really do something wrong?" The old Imperial Preceptor took another sip of tea and continued, "Did he say something wrong?
It's not like he doesn't know the rules of the palace.
I've already told him a few times.
He was too anxious.
He wanted to make use of this opportunity to show himself in front of the Emperor.
How is that possible?
It's not bad to have ambition but it's only too young for him to do so..." After this time, Huang Yu loathes this kind of life in the palace even more.
People like the Emperor can kill living people at any time they don't like.
It's even easier than killing an ant.
And people are divided into different levels.
The superior is shouting at the subordinate, the subordinate is obeying the superior's orders, and the same level is smiling to each other, suspecting each other and fearing each other.
Every person's work is surrounding the Emperor.
The whole imperial palace's feelings are fake, but they really don't dare to show it.
Everything makes Huang Yu dislike and afraid more and more.
Once again, the princess had sent for someone to summon Huang Yu to play with.
Now, Huang Yu was even more reluctant to meet the princess, so he said, "I have to work." That maidservant left.
Huang Yu watched her leave.
In fact, he had not seen the princess for a long time, and he also wanted to meet this person who he yearned for day and night very much.
"Am I really that annoying?" A familiar voice followed a few servants around him and immediately bowed.
Huang Yu was no more familiar with the voice, but he did not expect to hear it here.
Huang Yu did not even turn his head.
In fact, he wanted to see the perfect face of the princess more.
But somehow he restrained himself.
"Why is that?" The princess' words were a little sad, and Huang Yu's heart was softened.
He lowered his head and said, "No, I've been..." Huang Yu thought of a registered name, and then continued, "I've been in a bad mood these days because one of my friends was killed." He said, "Aren't we friends?
What are you unhappy about to share the burden with me?" The princess's words were a little arrogant.
She knew why Huang Yu didn't look for her and she was still happy.
But Huang Yu just lost a friend, so she was not able to show it.
Therefore, in the case of no choice, Huang Yu accompanied the Princess to play again.
Although Huang Yu understood that he could not get closer to the Princess anymore, he still said to himself,"This is the last time.
Anyway, we've come out to play.
Let me get closer to the Princess again.
After this time, I will make up my mind not to meet the Princess again." Therefore, Huang Yu frequently looked at the Princess.
He wanted to remember the Princess deeply.
In the future, if he could think of her again, he would not miss her that much.
This time around, the Princess felt that something was strange to Huang Yu.
Huang Yu's behavior today made her feel shy.
However, she also had a feeling of happiness.
It seemed that she liked to see Huang Yu looking at her like that.
The two of them looked at each other, and I looked around.
In fact, Li Quan had already looked around.
The more he looked at the other, the more uncomfortable he felt.
Although he was a friend, he began to hate Huang Yu.
Why didn't the Princess like him?
Li Quan could not hold back any longer.
Just as he was about to leave, he realized that not far behind him was a young man, Wang Anran, the only son of the assistant minister of the Ministry of War, who was also older than he was.
His father had more power than his father, and so Li Xiao Quan made a bow to him to leave.
"Wait" Li Xiaoran called for him.
He lowered his voice and said in a gloomy voice, "You hate him, don't you?
That boy is so annoying.
No one wants him to go missing in the palace!" Li Xiao knew that this young man was not a good person, and he was several years older than Li Xiaodao.
He did not want to make contact with Li Xiaodao, so he left.
But he was stopped by Li Xiaodao.
Li Xiaoran continued, "Don't you want to help this black sheep in the palace?
Don't you hate him?" Li Xiao didn't want to pay attention to this at all and blurted out, "No.
He's my friend!" Then he shook off Wang Kangran's hand and left.
After meeting up with the Princess this time, Huang Yu seldom left home.
In order to prevent his imagination from wandering, he practiced his martial arts at home every day and diligently learned things that his father taught him.
Because he didn't have anyone to teach him, he still practiced the basic skills that Li Quan taught him every day.
However, he learned very well because he was adept at them.
And he had learned very well about the things that his father taught him.
Not only did he have clear meridians and acupuncture points, but he also had mastered relatively well about them.
This time, Huang Yu was studying some important acupoints.
He was lost in his own research.
He wanted to test the effect of the acupuncture points on his body, but he felt a little pain when he tried to use the acupuncture points on his body.
He was also afraid that there would be something wrong if he pressed the acupuncture points hard.
He thought of using the needles to stimulate her.
However, his father had not yet given him the acupuncture points.
He said that he was not able to practice the needles yet and that he could only try it when his father was around.
While he was hesitating, someone came to pass on the message saying that the princess was looking for him to play.
There was something urgent.
Besides, it was the princess.
Huang Yu didn't know what it was.
In fact, he had already explained to the princess that he had not been free during this time, and he also hinted that it would make it difficult for him.
He also gave an example of his Sharing.
Why did the princess want to find him again?
What urgent matter?
Huang Yu looked at the person who passed the message.
He wasn't a servant of the princess, and he looked like an ordinary servant.
Maybe the princess was really in a hurry.
Let's go and have a look at what was going on.
But this time, we must pay attention to it.
As soon as the matter was settled, they would leave.