Little Fly to Break the Ming

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The Light of the Fortune

Zhang Fei finished cooking and returned to his residence.
He had planned to have a good rest and plan for his next life.
Unexpectedly, the housekeeper of Li Daren came to bother him all the time because he was not satisfied with what he had just seen.
It was unknown whether it was a blessing or a curse.
Zhang Fei came to the temple uneasily and saw a fat man.
It seemed that he weighed about 200,pounds.
He knew that this man was Housekeeper Li.
Behind the fat man were two men who looked like counterjumpers, each carrying two big boxes in their hands.
Judging from his attitude and behavior, Zhang Fei felt that it was not a bad thing.
Otherwise, the two counterjumpers should be holding the sticks instead of carrying the boxes.
He didn't have time to think about it carefully.
He hurriedly went up to Zhang Fei and saluted, saying, "I'll send Zhang Fei off again.
What can I do for you?
Oh, I'm Li San, the steward of the Li Mansion.
I don't know if little brother is the immortal guest from the sky today.
The big fat man dares not be arrogant and speaks very politely." "I don't dare to admit it, I don't dare to admit it, it's just a coincidence.
I woke up my sleeping celestial sense, so I don't want Li Shanren to worry about me.
I will definitely visit you someday." Zhang Fei answered very modestly.
The fat man was secretly happy and his attitude became more respectful.
He quickly cupped his hands again and said, "My lord, thanks for your respect.
Today, my lord is very happy to meet you, my lord.
It's our great fortune.
My lord specially asked me to prepare some silver coins and food to show my respect.
I'm not sincere and respectful.
Please accept my lord's apology." After talking for a while, Zhang Fei understood the purpose of the big fat man's visit.
It turned out that Li Daren had taken in a concubine today.
As the richest man in Baizhen Town, there were a lot of people who fawned on Li Shanren.
Some people said that Li Shanren had accumulated virtue, touched the heavens, and then ascended to heaven.
It was nothing more than adding some benefits to Li Shanren.
Li Daren, of course, was happy to hear such a godly auction.
He would rather believe in the fact that the Heavenly Fairy fell from the sky than to believe in it.
Zhang Fei should be lucky.
Today, many people witnessed the thunder falling from the sky, as well as a scorched land and a large pit in front of the temple.
All kinds of rumors were spread all over the sky, which made people believe it.
Li Shanren was busy, so he quickly arranged the butler to prepare some gifts for Flying Deity to make a good relationship with him.
The old man thought that there would be no harm in picking him up.
Brother Fei was very happy after he figured out the whole story.
Today was a lucky day.
If she wanted to sleep, someone would give her a pillow.
She could think of whatever she wanted, but her face was full of embarrassment.
"How can I, a lowly immortal, do this?
I have no relatives and my magic power is weak.
How dare I trouble Li Daren?
I can't bear it!
I can't bear it!" Flying Deity was very reserved.
In this way, the fat man and the thin man started to play Tai Chi.
One wanted to give it away, the other was determined not to accept it.
They were being too modest.
This made the little beggar next to him anxious.
The protectors of brother Fei couldn't wait to eat the eldest brother alive.
They were all eager to see through, but the elder brother Fei still did what he wanted and didn't have a look of shyness.
The more Zhang Nan watched, the more anxious he became.
There was no other way.
He had lost the most today.
The only cake and a little salt had gone to the West.
The flesh cut his heart and he had been bleeding.
He was looking forward to recovering the loss.
Now the opportunity was in front of him and was close at hand.
But the boss was indeed a nitwitted person.
He wanted to face and suffer.
If the butler went back on his words, it would be in vain.
He couldn't help but worry.
Brother Fei, look at Li Daren's sincere and touching heart.
If you don't accept it, you are not making it difficult for Housekeeper Li.
Although you are reluctant, you'd better accept it.
Brother Nan separated the crowd, rushed to the two people, held Brother Fei's hands, and begged him tearfully.
Dongxie and the others also took the opportunity to persuade him.
"Well, since everyone said so, it's disrespectful to decline, so I won't be hypocritical, but..." Zhang Fei pretended to think.
As soon as the guardians heard that their boss had asked for books, they felt anxious again.
They pursed their lips and murmured to themselves, "Boss, don't do that anymore.
You're too poor now.
What are you going to do?
If the money runs away, who can we cry for?" However, boss Zhang was never afraid of being isolated.
He still said seriously, "But...
I can't take it for free....
How about I write for Li Shanren?
I'll show my gratitude to him." After hearing Brother Fei's words, the lovely guardians were depressed like deflated balls and sweating profusely.
Thus, it could be seen that the effect of mental torture was as good as that of physical torture.
Butler Li was overjoyed when he saw that Flying Deity had promised to give calligraphy to him.
He thought that the little beggar had gained an advantage for nothing, so he lost three taels of silver for running errands.
But now it seemed that it was better not to take the money.
This Xiaoxian was not simple.
She was so experienced that she couldn't be pretended to be a young beggar.
It was better to make friends with her.
The fat butler's ability to observe people's expressions was naturally not bad, and he was very skilled at serving people.
The fat butler fiddled with the brush, ink, and inkstone, ready to stop and grind the ink personally.
The temple was close to the official road, which was not a quiet place.
When there was any movement here, the onlookers immediately surrounded them.
Zhang Fei was so lucky that he smoothed his arms, stretched his legs, and kept on rubbing.
He was like a great immortal.
When they were close to the tipping point and had lost their patience, Master Fei grabbed the rough pen with the bottle of ink and took out the crazy master's strength that he wrote the Spring Festival couplets in the street on the winter vacation.
The characters were like dragons flying and phoenixes dancing, and the handwritings were like snakes.
On the well-arranged rice paper, he wrote a big cursive handwriting.
Scrolling, he wrote a small cursive handwriting of forty-eight years old in the river.
After writing the character Fu in one breath, Zhang Fei was very pleased, feeling that it was much better than the character "Fu", which was written by the child of the Emperor Kangxi from the Gonggong Mansion.
The character "Blessed" contained many children, many talents, many fields, many years of life, and many blessings.
It was the greatest blessing in the world.
"Zhang Fei set a call for his handwriting and gave it a super collection value.
In the future, if Kangxi wrote it down again, he would be suspected of plagiarizing.
Anyway, Brother Fei wrote the character 'Blessing' decades earlier than he did." Now Brother Fei and Wild Boar were in the same generation, so the Emperor Kangxi should be the grandson.
Not to mention the seniority, with the help of Brother Fei, the future life of the Sage was unknown.
After writing the character "fortune", Butler Li put it away and left with his people with great gratitude.
The onlookers gradually left.
On the other side, Brother Fei asked the Beggar of the North to collect the silver and stuff and closed the door early.
As the Minister of logistics, he finally got some money, taels of silver.
How could he not be happy when he did not have to worry about starvation in a short time?
Dongxie and West Poison also hurriedly carried the two boxes of food sent to them into the backyard.
This large temple had been out of repair for a long time, so many courtyard walls had collapsed.
The yard was already desolated, but at least it had the feeling that it was an isolated living area.
The two boxes were filled with leftover food from today's Li's Manor.
They were all prepared in quantity.
After opening the boxes, the little beggars burst into cheers.
The companions were busy.
A moonlight celebration banquet was put on in the backyard of the dilapidated temple.
After half an hour, the fat butler's food was completely eaten up, and even the boxes were licked three times.
The long-lost laughter lasted until midnight, and the broken temple finally quieted down.
Everyone fell asleep, except the poor captain Zhang Dong.
He could not sleep, holding a stick, leaning against the door and waiting for the next half of the night to wake up the West Poison to change his shift.
There was not a word all night, and the tired beggars kept dreaming.
From time to time, they revealed charming smiles in their dreams.
When the sun once again shone upon the earth, a new day began under Zhang Xi Poison's urging.
Brother Fei opened his eyes.
Outside the temple, the sun was shining brightly.
For the first time, his biological clock was not accurate.
Perhaps in this era, it was far from Du's "Heavenly Darkness" and Han Hong's "Dawn" which were heartbreaking.
It turned out that Zhang Fei's life changed a lot.
Regardless of psychological adjustment, Zhang Fei rushed to gather his people in the open space behind the temple.
The situation was pressing him and he had no time to spare.
He still had a big thing to do today.
Eight and a half princes stood in a row of spirit in the backyard.
Brother Fei scanned his eyes and found that no one was worse than him.
He had arrived at the right place, but didn't find the right one.
Brother Fei cleared his throat and shook his still dizzy head.
He solemnly began his speech before the military training that he was very familiar with,"Everyone says that the youth is the golden age of life, and we need to fight for a bright future.
We need to create a great career, and try to become a strong and responsible person.
Although you are good, you are not qualified to be a qualified guardian.
For this, I will carry out a month's training for you." To let everyone master the basic skills of the guarding formation, to form a good way of sitting, standing and walking.
The training was not difficult, but relatively monotonous and boring.
Each movement, gesture, and posture had to be good, do a standard, and even do it more than a hundred times.
This required everyone to exert the spirit of blood, sweat and even tears, to build up the determination not to shed the skin and flesh to leave the team, to cast a strong body and hone the tenacious will.
I will set endowments for everyone's training, and improve their meals excellently.
However, the light punishment would be push-up, long-distance running, and the heavy punishment would be detention, reduce eating.
I didn't want to talk nonsense.
I am going to dismiss the preparation, gather them immediately with whistles, be punished, and disband.
After the mobilization, in order to fully utilize the power of the conditioned reflex weapon, the Flying Swordmaster immediately arranged for the Beggar of the North to buy some instant noodles and cook a big pot of rice porridge.
It did not take long for everything to stop.
Zhang Fei gathered his eight companions again and began his military training.
First of all, Brother Fei demonstrated his military posture.
How could he follow it without showing his real skills?
He raised his head and lifted his chest, looking straight ahead, his neck straight, his two hands drooping, his fingers closed, his body drooping forward...
A moment, standing upright, taking a step forward, stopping the three steps to move forward and stop, changing the steps, sitting down, bowing, bowing, arranging the clothes, and counting.
Instructor Zhang Fei's performance was wonderful.
The members of the squad were all amazed.
Of course, this was because they didn't have the feeling of seeing Instructor Zhang showing his training results.
After a month, they would definitely find a lot of faults, because their instructor was best at torturing others into experts.
Then, Zhang Fei found a bamboo pole to use as a whip and began to play with the eight and a half children.
Compile, correct, and then correct.
According to the current situation...
In less than an hour, Zhang Xian'er became a filthy demon.
The eight little King Kongs were sweating profusely and afraid to vent their anger.
However, out of their extreme enthusiasm for the food next to them, they were all gritting their teeth and struggling.
It didn't take long for this kind of bitterness to move the heavens.
Suddenly, Butler Li paid a sudden visit and became the savior of the little kings-in-law.
His sudden arrival saved the collapsed will of the eight people.
The instructor Fei saw the eager expectation of Butler Li, and then looked at his hungry subordinates who talked about the food and had to announce the dissolution of the meal.
After returning to the temple with Housekeeper Li, Brother Fei learned that it was Li Daren who brought someone to personally come to the temple to thank him after asking about the details.
It turned out that when Housekeeper Li brought the Fu back to the Li Mansion last night, Li Shanren was also shocked.
Originally, he didn't take Flying Deity seriously and just wanted to have good luck.
Unexpectedly, the little beggar who pretended to be Flying Deity could write.
His writing was so fascinating that it was much more extraordinary than ordinary people's.
It was not ordinary deliberately mystifying.
So his mind was also active.
The more Li Shanren thought about it, the more he felt that the matter of the Flying Deity from Outer Space was very close.
He thought to himself, "I really did give the right thing.
However, the amount of silver taels is a little too small.
Although Flying Deity claims himself to be weak, he's still an Immortal no matter how low he is.
He can't turn stone into gold and scatter beans into soldiers, so why can't he kill a demon or cure a disease?
If I can make friends with him, then the benefits will be much greater.
I can still curry favor with him before he gets famous.
Otherwise, I won't have this shop after I leave." The more Li Daren pondered, the more reasonable he was.
Therefore, early in the morning, he asked the housekeeper to prepare 100,taels of silver, 50,coins of copper coins, 10,pieces of cloth, and several snacks.
Then he took the housekeeper and two counterjumpers to visit in person with things.