Flying Desert Eagle

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Chapter 1

This was an ancient barrier that stood in the middle of a great desert.
Although it was small in size, it had a long history.
The ancient Silk Road of China had to pass through this path.
The Han Dynasty was prosperous and had its defenses under its jurisdiction.
It had once prospered, but to this day, the era of the imperial court had changed, and there were many heavenly princes who neglected management.
The country was weak and weak, and there was nothing they could do.There was no need for the flute to resent Yang Liu for not being able to pass through the gates of the Jade Gate in spring.
And now, after experiencing the great changes of the Earthen Wood Fort, the country's power was even weaker.The passersby were in a hurry and in a hurry.
There were only a handful of people who hadn't been seen in months, but "Guan Shan Mingyue is here, and the wind is winding in the west."The five generations of 'Rugui Inn' here were rarely visited by guests.
There were several empty buildings and only a few monks would go to Dun Huang from the inside.
After eating for the entire night, there would be some random shepherds drinking and eating, and there would be no one else.
This 'Ruyi Inn' was originally created by the Great Ancestor of Jiang Nanan Yan Bei and when Yan Bei returned, business was bleak and could not be bought 20 years ago for the Luoyang people at a high iron sword price and he returned to his original place.Today, the iron swordsmen were also Hua Jia.
In addition to the lack of business, they didn't often stay here.
They only allowed their personal disciple Gu Shifeng and a dozen or so families to operate in a pitiful manner.However, in the past month, especially within ten days, there was a sudden increase in the number of "if returned to the inn" guests.
They were either one or two, three or five, three or two.
They were holding swords, monks, monks, monks, and women.
All kinds of people had arrived, and they all reserved rooms and ordered meals.
There was a large number of people living there..The storekeeper, Gu Shifeng, didn't become flustered by the sudden influx of customers.
He commanded them to stir-fried vegetables and drink wine.
He appeared to be calm and composed, with ease, proper handling, and proper arrangements.It was already dusk, and there were guests."Three floors please.
I have a shop assistant who greets me and begs for mercy." Ancient Shi Feng welcomed them with a face full of spring wind and a smile on his face."Shopkeeper, the three of us want to go to the third room.
It's a good meal.
" The guest in the lead, who was wearing a longsword, had an arrogant expression and his voice was like a bell.
He looked straight at the group of lavish guests on the first floor as if there was no one in the hall.
The two people behind him were all dressed in black and wearing swords.
Their expressions were simple, as if there was no one around them, and they were very proud.."This..." The ancient stone wind had a difficult expression."Well, you three, it's like this.
The food, water, and wine in this shop are more suitable.
It's just the house --""No.
What a coincidence!" The black-clad swordsman did not seem to believe it."Yes, there's only one second-class room.
Can the three of you give it a try?""Hmph!" The leading swordsman had an angry expression."Sword Master, forget it," the forty-something-year-old man bowed and said."Humph!
Lead the way!""Come - la -" Xiaoer agreed and led the three of them to the second floor."This Young Master, could it be that he also came for Dun Huang's appointment?"As he spoke, another young man strolled into the inn.
This young master was in his early twenties.
He wore a white robe and had a medium-sized head.
He had delicate eyebrows, a flute in his hand, and a leisurely expression.
Looking at his appearance, he was a talent, so he had this question."Oh, it's just a small trip to the mountains and rivers.
How would I know what the so-called grandmist convention is when it happens to be here?" It was a completely weak scholar, and his smile was pleasant."I can be at ease.""Unfortunately, Young Master, the only room has just been booked by someone else." Although Gu Shifeng was apologetic, he simply said, "Young Master, what do you think?""It doesn't matter.
People who travel in the four seas don't care about food and clothes," white-robed scholar said, "do you have food and wine?""Only here -- there is no place for you to bend yourself and eat wine in the open." Ancientstone had a hard look on his face.
It was not that he did not want to stay, but that the room was full and uninvited.
All the other seats were divided into threes and twos, or more, except for a single seat by the window.The white-clothed young master didn't care.
He looked around and his gaze stopped on the single table, asking or discussing.
He knew that there was a young man on the single table.
He was dressed in plain clothes and had a handsome face.
His long hair was over his shoulders and his eyes were filled with thoughts.
His description was playful and playful."What a handsome young man." Baiyi Yigongzi couldn't help but feel a sense of goodwill from the bottom of his heart.
He secretly praised himself.
After a moment of hesitation, he walked over and bowed."This little brother, can you allow us to have a drink at the same table?""It doesn't matter.
It's convenient for you to go out and make it convenient for yourself.
How can it be forbidden?"This young man listened to Baiyi Yigongzi's words and began to learn.
His voice was crisp and comical, making one unable to help but laugh."In that case, I would like to thank you.
" After saying that, he took another deep bow, causing the youth to chuckle and reveal his pure white and handsome teeth.
He was truly pretty."It's a small matter that's convenient for others.
Why should I thank you?
Sigh, why are you so gentle?
It's not like you're walking in the world.
Please have a seat.
"It made everyone around them laugh.The white-clothed young master smiled and sat across from him."Brother, you are wearing a sword.
You must be someone from Wulin," said the white-robed youngster as he drank and chatted with the youngster."I remember that I wandered in the Jianghu since the beginning.
Later on, I met an old chivalrous guest who taught me a few moves of sword techniques and martial arts, so I became a part of the Jianghu," the young man replied with a smile."I'm impressed.
Brother, you're so young, yet you've already made your way into the world.
I'm ashamed.
" Yan Jin sighed and his expression darkened."Sigh, why are you sighing?
Look at how you're dressed, and your words are refined and refined.
Why didn't you come to this desert instead of going to the examination grounds to gain your meritorious reputation?""Brother, I don't know.
Although I'm reading and writing, I'm just unsettled.
Besides, I'm an orphan who likes to walk the mountain forests and tread on the river.
Looking at the waterfalls, the earthly customs, the air, the air, and the air.
I'm free and unrestrained.
I'm drifting around.
The four seas are my home, and I'm enjoying myself.""Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful," the young man clapped his hands and shouted, "do not brother brother called it, my name is Jia Ming'er"."Oh, Brother Jia, I'm sorry, I'm Elder Gongsun.