The Strongest God of War in The Spiritual World

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Chapter 5

Yijiang walked to the south, where the south slope was located.
Perhaps Zhangjian and the others were stuck on the slope.
However, this was just a guess.
Perhaps Zhangjian and the others had already left and were looking for them.
As Yijiang walked around, he suddenly saw something familiar.
It was the piece of rotten flesh that had attracted his attention when he had arrived.Something's wrong!
This piece is obviously much larger than that one.Yijiang wanted to go forward and identify the vines, but unexpectedly, he tripped over the vines on the ground.
If it weren't for Yijiang's quick reaction, a dog would have eaten the mud.
Yijiang quickly sat up and rubbed his knees.
At this time, he heard a voice."Hey!"This voice was very small, as if it came from thousands of miles away.
Yijiang didn't understand where it came from.
It couldn't be a thousand miles transmission.
He thought that the biggest possibility was that he heard it wrongly.
Perhaps it was some bird or some grassy branch."Hey!"Yijiang had just stood up and left when the voice suddenly appeared again.
This time, he heard it clearly.
The source of the voice seemed to have come from somewhere not far ahead of him.
He quickly stood up and ran over.
There was an empty patch in the grass, and his line of sight was fixed there, because he saw a deep hole more than a meter wide.Isn't that the deep pit where Duan Guang will fall?
Could it be that this pit will move?Yijiang obviously didn't believe that this was a good answer.Time went back to a few minutes ago.
Zhangjian, Duan Guanghui, and Duan Guangting had already walked out of the previous narrow tunnel and arrived at a spacious place.
The ground was no longer a piece of land.
Instead, it was paved with stones of different sizes, neatly arranged.
One glance was sufficient to tell that this was definitely man-made.There were many rays of light above their heads, and many round rays of light appeared on the ground.
The source of the light was exactly the same as the hole they had fallen into.
It was round, but smaller than that one.
It seemed to be used for ventilation.Zhangjian looked up and down.
Only the ceiling could be seen, and it was about six meters tall.
This place was too spacious, and the lighting wasn't very good, so he couldn't even see the walls.
They didn't know how big this space was.Duanguang suddenly raised his head and shouted towards the hole above, "Hey!" The sound only echoed a few times before disappearing.Zhangjian turned around and asked, "There's no need to shout.
It's very big inside!"Duanguang shouted at Zhangjian, "Can't you see the hole up there?
It might lead to the outside world.
I just want others to hear it!""Your voice is quite nice!
Is your leg not hurting anymore?"Duanguang looked at his legs and felt that they were no longer in pain.
He asked her to let go of his hand.
Duanguangting looked at her brother suspiciously before slowly letting go.
When she saw that her brother was able to stop, she shook her sore arm and sourly said to Duanguang, "Brother, I won't care about you next time!
It's too heavy!".Duanguang glanced at his own leg and felt that it didn't hurt anymore.
He asked Duanguangting to let go of his hand.
Duanguangting looked at her brother suspiciously, then slowly let go of his hand.
When she saw that her brother could stand still, she shook her sore arm and sourly said to Duanguang, "Brother, I won't care about you next time!
It's too heavy!"Duan Guanghui looked apologetic and quickly tried to curry favor with his sister.
He won't!"Zhangjian didn't want to see the siblings standing there sourly.
He raised his head and shouted, "Hey!" Because the voice this time was louder than Duan Guangliang's, it echoed many times before it disappeared.When Duan Guangting heard that the caves were connected to the outside world, he stood up and asked, "Is anyone there?"Then, he returned to Yijiang's side.
Yijiang was carefully examining the hole when he suddenly heard a sound coming from the hole.
This time, he was certain that it was a girl's voice.
He bent down and crouched down on the ground, both his hands propping himself up on the ground.
Then, he leaned his face into the hole and examined it.Strange, there's nothing.
It's dark!
What's that?He saw something.
There was a hand in the darkness, and there was a stick in it, as if someone was talking."I say, Duan Guangting!
Don't waste your energy.
We didn't have your voice just now.
"Just as Duan Guanghui finished speaking, Duan Guangting pointed at the top of his voice and shouted, "Ah!
It's Yijiang!"Zhangjian and Duanguang immediately understood when they heard her say 'Yijiang'.
They quickly raised their heads.
As expected, there was a person looking down from one of the caves above.
That person was Yijiang.
Duanguang shouted excitedly, "Yijiang!
Help us!
We're trapped here!"Yijiang realized that it was Zhangjian's group of three, so he shouted into the cave, "Alright, I'll save you all!
Are you guys alright?
Where am I supposed to save you?"Zhangjian replied, "We fell from somewhere else.
That place isn't high.
You might be able to save us there!""Alright!
Tell me how to go!""You just have to follow the mountain that we came up to.
There must be a hole bigger than this one.
Then find a rope or something and let us drag it up."Where are we going to find ropes or something in the wilderness?
If everyone were here, we might be able to think of a way, but we just separated from them.
Where are we going to find them now?Yijiang didn't know what to do.
Suddenly, another voice came from the hole.
This voice didn't belong to Zhangjian and Duanguang, nor Duan Guangting.
It sounded like Liqing's voice.
The voice said, "I have a rope.
I'll go with Yijiang to save you!".Yijiang didn't know what to do.
Suddenly, another voice came from the hole.
This voice didn't belong to Zhangjian and Duanguang, nor Duan Guangting.
It sounded like Liqing's voice.
The voice said, "I have a rope.
I'll go with Yijiang to save you!"Zhangjian found the person at the other end of the passageway - it was Liqing.
Then, he shouted in that direction, "We'll be able to get there as soon as you head southwest!
Do you understand?"Liqing listened to her and replied, "Okay!
Just you wait!
I'll go over right now!"Zhangjian turned to Yijiang and shouted, "It's Liqing!
He has a rope!
Go meet him there!
We'll take our leave first!"As soon as Yijiang heard this, he was worried that there weren't any ropes.
This Liqing had arrived at the right time.
(Something doesn't seem right.
Where did this rope come from?
Forget it!
It's more important to save someone!) Yijiang crawled up the mountain and carefully searched for a cave entrance.
At this moment, Yijiang was extremely anxious.
He quickly crawled over thirty meters away.That cave entrance couldn't possibly be on top of the hill, right?
That would be terrible.
There were so many rocks rolling down, and I wondered if the cave entrance had been blocked.
I had no choice but to climb up and have a look.
Yijiang immediately increased his pace.......Zhangjian lit the torch, and the three of them followed the path they had just taken and headed back.
Zhangjian suddenly stopped walking in front of them, and his eyes widened in surprise.
"Hurry and look!
The way we came is blocked!"Duan Guanghui and Duan Guangting didn't need him to tell them that they had already seen it.
They couldn't believe their eyes.
The ground they had just walked through was still warm.
How could they be stuck in such a tight spot in such a short period of time?
However, as they thought about it, they were fortunate that they had already come out.
Otherwise, they might have already become meat patties.The three of them were completely stunned.
They had already run into Yijiang and Liqing, but they hadn't expected such a huge incident to happen.The three of them were frowning and didn't know what to do."Brother!
There seems to be something there?" Duan Guangting stared intently at the place, as though a ferocious beast was about to leap out at any moment.Duan Guang asked in confusion, "What is it?""It's under those stones.
There's something under them," Duan Guangting said timidly.Zhangjian poked the extinguished torch in his hand, but there was no response.
He simply pushed the stone away.
As the stones were pushed away one by one, what reflected in their eyes was a long object.
A word "Serpent!" appeared in their minds.
The three of them shouted in unison.
Then they quickly ran away and hid.
They felt that they were almost out of danger before they could see what was going on.The snake's entire body was green.
Originally, it couldn't be seen in this dark place, but the snake was a bit different.
It emitted a glowing light, so Zhangjian and the others could see its existence at a glance.The snake was not small either.
Although only half of its body was exposed, it was as thick as an arm of an ordinary adult.
The snake in its mouth was extremely frightening.Duanguang whispered, "Where did this come from?
Look at that ferocious eye.
You can tell that it's a venomous snake!"Duan Guangting was so scared that he didn't dare to speak.
The siblings didn't know what Zhangjian was looking for.Duanguang whispered, "Hello?
What are you looking for?""I don't know where my torch went!"The three of them knew that they wouldn't be able to move forward without a torch in this cave.
Zhangjian saw that the torch was not far away from the snake.
"It's nothing.
I'll get it after that venomous snake leaves."The three of them waited for nearly 20 minutes, but the snake was still walking back and forth in its original position, and they didn't know what it was doing.Duanguang cursed softly, "Damn it, we might not be able to find our home, right?
Why don't we hurry and leave?!
We'll be getting dark soon!" Then, he saw Zhangjian quietly walking up to him.
Duanguang immediately shouted, "Hey!
Where are you going?
Come back!
Do you want your life?"Zhangjian didn't pay attention to him.
Perhaps he couldn't wait any longer.
Who knew how long this snake could stay here?
If it came in just a few hours, the sky would really darken, and they couldn't afford to wait.
Zhangjian was about to steal the wooden stick away, so he was quietly approaching the wooden stick near the snake.Duan Guanghui and Duan Guangting's eyes were wide open, and they all broke out in sweat for Zhangjian."Be careful!" Duanguang whispered from behind.Although Zhangjian didn't know whether Duan Guang was from the bottom of his heart or not, he still had a lot more courage to back him up.
At this moment, Zhangjian's heartbeat was far louder than his footsteps, and even his own nervous sweat dripped onto the ground.
He was constantly cheering himself up.Qin Ye gritted his teeth, bent over three steps, and quietly strode over.
Just as he was one meter away from his destination, the snake suddenly turned back, as if it had sensed something.
It looked around, its icy gaze finally landing on Zhangjian.Zhangjian felt as if his heart had stopped beating.
He froze, not daring to move.The snake's eyes glowed with green light as it stared intently at Zhangjian, slowly crawling towards him.Zhangjian didn't know what to do.
His mind was running fast, thinking about how to run or attack.
If he ran, he would definitely chase after him.
One had to know that the speed of a person's running was simply too fast to run away from a snake.
However, even if the snake didn't move, it wouldn't be able to.
If the snake came, it would bite him without hesitation..Duanguang would see that Zhangjian was in a deadlock.
He picked up a stone and threw it at Zhangjian's other side in an attempt to draw the snake's attention.
As expected, the snake's head turned towards the direction where the stone had landed.
Duanguang would see that this plan had succeeded, and he would even hint at Zhangjian, who was standing there.When Zhangjian heard that the stone had landed on the ground, he had already guessed what was going on.
He turned around and looked at Duanguang.
Duanguang was pointing at the wooden staff, and his hands, mouth, and eyes were all fidgeting in an exaggerated manner.
Zhangjian couldn't understand what Duanguang was trying to say at all.
When he saw the expression on Duanguang's face, he really wanted to laugh out loud.
However, Zhangjian held himself back.
He could tell that Duanguang was pointing at the wooden staff, which meant that he should hurry up and grab the staff..Zhangjian naturally knew that this was a good time.
He glanced at the snake, which was still looking elsewhere, and made up his mind.
(Damn it!
I'll just fight you to the death!) He took a step forward and picked up the wooden staff in his hand.
Who could have picked up a wooden staff without making a sound in just a second?
This noise clearly caused the snake's head to turn back to Zhangjian.
Zhangjian knew that things weren't looking good.
He slowly moved backwards, praying that it wouldn't follow him.The snake didn't know what Zhangjian was thinking.
It might have known that it had been tricked, but it sped up and rushed forward.Zhangjian closed his eyes in a panic and instinctively swung his staff.
He didn't know if he had hit it or not.
In any case, the staff in the air fiercely trembled.
It was probably hit, and his movements weren't light.
Zhangjian opened his eyes and took a deep breath.Duanguang, who was hiding at the side, would immediately run over to Zhangjian's side with Duanguang, and he would give a thumbs up."Let's hurry up and find the exit!" Duan Guangting said worriedly.Zhangjian had already recovered from his earlier panic.
"Alright, let's go!"Duan Guanghui recalled that the original path was no longer working, and said, "Then what if we get blocked off our way?""Why don't we look for another exit?
Or we can dig up all the stones!" Duan Guangting looked forward to the two men's determination.
They naturally knew that it was impossible for Duan Guangting to dig up the stones, because digging these rocks was no different from digging a mountain.
They didn't want to waste their time here."We can only look for another exit.
Let's go!" Zhangjian was the first to turn around and head back.The three of them followed the wall to the front of a stone gate.
Their stomachs were groaning in hunger.
They had already estimated the size of this space, but they had almost reached the opposite side.
The torches in Zhangjian's hands were almost burnt out."It's very possible that there are other doors here, but we can only choose one."Duanguang was so hungry that he didn't have time to care about anything.
He hurriedly replied, "Then let's talk about this!"The three of them pushed the door open slowly, revealing two paths in front of them.
One was the steep steps that led up, and the other was the corridor that could not be seen at the end.
Zhang Jane looked at the torches for a long time."Duan Guanghui, your clothes are already so tattered.
Let's make a torch!" Duan Guanghui thought for a moment, then obediently took off his clothes and handed them to Zhangjian.Duan Guangting asked, "Which way should we go?"Zhangjian wasn't sure which one of them would be able to get out.
His intuition told him that since they were underground, they would definitely be able to get out of the stairs.
Thus, Zhangjian lit up the torches and walked up the stairs.
Duan Guanghui and Duan Guangting had no choice but to trust him, so they didn't dare to go too far behind him.They didn't expect that something had happened.
Just as they walked in, the stone door suddenly closed on its own.
Duanguang and Duanguangting quickly turned around and pushed the stone door back, but no matter how hard they tried, the stone door didn't budge.The three of them felt their hearts skip a beat when they saw this.
However, they decided to close the stone door as soon as they closed it.
After all, they couldn't return to the ground.
However, just as they were about to ascend the stairs, they suddenly felt the entire ground shake.
It was as if the inside was collapsing.
Dust continued to fall from the vibrations, and Duan Guanghui and Duan Guangting both sat on the ground unsteadily.."Everyone, stay where you are and don't move!" Zhangjian felt like the ground they were stepping on was moving like an elevator.
He could vaguely see the surrounding walls moving upwards in the smoke.
His brain reacted quickly, and he immediately realized that the ground they were on was moving downwards like an elevator.
Moreover, judging from the speed and time, it seemed that they were still going down very deep........The vibrations stopped, and the surrounding walls stopped moving.
The dust was slowly dissipating, and Zhangjian's torches had been extinguished by the dust.
Duan Guanghui and Duan Guangting were horrified.
They didn't know what would happen, so they sat on the ground, refusing to get up.Zhangjian lit the torch and looked around.
His jaw dropped in shock, and he couldn't believe his eyes.
He couldn't help but ask, "Is this the underground chamber?"Duan Guang and Duan Guangting heard Zhangjian's astonishment, and they both stood up curiously and walked over to Zhangjian's side.
The two of them opened their mouths at the same time.
The intersection had turned into a wide path, and the ground under their feet was no longer that narrow space.
Instead, it was a spacious room.
The ground not far ahead of them was covered with stone tiles with different patterns..Zhangjian and the others looked at the ground and then at the front.
There was something at the end of the road.
But when they saw it, they were shocked.
There was actually a tiger on the other side.
The tiger stood there without moving.
The three of them looked carefully and found that it was a statue of a tiger.
They were really scared."Go!
Go to the opposite side!" With that, he took the lead and stepped on the stone slate.
Zhangjian and Duanguangting didn't have the time to stop him, so they immediately ran out of the room, because they couldn't just walk over without knowing what was going on.
Just as Zhangjian was about to call out to Duanguang to be careful of the mechanism, he saw Duanguang suddenly disappear from the stone slab under his feet.
Then, he heard Duanguang's miserable screams.Duan Guanghui's feet were empty and he was quickly falling down.
This time, he wasn't as lucky as he was in the forest.
Every stone plate here was about the size of one square meter.However, before Duan Guanghui had fully fallen, he had no idea where he had come from.
He grabbed the ground with his hand, and Zhangjian and Duan Guangting quickly grabbed Duan Guanghui's arms and upper body.Zhangjian knew that something was wrong.
He immediately turned to Duan Guangting and said, "This is bad!
We need to get your brother up here!"As soon as she finished speaking, she saw that the stone slab beneath Duan Guangting's feet had also disappeared.
Her two hands were holding onto Duan Guanghui.
She didn't have three heads and six arms, and her hands were still holding onto the ground.
She screamed and then disappeared.
As soon as Duan Guangting fell, only Zhangjian was able to grab hold of him.
However, because Duan Guangting's grip on the stone slab suddenly disappeared, Duan Guanghui's body also fell.
Zhangjian finally couldn't take it anymore.
His hands grabbed Duan Guanghui's clothes, but he still couldn't catch Duan Guanghui.
Duan Guanghui also disappeared into the darkness.After they fell, the two stone slabs quickly returned to their original state.Zhangjian gasped for breath as he sat on the ground, deep in thought.
No one knew when there would be any hidden traps in this place.
He had to think of a way to get out of here.
At this moment, he felt his body slowly moving.
He looked to his left and right, puzzled.
Then, he looked at the wall on both sides, and then at the ground."What?
The floor is moving here?"Zhangjian took the elevator again, but this time, it was horizontal.
When the floor suddenly stopped in the middle of the street, Zhangjian felt that something was wrong.Zhangjian furrowed his brows and looked around vigilantly.
His nerves were tense, and then he slowly stood up.
He knew that he wouldn't be able to avoid this situation anymore.
Now that he was in such a situation, Zhangjian didn't panic anymore.
He had already made up his mind.
Yes, he wasn't afraid of death.
Rather, he was afraid of death just like that.
He didn't even know the cause of his death.
This sort of way of death was terrifying.Zhangjian slowly approached the stone tiger's position.
His footsteps were very light.
He was afraid that he would trigger the mechanism, just like Duanguang and his sister.
Therefore, every step he took was boastful.
He tried to step on a stone slab with one foot, because if that happened, even if the stone slab disappeared, he would still be able to grab onto the ground, unless the entire ground disappeared..Just like that, he continued walking.
He thought that he would be able to get there safely, but his heart was almost at ease.
At this moment, there was the sound of a rock behind him.
He turned around and looked at the frozen walls on both sides.
There were many holes on the walls on both sides.
Zhang Jian squatted down instinctively because he had already realized that these holes were the mechanisms that could shoot sharp arrows.
The moment he squatted down, images of him being shot into a hedgehog appeared in his mind.
That scene was terrifying, but after squatting for half a day, he didn't shoot any arrows..He could vaguely hear some noises coming from the cave.
Zhang Jian was stunned when she heard them.
These noises were clearly the venomous snakes spitting out venomous snakes, and there were quite a few of them.
Sure enough, not long afterward, he saw countless venomous snakes crawling out of each hole.