Aftermath of Great Sage Equal of Heaven

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Chapter 5

The gates of Chang'an were opened, and the king of the Taizong rode to the gate with his bannermen.
From afar, Tang Monk, Walker, Ba Jie, and Sha Seng led the white horse toward the city.When they were about ten steps away from the city gates, the Taizong quickly went up to greet them.
The moment Sanzong saw the emperor, he hurriedly quickened his steps and rushed in front of the Taizong.
"Your Majesty, I have returned!" The Taizong raised his hand and helped him up: "Brother, tell me that I will be back in two or three years.
This trip will be 14 years!" Sanzong said: "It is too bitter to say that I have broken His Majesty's deadline.
Three Scriptures will not be afraid." Taizong smiled and took out an item from his robe and handed it to Taizong: "Your Majesty, do you still remember this?" The Taizong took it and asked: "What is this?""Do you still remember, Your Majesty?" Taizong nodded repeatedly, "Oh, do you remember?
Do you remember?" Sanzang said, "I returned today and obtained the true scripture.
Fortunately, I did not disappoint you.
Therefore, I will return this earth to Your Majesty."Taizong nodded repeatedly.
Ba Jie behind him had long since become impatient and impatient.
He muttered, "Master and His Majesty are still talking about something.
It's already noon, so why aren't you immediately arranging a restaurant meal?
It's really hungry!" Sha Seng burst into laughter, "I say, Second Brother, can't you be a little more refined?" Bajie said disdainfully, "They're all demons, so what's there to be polite about?""Brother, you should also put away your gluttonous mouth.
Your masters must have something to say when they meet, so how can you immediately arrange a meal?" Ba Jie muttered, "What's so great about the emperor?
I, Old Pig, don't even eat two or three of his emperors a day!" Walker and Sha Seng couldn't help but chuckle..At this moment, Sanzang turned around and called out to them, "Disciples, all of you, come here!" Walker grabbed Ba Jie of luggage, and the three of them hurried over with their white horses in hand.Third Keep introduced the disciples, "Your Majesty, this is my little disciple Sun Wukong, Zhu Wuneng, Sha Wujing, this white horse was transformed by Aolie, the son of the western sea's dragon king!"The pedestrians quickly bowed and bowed.
Taizong was stunned when he saw the strange and ugly looks on their faces.
Then he smiled and said, "It seems like your disciples are either immortals or saints." Sanzang said, "Although I'm ugly, I have the face of an evil person, and I'm extremely capable of subduing evil spirits.
It's all thanks to them..." Taizong smiled and nodded..Bajie pouted and asked, "Old official, did you have any banquets after entering the city?" Before he could finish speaking, the pedestrians grabbed his mouth and stumbled on the ground.
"Aiyo!" The Walker hurriedly pulled him up.
"You didn't stand well on the flat ground, so how did you fall?" Bajie mumbled, "I didn't fall.
It was clearly..." Before he finished speaking, Bajie fell to the ground again with a thump, but this time, it was a little strange.Walker smiled and said to Taizong, "Your Majesty, please don't take offense.
My junior brother is a little confused.
If he encounters a sunny day, he will fall flat on the ground."The Great Ancestor nodded.
Ba Jie knew that this was the work of an experienced cultivator, but it wasn't easy to explain it clearly.
He didn't dare to say anything else.
Sanzang smiled and said, "Your Majesty, my second disciple has a lot of food, but I just want to eat." The Great Ancestor laughed, "I've already ordered the Monument of Rites to prepare a banquet.
The Golden Hall will immediately begin after handing it over.""No matter how much you eat, I, Big Tang, will be able to afford it!" Everyone laughed.
As they spoke, they followed Tai Zong into the Imperial Palace and headed straight for the Golden Luan Palace.The ringing of the bells echoed endlessly.
The hundreds of civil and military officials were already standing solemnly in the golden palace, and the Imperial Palace Emperor was promoted.Bing Chen, who was standing at the foot of the hall, sang, "I hereby declare that the Three Scriptures magi of the Tang Dynasty will be handing over their scriptures!" Three Scriptures walked at the front of the hall and marched into the hall.
Behind them were pedestrians, Sha Seng, and Ba Jie, and they carried their scriptures in the rear.
Three Scriptures knelt on the ground and shouted for a long time.
Taizong's face revealed a smile, "I've worked so hard all this time, and I'm very diligent." The Three Scriptures reported, "I set off from Chang'an in thirteen years.
It was 14 years ago, and the journey was 36 thousand miles long.
It was 12 Yuans.
When I arrived at Fo Zu's Spirit Mountain in the Western Bull Province, I received a letter to verify it.".A smile appeared on the Taizong's face, "I've worked so hard all this time, and I'm very diligent..." The Three Scriptures reported, "This subject and my disciple departed from the Taizong for thirteen years from Chang'an.
It took fourteen years, and a distance of eighteen thousand li.
They passed through thirty-six kingdoms and twelve abysses.
When they arrived at Fo Zu's Spirit Mountain in the West Ox Province, they retrieved the true scriptures, and we have obtained an ultimatum as evidence..."As he spoke, he took out an ultimatum from his chest and raised both of his hands above his head.
The Bingxin Supervisor hurriedly stepped forward and received the ultimatum.
Taizong smiled and said, "My Imperial Brother, rise to speak." The Three Scriptures and Xie En stood up.
The Taizong opened the ultimatum and read it once before nodding.
"As expected, mountains and rivers are far away, and the roads are difficult."Sanzang replied, "Where are the scriptures that have been taken back?" "They're in the middle of the process.
Full-minded, open the scriptures!" Ba Jie quickly opened the scriptures and began to move them out of the box.
Sanzang sang loudly, "One copy of the scripture: three hundred and forty volumes..." Then, he continued, "Finally, one copy of the Complicated Achilles Scripture, a hundred and twenty-four volumes."There were five thousand and four hundred scrolls that had been taken, and each one was worth a fortune!
The Taizong was overjoyed, "Very well, this is a blessing to the nation, a blessing to the people!
The Monument of Rites holds a banquet for my brother to welcome the wind!" Sanzang bowed, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your grace."After the handover ceremony ended, the master and disciple of Sanzhu went to the Glory Temple for a banquet.
For the time being, they didn't want to watch.It was said that just as Taizong Zonghuangdi was celebrating with his master and disciple, something strange had happened in Chang'an City that had alarmed the emperor.
There was an altar made of stone in Chang'an City.
It was called the Dragon Slaying Platform, and there was a sword on it called the Dragon Spring Sword.The Dragon Slaying Platform and the Dragon Spring Sword had an extraordinary origin.
At that moment, there was a scholar standing below the altar, recounting the story of the prime minister Wei Zhengmengjing and the king of dragons twenty years ago.
The scholars were so crowded that they couldn't get through.
They all craned their necks and looked up.
The scholar said, "Speaking of which, the emperor summoned Prime Minister Wei into the palace and placed a chess piece on it."The two of them started to fight.
It was almost noon, and Prime Minister Wei's eyelids became heavier and heavier.
He snorted and fell asleep.
Ranking, this is the crime of lying to the king!
" The people around cried out in surprise.
At this moment, a young man dressed in white robes and wearing a golden crown slowly squeezed into the crowd.
He found a place near the scholar and quietly listened.The scholar continued, "The servants at the side are very frightened and want to wake the Prime Minister.
But our Emperor is wise.
He actually smiled and said to the servants, "Prime Minister Wei worked hard for the country and he is so tired.
I can't bear to let him sleep for a while."As he spoke, he took off his dragon robe and draped it over the prime minister's body.
But Weizheng didn't wake up.
It turned out that his true essence had already left his body and walked out of the palace.
As soon as he walked out of the palace door, two Heavenly Dings immediately came up and knelt on the ground and said, "The General Assembly will be held in the afternoon.
Weiren Caoqian, please go to the Dragon Slaying Platform!" Weizheng nodded.At this time, the Jinghe Dragon King had been escorted to the Dragon Slaying Platform where we were, and was ready to be executed.
Cao Weizheng was short-lived, holding a sword, and stepped onto the stage.
The Jade Emperor sent Xingjun Wu De to shout, "It's noon.
I will immediately kill the Grand Dragon King of the Jiutian Yingyuan Palace!" As he spoke, he threw down the command plate.The command medallion rolled on the ground.
Tears welled up in the Dragon Monarch Jinghe's eyes.
He raised his head and shouted: "Your Majesty, I have been wronged!" A cold light flashed, and blood splattered.
A white-robed young man who was watching the execution below the stage suddenly shouted: "Uncle-in-law!" Tears streamed down his face, and he pounced towards the corpse of the Dragon Monarch of River Path...
" The scholar listened with interest, and the white-robed young man who squeezed into the crowd just now flashed with anger.The scholar continued, "Prime Minister Wei Zhanmeng slays the Dragon King of Jing River.
From then on, the sword he uses will be named the Dragon Spring Sword.
It is the one that is worshiped on the stage.The word 'Dragon Spring' was the intention of slaying the Dragon King to return to the Huangquan.
After the Chancellor awoke, he told the Emperor of his dreams.
Just as he was speaking, someone suddenly reported that a dragon head had fallen in Chang'an's chaotic city.The Emperor was overjoyed to have such a valiant and loyal subject, so he ordered to build this Dragon Slaying Platform!
The King of Jinghe was unconvinced before the execution.
Why did you say that?
It turned out that on the day before the execution, he had run to the palace to ask the Emperor to save him in a dream.
Unexpectedly, Prime Minister Wei had a dream to kill the old dragon, and the Emperor had no choice.Therefore, this sin dragon went to the palace every night and wreaked havoc in the emperor's sleep and food.
Only then did he have our Mysterious Mage Wandering to the West and return to the Water and Land Dao Fields to transcend the souls of the dead!
The scholar said this, then patted his courage on the table.
"Everyone, let's talk about this book today!" After speaking, he took off his hat and walked in front of everyone, cupping his hands together and making a gesture.The people standing in front of them untied one after another.
Those who listened to the white books at the back fled in a swarm of bees.Suddenly, a huge silver treasure fell onto the plate.
The scholar was startled and raised his head.
It was the white-robed youth.
The scholar asked in shock: "Dear guest, why are you so generous?" The white-robed youth asked: "Do you know any other books?" The scholar answered: "Of course you do." The white-robed youth said: "From now on, please don't talk about this matter again!" The scholar was puzzled: "But why?" The white-robed youth said: "This ingot is your life buying money.""If you ever talk about this book again in the future, I'll tell you and your entire family to return their lives to Huangquan!" The scholar was horrified.
By the time he calmed down, the white-robed man in front of him had already disappeared.He was so scared that he shouted, "There's a ghost!" Before his shout even fell, a whirlwind appeared on the ground.
In an instant, dust rose and everyone covered their faces.
After the whirlwind passed, the Dragon Spring Sword on the Dragon Slaying Platform disappeared and everyone exclaimed in surprise.We'll talk about the Martial Peace Hall in Mount Taizong's great feast, where all the ministers will accompany them.He ate Ba Jie with great vigor, but he didn't see anyone who sat there.
Taizong asked, "Sanzang, why didn't your eldest disciple come to a banquet?" Sanzang quickly explained, "He said that he's going around.
My eldest disciple is the Heaven's Equaling Great Sage of the Heaven Palace, and she has a slightly unruly temper.
Please don't blame her, Your Majesty." Taizong continued, "Why would I blame him?
I was just asking."Ba Jie had gone nuts.
Behind him stood ten squires who served him food and rice.
They kept handing him rice.
Ba Jie waved his hand, and a bowl of rice was tossed into his mouth.One of the squires couldn't stand it and said with a smile, "This master didn't plan anything.
Why didn't he gather the steamed buns in his sleeves and poured some rice?
He didn't even dirty his clothes!" Ba Jie was stunned.
No!" The squire said, "Then where did you go?" Ba Jie patted his stomach and smiled.
"It's here!" The squire didn't believe him and said, "How dare you eat that bowl of rice?" The squire quickly took a bowl of rice.
Ba Jie slowed down and threw the rice into his mouth.
"Did you see that?" The squire said in shock, "It's a grinding throat!" Everyone laughed.Ba Jie became more and more energetic.
They kept interrogating, causing people to go crazy, making everyone laugh.Taizong and Sanzang were also chatting and laughing with each other.
Suddenly, a Sect Chief rushed over from outside.
Standing behind Taizong, he said, "Your Majesty, I have something urgent to report."Taizong turned around, "What is it?" The Huang Sect Supervisor said, "Just now, the nine sect supervisors came to report that on the Dragon Slaying Platform, the Dragon Spring Sword that Prime Minister Wei Mengmeng killed was blown away by a strange wind!" Taizong was startled, and Sanzang was also stunned.
The words were divided into two parts.
After the banquet ended: Sanzhu, Bajie, Sha Seng returned to the Yanta Temple in the middle of the night to rest.Ba Jie and Sha Seng were in high spirits.
As they walked, they talked and walked towards the Zen room.Ba Jie danced and danced, patting his round stomach and saying, "I, Old Pig, have let go of my appetite for today's imperial banquet!
Datang is still a state of the Shang State, and even his food is so delicious!"Sha Seng smiled and said, "Haven't you ever seen Si Dan Palace standing next to you so shocked that they couldn't even close their mouths?"Tangseng couldn't help but laugh when he heard this.Ba Jie pushed open the door and entered the room.
One of the pedestrians was sitting cross-legged on the cloud bed, as if he was thinking of something.
Ba Ringi's eyebrows danced, "Brother, you've suffered a huge loss today!"Walker asked, "What kind of losses do we have?" Ba Jie continued, "Sha Seng and my master entered the palace to face the monarch.
That was a truly impressive arrangement.Tangwang and his master were like brothers.
After crossing paths, Tangwang held a grand banquet.
This banquet was truly a noble kingdom's aura, and it was vastly different from the small Western countries we traveled through!"Walker asked, "Why didn't you see your master?" Ba Jie continued, "We'll be arriving soon." But before he could finish his words, Sansa walked in and asked, "Wukong, why didn't you come with me to meet the monarch today?"Walker smiled.
"I just want to hide."Sanzang said, "Before leaving the palace, His Majesty told me something.
I was just about to ask for your help." Walker asked, "What's the matter?" Sanzang said, "Something strange happened in Chang'an City today.
The Dragon Spring Sword that I, Prime Minister Wei Mengmeng, killed was swept away by a demon in broad daylight."The emperor knows that you are good at subduing evil spirits, so he asked me to ask you for help.
"Walker smiled.
"So Master went to the palace to buy business for me, Old Sun!"Ba Jie whispered to Sha Seng, "Look at how you've caused trouble for your master.
You've already accepted the scriptures, and you've worshiped the Buddhas.
What kind of demon have you descended on?
What kind of monster are you?
Why don't you rest earlier?"Walker glanced at Ba Jie and said, "But Master, I want to hire someone to help me..."Bajie Jiexinli said, "This is bad.
He must be trying to drag me down!"Third Keep asked who it was.
Walker smiled and said, "Isn't it Ba Jie?"Ba Jie said, "Big bro, you've been resting for a whole day.
I, Old Pig, am..." Walker interrupted him, "It's still the same old saying.
It's fine if you don't go.
Let Old Sun beat you five times to relieve your boredom.
"Bajie said helplessly, "Forget it, I'll go ahead." Sha Seng said, "Eldest Senior Brother, I, Old Sha, will accompany you!" Walker was overjoyed.Ba Jie said, "Let's get to work early.
Don't wait for Old Pig to fall asleep!" Walker stood up and said, "We'll leave immediately!" Ba Jie asked, "Where are we going?" Walker said, "We'll go find the sword-stealing monster!"Ba Jie asked, "Where are the monsters?" Walker asked, "In the barn?"Ba Jie and Sha Seng were baffled as they followed the pedestrians towards the Shenta Monastery.
The three entered the stables and saw that there was nothing but a rein and the white horse was gone.
Ba Jie exclaimed, "This undead is strange, how could it disappear all of a sudden?"Walker pondered silently.
Suddenly, he raised his head and said, "Follow me!"On the bank of Jingjing, there were offerings such as meat, meat, vegetables, and fruits.The white-robed youth knelt on the ground and kowtowed three times.
He quietly said: "Uncle, my nephew isn't good and can't wash the snow for you.
Today, I have returned with the Dragon Spring Sword from Chang'an City, so I will come here to worship you in the river."I hope you know what's going on..." He choked on his sobs, and his tears fell like pearls that had been cut off from the ground.
Three people emerged from the darkness behind him.
Walker, Ba Jie, and Sha Seng.
Ba Jie looked at them, and his nose began to turn sour, "This undead is just crying for nothing.
I, Old Pig, also feel a little uncomfortable crying."The white-robed young man suddenly turned around when he heard the voice.
Walker slowly walked over, "Brother, what's going on?" This white-robed young man was none other than Xiao Bailong, the white horse of the Three Scriptures.
Xiao Bailong crawled up from the ground and hugged the pedestrian, "Eldest Senior Brother!" Tears streamed down his cheeks.Walker gently helped him up, "Good brother, if you have any grievances, feel free to tell your senior brothers." Xiao Bailong stopped crying and raised his head, "Eldest Senior Brother, do you know what happened to Weizheng twenty years ago?" Walker nodded.Xiao Bailong said, "The Jinghe Dragon King is my uncle-in-law.
I was raised by him..."The three of them were stunned.Ba Jie felt extremely strange, "I heard from Guanyin Bodhisattva that you're the son of Aoqin, the king of the western sea!"Xiao Bailong nodded, "That's right.
But Aoqin and I are enemies.
He doesn't recognize me as his son, and I don't recognize him as his father either." Walker asked, "But why?" Xiao Bailong continued, "I'm Aoqin's son, and I've hated me ever since I was born..." Then, Xiao Bailong recounted the great injustice that had occurred twenty years ago to his senior martial brothers.Although Xiao Bailong was part of the Western Sea's Dragon King Aoqin, he had a dignified appearance and outstanding ability.
He was someone capable enough to take charge of the Western Sea's Dragon Soldiers.However, his father didn't think that he was a concubine, so he wanted his older brother Moang to take up his position.
One day, Xiao Bailong and Xie Chushi strolled around the Tian River.
Suddenly, the sound of horse hooves rang out from afar, and a Heavenly Horse galloped towards them.
The person on the horse was Wuji, the son of the Martial Deity Star Monarch.
This fellow was extremely domineering.
He shouted, "Get out of the way!" Xie Chushi hurried to the side, but Xiao Bailong didn't move.The Heavenly Horse stood up and let out a long neigh, knocking Wu Ji off the ground.Wuji was enraged.
He crawled up and grabbed Xiao Bailong's clothes.The Craboist immediately rushed over and apologized, "Eldest Young Master, this is our Western Sea Prince Xiao Bailong, Ao Lie.
I don't know the dignity of First Young Master.
I hope you can calm down..." Wu Ji glanced at Xiao Bailong and said, "Hmph!
What Western Sea Duke?
He's just a concubine!" Xiao Bailong asked him to take back his words.Wuji sneered, "No one dares to speak to me like that!" Xiao Bailong took a step forward and demanded for him to take his words back.
Wuji threatened, "Let me tell you something.
My father Wude Dexingjun is a good friend of your father's immediate superior, Star Monarch Shui De.
If you dare to provoke me, I'll destroy your reputation!" The two of them argued even more intensely.
Xiao Bailong couldn't help but leap forward and kick Wuji twenty meters away.Wu Ji stood up and the two of them fought.How could the playboy be a match for Xiao Bailong?
He had been severely injured by Xiao Bailong.
When the news reached Xingjun's ears, he immediately charged into the West Sea Dragon Palace with a group of men and shouted at Aoqin, "Aoqin, you attacked me and injured my son!
What's the meaning of this?"Aoqin hurriedly bowed, "Aoqin doesn't dare.
Star Monarch Xing, please take a seat." Xingjun snorted and sat down on her chair, "Dragon Monarch, your son is so powerful!
How dare he beat up Shangguan Zhi in broad daylight?
Do you have any royal laws?!" Aoqin apologized, "Ignorant son, please calm down."Wu De was aggressive, "How do you think we should deal with this matter?" Ao Qin said, "However, according to Star Monarch's orders, I'll be the one to bring your unfilial son out to vent my anger for my son." Ao Qin said, "That's exactly what I should do.""This unfilial son has been extremely restless ever since he was born.
This time, it just so happens that Star Monarch will teach him a good lesson!"It was at this moment that Xiao Bailong walked into the Dragon Palace.
When he saw the situation, he immediately understood what was going on.
Aoqin shouted, "Unfilial son, why aren't you kneeling?!" Xiao Bailong slowly knelt on the ground.
"You bastard, you actually dare to provoke trouble while I'm away.
Offending Shangguan is a great sin!" Then, he turned to Wude and said, "Xingjun, this is Xiao Bailong.
Please take him away and punish him as you please."Xiao Bailong was stunned as he slowly raised his head.
When Star Monarch Wu De saw Aoqin kneeling down, his anger subsided by half, "Mm, alright." Aoqin added, "Anyway, this unfilial son of yours is unfilial and unfilial.
I don't care if Star Monarch takes him away or kills him, or if he becomes a slave to me!
I only beg Star Monarch not to let him return!" Xiao Bailong's voice was filled with sorrow and sorrow as tears streamed down his cheeks..When Star Monarch Wu De saw Aoqin's reaction, he felt a little embarrassed, "Long Jun, I don't have to take your son away.
I just want to teach him a lesson.
There's a way..."Unexpectedly, Aoqin countered, "Star Monarch, please don't be so tolerant of this unfilial son of yours.
There's no reason for this child to not be tormented.
Star Monarch will immediately take him away.
No matter how you deal with him, it's fine as long as he can vent the anger in Star Monarch's chest..." Wude nodded, "That's fine too..."When Xiao Bailong heard this, he couldn't bear it any longer.
He slowly stood up and pointed at his father, "Aoqin, from now on, I am no longer your son, and you are no longer my father!" Aoqin was stunned.Star Monarch Wu De angrily rebuked, "How dare you!
How dare you speak to my father like that?
Is this even appropriate?"Xiao Bailong sneered, "Physique?
Go to hell with your body!" Then, he staggered three feet back.
He stood in the middle of the hall, crying three times, laughing three times, but suddenly disappeared.
It turned out that Xiao Bailong had gone to join his uncle-in-law.The Jinghe Dragon King comforted Xiao Bailong for a while and told him to stay in his palace from now on.Xiao Bailong said, "Uncle, I've injured the son of Star Monarch Wu De, I'm afraid he will come looking for trouble..." The Jinghe Dragon King shook his head with a smile, "I've already hired the commander of the Jinghe Dragon Soldier for you in the Nine Heavens.
You're someone with a natural position now, and you have to pass through the Thunderous Annihilation of Heavenly Sovereigns if you want to capture you!" Xiao Bailong was so touched that tears streamed down his face.
He knelt down and kowtowed..At this moment, Star Monarch Wu De led his men into the Dragon Palace.Xiao Bailong was startled.
The Jinghe Dragon Monarch asked him to meet his aunt and let him deal with Wude.
Star Monarch Wude stormed in and shouted at the Jinghe Dragon Monarch: "Good job, you Jinghe Dragon Ghost!
How big is your Jinghe?
How dare you hide the person I want from you?
How dare you!" The Jinghe Dragon Monarch said in a neutral manner: "I am the Heavenly Court's appointed official.
Please speak with respect!""Very well, in that case, hand over the little white dragon, Ao Lie.""Aolie?
You want to capture Aolie?" Wude replied.
"That's right!
He injured my son!" Jinghe nodded.
"Bring it here!" "What?!" Wude roared with laughter.
"What a joke!
You want to capture a little brat?!" He picked up an ultimatum and threw it at Wude.
"Aolie, the Nine Heavens Declarant Committee is officially in command of Jinghelong's army.
The Heavenly Sovereign's ultimatum is proof!
If you want to capture him, don't open your mouth unless you have the 'Little Urchin' or the Jade Emperor's' decree!"Star Monarch Wu De was enraged and gritted his teeth, "Good, you're good this time!
We'll just wait and see!" After saying that, he led his men out of the Dragon Palace in anger.Jinghe threw his head back and laughed.Xiao Bailong paused and took a deep breath, "From now on, we have a deep grudge against Wude Dexingjun." Walker didn't understand, "But what does this have to do with your uncle-in-law's death?" Xiao Bailong nodded, "At that time, there were two Dragon Gods in the Minister of War, and one was my uncle-in-law, and the other was the King of Dragons of the Wei River.Weihelong was an ambitious man who had always been at odds with my uncle-in-law.
At the end of the day, he wasn't willing to be my uncle-in-law's assistant.
Wu De had colluded with Weihelong to frame my uncle-in-law.
It was a long story.
I wonder if you guys have the patience to listen to me slowly?" Ba Jie was in high spirits as he urged, "Xiao Bailong, I'm willing to listen to you.
Please tell me the details!" Xiao Bailong explained the entire story one by one.