Little Fly to Break the Ming

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Where Does the Milk Come from?

Catching fish is also a difficult task.
In particular, catching fish with bare hands is much more difficult than catching fish nets, forks, and fishing hooks.
Seeing that everyone was too tired, Zhang Fei stopped to have a rest.
He then discussed this with the four teenagers.
Dongxie, West Poison, and Little Nan all had no objections.
They were all too adamant on their choices.
Who told him to teach them a lesson?
He boasted that he was the most powerful among them, but in the end, he ended up as an old man.
Everyone respected their reputation and at the very least, he wanted to show his will to not admit defeat.
Five of them were talking nonsense.
Unexpectedly, Zhang Dongxue, who was on the shore, suddenly fell to the ground and did not respond after shouting for a long time.
Everyone immediately panicked and rushed to the embankment to watch, rolling and crawling.
Everyone rushed forward and surrounded Dong Xue.
Her face was pale, her breathing was weak, and her teeth were clenched.
She seemed to be seriously ill.
Zhang Fei had never encountered such a situation.
He felt numb at that time.
As the boss, he was basically a fake.
He knew nothing.
His ability to survive was undoubtedly the worst.
He had no idea but to look at others, but the other people bowed their heads and said nothing.
Zhang Fei felt that this matter was strange.
"What's going on?
Why aren't they talking?
Why didn't Dong Xue tell us earlier when she's sick?" Zhang Fei's face twisted.
He was known as the king of children.
It was not a big deal.
They just felt dizzy from hunger, and they could eat something immediately.
Such things happened every day.
They were weak, and they couldn't stand it anymore.
Northern Yuan Beggar said to Zhang Feiyan with a serious look.
Zhang Fei thought for a moment, then nodded his head as if he suddenly realized something and said anxiously, "Then what are you waiting for?
Give him something to eat quickly.
Zhang Fei said it with confidence.
As a result, everyone looked at him in an idiot's way and all of them were wondering, if there was food, how could he be called a beggar?" A small matter had shown the difference between Zhang Fei and his companions.
Dongxie and others could not understand Zhang Fei, so they could only blame their historical restrictions.
How could they know that the beggar business would become a shortcut to get rich after three hundred years?
People in the country could not live for more than a million, and men and women, young and old, were equally successful.
Seeing that everyone didn't understand, Brother Fei felt very uneasy and shouted fearlessly, "Watch me.
I can't be a foodie.
I haven't been hungry and fainting since I was young.
God is really good at blocking arrows." All of a sudden, everyone nodded their heads in understanding and then looked at Zhang Nanjun together.
"Don't look at me.
Why are you looking at me?
Why are you looking at me?" Brother Nan said with grievance.
Everyone ignored his explanation and looked at him in unison.
"Well, well, I still have half a cake, only half a piece!" Brother Nan gnashed his teeth and sighed helplessly.
Under the constant staring of everyone, Zhang Nange reluctantly took out a pocket from his clothes.
Then, like cutting meat, he touched it for a long time before taking out half a piece of noodle cake from the bag.
The flat cake was wrapped tightly and smelled fragrant.
All the onlookers were surprised and swallowed their saliva.
In addition to the rich Zhang Fei, a group of people looked at the flatbread with blank eyes.
Zhang Fei did not have a habit of tasting it.
He quickly took the flatbread and went straight to Dong Xue's mouth without looking at it.
As soon as the Choas was eaten, Dong Xue seemed to be possessed and suddenly woke up as if she had telepathy.
She bit the flatbread fiercely with hunger and stuffed it into her mouth desperately.
After a few bites, her mouth was stuffed full.
It was a pity that the Choas was too dry to be swallowed, so it could only bulge into two bulging bags on Dong Xue's face, like a toad.
Brother Fei hurriedly asked Dongxie to find water to drink for Dong Xue.
They didn't want Dong Xue to choke to death before she starved to death.
That was too tragic.
Zhang Fei looked at Dong Xue's table manners, and his eyes were red.
A few hours ago, both he and his students couldn't swallow this cross- noodle pie, and they didn't even look at it.
Now even he had the urge to secrete his saliva, and he didn't have such a vivid feeling of hunger anymore.
Xiao Fei secretly vowed in his heart that he would make his brothers eat it in the future.
Zhang Fei felt sad, and so did Zhang Nan, who was bleeding profusely.
His eyes were almost falling out, and he was much better than Brother Fei.
He kept shouting in his heart, "My flatbread, my flatbread, it's gone just like that.
There's nothing left!" Seeing Dong Xue eat half of the flatbread and drink half a catty of water, and her complexion was much better, Brother Fei was relieved.
But he dared not neglect it.
He couldn't make the same mistake twice.
He knew that his gang's top priority was to eat, or they would be sick.
So he quickly arranged everyone to make a fire and roast fish.
The roasted food was familiar to these beggars, so they all started to make their moves.
In a short while, two piles of firewood were finished.
Nan took out the flint from the Cosmos Sack, and played it a few times.
Then the two piles of firewood were set on fire.
Northern Beggar Sect had also brought a few smaller ones to cook fish.
Dongxie, Western Poison, Southern Brother, and Northern Beggar Sect all happily barbequed the fish on the skewers.
Zhang Fei was afraid that they would be too hungry to pick fish, so he repeatedly announced that they had to be qualified to roast the fish before they could eat it.
If they couldn't eat it without permission, they could only eat it dryly.
As the result of the match was hoc, Chun Lei did not forget his duty.
He announced in public very seriously, "The Nothern seed is the weakest, according to the agreement, he can only eat the last meal." He was the most active at doing his jobs, groaning while being lucky.
He glared at the people around him with a gloating look on his face.
Today, Zhang Fei was also very tired.
He found a quiet place to rest alone.
After panting for a while, he remembered the magic of Zhang Nanxiao, so he asked him to take the Yin-and-Yang Pouch to check with interest.
Zhang Nan handed over the Yin-and-Yang Pouch he had put in his arms with great ease.
Zhang Fei found it incredible.
There were a lot of things inside, and they were all well-dressed with stitches.
Brother Fei suddenly had an idea, so he smiled and said to his brother Nan, "It's very difficult for us to ask for food.
This river is not bad.
It's not difficult to catch fish and touch crabs.
You have a needle thread here.
Go back to make a hook, tie the feathers, and find a bamboo.
It's just a pole.
You can eat some fish when you catch them.
We can have more money.
Brother Nan nodded considerately.
It was done just like that.
"You have a lot of things here, but I wonder if you have salt and seasonings." Brother Fei was so poor that he even wanted to get some oil and water.
Brother Nan pouted his mouth and pulled his clothes with both hands.
It seemed that today was his disaster day, and he was going to bleed again, which made him very entangled.
Brother Fei patted his brother on the shoulder and said firmly, "Don't worry.
I won't let you sacrifice for nothing.
I only need time.
Believe me, everything will be all right.
There will be bread and sausages.
Brother Nan didn't know what bread or sausage was, but after a psychological struggle, he still found two small bags from his pocket.
Zhang Fei opened it and saw a bag of salt and a bag of spices.
He didn't know what kind of plant the fruits were made of.
Although it was impossible to find chili or flower pepper noodles, it smelled fragrant.
He was very satisfied and became a public official.
After a while, two fish were roasted by the Beggar of the North.
They ran to Zhang Fei with saliva dripping from their mouths.
Brother Fei checked them and found that they were well-cooked, so he carefully sprinkled salt and seasoning on them.
After the processing was complete, Zhang Fei looked up, stared at the northern beggar, whose face was almost touching the grilled fish, and said seriously, "Look at what you are looking at.
Your eyes are falling.
Don't forget that you are the last one to eat.
You should be aware that if you can't help it, we will lift you up and throw you into the river.
Well, it can't be so simple.
Let me think about it.
Should I let you fall into the water horizontally, or let your head down, or tie your legs up...
Looking at Zhang Fei's expression of being addicted to the sinister fantasy, the northern beggar suddenly slapped his head as if he had remembered something and ignored Zhang Fei's thinking.
He yelled at me that I was very busy, and then he disappeared quickly.
Seeing that the Beggar of the North had reacted so quickly, Brother Fei had to shake his head helplessly.
He pinched a fish with one hand and walked to the middle of his companions.
He looked at the two small monkeys that were circling around the fire.
He said sincerely, "Don't turn around.
You make me dizzy.
Come on, one for each person.
Take it." Happiness came too suddenly.
Autumn wind and Dong Xue were stunned on the spot and did not dare to come forward to accept it.
"What are you waiting for?
If you don't want it, I'll give it to someone else.
Don't regret it!
Come from the north!
Brother Fei is playing dirty tricks and playing hard to get." The autumn wind and winter snow were stunned and they immediately woke up.
They took the fish with tears and ran to a far place.
They ate fiercely with their backs to their faces, and the hot food made them only suck.
Zhang Fei's heart ached when he saw their shoulders shaking and sobbing from afar.
He couldn't help but sigh, "Who else in this world would care about us little beggars?
Human lives are as insignificant as grass.
Indeed, it's true.
The smell of wine and meat from Zhumen Sect and frozen bones on the road is the truth of history." Zhang Fei, who was disconsolate, did not know that his unearthly idiotic behavior made these brothers who were still hesitating about his identity completely believe in his magic.
After being hit by the thunder, Zhang Fei's behavior changed greatly.
The brothers dared not to question him.
After all, the power of the thunder was not hidden.
But they would inevitably make a small question mark in their minds.
They would still think that the black egg was pretending to fool them.
However, after this period of getting to know each other, the doubts about Zhang Fei's pretending in their hearts disappeared, because a person who had never seen hunger could never be a mortal like them.
This was the most simple judgment of people in this era.
It took everyone four hours to finish this meal.
Zhang Fei ate grilled fish and drank turtle soup, lying idly by the river and enjoying himself.
It was the first perfect cooking since he came to this era.
Only when the sun was to the west, and the light from the setting sun shone, did the nine of them rush to the rundown temple full of energy.
Through the collective fishing this time, Zhang Fei was more aware of the importance of discipline.
Now that everyone was full, Zhang Fei was more confident.
The tasteful Zhang Fei knew the importance of the form.
He decided that he could not let these guys be left out.
So when he went back, Zhang Fei lined up his eight brothers into two teams.
He was a temporary committee member of sports office, shouting names, and from time to time he would say "one, two, three, or four" to study hard and make progress every day.
The team of beggars took their steps and shouted the numbers.
They crossed the streets in an orderly manner, attracting the attention of countless people.
A familiar feeling came to his mind.
This kind of collective activity across time and space suddenly made Brother Fei feel as if he was returning home.
A group of nine people came home with great momentum.
Zhang Fei had an entire team training in front of the shabby temple door.
Although these little guys were separated from each other, it was a minor problem.
Zhang Fei believed that they would be well-trained and disciplined in the near future.
Because this kind of self-confidence was the experience he had after many years of practice.
Originally, in order to save some military training fees, the university in Bobai Town selected a few teachers to attend military training for several holiday training on the road bridge of the 5000,military forces.
Fortunately, Zhang Fei was one of them and performed well.
Although Zhang Fei's level was not high, his level of training the others was very high.
Every year, the freshmen would conduct military training for one month.
His class was always the best, obviously surpassing the other teachers.
Because of his tough wrists, General Fei's name was well-known in the past students.
He was borrowed by other schools to be a new drillmaster many times.
He enjoyed the elegant reputation of the General Fei who was famous for his iron wrist.
With such confidence, as long as he had the experience, Zhang Fei could make these beggars suffer a fate worse than death.
After the simple parade, Zhang Fei announced the three rules on the spot,First, all actions should listen to command; second, all gains must be paid to the public; third, the reward and punishment should be paid clearly.
This was Zhang Fei's analysis of the current situation.
He had no choice but to make a decision.
They had no one to rely on for survival.
If they wanted to survive, they had to be followed by all of them.
They needed to have high levels of discipline and financial management.
Otherwise, this group of children would not be able to live.
It would be very difficult for them to survive in this society where the strong preyed on the weak.
The fact clearly proved that a ruffian could easily kill them.
One tragedy was enough, and there was no need to do it again.
Of course, in order to boost the morale, Brother Fei also gave full play to the spiritual motivation effect.
Since he had the aura of Flying Deity, he naturally had the power to appoint and dismiss his guardians.
Therefore, Zhang Fei announced in public that after the test, Dongxie eight people officially became members of the Flying Deity Protector Team.
At the same time, Dongxie was appointed as the captain of the team, and Xixie was appointed as the deputy captain and brother Nan as the representative, the logistics minister of Northern Beggar, and the four small captains were appointed.
The Guardian Company had become an official company.
Although there were officials, there were no soldiers.
However, the Flying Immortal looked forward to the future and threatened that the future team would continue to grow stronger.
This was really a kid who was naive and cute.
He only cared about the titles of captains, ministers, and instructors, but this spiritual stimulation still made the little girls happy.
The team had achieved unprecedented unity because of the order.
Brother Fei thought that these were necessary.
unitity was a tool for the weak to survive.
There were no rules or unition.
With Brother Fei's current appearance, if he came up with a scoundrel, the new beginning would immediately become a new beginning.
After the dissolution of the team, everyone went back to the temple to rest.
Dongxie and Xitou Poison were on duty at the temple's entrance according to Flying Deity's instructions.
They took turns to defend.
Someone was guarding the door, which made Brother Fei feel a little more secure.
Lying on the straw mat and holding his head, Zhang Fei was not sleepy.
His mind was full of fantasies,"Today is the time to deal with it.
What about tomorrow?
The dignified Flying Deity, five people, six people.
If we don't have enough food, let our brothers laugh at us.
The bright life is a small matter.
What a headache!
If we can play magic, we can spend some money...
Brother Fei is having a dream of becoming Ha'er Porter.
He doesn't want Dongxie to push the door open and come in.
He goes up to him and whispers,Boss (Brother Fei's new name).
The butler of Li Daxian outside wants to see you." Boss Fei was stunned, with a puzzled look on his face.
Apart from rewarding the black egg with two coins to make it lose its life, he seemed to have nothing to do with moneybag Li.
Could it be that Li Shanren had reneged on his promise with those rewards and was prepared to settle the score in the future?
This old rascal was simply too unfilial.
He couldn't care less.
He'd better go out and take a look first.
After making up his mind, Zhang Fei got up and turned to walk out of the temple.
While walking, he was thinking, "Is this a blessing or a curse?"