Urban Romance
Talking Along the Rainy Night
The night was as dark as a pupil.
The dance is over, but the drizzle had stopped the guests from leaving.
At this time, a graceful middle-aged gentleman, Mr.
Yali Shanda, walked over to the microphone and said, "You Chinese have a saying, 'Rainning is stay".
It seems like today's rain must be held by the heavens..There's one more thing you Chinese have to say: 'A marriage is made by a single red thread connecting the couple who may be a thousand miles apart'.
This birthday dance has been held ea

Chapter 88   Chapter 88
2024-01-19 16:08:43
Chapters   (88)

Talking Along the Rainy Night
The night was as dark as a pupil. The dance is over, but the drizzle had stopped the guests from leaving. At this time, a graceful middle-aged gentleman, Mr. Yali Shanda, walked over to the microphone and said, "You Chinese have a saying, 'Rainning is stay". It seems like today's rain must be held by the heavens..There's one more thing you Chinese have to say: 'A marriage is made by a single red thread connecting the couple who may be a thousand miles apart'. This birthday dance has been held ea
Unbreakable Love
Wang Yuehua was a young woman with ideals and ambitions. She didn't want to live her life in poverty in the countryside, so she planned to start a new life in a big city. When she first arrived in a big city, she was enchanted by the red wine in a big city. Slowly, she began to live in a city. Her hometown gradually moved away. Her cousin came to a big city to look for her, and there was a gap with her that had never existed before. After Maqi arrived to the city, he began to work hard. He would
  TiexiaoWang Yuehua w
Only Single Men and Women
In the rush of the city, there is no emotional space to return to. Those subtle feelings seem to be love, but they are far from love. Is love all we have? In the journey of chasing love, do we understand the meaning of love? Who is the person we should love? The protagonist is an ordinary and beautiful woman who wants to marry a rich man, but in the end she finds that she has been inexplicably abandoned. Ma Shuaishuai, a close friend of his, no matter how caring and approaching, there is always