Little Fly to Break the Ming

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Flying Immortal from Outer Space

If the wind stopped, how could the clouds fly?
If you left, how could I sleep?
If my heart was broken, how could you pay for it...
It would be dark if I closed my eyes.
I felt like I was tearing apart, and there was a bloody taste in my mouth.
How hurt I was when I left...
The melodious music rang.
Inside the heavily-guarded school wall, several large vuvuzelas were yelling at each other.
The exhausted young teacher, Zhang Fei, let out a sigh of relief.
After a day of closed-up, they were finally able to get out of the main gates to get some fresh air.
Zhang Fei's name was very powerful, but he was polite.
After graduation, he taught for three years.
Every day, the journey to the north was grand and imposing, and the journey to the south was rapid and uneven.
Every day, they were busy and calm, as if they were separated by a generation.
Recently, Zhang Fei was quite restless in his heart.
Every night, he would have a strange dream.
He always dreamed that he was standing on the top of the cliff with his helmet and armor.
Surrounded by the dazzling light, he could see everything.
Through the thin clouds, they could see that there were millions of soldiers under the covers of the carriage, horses, and flutes.
The melodious bull horn sounds, the rumbling war drums, heaven overflowing murderous aura, shaking up one's soul.
In his dream, he seemed to have blended into a kind of concept.
This time, he mustered his courage and raised his right hand, causing the surrounding mountains to collapse and the seas to explode!
Ten thousand victories!
An orderly roar tore through the sky.
After a few casual movements, he finally figured it out.
This was the feeling of being the ruler of thousands of people and the king of all.
Gradually, it became a kind of enjoyment for Zhang Fei to defeat mediocrity.
The sun rose in the eastern red, and Sun Wukong in his dreams.
This was Zhang Fei's sleep experience.
After waking up, he would be too bored to think about it.
If one day he became Sun Wukong, would he make a scene in the Heavenly Palace, would he take meridians in the West, or...
would he live in school, so Zhang Fei naturally took the school as his home.
In the afternoon, he had to go shopping on the street every day because the dishes at school were so light that they smelled good from afar and were full of soup.
The taste was like chewing wax, and it was difficult to swallow.
It was no wonder that the fierce young men under their command had to go out every day, but being closed-off and managed could not be played.
This was the dirty teaching of the strong headmaster.
Zhang Fei naturally understood.
It was not a closed-door management.
What did the seven female aunts in charge of the school canteen eat and drink?
Fortunately, they still had a salary of five or six hundred yuan every month.
They were busy making noodles with stir-fried tomato and scrambled eggs.
They were in a very good mood.
Zhang Fei was poor and happy.
When he walked out of the school gate, a running river stopped on the bridge.
He looked at the river in a daze, sighing that the passing one was reluctant to leave day and night.
Time was like water, and it was always silent.
Unconsciously, Zhang Fei felt a little uneasy and lost.
After a few years of teaching, she was busy with work and had no love.
She was as busy as a dog from morning to night.
More than 70,under his command were energetic and innocent teenagers.
They could not make people feel at ease at all times.
There were also countless signings, comments, examinations, meetings, which made people physically and mentally exhausted.
Every day when they slept until they woke up naturally, it became Zhang Fei's dream of a distant and unreachable life.
Ban..." A pleasant voice rang in his ear, pulling Zhang Fei back to reality from his thoughts.
Two big flickering eyes appeared in front of him.
"Li Qian!
Did she sneak out again?" Zhang Fei asked half-jokingly.
"Buddy, we bought a water bottle on the street, and our lips were worn out before we slipped out from under the eyes of Mr.
Don't be so stingy." The girls spoke righteously.
Oh, come back early.
Don't be too playful.
Take care of yourself!
" Zhang Fei revealed an iconic charming smile.
Got it.
The girls replied and stuck their tongues out.
They tugged at each other and disappeared in the blink of an eye.
Looking at the happy and jumping figure, Zhang Fei was lost again.
Children in the countryside were not easy to learn, difficult to survive.
He was also an ambitious young man with a dream.
He used to be extremely ambitious and ambitious.
He also fantasized to follow Grandpa Mao's footsteps and walk out of his nest, giving advice to the world, encouraging characters, and wanting to compete with the test of becoming a Duke.
But the dream was full, and the reality was very bony.
The reality was that Zhang Fei was just a speck of dust in the employment army of tens of millions of workers.
He had to go back to his hometown to work.
For a country boy like him, he was constantly marginalized as the development of society.
He felt more and more isolated from the trend as he was imprisoned in the tall wall all day.
Fortunately, he could still keep an eye on his parents, so he did not have to be so back-to-head like his ancestors.
Life was not advanced but very secure.
Zhang Fei went to the market.
Today, he was inexplicably absent-minded and in a bad state.
Perhaps because of the continuous class, he kept talking for three hours, and his physical strength would collapse.
There were quite a lot of people in the market, and the food and marketing system was an important characteristic of Xiaokang society.
On the way, home was just a sleeping harbor, and there were more and more people like people in the countryside.
The marketplace was bustling, crowded, and noisy.
The sides of the road were lined with vegetables, fruits, and side dishes.
The multi-function feature of the place made people's eyes dazzled.
There were green vegetables, white radishes with green sauce, natural celery, red and moist tomato and green cucumbers with thorns.
This was a good place for people like Zhang Fei, who had poor background, to purchase food.
A large number of people was also national conditions.
China was short of everything, but there was no shortage of people.
It was hard to find a toad with four legs, and there were many living people with two legs, so everywhere was crowded.
Today, his mind was restless and his mind was unsettled.
Therefore, Zhang Fei was too lazy to say anything, nor was he interested in bargaining.
He quickly bought things and returned home.
After just two steps, an inexplicable uneasiness and fear came, wave after wave, constantly washing Zhang Fei's every nerve.
He suddenly found that the people and things around were all deformed, everything was lengthened, and the whole world was distorted irregularly.
The two ears thundered, and all the voices became fast and fast, like a whistling train.
Zhang Fei suddenly felt dizzy.
He tried his best to keep his mind clear and staggered forward.
Like an earthquake, the environment was bumpy and hazardous.
Zhang Fei finally walked to the middle of the road with the strength of feeding himself.
The surroundings were still complicated and difficult to distinguish, until a fast-shaped large truck appeared in front of them.
It was close at hand, as if it were falling from the sky.
In the blink of an eye, it had a close contact with Zhang Fei.
The whole truck passed through his body.
Zhang Fei's head and body instantly turned into countless small particles, like bright fireworks.
When the particles of his body flew in the air, Zhang Fei was very surprised.
It was clear that he had been smashed, but why didn't he feel pain?
It seemed that it was someone else's body that had been smashed.
Although Zhang Fei felt bored, he also knew that in normal conditions, the truck collided with the body, and its body should be crushed.
At worst, it should be smashed into a pile of rotten meat, but it should not be like the starlight, which was fierce and domineering.
But soon after, Zhang Fei understood that he was abnormal.
Without time to think about why it was abnormal, an extremely powerful magnetic field had begun to ruthlessly engulf Brother Fei's consciousness and perception.
The magnetic field was outrageous and overbearing.
Zhang Fei's mind was squeezed by the desperately squeezed force to the extreme and was comparable to an atom.
Flames rolled around the compressed spiritual constraints.
Suddenly, Zhang Fei shot up to the sky like a rocket, as if he had just ridden on a roller coaster.
It was suffocating.
Because Zhang Fei was only fortunate enough to enjoy the treatment of riding a roller coaster once, and had not yet had the time to enjoy the experience of taking a rocket, otherwise, the description would be more accurate.
As Zhang Fei soared into the sky, he felt infinite suffocation.
Of course, this could only be felt, because Zhang Fei's senses had already disappeared.
Suddenly, Brother Fei in Chaos came to a realization.
"I'm dead.
Maybe it's the feeling of dead people.
After all, I haven't died before.
I have no experience for the first time.
But fortunately, the direction of the soul attack is the sky." Based on a normal sense of direction, breaking through the atmosphere, entering the boundless cosmos, entering a deity's embrace, this was a legend's experience.
Based on the ancient experience, the final destination should be Heavenly Court or Paradise.
In short, it was a good place.
In the past, people always thought that death was like putting out lights, and that heaven or hell was blind.
In the end, it was true self-deception.
Who would have thought that there was a secret world of souls in this world?
However, she did not know what it looked like?
Was it a yellow-faced immortal with fluttering clothes?
Or a curly-haired angel with wings?
It was really fascinating.
Zhang Feimei was excited and felt infinite happiness, excitement, and delusion.
She had the insight of rebirth by turning into a cocoon and becoming a butterfly.
However, good times did not last long.
Zhang Fei suddenly felt that the speed of his denser bag was falling.
It seemed that he had encountered endless resistance, but also seemed to be lack of motivation.
Anyway, Brother Fei's proud spiritual bird was rising slower and slower until it stopped completely, as if it was firmly grasped and unable to move by an invisible hand.
Zhang Fei was in great panic.
It was silent here and his suffocating perception began to curse her constantly.
"What the hell is going on?
Is this an elevator power failure or is it caused by gravity?
How come it doesn't work?
It's not wrong, it's too miserable!" Not waiting for Zhang Fei to complain, a feeling of weightlessness came over him again.
His only light spot was like a meteor.
With an unimaginably fast speed, he was unstoppable on winds and waves.
Brother Fei, who had been toyed with, finally came to his senses.
He felt extremely aggrieved.
"This is Heavenly Emperor playing with the dead!
He didn't allow one to go to heaven after death but instead, went to hell.
He was trying to reincarnate at such a fast speed!
I didn't expect this young man to have done good deeds for the rest of my life.
This can be considered as a kind deed, and all his efforts have failed because of it.
You don't understand?
Don't you understand?
Could it be that you ate stir-fried eggs every day?
The eggs also belong to the living creatures as well.
You really don't say!
Isn't cooking eggs killed before the bud?
You can't let go of this sin!" Zhang Fei could not help but feel remorseful and could only allow the surrounding air to burn violently.
Under the torment of the raging fire, not only did his concentrated consciousness not disappear, but it even became even more concentrated.
Speed, acceleration, cubic speed, geometric speed, super light speed...
Zhang Fei, who had been swimming in the blue sky, suddenly made contact with another object on the earth.
The fierce collision caused the aftermath to sweep across the entire Vast Universe.
Since Zhang Fei was born, he had never felt so inexplicably dizzy and so strong dizzy.
This kind of unspeakable feeling was so real, as if it had been ten thousand years, but also like an instant, when her memory was suddenly interrupted, everything was in darkness.
After a long time, Zhang Fei felt his breath, heartbeat and blood flowing again.
His long-lost sensation was recovering rapidly.
He tried hard to concentrate, and hundreds of times of preparing strength to hit his body's nervous system.
Finally, he slowly opened his eyes with difficulty.
The surrounding was scorched and in a mess.
He was burnt like a burnt pancake and looked like an enhanced version of the African black man.
Zhang Fei's thoughts began to roll, and he muttered to himself, "Has it come to hell?!
It's already turned into charcoal!
Isn't the nature of organic matter just charcoal?
The chemistry teacher is right, I've returned back to basics!
Damn it!
Anyway, I've come to hell, and I can't have a good time with him no matter what happens to Sandan, Yama, and Judge...
No, it seems that I'm going to die.
What else can I do?" He kept having wild flights of fancy in his head and almost got out of his mind.
A moment later, Brother Fei staggered and stood up from the scorched earth.
He found himself standing in a hole that was about ten feet wide and one meter deep.
He held his feet and was about a foot away from the ground.
The clamor of his previous life was nowhere to be seen.
Looking up at the sky, the sky was gloomy.
The sky was covered with thick, low, grey, and dense clouds.
In terms of the environment, this should be very in line with people's speculations about the Underworld.
With all his strength, Zhang Fei managed to climb out of the hole.
Not far away, there was a dilapidated temple, which set off a more solemn atmosphere.
The top of the temple was supported by several Buddhas.
Although it was incomplete, it was still slightly solemn and mysterious.
Did hell also ask monks to come to release souls from purgatory?
Buddhism was all-pervasive.
Zhang Fei's forehead was full of questions.
Zhang Fei was confused by the strange scenery in front of him.
Suddenly, he heard a loud noise not far from his feet.
Looking down, he saw seven or eight dirty children, each with patches on their clothes, like little beggars, lying on the ground and kowtowing to him.
These children all had unkempt hair and a dirty face, and their clothes were in disarray.
Their hair was in a mess and was in a mess.
Some of their hair was stained with some yellow leaves.
These few people's clothes seemed to have not been washed for several years.
Through these ragged clothes, Brother Fei could faintly see their black skin like his own.
The only difference was that each of these people was like a sieve of fear and trepidation.
Their shivering expressions made Zhang Fei a little suspicious of his situation.
An idea flashed across his mind all of a sudden.
Somehow, a sense of humor welled up in him.
He straightened his face and made a very cool pose.
He used all his strength to shout out the eight big words, which were "Heaven...
between these words, frightened several sparrows who were leisurely playing on the top of the big temple.
They were not knowing what to do.
They were twittering, calling their friends, and fled far away in a hurry.