Rebirth of The Noble Girl

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Chapter 4

Xu Jiexuan sent his voice to the General's Mansion.
After chatting with his father, Yan Niang, he left in a hurry.
After all, it would be the wedding day for Yin Yin and Xu Jiexuan tomorrow.As soon as Xu Jiexuan left, Aunty Lin walked over and pulled her hand, pulling her out of the hall and into a courtyard called "Yinyuan".This courtyard was still very clean, but there were many more flowers here than the one in Xin garden.
Because it was autumn, the other flowers had withered and only multicolored chrysanthemums were still blooming.After entering the room with her mother, her mother carefully took out a set of clothes from a cabinet on the side.
It was red.
It was a wedding dress?"Yinyin, this is the wedding dress I prepared for you." Yan Niang sighed and unfolded the dress."Mother, this wedding dress is really pretty." Yinyin looked at the beautiful dress and thought to himself: I've lived for so many years and have never worn a wedding dress.
I don't even have a wedding dress."It's fine as long as you think it's pretty.
If you don't like it, I'll make it new for you.
This is the only chance for a daughter to wear a wedding dress for the rest of her life!
On the day of her wedding, I'll make sure you dress up beautifully!" Yan Niang stroked his voice, his eyes filled with reluctance."Mother, my daughter will get married sooner or later.
It is a good thing that I got married long ago, indicating that there are people who want her." Yin Yin smiled and said to this kind mother."Yinyin is sensible." Yan Niang sorted out his messy hair.
"Yinyin, when you get married, you'll have to go from three to four virtues.
Think about it, the Prime Minister's Estate isn't our home.
Also, if anyone really dares to bully you after you get married, you can just come and look for your mother!
Mother will make the decision for you!" Yan Niang said firmly."Mm, Mother, don't worry.
No one dares to bully your daughter.
It's more like I'm bullying them.
" Yin Yin said with great vigor."Yin-Yin, Yan Niang is a little confused.""What's wrong, Mother?""Oh...
nothing, Yue-Yin, what happened in the past few days that you disappeared?""No, I just went out to relax.
Maybe it's because I'm about to get married, I'm a little nervous, so I didn't come back two days ago." The voice said nonchalantly."Yin-Yin, tell me the truth.
What happened?
I feel like you've changed.
I've raised you since you were young.
Of course I can tell if you've changed." Yan Niang looked at the voice very seriously."Eniang, I'm really fine.""If you don't want to say it, then forget it.
Mother can't do anything about it either.
However, she's about to get married soon.
Don't leave again.
""No, Mother." She stuck out her tongue and thought to herself: I still plan to escape.
How can I not leave?
Could it be that you want me to marry a stranger just like that?"Alright, let's try this wedding dress first!" Yan Niang said happily as he picked up the wedding dress and gestured at Yinyin's body."Mother, this wedding dress will definitely look good!
I really can't wait to wear it." Yinyin took the wedding dress and held it in his arms."Our family's voice is so beautiful.
It looks good no matter what you wear!" Yan Niang laughed happily.Yinyin smiled.
"Then I'll go out first.
I'll call for you to come and see!" Yan Niang instructed."Mm!" The voice watched Yan Niang walk out of the room and eagerly jumped onto the bed to change.
However, this was her first time wearing an ancient wedding dress.
This structure was somewhat unfamiliar, and it was indeed a bit troublesome to wear.It took about 10 minutes for her to get dressed.
She stood in front of the mirror again.
It's beautiful when you put it on me." Then, she picked up the phoenix crown that was still on the bed and carefully put it on her head.
When she stood in front of the mirror again, she was stunned.
"Heavens, it's so beautiful!"The voice originally felt that the things of ancient times weren't very beautiful, and felt that the things of ancient times were too simple, and there wasn't anything attractive about them at all.
However, at this moment, she knew that she was in the wrong.
It was so beautiful!"Mother!
I'm done changing." The voice impatiently called out to Yan Niang.
However, it had been a long time since anyone responded, and no one came in."Mother?" The voice was strange as she opened the door and walked out."Miss!
Where are you going, miss?
This wedding dress is to be worn on the day of your wedding.
You can't wear it out today!" Liu Su quickly followed."Miss!
It's not good to get out of here like this!" Liusu cried out anxiously."Liusu, mother?" The voice suddenly turned around and almost bumped into Liusu."Madam?
Madam went to the General's place.
""Oh." Yinyin was a little disappointed.
He had originally thought that Yan Niang would wait for her to finish her shift.
Why should I be disappointed?" Yinyin suddenly asked himself.
Yinyin truly liked Yan Niang, because she felt that Yan Niang was somewhat like his mother.
Yinyin smiled and shook his head.
Then, he turned to Liusu and said, "Liusu, let's head back.
Mother will be coming soon!""Mother, no, it's Madam.
Madam will definitely come back.
Madam loves you the most." Liusu awkwardly shut his mouth.
"I'm sorry, Miss.
I didn't do it on purpose.""Hehe, it's fine.
Mother just likes people.
" Yin Yin said with a smile."En En!"Yinyin and Liusu returned to the room.
Yinyin took off the phoenix crown on his head and placed it back on the bed.
The phoenix crown was rather heavy.She looked around the room.
The decorations were simple but beautiful.
It was a simple beauty, an alluring beauty.
Moreover, the room was filled with a faint jasmine fragrance.
The sound gently caressed the exquisitely carved table and pulled the gauze curtains on the bed."They're all good goods!" The voice whispered."Miss, what did you say?" Liusu asked."Oh, nothing.
You...""My good daughter, you've changed?" Yan Niang interrupted him before he could finish speaking.
He turned around and looked at Yan Niang."Mother, I've changed.
""Come, let me take a good look at you." Yan Niang pulled Yinyin over and looked at her carefully.
"How beautiful!" Yan Niang smiled and said in satisfaction.
"It seems like Yinyin is going to get married in the blink of an eye.
I really can't bear to part with him.
Liusu, you have to take good care of her if you follow the young miss.
Don't let her suffer.
No matter what, don't let our Yinyin suffer!" Yan Niang said as he prepared to cry."Mm!
Madam Liusu, I will definitely take good care of you, and will never let you suffer any grievances!" Liusu said firmly."Mother, I won't be wronged.
Please don't cry.
It's a good thing for my daughter to get married." Her voice comforted him as she wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes."Mm, it's a good thing, a good thing!" Yan Niang nodded, but there was still reluctance in his eyes.On this day, Yan Niang's hand, which was holding the sound, spoke many, many things, as if he would never be able to see it again.Yan Niang kept telling her what to do after she got married.
He told her to be friendly and not to be too harsh.
He felt warm inside, as if he didn't want to run away at all.
He thought to himself and decided to do the same.Within two days, the wedding date arrived as scheduled.Actually, she was a little confused when it came to marriage.
She didn't know anything.
She had been staying in her small courtyard all this time until she was about to get married before someone came to inform her."Miss, it's time to get up.
Today is your wedding day," Liusu quietly called out through the door in the middle of the night."Aiya!
It's only been a few hours and you're going to get up!
What marriage are you getting married for?" She rubbed her hair in annoyance and stood up to open the door for Liusu."Miss, today is your wedding day.
We're here to dress you up.
The groom will be coming to pick you up at daybreak." Liusu covered his mouth and chuckled.
"Miss, you're going to be Xu Chengxiang's wife soon." Liusu was very happy for his miss."It's rough!
Why didn't anyone inform me of such a big matter?
I only know that there are still six hours before I get married!
What kind of broken marriage is this?
I don't care about this marriage, just go and get married whoever you want!" The voice roared and then laid down on the bed again.."Don't make a ruckus!
How can you just say that you can't knot the knot if you want to!
Besides, you're going to marry the son of the prime minister.
This isn't something you can mess around with!" A woman in a rose-red dress with long black hair walked in.
She squinted her eyes and looked at the woman walking in.The stains were beautiful!
Her big eyes were paired with willowy brows, and her nose was small and tall.
However, her thick, medium and plump lips were sexy.
Who was this?"Hello, Eldest Miss.
" The maidservants bent their knees one by one, and placed their hands on one side of their bodies to greet the newcomer.First Miss??She thought to herself.
Two days ago, she had heard from Liusu that this Yan Yinyin had two big sisters and one big brother.
As for First Miss, she should be Yan Jiangjun's eldest daughter.
If that was the case, then it would be great if it was her eldest sister!
She heard Liusu say that her eldest sister was in a lot of pain.Thinking of this, Yinyin hid under the covers and smiled.
"It seems like the heavens are still taking care of me!
I didn't encounter too many difficulties when I transmigrated here.
Fortunately, it wasn't Yinyin's second sister who came.
Otherwise, she would have been in trouble!""Sis, I don't want to get married," the voice pretended to be pitiful."Yinyin, you're already in your early twenties.
It's time for you to get married.
Besides, I've watched you and Xu Jiexuan grow up together.
Don't you love Xu Jiexuan as well?
If that's the case, why aren't you willing to marry him?" The older sister walked over to the bed and gently patted the back of the voice."Love is love, but since I'm already married, it means that I'm old.
" The voice pouted."Haha, silly girl, who said that getting married means getting old?
Big sister, didn't I get married a long time ago?
Then do you think I'm old?" Big sister teased."No, it's because Big Sister has taken good care of herself!""The one you want to marry is also the son of a prime minister!
How can you use worse things than me after you get married?""Sigh..." The voice sighed."Yin-Yin, good girl, it's not far from picking up the bride.
Quickly get up and get dressed," Big Sister said as she pulled up her voice and instructed the little girls."That's right." The maidservants obediently walked over to Yinyin's side and began to work.
Big sister saw how obedient Yinyin was and left.Her voice was listless as she stood there and closed her eyes to replenish her sleep.After about two hours, the maidservants finally tidied up the sound.
They also covered the sound cover with a gauze-like translucent veil.
The cover was embroidered with beautiful patterns, and the transparent effect was similar to red lace.Yinyin obediently sat next to the bed, while a Liusu stood beside her.
The other maids had already left, leaving only the two of them in this large room.They did not know how long they had been there, but the sound had already fallen asleep by the bedside.
The sound of firecrackers suddenly came from outside, and the sound of the firecrackers was awakened by the sudden sound of the firecrackers."What are you doing outside?
What firecrackers have you just lit up?" The voice asked.Liusu patiently said, "Miss, this firecracker must be set off when the sun rises.
It's used to scare away the evil ghosts and awaken the spirits to ensure that the day of our daughter's wedding will be smooth and smooth.""Uh...
superstition, what's so strange about that?" Yin Yin curled her lips and said."Young miss, you can't just casually say these words.
This is an old rule.
If the deities hear your words, it will be troublesome." Liu Su nervously began to look around and pretended to be blessed.The voice looked at the silly Liusu and yawned before continuing to sleep."Miss, please wake up.
The bride's sedan is coming soon.
If you still look like you haven't woken up, how ugly would it be?" Liusu softly called out."Ah?
why are there so many things!" The voice complained.After an unknown period of time, the sound of firecrackers resounded from outside."Miss, the groom must have arrived," Liusu said happily."Sigh!
We're finally here!
If we wait any longer, my neck will feel sore.
Why is the phoenix crown so heavy?!"Liusu's face reddened as he said, "Young miss, please endure for a while longer.
When you arrive at the Xu Manor, you can pay your respects to the Xu Manor...
After entering the Xu Manor, you can pick them.""How much longer will it take?" The voice asked indifferently."How many hours will it take?""Ah?
A few hours!
It's killing me.""The groom is here!
Liusu, bring the young miss to the hall!" A little girl rushed in from outside and hurriedly shouted."The groom is here?
I'll take the young miss with me." Liusu said as he helped her up and walked into the hall.Although the cover was transparent, he couldn't see clearly when he looked at the road.
The sound was supported by Liusu towards the main hall.
The Great Hall was already waiting there, and the groom was already waiting there.Xu Jiexuan saw Xu Gongzi's bride walking over, and hurriedly walked up to her, thinking about her voice.
However, before he could reach Taka, he leaned over and said, "Yin-Yin will be Xu Gongzi's wife in the future.
As your mother, I can't let you take the bride away so easily.""...""That's right, that's right.
If you want to take our Young Miss away, you have to sign this guarantee.
" The maids beside her said with their spirits.Xu Jiexuan took the letter from Yan Niang:"In the future, once you marry Yin Yin, you must treat her well.
You are not allowed to bully her, and you are not allowed to look for a concubine.
"In the future, once she marries into a voice, she must be obedient to her and not let her suffer any grievances.
She can guarantee that no matter who it is, no matter who it is, they will not bully the voice.
When the voice is in trouble, they must also help the voice as soon as possible.In the future, she could not force the sound to do what she didn't want to do after marrying a voice.In the future, when he married Yinyin, he would have to fulfill his duty as a husband.
If he had a child, he would have to devote a hundred percent of his love to the child!" As such, he listed nearly thirty of them.
However, Xu Jiexuan had read them all in earnest.
Without any change in his expression, he turned to his father-in-law and mother-in-law, "Please rest assured, father-in-law and mother-in-law.
Jiexuan will definitely be able to do all of these things!
Father-in-law and mother-in-law, please let him marry Yinyin back home as soon as possible!".In the future, after marrying Yinyin, he would be able to fulfill his duty as a husband.
If he had a child, he would have to devote a hundred percent of his love to the child!" In other words, there were almost thirty of them listed on the list.
However, Xu Jiexuan had read all of them carefully.
Then, without any change in his expression, he turned to his father-in-law and mother-in-law, "Please rest assured, father-in-law and mother-in-law.
Jiexuan will definitely be able to do all of these!
Father-in-law and mother-in-law, please make sure that Jiexuan marries Yinyin back home quickly!""Hmph, it's easy to say, but can you do it in the future?
No, you have to draw a bet on this piece of paper so you can count.""Yes, Jiexuan will listen to mother-in-law." With that, Xu Jiexuan gently cut his hand with a knife and drew a bet on the paper."Alright, Jiexuan, you've already made your bet.
If you don't do this in the future, then the sound will be separated from you.
However, it's not that you're quelling the sound, but that the sound will stop you!" Yan Niang took the guarantee letter that Xu Jiexuan had drawn and folded it carefully."Yes, Jiexuan will definitely do as this guarantee says.
I don't want to be separated from her.
I don't want to be separated from her for the rest of my life." Xu Jiexuan made a solemn vow."Very well.
From today onwards, your father-in-law and I will marry my precious daughter to you.
You must treat her well." Father Han finally spoke.
As he spoke, he held onto the sound from Liusu's hand and placed it together with Xu Jiexuan's."Thank you, father-in-law!" Xu Jiexuan held her hand tightly in excitement.Just like that, Xu Jiexuan led her to the bridal sedan chair, where she boarded under the gazes of her father, Big Sister Yan Huiqian, and some other people in the manor.
Amongst these people who were paying their respects, she saw a person who was different from others.
She looked at that person's gritted teeth and hateful eyes, and subconsciously smiled.Who was that person?
Actually, Yinyin didn't know her, but through her expression, Yinyin was able to establish her identity right away.
It was either him or his second sister, Yan Yinjing.
Why did she have such an expression?
Was there even a need to say that?
Yinyin's second sister, Yan Yinjing, had always had a crush on Xu Jiexuan, but Xu Jiexuan had married his younger sister in the end.
How could she show such a happy expression?
Furthermore, Yinyin's second sister was born in the same womb as Yinyin.
It was just a few minutes earlier than Yinyin's, but their appearances were far different.Although the voice wasn't kingdom-toppling, it could still be considered a beauty.
And what about the second sister, Yinjing?
Not only was her skin a little dark, but her face was also covered in strange acne.
It made people feel disgusted and scared.Therefore, no one of her age was willing to play with Yin Jing.Why was Yinjing so different from his voice?
It was obviously the twins!Actually, no one knew that the two of them looked exactly the same when they were born.
Both of them were fair and tender, and they were loved by others.
However, later on, the longer the voice grew, the more beautiful Yin Jing grew, and the uglier she became.
It was also because of this that the little devil in Yin Jing's heart was excavated.
She was jealous of the voice, jealous that she had someone who loved and loved her, and that she was beautiful.Although he was more proficient in music and music, what was the use of this?
No one was willing to be with an ugly freak, and no one liked an ugly freak!If that were the case, the values in Yinjing's heart were twisting and twisting, and she even wanted to kill her younger sister, Yinyin.How scary was this?
But fortunately, she didn't implement it later on.
Actually, she really didn't have the courage.Yinjing watched as his beautiful younger sister was taken away by the man he loved.
His heart was filled with pain.
Although their marriage was indeed bestowed upon them by the emperor, and the two of them truly loved each other, why didn't the person who had been married away be me?
Thinking of this, Yinjing clenched his teeth and clenched his fists as he ran away.The sound was carried away by the festive big red sedan, and the sound of the horns had never stopped.
Hearing the sound on the sedan, one felt uncomfortable, it was too noisy!
After marriage, one would not change to a more elegant musical instrument.The sedan swung from the General's residence to the Prime Minister's residence.
Liusu also helped the sedan out of the sedan chair.
The other servant girl next to him handed one end of a large red flower to the sedan and the other end to the groom Xu Jiexuan's hand.
They walked through the main gate of the manor together and into the manor.Because it was the good news of the Prime Minister's family, there was no reason for the Emperor not to show himself.
At this time, the Emperor was sitting in the main hall of the Prime Minister's residence and looking at the two newcomers who were walking over with a gentle smile.The voice looked up at the person in the hall, and its eyes instantly locked onto a man in yellow robes.
That man's face, how, how did he look so similar to Lin Zeyu?
Yin Yin squinted her eyes, but she couldn't see clearly.
She really wanted to tear off the cover of this hindrance!
However, this was because she was getting married.
Sigh, forget it.The voice suppressed the urge.However, when the voice entered the man in yellow robes, she saw it clearly!"Zeyu?" The voice was stunned, and the footsteps under his feet paused."Yin-Yin, what's wrong?
Let's go!" Xu Jiexuan whispered softly.However, Xu Jiexuan didn't respond to her.
He simply stood there in a daze.
Liusu, who was standing next to her, also grew somewhat anxious.
She gently touched the sound and whispered, "Miss, His Majesty is here!""Your Majesty?" The voice repeated."What?
Your Majesty?" The voice roared out uncontrollably and used his hand to pull off the red cap that hung on his head.
He looked at Liusu in shock.
Liusu was embarrassed by the movements of the voice and quickly whispered, "Miss!
You are currently getting married to the Prime Minister's son."Xu Jiexuan, who was standing to the side, was also stunned by the sound.
Everyone present immediately began to whisper to each other.The voice didn't care about these things.
Instead, it turned to look at the so-called emperor.
"Lin, Lin Zeyu." The voice trembled.The moment the emperor turned around to look at his voice, he was stunned.
But then he regained his composure.
Lin Zeyu returned to his calm demeanor and said nothing.Liusu hurriedly picked it up and tossed it to the ground, then gently covered it again.
"Miss..."The voice stopped making a fuss and obediently married her."First bow to heaven and earth!"Second salute to Gao Tang!"Send her into the chamber!" She and Xu Jiexuan entered the chamber together, but Xu Jiexuan continued to walk away.The voice quietly sat by the bedside, straight and straight.
Her heart had already drifted far away, so she didn't notice that someone had entered."Yan Yinyin, why are you here as well?" someone asked.She raised her head and looked at the translucent cover to see who it was.
"I also want to ask this question.
""Heh heh, I didn't think that you would marry someone so quickly.
" A displeased look appeared on the face of the person who spoke."Uh...
no matter how fast I get married, you're not as good as you.
You're already the emperor.
There are so many beauties in the imperial harem.
There's no need for marriage to be so troublesome.
" The voice said irritably."Hehe, that's true." The newcomer smiled.The voice didn't respond.
After a long silence, it suddenly revealed a pitiful expression.
"Zeyu, take me away.
I don't want to marry someone I don't love.""Eh?
Then who do you want to marry?
There are so many people in my harem.
It seems like I really don't lack an ordinary person like you.
Unless you have something special, I have to take you away.
" The person who came smiled contemptuously."We love each other!" The voice said without even thinking."Eh...
What's the use of love?
Marrying you and I won't be able to enjoy the harem's beauty.
Haha!""Zeyu, Ze, how could you do this?" Several tears shone in her eyes."Why can't I be like this?" Lin Zeyu asked, amused."Didn't you say that you're going to marry me?
You've clearly said it yourself!" Yinyin cried as he pulled off his cover and rushed over to Lin Zeyu, hugging him tightly."You bitch!
Let go of me!
Didn't I say that?
Even if I did, it was said in the past, and now it's in ancient times!" Lin Zeyu's voice was filled with disgust."Ha!
Then what are you doing here?
Why are you still looking for me?" Yin Yin sneered."Why did I come looking for you?
That's right!
Why did I come looking for a slut like you?
Hmph!" Lin Zeyu turned and left."Lin Zeyu!" the voice cried out.Lin Zeyu paused.
Before he could even raise his foot and move forward again, he suddenly rushed forward to hug Lin Zeyu.
He stood on his tiptoes and placed his red lips on Lin Zeyu's somewhat cold lips.Lin Zeyu didn't move.
He just let her hug her.But at this moment, footsteps suddenly sounded outside, and then stopped at the door of the room where the sound was, and then, and then the door opened.Before he could even respond, Lin Zeyu suddenly stepped forward and struck the back of the man's neck.
The man fell to the ground.The voice clearly saw the person's face.
It was Xu Jiexuan."Zeyu, what are you doing?""What else?
You want your husband to see you talking to another man?""Zeyu, I know that you still love me.
I beg you, but I'm leaving!" Yuanyin pleaded pitifully in Lin Zeyu's embrace."Don't think I'm helping you with him.
I just don't want to owe you.
Well, I'm leaving now.
You'll have to deal with him.
You don't have to think about taking him away!
Do you think I'll abandon the country, the beauty, and the wealth for you?
Haha, you're too naive."Then, Lin Zeyu turned and left.Tone dropped her hands helplessly, tears already flowing all over her face.
"Lin Zeyu!
You bastard!
You go to hell!
Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" Yongyin almost went crazy as she shouted at Lin Zeyu's back.Lin Zeyu didn't stop.
He left without looking back.She looked at Lin Zeyu's heartless silhouette and couldn't help but burst into tears.
She squatted down and hugged herself, crying out loudly.Yinyin finally stopped crying after crying for a long time because she had thought it through.
Crying for this bastard was not worth it!The voice stood up, closed the door, and dragged Xu Jiexuan onto the bed.
After covering him with a blanket, he sat down in front of the table and slowly fell asleep.Xu Jiexuan didn't do much either.
Xu Jiexuan hadn't been awakened by the slap the entire night.
There was no need to talk about anything else.However, this was exactly what Yinyin wanted.
She didn't love Xu Jiexuan to begin with, so it wasn't her intention to marry him like this.
Now that he had no choice but to marry her, Yinyin still didn't want to do things like that with someone he didn't love.