Dragon Ring Adventures

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Chapter 5

After avoiding the pursuit of the two salesmen, the two of them headed out of the city.The night passed in the grassy stomp, and the next day, she wanted to quickly earn the poor money.Now that there was only one road left, that was to dig for spiritual herbs on the mountain.A Qiu wasn't willing at all.
Zhang Jianfu asked him if he wanted to go back to sleep.
Wang Dashan had sent someone to stop you at home.This scared him.
He followed Zhang Jianfu and climbed up the mountain.The two of them dug on the mountain for a few days, and most of the spiritual herbs they dug into their stomachs.
Because they dug up all the spiritual fruits, there were only three Saint Spirit Grasses left.A Qiu had been crying all day long, and eating wild fruits was useless, but he didn't find anything else to eat.
He wanted to eat rabbits, but he didn't know how to cook them, so he had no choice but to eat them with spirit fruits.As they ate and ate, their cultivations had risen by a level, and they were so happy that they couldn't sleep at night.However, she also heard that Wang Daxian had been avoiding others when he sent people to look for them.A Qiu calculated everything he had to do.
How much was he missing?By the fifteenth of August, A Qiu couldn't hold on any longer.He glanced at the seven herbs in Zhang Jianfu's arms and said, "Let's head into the city.
Otherwise, how are we supposed to register?"Zhang Jianfu thought about it and agreed.As such, their faces darkened.
When the sky darkened, they sneaked into the city.When they arrived at a shop that sold medicine, the two of them didn't say a word.
Instead, they placed the medicine on the counter.
Unexpectedly, the shopkeeper recognized Zhang Jianfu at a glance, but he didn't reveal anything.
Instead, he secretly instructed the shop assistant to release the news."Young man, what other elixirs do you have?
Take them all out and we can negotiate the price."Zhang Jianfu shook his head, indicating that it was gone.The shopkeeper calculated the money, but didn't take it out.
He kept asking Zhang Jianfu if he had any more spirit medicines.Zhang Jianfu listened attentively, thinking that this was definitely a bad thing.
He gave A Qiu a look, and A Qiu understood.
He released his aura of the fifth level of Qi Condensation, frightening the shopkeeper so much that he fell to his knees."Take 60 yuan, or I'll kill you."Zhang Jianfu took a break and took the opportunity to scare.The shopkeeper dared not obey and took out the money.
In the end, he shivered and scattered all the money on the ground.The two of them had no choice but to take off a piece of clothing and sweep it up.As soon as he picked it up, he heard the sound of rapid footsteps.Zhang Jianfu hugged his clothes and shouted, "A Qiu, run!" Then, he took the lead and entered the alleyway.As soon as they left the shop, there were more than a dozen people gathered from both sides.
They turned around and entered the shop, running out through the back door.The back door of the shop was a main road.
People came and went on the streets, and rivers flowed endlessly.Zhang Jianfu grabbed A Qiu and roared at the top of his lungs, trying to think of a way to escape.The shouts behind him startled him.The people behind them were either wielding steel blades or iron rods.
Additionally, they were all burly men.
If they were to make contact with each other, they would probably die.Although the two of them had some cultivation bases, Zhang Jianfu could tell from the corner of his eye that their expressions were similar to his.After running through five or six alleys, the pursuers were still relentless.
If it weren't for the flow of people, they would have been caught long ago."What should we do, Big Brother Fu?"A Qiu asked in a trembling voice.Zhang Jianfu pointed at the crowd and shouted, "Think of a way to get out of the city."A Qiu pointed at the person behind him and said, "I'm afraid it won't work.
They'll definitely send someone over."Zhang Jianfu couldn't think of any other way.
He pointed to the area where he lived and said, "Then find a way to hide.
We just need to get rid of them."A Qiu pointed at the people in the alley and said, "I'm afraid that we won't be able to do it.
They must be on guard against us."Zhang Caifu rolled his eyes.
"Then go to the Fuze Teahouse.
There are so many people there, so easy to escape." Then he asked A Qiu to lead the way.After turning two alleys, they arrived at the Fuze Teahouse.The teahouse was filled with people.
The waiters didn't carry teapots with them as they walked around.The two of them almost bumped into each other.
They passed through the hall, ran to the back door, and saw someone.
They returned to the front hall, the doors and stairs, and there were guards.This made her feel that things were not looking good.
She looked out the window and saw that the people chasing her were coming from all directions.Zhang Jianfu looked around, looking for an exit.At this time, a big man walked out from the crowd of pursuers and cupped his hands towards the tea guests.
"These two are the murderers who killed Wang Dashan's uncle-in-law.
Please make it convenient for each of you to stay here.
I'll call you Wang Dashan today." After saying that, he slammed his knife on the table and ordered his subordinates to send everyone out.After a while, the tea guests all stood up and ran out.
Only the old man, who was leaning against the window, was still holding chopsticks and holding snacks, watching the show with interest.Zhang Jianfu strapped his clothes to his body while paying attention to this old man.This person's hair and beard looked messy, but his eyes were bright and bright.
What surprised Zhang Jianfu the most was that this person's hands were translucent and translucent, completely different from ordinary people's.A Qiu couldn't help but wink and lean towards the old man.Just as he took two steps, a saber slashed at him.Zhang Jianfu hurriedly pushed a big and careless Raka and fell backwards.
Only then did he manage to avoid this slash.Seeing that Zhang Jianfu wasn't struck, the man kicked the chair and flew towards Zhang Jianfu.A Qiu stared blankly for a moment, and then let out a loud roar.
His body emitted a layer of earth-coloured light as he slammed into the man's back, slamming him onto the table.
Then, he slammed into the ground and fainted.A Qiu took the opportunity to pull Zhang Jianfu up."Be careful."As soon as Zhang Jianfu stood up, he saw another saber slashing towards him.
He stretched out his foot, grabbed A Qiu, and crawled onto the table.
Then, he rolled.
The saber slashed down on the table, but the man didn't pull it out for a moment.Zhang Jianfu took the opportunity to swing a chair and smash it.This person didn't react.
He smashed the chair and fainted on the ground.Zhang Jianfu pushed the slightly frightened Raka and ran towards the door."Trash!
All of them are trash!"The leader looked at Zhang Jianfu and Qin Ye, cursing loudly as he waved his hand, signaling for them to gather together.The old man looked at Zhang Jianfu, who was leaping over like a rabbit, and laughed, "Be careful of the back."Zhang Jianfu and A Qiu were standing in the middle of the two tables.
When they heard the old man's warning, Zhang Jianfu grabbed a chair and tossed it away.
A Qiu pushed the table with both hands and flipped it over, blocking a person who wanted to chop him with a knife.The two took advantage of this opportunity to escape, running to the old man's side.At this moment, the four big men opened the obstructing table and surrounded them.The leader shouted angrily, "Crush them!"Zhang Jianfu and A Qiu leaned back and glanced at each other.
Then, they picked up the chopsticks on the table and threw them out haphazardly.
Then, one on the left and one on the right, they leapt out of the room.Unexpectedly, these fellows possessed formidable blade techniques.
They swung their blades to force the two of them back.Zhang Jianfu saw that it was over.The four of them approached one step at a time.
The body of their blades was emitting a white light that dazzled the eyes of both of them."Kill!"The four knives slashed towards Zhang Jianfu and A Qiu's chests and heads respectively.Zhang Jianfu closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around A Qiu, who was so scared that he began to cry.
He roared, "Grandpa, save us!"Then there was the sound of rustling, and then the sound of rustling feet.After a while, Zhang Jianfu rubbed his body with his hand.
There wasn't any blood on his body.
Then, he opened his eyes and saw that there was still no blood on his body.
Only then did the stone weighing on his heart fall.
The blade-wielding hands of the surrounding knives had a chopstick in them.Zhang Jianfu looked at the murderous leader and led a dozen or so people over.
He pulled the Raka and ran behind the old man.
He bowed and said, "Thank you, Grandpa."The old man smiled and asked Zhang Caifu, "How did you know I would save you?"Zhang Jianfu smiled and pointed at the old man's hand.The old man used chopsticks and patted Zhang Caifu's forehead, "You little rascal.
By the way, why are they chasing after you two kids?"Zhang Jianfu said in embarrassment, "Perhaps the enemy I killed was one of them."The old man's eyes darkened.
He turned to face the leader who was standing five steps away and shouted, "Quickly retreat.
Don't chase after these two children anymore."The leader looked at the people who were injured by the chopsticks and cupped his hands together.
"May I ask Senior's name?"The old man was unhappy and looked sharply at the leader.
With a wave of his hand, a strong wind swept towards the leader's chest, and blood sprayed out like a pillar, drenching his clothes.The leader looked at the bottom of his chest, and a foot long gash suddenly appeared on his chest.
Then, he fell to the ground.When the others saw it, they were so scared that their eyes bulged out and they all retreated.The old man pointed at the leader on the ground and shouted, "Take these people away."The six of them came back shivering again and carried the person out.Zhang Jianfu looked at the old man in disbelief and pointed at the bloodstains on the ground.
"Grandfather, you're really capable.
Can you accept us as your disciples?"The old man pointed at A Qiu and said, "He can, but you can't."Zhang Jianfu opened his eyes wide and asked, "Why?" A Qiu was so happy that his eyes narrowed into a line.
As soon as he saw Zhang Jianfu's expression, he tried his best to return to normal.The old man reached out and pinched Raka's fleshy cheeks.
He laughed.
"Because he's just as earthy as I am and you're fiery."Zhang Jianfu didn't understand what the old man meant.The old man carefully explained the characteristics of people.Each person had their own attributes, just like this world was made up of various types of materials.
The general attributes were divided into gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and wind, ice, lightning, and darkness.
Most people had a type of attribute, and only a very few people with supernatural talent would have two or more attributes.When you were of what attribute, you would have a special affinity with the spiritual energy of the attributes in the world.
Therefore, cultivating those attributes was very compatible with martial skills.Therefore, before every person cultivates, they have to first understand their attributes.The old man carefully examined A Qiu, and then allowed him to turn around.
Finally, he placed his hand on top of his head.
After a good while, he cried out in alarm, "Kid, what's your name?"A Qiu was a little dizzy from the old man's actions, so he couldn't answer.Zhang Jianfu pointed at A Qiu and said, "His name is A Qiu, and my name is Zhang Jianfu."The old man smiled even more happily when he heard these two names.
He wrapped his arms around A Qiu and said, "I thought that I had done a good deed and didn't manage to find a single treasure.
A Qiu, your aptitude isn't ordinary.
I'll tell you more about it after I've taken you to the sect."As soon as Zhang Jianfu heard that the old man had a sect, he immediately knelt on the ground and begged, "Grandfather, are you from the Immortal Cultivation Sect?
Can you also take me there?
Even if you want to be a servant disciple, you can do it."A Qiu reacted quickly and immediately knelt down.
He pulled the old man's clothes and begged, "Grandfather, just agree to pick up Big Brother Fu."The old man awkwardly scratched his hair, but firmly shook his head.