The Way of Burying Gods

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Chapter 2

At the edge of the Kunlun Immortal Mountain, at Yaochi Lake, Baize landed in front of the Golden Mother Hall.
The female Deity on duty quickly rushed up to greet him with a smile and asked, "Baize, how come you're free to come here?
Did Your Highness have something urgent to ask you to come here?"Baize chuckled and said, "Greetings, big sister fairies.
I came here for a private matter.
Is Mother Jin in the palace?""I'm here.
Wait a moment.
We'll send you a message quickly.
" After saying that, the smallest fairy ran into the palace gate.Baize raised his head and scanned the scenery around him.
He saw Yao Chi in front of the hall.
Like a blue jade, she was being hugged by layers of snowy mountains.
There were also countless strange flowers and rare herbs on the side of the lake, and there was a fragrance wafting in the breeze.
There were also countless rare birds and beasts that couldn't be seen.
Thus, he flew around without any worries.
He couldn't help but sigh inwardly, What an immortal land of Yaochi, a mountain of supremes!.Baize looked around and saw that Yao Chi was in front of the hall like a mirror.
Like a piece of blue jade, she was being carried by layers of snowy mountains.
There were also countless strange flowers and rare herbs on the side of the lake.
In the gentle breeze, there was a rich fragrance, and there were also countless rare birds and beasts that couldn't be recognized.
Without any worry, they flew around.
He couldn't help but sigh in his heart, "What a great immortal land of Yaochi, a supreme immortal mountain!"When the female immortals saw Baize's praise, they began to tease him, "You, Baize, possess the Body of Wisdom.
Don't tell me it's that easy to sigh?"Baize chuckled and said: "The beauty of this world is worthy of praise, let alone the First Heaven!"The little fairy hurriedly ran out and said crisply, "Your Highness, please wait for the Beast Sovereign.
"Baize hurriedly bowed and bid farewell to the female immortals.
"Big sisters, I'll be busy first.
I'll go see Mother Gold." After saying that, he followed the little fairy into the main hall.In front of Cloud Seeing Hall, the Queen Mother had already walked out.
Auspicious clouds swirled around her as she stood and waited.
Seeing this, Baize didn't dare to hesitate.
He quickly took two steps forward and bowed.
Unexpectedly, the Golden Mother took two steps forward and said, "Junsi's room is reasonable.
I welcome Baize's Beast Sovereign.""..."This move left Baize completely stunned, and he was even more astonished by her self-proclaiming title.
He asked, "Madam, are you trying to ruin me?"Jinmu Muwanqian smiled and said, "I sincerely bowed to you.
I only tried my best to help you transcend Big Brother." Then, he pulled the dazed Bai Ze and walked into the Cloud Seeing Hall together.Baize handed his wife's note to Mother Jin and said with a slightly red face, "I came here for this matter."The golden mother unfolded and looked at it.
She laughed and asked, "Have you thought it through?""Isn't it just to learn how to become a woman?
Do you need to think too much about it?"The Queen Mother still smiled and returned the note to him.
"Take a look again.
"Baize hurriedly looked at it carefully.
Seeing that the words on the note were clearly written, he was extremely puzzled.
"I know this.
Isn't it the imperial concubine who asked me to study it?"However, the Queen Mother put down this matter and called for the Immortal Envoy to order, "Go to Peach Garden and pick a few of the best Immortality Peach and prepare a jug of Yao Chi's wine.
Tonight, I will enjoy the moon together with the Lord Beast." The Immortal Envoy left after receiving the order.Jinmu turned around and said to Baize, "This isn't a small matter.
I'll talk to you in detail tonight, and you'll stay in the Rain Pavilion."Bai Ze obeyed his orders and followed the Immortal Envoy to inspect his residence.
He pushed open the door and looked around at the decorations.
As expected, there was another kind of extraordinary phenomenon.
The carved beams and paintings were filled with immortal energy, and the corners were filled with immortal flowers and immortal grasses.
He only felt that his sense of smell was limited, so he couldn't smell anything in this world.He looked around and saw that the decorations were even rarer, like a table with flowers, pear trees, a chair with a bead, a few with a blood dragon tree, and a Bodhi tree case.What surprised Baize the most was the large bed that had been abandoned by the emperor.
Baize hurriedly walked over and examined it carefully.
A cloudy curtain hung on top of the bed, and a misty tent.
A warm jade pillow was placed on the bed, and a quilt was woven with clouds.The Immortal Envoy didn't bother him at all.
He smiled and turned around to leave.
A moment later, he returned with a cup of green tea.Baize sat down in front of them and held a teacup in his hand as he pondered.
"Could it be that it's not as simple as changing into a woman's body?
What kind of secret is hidden here?"Unknowingly, the setting sun had already set.
A full moon hung in front of the window.
The maidservant of the golden mother came to invite her.
Only then did she put down her thoughts and follow her to the garden.The mother-in-law had already sat down in the pavilion, waiting for him.
When she saw him, she smiled and stood up to greet him.
Baize walked over and was just about to bow when the mother-in-law held him back.The table was naturally filled with delicacies, but Baize was deep in thought, so he didn't bother to take a closer look.
Instead, he spoke first, "Thank you for your hospitality."Xi Wangmu chuckled.
He reached out with his hand and picked up the wine jug.
Then, he poured him a cup of nectar and waved his hand to stop the maid.
Then, he said, "I miss you, Baize.
You're not unfamiliar with this place, are you?""Mhm, this Kunlun Mountain is also my birthplace," Baize replied."Yes, you have been following your mother for millions of years.
Thank you for your hard work first." After saying that, she picked up the wine cup and touched it.
Then she drank it with a deep smile.Baize hurriedly took a sip and said politely, "What are you saying, Wang Ma?
It's my duty.
Please don't be polite."Madam Wang filled the cup again, picked it up, and said, "Thank you for carefully observing Mother's thoughts and guiding us every day."Baize felt a little uneasy.
He thought to himself,?What's wrong with mother Jin?
He couldn't stop drinking.
He picked it up and drank it again.Wang Ma still filled the cup again, picked it up, and continued, "This cup, I only want to thank you for being a demon god."Baize couldn't sit still any longer.
He lifted his wine glass and stood up, "Mother Wang, it's fine if you don't have to be so polite.
If there's anything you want to say, just say it.
I, Baize, will not hesitate to go through fire and water!"The Queen Mother put down the wine cup and picked up a handkerchief to wipe her eyes.
However, it turned out that two lines of tears had unknowingly dripped down.Baize felt even more uneasy.
He immediately asked, "Mother Wang, why are you so worried?"The Queen Mother shook her head and changed her smile.
"You're not an outsider.
Let's talk about the Demon God."Baize hurriedly agreed.
The Queen Mother asked, "Baize, you are the only intelligence in this world.
Do you know my surname?""I know, Wang Ma.
Your name is Jun Si.
"The Queen Mother smiled and nodded.
"Naturally Jun Si, naturally Jun Si.
Do you understand the meaning of this name?"Baize shook his head.
He wondered why his mother had mentioned his name.
He turned his head and looked at her in confusion.The eyes of the Queen Mother glittered as she said softly, "The clouds are in the sky, the mountains are born, the path is far, and the mountains are far.
Can the generals come back alive?"Baize immediately understood that the Queen Mother was trying to explain something to him through her unforgettable feelings.
"Mother, why are you bringing up such sad past?"The Queen Mother shook her head, "I just want to tell you that love between men and women is the path of heaven and earth!"Baize sighed and said, "Yes, Your Highness is the God of Marriage.
It seems that this is also the reason why her soul awareness is eternal."The Queen Mother stood up and waved her hand.
"At the beginning of the world, father and mother were originally siblings.
One day, they came to the foot of Kunlun Mountain and discussed about becoming a husband and wife.
However, they also felt that this thought was very shameful.
They pulled their hands and pointed towards the clouds and asked, "If God allows us siblings to become husband and wife, then the clouds will become one.
If not, then the clouds will disperse.
"After hearing the question, the heavens gladly allowed the clouds and mist to fuse together.
Only then did the laws of harmony between men and women appear in this world."..."Baize nodded and said, "Yes, this creation also resulted in the endless life of all living beings.""Do you know?
Although the four of us are mother-in-law, we look very different from each other and often annoys our mother.""Are you referring to the notice released by Yudi?""Isn't that so?
Which life in this world can escape from the yin and yang?
Which one doesn't give everything for their own feelings?
Which one doesn't want to reproduce?""That's true, but why did Yudi issue this decree back then?""Hmph!
All he cares is that he's happy and happy, so how could he understand the pain of a man and a woman's admiration!"Baize sighed, nodded, and then asked, "Didn't you think about what he would do when your highness made him Yudi?""It's only because Second Brother conferred the title of the head of the Eastern Continent and I was granted the title of the female deity of the Western Overlord.
When I saw that he had nothing to do every day, I ignored the fact that all of this was in the world.
At that time, he was given an emperor's throne, but he was once again above us Sovereigns."."It's only because Second Brother conferred the title of Eastern to be in charge of male deities.
I was conferred the title of a female deity in the west.
Seeing that he had nothing to do every day, he sealed his entire world, but he overlooked that all the directions were in the world.
Because at that time, he was conferred the Emperor's throne, yet he reigned above us!""Yes, you're right.
There are always fairies and fairies who complain.
I know all these, but is there no other way?"A sharp light flashed in the eyes of the Queen Mother.
She said firmly, "Unless Big Brother comes into being!"Baize was surprised and quickly asked, "Why do you say that?
Big brother is a Demon God!""Yudi's status should be that of a Demon Deity!
Why should we listen to a younger brother's commands?"Baize suddenly understood the meaning of the Queen Mother's anger.
He said, "Your highness injured her brain over the matter of the Demon God, but she never found a suitable solution.
Although I thought of a way to reincarnate, I didn't have any way to help him."The Queen Mother laughed heartily.
She raised her glass and drank it dry, saying, "Brother Baize, I have an idea for you after you drank this cup!"Baize was shocked when he heard her call him 'Brother'.
He picked up the wine and drank it in one gulp.
He said, "Wang mother, if you have something to say, then just say it.
Why do you have to lower yourself?""You were born with the heaven and earth.
Although you are a beast sovereign, you are older than us brothers and sisters.
Besides, you are called Big Brother Demon God.
I respect your status as my brother." After filling up the wine, he continued, "I have a method for you.
I hope you will consider it carefully!"Baize hurriedly said, "Please speak, Wang Ma.""The six words my mother wrote, to be given to a woman and to a woman.
Do you not understand?"Baize stood up and stared blankly at the Queen Mother.
With his brain, he wouldn't be unable to react.
But was this possible?"You have completely transformed into a woman and descended to the mortal realm to follow the fiendcelestial.
Only your brain can teach him bit by bit.
The structure of the Six Realms needs to be rewritten.
After the matter is completed, you will completely abandon the beast body and marry the fiendcelestial to become his true woman!" After finishing speaking, she picked up her glass and drank another.."Wait, wait, I never thought about that.
I'll have to think about it carefully.""I'll give you three days to think about it.
If you agree, I'll send a nanny who knows a lot about Fengyue's teachings to you, and send my daughter to your side to serve the Demon God.
If you don't agree, you can go back as soon as possible.
There's no need to learn from this woman!"With that said, he laughed heartily, flicked his sleeves, and left.
Baize was the only one left in the world.That night, Baize stood there for a long time, drinking all the nectar in the pot.That month, under the guidance of a flirtatious nanny, Baize carefully studied women's affairs.That year, Baize and Nvwa Niangniang made ample preparations.On this day, Nvwa Niangniang said, "Since you insist on helping him for the next generation, I won't stop you.
I have already arranged everything I can think of for you.
This is not a talk of love between men and women.
When you go down, you will teach him how to be humans.
Immortals, devils, humans, ghosts, and even the Demon Realm have arranged for him to go.
You need to remember this.
I have also chosen a wife for him in every year!
If you can truly achieve great accomplishment, I will help you get rid of your beast form.
If he grows into a demonic god in the end, then you can only destroy him together!".On this day, Nvwa Niangniang said, "Since you insist on helping him next time, I won't stop you anymore.
I've already arranged everything I can think of for you.
This is not a talk of love between men and women.
After you go down, you will teach him how to be humans, immortals, devils, humans, ghosts, and even the Demon Realm have arranged for him to go.
You must remember this.
I have also chosen a Madam for him every time!
If you can truly achieve great accomplishment, I will help you get rid of your beast form.
If he grows into a demon god in the end, then you can only destroy him together!"Baize firmly nodded his head.
"I will definitely do my best!"Nvwa Niangniang rushed over and embraced Baize in his arms, crying out the pain that had been weighing down on him for tens of thousands of years!
As he cried, thunder and lightning interlaced in the sky and rained down on him for three months.