The Mysterious Path of Human And Heaven

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Nine Training Bone Forging

The True Essence Spirit Liquid did not stop wreaking havoc on Li Yun's physical body.
However, Li Yun, who was covered in golden light, no longer felt pain.
The golden light was slowly seeping into his skin and flesh.
The fallen muscles were producing pinky flesh buds, and the rotten skin was gradually healing.
At this time, Li Yun's ferocious and painful expression was no longer visible on his face.
Instead, he showed a satisfied expression, as sweet as a baby sleeping soundly.
He was calm and comfortable, as if he was enjoying something wonderful.
At this moment, Li Yun felt like he was lying in the yard and basking in the sun.
His whole body was bathed in the warmth of the winter sun.
Under the warm light, his body felt slightly itchy and numb, which made him feel very comfortable.
Her skin and flesh had been completely healed, and even the wounds on her legs had been healed.
Only the scabs sticking to her body and some peeled skin and flesh could prove what a thrilling scene had just happened.
Under the golden light, the white threads in the flesh turned into countless tiny granules and merged into the flesh.
The golden light continued to penetrate.
Li Yun's cracked bones were completely restored in an instant, and a series of crisp sounds came out of his body.
However, the true essence spiritual milk was not suppressed by the golden light like it was in the flesh.
Instead, it continued to destroy.
The newly restored bones were once again riddled with holes, and the golden light immediately repaired them...
Li Yun, who originally felt that he had survived, was tortured by the sudden pain and did not faint.
As the repair and destruction continued, the pain of Li Yun was getting bigger and bigger, and he was on the verge of breaking down.
"I have endured so much pain before.
I can't give up, I can't relax." Li Yun gritted his teeth, sat up from the ground firmly, endured the pain, and started his cultivation.
A trace of inner strength was extracted from the broken Dantian.
However, the strand of inner strength that was extracted was not controlled by Li Yun's will and was directly integrated into the golden light.
Immediately after, the golden light that had integrated with inner strength became even more powerful.
The true essence spirit milk was immediately suppressed by it, turning into tiny particles and merging into the bones.
The golden light then engulfed Li Yun's entire body.
His internal organs, bones, and dantian were restored one by one.
Wherever it passed, the True Energy and Spiritual Liquid were integrated into Li Yun's body.
At this time, the golden light and the internal strength could no longer be separated and returned to Li Yun's dantian.
"Phew." Li Yun let out a long sigh of relief.
"It's finally over." Li Yun stood up and wiped the sweat from his forehead.
When he saw his body covered with broken skin and flesh under his ragged clothes, he still felt a lingering fear.
Li Yunjing calmed down and began to ponder.
After all, she was only eight years old.
What she had seen and heard today was far beyond Li Yun's understanding.
Except for the demon beasts that she had heard of, everything she had encountered was extremely mysterious.
Li Muyun was confused and thought for a long time.
He felt that everything that happened to him was like the moon in the water and the flower in the mirror.
But the stone cave, the blue wolf not far away lying on the ground, and his body showing that everything that he had just experienced was real.
He took a deep breath and walked into the cave.
Murong Yingtian's body was sitting cross-legged on the ground.
Even though he was dead, he still remained calm.
Li Yun moved Murong Yingtian's body to the stone bed inside the cave and made three kowtows.
He said in a low voice, "Uncle Murong, I will remember your words." After that, he stood up and placed the luminous night pearl in Murong Yingtian's arms.
Then he found a wooden box under the right stone wall, in which there were two jade bottles.
One was red and the other was green.
Looking at it, he saw three Heart-protecting Pills in red.
Inside the red was an emerald green pill the size of a finger.
As soon as he opened the jade bottle, the fragrance of vegetation filled the entire cave.
Li Yun packed up everything, looked around, and finally kowtowed to Murong Jingtian three times.
He turned and went out of the room, closed the stone door, and came to the outer hole.
He found the cold dagger that fell when he fainted when he was lying not far away.
Looking at Green Wolf, who was still lying on the ground not far from the cave entrance, Li Yun exerted his strength and was ready to go and kill him.
But with this strength, he immediately felt that something was wrong.
The strength of his Internal Strength went straight through the skin to the bones.
"Bone-Forging" Li Yun immediately realized that he had reached the Bone-Forging Realm.
He gave a backhand punch to the wall.
With a "Pa" sound, the gravel and powder fell down, and there was already a three-in-severe-deep and shallow fist print on the wall.
Looking at the joints of his fist, there was not even a trace of swelling.
"Nine Trainings of Bone Forging" Li Yun was overjoyed.
He recalled the general chapter of the "Nine Training Methods" in his mind.
"Nine Trainings of Skin and Skin Like Steel, Nine Trainings of Bones Like Steel, Nine Trainings of Muscle and Vessel Transformations Like Bows, Nine Trainings of Marrow-Cleansing and Empty Spirits, Nine Trainings Change of Blood and Viscera, Nine Trainings of Pulse-Steadying Like a River..." After a long while, Li Yun collected himself and thought, "Uncle Cheng once said that martial arts are like sailing against the current.
You must not be content with yourself and must always strive for a higher goal." Li Yun gradually calmed down and walked toward the green wolf.
The Green Wolf was already conscious when Li Yun's golden light covered its body, but it couldn't move at all.
Just now, the impact of the Immortal-engulfed Weapon had already cracked its demon core, and all the Demon Qi had been dissipated.
Even its viscera was seriously injured in that blow, so it was afraid that some of its viscera had been broken.
Add to that the injury itself, the situation was even worse.
Up to now, the continuous fierce fighting in the past few days was not enough.
It hadn't even eaten a full meal.
Let alone moving a bit, even breathing was extremely laborious.
The Demonic Wolf stared at Li Yun, who was slowly walking over.
His eyes were full of unwillingness.
If he hadn't been ambushed by his old rival when he was promoted, if he hadn't eaten nothing for a few days, and if his Inner Elixir hadn't been broken by the strange jade pendant, how could he have died in the hands of his prey?
Looking at Green Wolf's dim but unreconciled eyes, Li Yun raised his dagger several times and put it down.
After all, Li Yun had never killed anyone.
He might not be soft-hearted to let Green Wolf kill his opponent in a life-and-death struggle, but Li Yun couldn't let go of the obstacle in his heart to kill prey that had no ability to resist.
Blue Wolf stared at Li Yun's eyes.
Although he knew that he would die, he did not retreat at all.
Li Yun stared at Green Wolf for a long time and finally found an excuse for himself.
"I don't know if you can understand or not, but I won't kill you.
Just now, if I haven't seen your figure, I can't think of you.
Star-Picking, my mother, and Uncle Cheng.
I don't know why, under such pain, I'm still not in a coma, but I know that if I give up, I will definitely die.
This can also be said that you have done me a favor." Li Yun said in one breath, went to the side, picked up the dark Inner Elixir, and sent it to Green Wolf's mouth.
The wolf stared at Li Yun warily.
After a while, it saw that Li Yun was really going to return the Monster Core to him, so it swallowed the Monster Core without hesitation.
Seeing Green Wolf take back his Inner Elixir, Li Yun ignored it and stepped out of the cave.
At this time, the sun was setting.
Looking around, they were in a depression with a radius of hundreds of meters, surrounded by towering ancient pine trees.
Li Yun was located at the bottom of the depression.
Looking back, the stone wall was gone, and there was only a hole as tall as a person.
Li Yun was about to leave.
As if he suddenly thought of something, he turned around and walked back.
Green Wolf suddenly saw Li Yun coming back.
He thought that Li Yun was going to kill him, so he struggled to stand up.
However, he had to take back the demon core for too short a time.
He was seriously injured.
He failed several times.
He came in front of Green Wolf and took out three Heart Protecting Pills from the red jade bottle, bringing them to Green Wolf's mouth.
"These three pills will heal your wounds, but you need to do me a favor after you've recovered.
If you understand, then nod your head." Green Wolf couldn't wait to nod his head.
He stared at the pill in Li Yun's hand, his eyes filled with desire.
"Okay, you can't break your promise.
Here you are!" With that, he put three pills into Green Wolf's mouth.
"If you want to eat me, knock me down and injure me.
I, Uncle Murong, hurt you again and saved you in the end.
It's better to let us know each other through our fight.
What do you say about our resentment?" It was obvious that he was a child.
Although his words were chaotic, the meaning he wanted to express was obvious.
Green Wolf nodded again, closed his eyes, and began to digest the medicine's healing.
When Green Wolf opened his eyes again and stood up, he was totally different from the previous situation.
His eyes were glowing with green light, his fur was shining, and his front leg was healed.
With a light jump, he felt like a breeze blowing.
"Are you better?" Li Yun came to the front of the green wolf.
He didn't think about it at all.
What if the green wolf attacked him at this time.
"If you are okay, help me block the hole of this cave." After that, he walked out of the cave.
In Li Yun's mind, he still wanted to make Murong Qingtian a coffin.
It happened that the stone hole was the best natural tomb.
And it was a child's nature to help the green wolf.
He thought that if I helped him, it would help him.
He didn't understand the meaning of revenge.
At this time, the sky was full of stars outside.
After Green Wolf followed Li Yun out, he nodded at Li Yun and turned his head to pounce on the top of the hole as fast as lightning.
As he approached, his two front claws hit the stones above the hole respectively.
With a crash, the whole hole was buried.
Li Yun was dumbfounded as he watched from the side.
Originally, he wanted Green Wolf to help him dig the soil and then pile it up to seal the entrance of the cave.
Who would have thought that it would be this simple?
After Green Wolf came over and rubbed Li Yun, who was in a daze, he turned his head and ran towards the interior of the mountain.
Like a cool breeze, he disappeared into the dark forest in a flash.
At this time, the sound of a cry was also faintly heard.