Metal Diary

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Chapter 1

"Tiankuang, be careful on your way home.
Remember to come back earlier." Chu Tiankuang's mother, Zhao Yulian, hurriedly instructed as he watched his son leave.
"I got it.
I'm not young anymore, so why do I have to be like this?
Also, your son is physically strong, and has never lost in a fight.
You don't have to remind me every time I go out.
Don't you mind?
Hah, I'm still annoyed.Chu Tiankuang said as he walked down the stairs.My name was Chu Tiankuang.
I was 20 years old this year.
I just came back from my second year vacation.
I came from a single family.
My father supposedly died in a car accident when I wasn't born.
This made my mother very sad and sad when she was pregnant with me.
However, when I heard that I was born, my mother's sadness improved.However, her mother was still single.
It seemed like she really loved her father.
After all, her mother was very pretty.
There were many people who wanted to marry her.
Although she might be my mother, if I didn't say anything, you would definitely think she was my sister.However, it was a pity that my father's death had made my mother's care for me a little too much.
Ever since I was young, she had always treated me with respect, fearing that I would be hurt.
This gave me a childhood full of motherly love.
Although I didn't have fatherly love, my motherly love was much more than other people's.
It could be considered as a loss or gain..Of course, I was born in a single family.
When I was young, I had suffered quite a lot from the rumors of my classmates.
However, I had used my fists to suppress them.
Of course, it was always me who fought with them.
At first, I couldn't win, but who told my mother to be so nice to me?
I didn't want to hear them talking bad about my mother.
As soon as I heard them talking to one another, I couldn't help but go up and fight.After fighting a few times, they stopped talking and were scared by me.As for me, who had been fighting and training for a long time (my body was the capital of revolution, I had to train every day), I slowly grew up like this.
As for those who weren't in the group, I slowly started to develop and grow.
I became a proud and unfriendly person in the eyes of adults and teachers.However, no matter how unfriendly they were, they still had friends.
My buddy was named Chen Junliang, and he was the son of a local real estate company.
His father had over a hundred million in assets.
It was funny to say that the friendship between me and Chen Junliang had been forged through a fight.The cause was very simple.
When the first year senior reported, he was late.
When he paid the tuition fee, he ran over and cut off the queue.
Originally, it was my turn, but in the end, he snatched my lead.
At that time, I was a little young and frivolous.
Seeing that someone actually didn't line up to fight in front of me, I was enraged.
I immediately kicked him.Who knew that this boy had also practiced.
Hearing the wind behind him, he immediately jumped and let me kick his leg and then a side kick.
The heel of his foot directly hit my head (the standard Taekwondo action).I didn't dare to let him kick me.
Before I could even hit the ground with my foot, an iron bridge came straight up.
It was a conditioned reflex that I often fought and practiced.
Both of my hands held onto the balance, and then I turned to the side, allowing Chen Junliang to follow me with a huge kick.
I read it slowly.
In fact, I only took two or three breaths of time."You're pretty good at hiding.
You've even managed to avoid it." Chen Junliang sounded a little surprised.
"I didn't expect you to have practiced it before?""F*ck you!
If I hadn't noticed just now, do you think that just your three-legged cat's taekwondo could almost make me suffer a loss?" I didn't lower my voice and directly retaliated.
At that time, I knew that I had met a tough target.
However, if I didn't lose, I would have fought back if I was a man.
Moreover, I was a pure man."I think you're a stubborn duck.
You won't cry until you see the coffin.
Believe it or not, I beat your mother so hard that she doesn't even know you.""Then do you want to test it out?
Do you know if my mouth is hard or if your grandfather's fists are hard?
Look at your fists!" Before I could finish my words, I charged straight at Chen Junliang.
When my fists struck Chen Junliang, I also followed up with a kick.
Heh heh, it's called 'no lack of deception'.
It's a two-pronged approach, and I've almost made a fool of myself.Chen Junliang didn't expect me to use such a dirty move.
The hand that was about to parry my fists instantly protected his lower body, but was mercilessly punched.
Boy, you dare to use such a dirty move?
Are you a fucking man?
If you're a man, then don't use such a despicable move.
You're like a woman."If you have the guts, just give it some real ones.""Come on, come on.
I'm scared of you." After saying that, I wanted to attack.
Unfortunately, someone had disrupted the situation."Stop!
What are you guys doing?
Fighting on the first day of school?
Is there a student?
Follow me!" A fat man walked out and shouted at me."Who the hell are you screaming for?
Are you looking to die?" I was fighting with all my might.
I didn't even bother looking at who it was.
Then, I punched the fatty."Who the hell do you think you are?
How dare you yell at me?" Chen Junliang looked like he was infuriated by the fact that he had suffered a huge loss from me.
He was extremely dissatisfied with the fatty, who had suddenly stirred up trouble.
He simply threw a punch at the fatty.Sigh, poor fatty suffered two punches at the same time, turning into a panda, and then fell to the ground.
"Ah, Principal, what's wrong?
Is something wrong?
I'll call the doctor right away.
Hold on." The female teacher who received the fees panicked when she saw the principal fall to the ground.
"Hurry up and send the Principal to the nurse's room.""What are you still doing here?
Hurry and help the headmaster to the infirmary."At this time, Chen Junliang and I also realized that we had joined forces to beat up the academy's headmaster into a national-level animal panda.
This was a huge crime.The surrounding students were also amazed.
"The two of them are freshmen in their first year, right?
They beat the principal before they even registered.
They're really gutsy.
" "Wow, that taekwondoer is really too handsome.
It's a pity that he's younger than me.
Otherwise, it'd be nice to be my boyfriend.
" A certain dinosaur was obsessed."The one who picks up the underworldly legs is called cool.
One glance is enough to tell that he's the one who always fights and stirs up troubles.
He's a student now.
Why is he so fierce?
I think we were very pure back then.
" A man with glasses was pretending to be old...Chen Junliang and I didn't want to leave either.
We didn't want to leave either.
We stood there in a daze and didn't know what to do.
However, we didn't wait for long.
A tall, thin man with glasses, who claimed to be the Teaching Director, ran over and led us to the administration office.
The surrounding teachers pointed at us."It's pretty amazing.
I beat up the principal before I even reported it.
First, you fought in front of everyone, then beat the principal together.
You're pretty capable.
The students don't even have the appearance of a student, so I called your parents over.
I'll go and see how the principal is doing.
" After saying that, the Teaching Director walked out of the administration office, and the surrounding teachers followed along.Chen Junliang and I were the only ones left in the administration room.
Then, Chen Junliang took out his phone and called his father."What's your name?
I'm Chen Junliang.
You've been fighting well, and you actually punched me." Chen Junliang asked me when he saw that there was no one around him."Chu Tiankuang, your Taekwondo isn't bad either.
I almost got kicked by you.
Are you interested in a fight in the future?" I asked after hearing Chen Junliang's question."Forget it.
Fighting with you is just too unlucky.
It's either a trick or a hit on the principal.
I'll just be honest and let it go.
But if you want to hit someone else, you can call me." Chen Junliang didn't seem to be a good person either.
He had just hit the principal, but now he was thinking of how to hit someone else.
However, when he said this, he treated me like a friend.As they chatted, the Teaching Director walked in.
"You two, come with me." Then, he turned and left.
Chen Junliang and I immediately followed him.
Not long later, we arrived at the Principal's office.
"Principal, the two students are here." "Oh, you can head back now." "Alright, don't worry.""It's nothing, just a minor superficial injury.
" After saying that, the Principal waved his hand, and the Teaching Director walked out of the Principal's office and closed the door behind him."I really didn't expect you to be Laochen's son.
I've been classmates with Laochen for so many years.
I didn't expect to be beaten up by his son today, even though I haven't seen him for more than ten years.
The years have been unforgiving.
Kid, you're quite skilled.
You're really good at beating him up.
I won't punish you this time for Laochen's sake.
However, the matter of fighting and beating the principal in front of everyone can't be so simple.
Write me a report and read it in front of everyone tomorrow's opening ceremony.
Do you understand?" The fatty principal said as he applied a hot towel to his eyes.."Yes, I understand." Chen Junliang immediately straightened up when he heard that the principal was his father's old classmate.
He looked as though he was guaranteed to complete his mission.
His attitude was filled with sincerity."Tell me exactly what happened?
Why did you pay your school fees to fight?" The principal asked.Chen Junliang immediately explained everything."So that's how it is.
Even though Chen Junliang was the one who caused this incident, it wasn't a single slap.
Chu Tiankuang, don't think that you're fine.
Just like Chen Junliang, write me an apology in front of the entire academy tomorrow.
Do you understand?""Yes, I understand." When I heard that I didn't need to call my mom here, and I didn't need to drop out of school, I immediately straightened up and said loudly."Alright, you two can go out now.
Write it down when you get back," Principal Pangzi ordered.In this way, the conflict between me and Chen Junliang had come to an end for the time being.
Moreover, we didn't fight each other, and we had become friends because we had a good temper.
After this incident, Chen Junliang and I were known by the academy's teachers and students.
Unfortunately, we didn't have a good reputation.As the old saying goes, good things really go a thousand miles without leaving the door.
Later on, this matter spread to my mum's ears and was scolded by her.
It was really depressing.
It was just that it was hard to say whether it was luck or misfortune.
Anyway, Chen Junliang and I could basically compare to crabs walking in high school.From then on, Chen Junliang and I became sworn brothers.Of course, these were all old matters.
Tonight, Chen Junliang had called to introduce his wife to me, and that was why I had come out.
However, I hadn't seen him for half a year, so I had missed him quite a bit.
Hehe, to put it bluntly, I actually wanted that kid to bleed and treat me.
However, who told him that he had money?
I'm robbing the rich and helping the poor.I, Chu Tiankuang, am a poor beggar who plundered Chen Junliang's wealth."Haha, why did you come so late?
I'm almost full.
If you don't come, I'll have to wait for a bamboo swab." Chen Junliang smiled as soon as he saw me."Why don't you laugh?
It's already 11 o'clock.
When I picked up your call, I was just about to go to bed.
I didn't even come here because of you.
You're still laughing at me, kid.
Do you want a beating?" I punched Chen Junliang and said to the barbeque stall owner, "Boss, give me 20 ribs, 10 shrimps, 20 chives, 5 sweet sausages, and two bottles of beer.""...""This is my sister-in-law, right?
Just call me big brother Chu from now on.
If Little Chen dares to bully you, just tell me and see if I can beat him up." I saw a gentle woman sitting next to Chen Junliang, and I guessed that she was Chen Junliang's girlfriend who had been chasing after him for more than a year.Chen Junliang was a very fickle person.
His girlfriend in high school couldn't count with a single hand.
She was an extremely playboy.
Fortunately, this kid was someone who cherished the fairer sex.
He had never forced anyone, nor had he ever set foot on two boats.
Although he had changed quite a few girlfriends, there were still new girls who wanted to be his girlfriends.That's right.
She was very young and handsome, and her martial arts were pretty good.
A little girl definitely couldn't resist his charm.However, back in college, Chen Junliang had met his life's nemesis (this was what he had said) and met Hu Shihan in the university library.
For a moment, he was astonished and launched a ferocious love attack.
Meanwhile, Hu Shihan had persisted for more than a year, and his defense line had been lost, and he had accepted Chen Junliang as his girlfriend."Big brother Chu, you're too polite.
Junliang treats me very well." Hu Shihan's voice was soft and sweet, and his face was filled with a sweet smile.
He looked extremely happy."I'm so envious of Xiaochen.
With a confidante like you, I'm still single," I said enviously."Heh heh, it wasn't you who asked for it.
You were a smart kid, and you studied well.
You took the Northern University or something, but it wasn't a piece of cake.
In the end, you had to go to Phoenix Polytechnic University in CD City (the local provincial capital city) to study.
I don't know what's good about Phoenix Polytechnic University.
It's not good for one or two universities, it's not good for a major.
Most importantly, there aren't many beauties and their quality is not good either.I really don't know if you've got a door in your head or not?" Chen Junliang couldn't help but ask when he saw how sour I was.But as soon as he finished speaking, he couldn't help but scream out, "It hurts...
it hurts, dear, let go, what did I do wrong?""I can't tell.
Chen Junliang, you're a playful radish.
To think that you're going to take the university entrance exam for the sake of a beauty.
How many girls have you harmed?
And you're even going against the heavens!" Hu Shihan suddenly grabbed Chen Junliang's left ear with his right thumb and index finger, and then spun it 180 degrees.At this moment, I swore to the heavens that I hadn't seen how Hu Shihan had attacked.
I just felt that her right hand was supposed to be in that position.
Moreover, Chen Junliang's reaction speed didn't allow him to dodge.
This could only mean that this gentle-looking beauty was also a skilled He Dong Lion.God bless Chen Junliang.
I didn't say what I just said.Chen Junliang still dared to bully her?"Darling, I was wrong.
My love for you can be judged by the heavens and the earth.
This love can be described by the sun and moon.
I swear that I only have feelings for you in my life, and the other women are just white clouds and white clouds in front of me.
They are compared to you.
Pui, I was wrong.
They don't even have the qualifications to compete with you."Say, after I have you, do you think I can still fall in love with others?
Do you really not believe that I'm infatuated with you?" Chen Junliang was in pain.
He couldn't help but use sweet words to ease the tension."Hmph!
I don't think you'll dare to look for other women behind my back.
If I find out that you're looking for women behind my back, I'll castrate you and make you a eunuch." Hu Shihan said as he gestured with his hands.
Then, he shook his head, and his long hair fluttered.
He looked beautiful and adorable.But I and Chen Junliang felt a chill run down their spines.As soon as Hu Shihan saw me sitting in my chair in a daze, he immediately realized that his actions earlier had been a little overboard.
His face was flushed with shame, but there was nothing he could do.
He could only turn to vent his frustrations on our poor Chen Junliang."It's all your fault that Big Brother Chu is making a fool of himself." Then, his right hand appeared in Chen Junliang's left ribs and spun 180 degrees.Chen Junliang sucked in a breath of cold air.
His left hand quickly grabbed Hu Shihan's right hand, which was exerting its strength.
Then, he hugged his hands tightly with a sincere expression on his face.
"That's right, it's all my fault.
I won't do it again.
Please forgive me." That gaze made the cat in Slicker 2 feel ashamed.It wasn't long before the shopkeeper served the barbeque I had ordered.
We hadn't seen each other for half a year, so we chatted and chatted.
Hu Shihan was also helping out, and the atmosphere was very lively.
One hour later, we were ready to go home.
"Boss, please pay the bill."Chen Junliang drank quite a bit and called out to the boss, "Alright, it's a total of 205 yuan.
Just give me 200 yuan." "Here." Chen Junliang took out two stacks of cash from his bag and paid the bill."Tian Kuang, I'll take a taxi back with Shihan.
You should hurry back as well.
Your mother's probably in a hurry.
Also, be careful on the way.
Don't fall and fight." With that, Chen Junliang took a taxi and left with Hu Shihan."Tsk, you crow's mouth," I scolded with a laugh, and I started on my way home.
The riverside road in summer, though it was by the riverside, was very hot."It's better to go home earlier and take a hot shower before going to bed.
I'm guessing that my mother must be very anxious.
Why is there a wind?" Before she could finish her sentence, the sky suddenly turned white, and then there was a loud noise."Not good, it looks like it's going to rain heavily.
No matter what, it's the wind or rain in this damned weather.
It's better to go back quickly.
It's easy to catch a cold when you're wet." After saying that, I started running home.After running for a few minutes, another lightning dragon appeared in the sky.
Suddenly, at the corner of my eyes, I saw a black light appear in the grasses of the park on the side of the road.
My curiosity made me slow down and walk toward the place where the black light had just flashed."Eh?
It should be nearby?
Could it be that I saw wrongly?" Using the light of the street lamp, I rolled through the grass, but I couldn't find anything that was emitting black light.