The Tenderness Song

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Chapter 1

The scorching sun baked the ground, and the cicada's chirp resounded throughout BJ City.
Yi Han couldn't contain his excitement as he walked out of BJ Hospital.
His big smile hung on his face, disregarding the 12cm high heels under his feet.
He jumped three feet high, filled with joy as he shouted towards the sky, "Yay, I succeeded!
My interview was successful!" Wanting to establish himself in a modern international city like BJ after graduation was really not easy for Yi Han, who didn't have much background and money at home.Obtaining an admission notice to a well-known hospital like BJ Hospital was a great surprise for Yu Yihan.After his excitement was over, Yihan took out his phone and called his boyfriend, Taoran.
"Hey, dear, I want to tell you some good news." Yihan's voice was filled with excitement.
Yihan and Taoran were both studying at BJ University.
Yihan studied medicine while Taoran studied finance.At a joint gathering, it was a pity that they didn't know how to dance, so they sat on the sofa and drank their drinks in a daze.
In the end, they met Tao Ran, who also didn't know how to dance.
The two of them gathered together in boredom and chatted together because of boredom.Unexpectedly, they chatted happily and left each other their contact information.
After that, the two of them often went to eat and play together and became sworn friends.On Yihan's twenty-first birthday, Taoran told her that he had hidden a gift in the Big Supermarket's lockers and that Yihan would go hunting for treasures.
In every supermarket, Taoran would show Yihan the three lockers' saved notes.
He would choose the wrong ones and let Yihan sing.
After that, he would announce the answer.In the last locker, Yihan saw Tao Ran's book, which was filled with blessings for all of her friends, and was finally moved to tears.After the 'Treasure Hunt' ended, a group of people went to the karaoke to sing.
Tao Ran expressed his feelings to Yihan after singing a song, 'I have you in my life'.
Yihan happily agreed with a burst of surprise and excitement.
The two began to love each other.After graduation, the two of them rented a small rental house and found a job in the huge BJ City.
At the beginning of graduation, the two of them also experienced the difficulties of university students who had just graduated.
The two of them lived frugally and learned how to adapt to the unfairness of entering society from the Ivory Tower, learning to accept everything.But now, after experiencing so many difficulties, Yi Han finally found a decent and suitable job for himself.
Naturally, he couldn't help but feel overjoyed.
His first reaction was to inform Tao Ran and make him happy just like himself.Yihan had already started to plan what kind of dishes he wanted to buy and what kind of wine he wanted to drink.
He wanted to celebrate with Taoran."Han Han, wait, let me tell you first," Tao Ran's voice was deep and serious.
"Han Han, let's break up.
I can't give you anything when I'm with you.
I'm tired."Yi Han's excitement was instantly extinguished, and it felt like a bucket of water was pouring on her head.
She tried her best to suppress her trembling voice and pretended to be extremely calm as she asked with a smile, "Tao...
what are you talking about...
Don't joke around.
How could you joke about something like this...
Let me tell you something, I found it today...""Han Han, let's not talk about it anymore.
When we're together in a big city like BJ, we don't even have a chance to survive.
I've had enough days where I've been looking for a job every day.
I've also had enough of the days where I've been working with you.
I've been thinking about how to save myself all day long.
"Thinking back to when we were in college, we lived a carefree and carefree life.
I felt like I didn't live like myself when I was with you."Let's split up!" Tao Ran's irritable voice passed through the microphone.
Without waiting for Yi Han to speak, there was a blinding sound coming from the microphone.Yihan sat down on the stairs in a daze, somewhat unable to accept the fact that he had been with his boyfriend for so many years.
The sixth month in Beijing was like fire, but Yihan felt as if his entire body was covered in ice and snow.
After a long time, Yihan finally stood up.
She told herself that she had to personally ask Tao Ran what exactly was going on.
She swayed unsteadily as she walked towards the rented apartment.As soon as Yihan arrived at the door (for the time being, let's call it home), he saw a red Ferrari parked outside his doorway.
The color of the red Ferrari was incomparable to the old residential areas around it.
When he looked up, he saw Tao Ran walking out of the house with his hands around the waist of a woman wearing heavy makeup and carrying a big bag of luggage."Tao...
Ran..." Yihan's throat was dry, and his eyes were wide open as he watched his boyfriend and a stranger walk out of the house together with his boyfriend in such an intimate position.It's ridiculous, isn't it?
This is the same "home" as her boyfriend's.
Her boyfriend, the only person she can rely on in BJ, is standing in front of her, arrogantly and even proudly embracing another gorgeous woman, acting as a magnificent betrayal."Hanhan..." Taoran didn't look into her eyes.
He didn't know if it was because of guilt or something else, "This is Lili, my girlfriend.
I've asked Lili to pay you rent for half a year.
Please stay here.
From now on, don't bother me anymore." Then, Taoran suddenly straightened his back and glanced at Yihan, as if he had a lot more confidence.Yihan suddenly felt that this man who had been with him for three whole years was so strange and nauseating.The charming girl giggled complacently, "Yihan, right?
Taoran is now my man.
I hope that you won't pester him in the future.
In modern society, only rich men are rich.
I can give Taoran money, houses, cars, and status that you can't give him.
It can make him live a high and mighty life like how he was in college.
It can make him boss over others, and make him live high and mighty."You can't give me all of this.
Give up!" As she spoke, the charming woman placed her bright red lips on Tao Ran's face and kissed him loudly as if she was trying to show off.Yihan suddenly calmed down.
He stared at the pair of men and women in front of him and couldn't help but laugh in ridicule.
The corners of Yihan's lips curled into a mocking sneer as he stared coldly at Taoran, "Taoran, look at your face right now.
How much do you want to do?
For the sake of money, did you sell out only love?
No, you betrayed your own soul and dignity!
You're making me feel sick and look down on you!
Now, take all your belongings and your girlfriend and get out of here!"."How much do you want to do?
For the sake of money, did you sell out only love?
No, you betrayed your own soul and dignity!
You make me puke and make me look down upon you!
Now, bring all your things and your girlfriend out of here!"Tao Ran looked at Yi Han in a somewhat embarrassed manner and murmured, "Hanhan, I'm really sorry." Then, he wrapped his arms around the seductive woman and placed them on Fa Lali's waist.Fa Lali vanished into thin air.
The streak of scarlet red slowly shrunk and vanished into the distance.
Yihan finally couldn't hold on any longer.
He fell to the ground, tears streaming down his cheeks as if all of his strength had been sucked away.
Yihan couldn't help but burst into tears.
This man had been together with him for three whole years.During the past three years, the two of them had depended on each other, and had walked through many difficult years.
Without work, they would be able to frugally and share instant noodles.
During the anniversary, they would be so happy just by going out to relax.
In this huge BJ, he had once thought that this was his last resort.In the end, this man betrayed himself for the sake of money.
Yihan suddenly found it ridiculous, and finally couldn't help but laugh loudly into the sky.
Like a madman, he cried and laughed for a long time.
Yihan staggered into the corridor and walked towards the old couple's home.Yihan suddenly felt that he had nothing to do with her.
She quietly took a shower and changed into her pure white dress.
In addition to Tao Ran's cool, high heels that he had always praised, she blew her hair into a shape that she liked.
Then, she sat down in front of the desk and quietly wrote a letter for Tao Ran.Taoran:Dear, I think this is the last time I'll call you that.I never thought that we would end up like this.
I had loved you so deeply and trusted you so deeply.
I gave you the best years of a woman, and I gave you the best youths, and the most precious things.
But I didn't expect that the ending would be like this."I still remember that year.
Both you and I were so confident and confident.
I still remember the way you said that I spent the rest of my life with you.I still remember the way you hugged me in the woods, the way you told me you wanted me to be happy for the rest of my life.
I also remembered how you said you were going to give me everything that all women in the world envied.I remember that before you confessed, you sang 'There's You In Life'.
You said you were willing to stay with me until I got old, and count the creases on each other's faces in the passage of time.
You said you were willing to go on with me forever.
You said all these, but what happened in the end?
I used up all my imaginations, but I didn't expect you to leave me because of money and power.Yes.
We have no money.
We have nothing.
But I see you as my last resort.
I'll tell myself that I still have you.And now, you betrayed me.
betrayed your oath.
betrayed our love.
Can you really live like before, in high spirits, simple, high-spirited?
You can't.
You've already succumbed to the temptation of money, and you can't help but want yourself to fall for it.You sold out all your soul and dignity.Do you remember what I told you about Da Funi?
A Boluo, who was recognized as the most beautiful man in the Heavenly Hall, had rejected A Boluo in order to fulfill his regretful beauty, and transformed into a moon osmanthus tree.
The goddess, Da Funi, had always been my most beloved.
And now, I would also become a lost beauty in your memories.Use my death to make you remember.I have no parents, and I once thought you were my dependence, but you are not.
It doesn't matter.
The world is so big, and I don't know how to live.
Death is a good choice.
Tao Ran, goodbye.
I hope you can wake up and know what you want.I'm wearing your favorite pure white fringe dress, as well as the cold high heels that you like, and die in my most beautiful posture.
Tao Ran, I want you to remember my most beautiful appearance.Farewell, Tao Ran.Yi Han's signature brush!After writing the letter, Yihan walked into the bathroom.
He quietly laid down in the bathtub and took out the fruit knife he had prepared.
He gently, gently, and even with a smile, moved his wrist nimbly.
Blood gushed out.
It was like a blood-red fountain, or a red fountain.
The entire bathroom was white, and it looked exceptionally enchanting and beautiful..Yihan smiled as he watched his blood flow.
He gently hummed 'I have you in my life'."Because I dreamt of you leaving.
"I woke up from the tears.Watch the night wind blow past the windowsill!Can you feel my love?Until the day of her old age...Are you still by my side?Look at those vows!Slowly drifting away from the past...How many people had ever admired your face when you were young?However, who would be able to endure the relentless changes of time?How many people have returned to you in your life?Even if I had you in my life, I would always be by your side!When everything was indifferent...Was there any kind of delicateness left in her heart?"Oh, oh"Yi Han's voice became softer and softer until it disappeared and couldn't be heard anymore...