Soul Painter

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Chapter 3

"Lord Prefectural Magistrate.
This lowly one does not know what you will say."Zhangzhen's face was filled with pain and innocence, as if he didn't know what the magistrate was talking about.Yuankui was still proud and confident.
He clenched his fists and shouted in a broad voice,"Someone come!
Catch these two!"Xingling was horrified.
He and Grandfather were acting exactly the same as the previous eleven people.
Why did they want to capture them all alone?They indeed ate dinner last night and drank porridge, but when they woke up early in the morning, nothing strange happened.Not only that, but as she carefully recalled the past ten years, it seemed that she had never suffered from any illness, nor had she ever seen her grandfather get sick.The soldiers on both sides held onto Grandpa's arms.Grandpa grabbed onto his right hand and clenched it tightly, "Xingling, hold on tight."Without waiting for Xing Ling to reply,Zhangzhen's body suddenly turned into a hurricane, rushing towards the exit of the square.Xingling felt himself being pulled by a huge force and rushed forward.
His feet weren't even on the ground, and a strong wind brushed past his ears.When the onlookers saw this scene, they rubbed their eyes and confirmed that what they saw wasn't an illusion.Yuankui stood there in a daze.
Seeing Zhangzhen run away, his smile stiffened and he roared,"Chase!"In the blink of an eye, Zhangzhen stood in front of the main hall of his clinic.Behind her, Xing Ling finally landed.
She panted and hugged her grandfather tightly.The front door of the clinic was kicked open by Zhangzhen, and after entering, the front door automatically closed.Xingling had many questions in his heart, but he didn't dare to say anything when he saw that his grandfather's body was still trembling.Zhangzhen raised his right hand above his head and gestured with his saber.
Then, he slashed forward.The small statue in the middle of the hall suddenly split open, and a piece of paper fell from the middle of the statue.Zhangzhen withdrew his right hand, and the note seemed to be attracted by some sort of force as it flew into Zhangzhen's hand.Xingling watched from the side in astonishment.
In fact, when he was young, he had been curious about the statue that he had worshiped in the main hall.According to tradition, the main hall had to worship the dead seniors and elders.
But, this statue was a child that seemed to have a small body and had yet to grow up.She had also asked Grandfather, but Grandfather had remained silent and did not answer.At this moment, the paper slips that were taken out from the middle of the statues floated into Grandfather's hands.
He held them tightly, his expression firm and painful.Zhangzhen lifted his right leg and stomped down hard on the ground.
A stone slab suddenly flew up from the ground, and Zhangzhen reached out and caught it.Underneath the floor was a dark tunnel."Hurry!"Upon hearing the word 'hurried', Xingling immediately understood and entered the cave.Zhangzhen followed closely behind, his left hand resting on the stone slab.
After Zhangzhen's entire body fused into the ground, the stone slab also happened to be on the ground, and it looked as if there were no gaps between them.The entire platoon of soldiers arrives in front of the entrance of the medical center.Yuankui walked at the front of the group.
He raised his right hand and motioned for everyone to remain where they were and walk forward alone.Pushing open the door, the dust in the room rose.
Under the diagonal sunlight, there were two separate statues in the middle of the main hall, like little people who had just been dismembered.I can't believe they aren't here.Yuankui's heart darkened.
This room was indeed empty.
Could it be that he was mistaken that they didn't run in this direction?Yuankui paced around the room.
When he arrived at the center of the main hall, his right foot landed on the floor of Zhangzhen's escape.Looking down, Yuankui revealed a faint smile."Zhong Li!"The head soldiers standing outside the house immediately ran in."There's a hole down below.
Open it quickly, and determine the direction.
One side chases down the tunnel, and the other runs down the ground."The voice of the order was loud and clear, as if it could not be disobeyed.Zhongli cupped his fists and nodded.
Then, he pulled out his sword and began digging.Yuankui walked outside, frowning.
Although there was an underground tunnel here, it could be an excuse for a soul cultivator.
They could also run out of the main gate in other directions.Not long later, Zhong Li trotted out.
"A magistrate, the underworld is in the north.
On the north side of Qingyang Town is a small forest.
Beyond the forest is another city."Yuankui nodded and turned to shout at the soldiers."This Physician Zhangzhen has poisoned the citizens of the town.
I really want to find out that Zhangzhen has brought his children along the tunnel and fled for their lives.
We need to catch them quickly.""Zhong Li, you and I will lead a group of people to the north.
The others will follow the other exits of the town.
If you have any information, immediately release fireworks as a signal.""Yes."Zhang Xingling felt like his grandfather was a galloping horse, while he was the flag behind the carriage.The horse galloped forward as fast as lightning, and both of its feet were still on the ground.
Both of its hands were tightly gripping on its grandfather's right arm, and it seemed to stick to the wind.Xing Ling looked carefully.
Her grandfather's right sleeve was covered in blood.All of a sudden, Zhangzhen stopped.This scene is the same as when he was in his own medical center.
He suddenly stops moving at a rapid pace, but he's still standing on the same spot.Zhangzhen's body violently coughed and blood spurted out."Xingling."Xingling saw that his grandfather's body suddenly fell to the ground.
His voice was weak, and he tightly held onto his hand.A large amount of blood spread from his chest, and the layer of blood on the outside was actually black.
For a moment, he was frightened, and Xing Ling shouted,"Grandfather!""That Yuankui Jue isn't an ordinary person at all.
That palm strike on the square just now sent the poison into my body.
All eleven other people in the square, except us, must have been poisoned."Grandfather looked at the dark sky with despair, his tone weak.A strong wind blew through the forest.
Under the cover of the dense leaves, the cold wind still invaded Xing Ling's body."Why?
Why would it be like this?
Why do you say we're the ones who caused it?
Who are they?"Xing Ling had no solution.
This day's change happened too suddenly.
Looking at his grandfather's weakened appearance, his heart was like a heavy stone pressing down on his heart.Zhangzhen panted heavily.
He opened his left hand in front of Xingling, and a piece of paper appeared in his palm.Xing Ling saw that this was the note taken from the statue in the hall before they entered the tunnel."Xingling, take this note and keep it safe.
Unless absolutely necessary, you're not allowed to open it and check it."Xing Ling took the note and placed it on her chest.
When she left, her grandfather was still wearing his clothes."Xingling, I'd like to tell you something.
It's a fact that you've never heard of before.
These things will be beyond your expectations, but you must keep them a secret from anyone."Zhangzhen looked like he was dying.
He tried his best to spit out every word.Seeing her grandfather's frail and serious gaze, Xing Ling nodded, tears streaming down her face...In the blink of an eye, the sky was completely dark.Xing Ling ran alone on the forest path.
The forest was so dense that she had never walked out of it because of fear when she was a child.He remembered once when he was young and lost in the forest.
When his grandfather found him, he fiercely scolded him.But now, he was running forward in the forest with all his strength, as if there was a god of death chasing him from behind.
If he slowed down a little, the god of death would pounce on him.Tears dyed her temples and splattered into two long lines as she ran.
The tree branches on both sides continuously scraped her body, but the intense pain was completely covered by the sadness in her heart.Why is it like this?Suddenly, he tripped over a fallen branch.
His body leaned forward and fell directly to the ground.His head coincidentally bumped into a tree stump, and the intense pain made him sober up.Xingling buried his head in the tree branch and recalled the last moment when his grandfather was with him.
He mentioned three words:A soul painter.She had never heard of these three words before.Just now, Grandfather told himself that the soul cultivator was an absolutely secret race in the world and possessed a strange power.
The unique characteristics of the tree alone could recreate the souls of dead people and plant them into dead bodies, allowing them to come back to life.
In addition to this, there were many other advantages in the bloodline.
For example, the spiritual power of the innate soul cultivator was extremely high, and his body was extremely resistant to poisons in the world."As for us, we are the only survivors of a soul painter.Grandfather spread out his right palm, and a huge ball of fire condensed on his palm.
The center of the fire was like a mirror, showing images of a thousand years ago.At the same time, Grandfather also explained:In truth, the soul cultivator's ancestor was Ganluo.That year, because of his outstanding talent, he was extremely doted on.
He was envied by Prime Minister Lv Buwei at that time, and was then hunted down.While running away, Ganluo had coincidentally entered the Pill Refining Furnace.
It was the Dao Field that specialized in refining Longevity Medicines for Qin Shihuang.When he entered, he discovered that there was a pill placed on the exit of the refining furnace.At that time, a woman suddenly appeared in the stove and taught Ganluo to swallow the pill and took him to a place called Leran Mountain.This woman gave Ganluo a book called the Soul Cultivation Technique.
She asked him to learn the knowledge in the book and promised that he would come back in a month.In a month.Because Ganluo was extremely talented and intelligent, he was incomparably obsessed with the Soul Painting Technique.
After just one round, the entire book flowed back and forth.
After a month of hard training, he had already been able to move freely.A month later, this ethereal woman came to visit again.This time, the woman confessed her identity to him.
She was actually the head of the gods, Nuwa.Over the years, battles had raged everywhere, and demons had been wreaking havoc among the people.
Therefore, he had come up with a method.
"With my life as the price, I will set up a 'Restriction Order' in this world.
Once the 'Restriction Order' is activated, all evil creatures in this world must not let humans see them use evil magics.
Otherwise, the 'Restriction' will definitely kill them."..."Nuwa handed the command medallion to Ganluo.This command medallion was the size of an adult's palm.
It was fiery red, and there were statues of female hairpins carved on its front.
On its back, there was also a sun moon and cosmos medallion.Nuwa said earnestly, "You must protect the command plate well.
If the command plate is destroyed, the seal will disappear, and the demons and monsters will disturb the mortals again.
"Ganluo nodded.Ganluo knew that if it weren't for Nuwa, he would have already died under Lv Buwei's pursuit.Meanwhile, Nuwa had arranged for Ganluo to consume the Longevity Pill and give it to her in order to complete his mission."In order to guarantee the absolute strength of the sealing order, I have to use my life as the price to cast a spell.
After the sealing order appears, all the monsters in the world will be restrained.
They must have bitterly searched for the 'command', attempting to destroy the token, and then remove the seal to obtain freedom.""Hmm?""The reason I taught you the art of drawing souls is so that you can save all living beings.
The reason why I let you keep the command plate is to maintain the balance of the three worlds and the equality of mankind."Ganluo nodded and clenched his fists.Nuwa clasped her hands together.
Her body emitted a red light as she murmured an incantation.Amidst the red light, Nuwa's body gradually turned transparent, and her unchanging smile disappeared.As for the token in Ganluo's hand, after Nuwa's body completely disappeared, it also erupted with a red light, restoring its tranquility.The air around them suddenly fluctuated.Although Ganluo didn't feel his body shake, he could still sense the changes in his surroundings.With him as the center, it was a huge stream of air that spread to the surroundings and even to the entire world.As the fireball dissipated, Xing Ling saw her grandfather's frail face and bloodstained body again."In the past thousand years, countless demons and ghosts have been searching for Ganluo's silhouette, attempting to obtain the identity medallion and destroy it.
Ganluo has lived in seclusion since then, married, and had children.
Now, both he and the identity medallion are nowhere to be found.
All he has left behind is that note.
Every future heir must be kept in a low-key state.
Unless absolutely necessary, do not open the note.""This Yuankui of the Prefectural Judge-in-chief must be a giant demon that's hiding in this world.
He must have deliberately poisoned Qingyang Town, and thus lured us here.""Xingling, hurry to Fuling City and find your mother.
We'll go far away with her.
Don't tell anyone about this, and don't let anyone find out about it.
We'll live a low profile life from now on.
Otherwise, if anything happens, all the demons in the world will know that you're the only descendant of a soul cultivator, so they'll definitely attack you together."..."Xingling choked with sobs, unable to answer.
He closed his eyes and hugged his grandfather tightly.When Xing Ling closed her eyes, he didn't notice that Zhangzhen's right index finger suddenly drew a symbol out of thin air, muttering something.In an instant, a layer of red light appeared on Zhangzhen's body, but it immediately disappeared.At the same time, the layer of red light spread to Xing Ling's body and disappeared instantly.Xingling only felt his entire body heat up.
He opened his eyes and saw that nothing was wrong with his body.Looking at Grandfather, he had already closed his eyes.Xingling stood up.
After lying on the ground for a short moment, his physical strength recovered greatly.This should be the advantage of the soul cultivator's bloodline, right?
He recovered quickly and had a strong immunity, so even after drinking the porridge, his body didn't look any different.The cold air in the surroundings swept through the rattling trees and blew into his heart.The note stuck to his chest gave off an exceptionally sharp and cold sensation, and in his heart, his haggard face and soft words echoed over and over again."Don't let anyone find out and live a low profile life from now on."Although she had to follow Grandpa's orders, she still subconsciously felt that this was too far away.He walked forward step by step, his speed becoming faster and faster.
Several times, he felt as if his feet had left the ground, and his speed was comparable to that of his grandfather's.They continued to move forward, walking past two cities.
When they reached the third city, they turned east.
It was the Fuling City where their mother was.Qingyang Town belonged to Zhaoyuan City, which was two different regions from Fuling City.
It was very far away and was under the jurisdiction of different magistrates.That demon Yuankui was in Qingyang Town.
If he found out that his mother was working in Fuling City, he would definitely have to head there to investigate.
Therefore, he had to find his mother before he could do so and take him far away.In this way, he would probably be able to live a low profile life, just like how his grandfather taught him to avoid this monster Yuankui.At this moment, the sky was beginning to shine like a star, and it seemed to be burning the entire sky.Zhang Xingling looked at the ground under the morning sun and finally walked out of the forest.
In front of him was a bumpy mountain path.Vaguely, the goal ahead didn't seem to be the flourishing and dull Fuling City, but another unknown, mysterious, and incomparably vast world.