The Age of Endless Cultivation

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Chapter 4

As soon as Bingfeng and Xingchen Feiyue entered the main gate, Shangguan Waner walked out to greet them.
When he saw Bingfeng, whose hair was half-burnt and whose body was naked, he quickly walked over with a worried expression on his face, "Feng Er, what happened to you?
Did you fight with someone again?" Despite his concern, he forgot to pay attention to the girl by his son's side..Seeing the four guards following behind him, they scolded, "How did you protect Young Master?
You can't even handle this matter properly.
What use do you have?
Men, drag them away and feed them to the tiger-toothed beast." The tiger-toothed beast was the guardian beast of the clan, and even Yumu Leiheng didn't know its exact rank.
However, if someone in the clan committed a grave mistake, they would be used as its food.The four of them panicked.
They knew that their matriarch looked gentle and kind on the surface, but her strictness was never ambiguous, especially for her precious son.
The four of them looked towards Bingfeng for help, hoping that he would speak up for them.
However, Bingfeng ignored them and walked towards the inner hall.The four of them hurriedly knelt down.
Yushan explained, "Mistress, it was the Fourth Princess who injured Young Master.
It wasn't easy for us to interfere back then.""Fourth Princess?
Why did Feng Er have a conflict with her?" Seeing that Bingfeng had left, he followed suit.Upon closer inspection, Bingfeng noticed that the Fourth Princess was following closely behind him.
Even though she was a princess, she was still very unhappy that her son had been injured.
She ordered the apothecaries in the manor to follow after her.This time, Bingfeng wasn't in a hurry to return to his own backyard.
Instead, he sat down in the front hall.
He still had to ask Shangguan Waner for money to make Tang Dao.
Even though he was unwilling, in his opinion, Shangguan Waner and Yumu Leiheng weren't his parents at all.
His pitiful son had already died.However, he had no choice but to face reality.
He really didn't have money, and he didn't know much about this world.He couldn't possibly admit that he wasn't Yumu Qingfeng, and that the real Yumu Qingfeng was no longer there.
Furthermore, even though his soul was the cold feng of his previous life, his body still contained the blood of Yumu's family.
Therefore, he could only try to accept this reality.Bingfeng saw a pot of water on the table and felt thirsty.
He picked it up and downed it in one gulp."Feng Er, are you alright?" Shangguan Waner expressed his concern for Bingfeng.
Bingfeng wasn't Yumu Qingfeng after all, so he felt somewhat guilty about Shangguan Liu Hao's concern, "It's nothing.""Princess, can you tell me what's going on?
What did my son do to make you so angry?" Shangguan Waner didn't treat the Fourth Princess with the slightest bit of politeness.
It wasn't hard to explain.
She was one of the three major business leaders in the Eastern Lands, the future head wife of a clan.
Why would she care about a princess of an empire?Xingchen Feiyue didn't bother to explain himself.
She was rather anxious right now.
Originally, she had wanted to rely on her status to figure out why she had been defeated by this fellow to pressure the Yumu Clan.
If she left this place, how could the dignified princess be a maidservant?
But now, the Yumu Clan didn't care about her at all.
She was truly a sheep in a wolf's nest."I'm hungry." Bingfeng broke the deadlock between the two.
He didn't want others to interfere in his own affairs, but he was also hungry.
He spent the entire day in the library.When Shangguan Waner heard that his son was hungry, he couldn't be bothered to interrogate Xingchen Feiyue.
He immediately ordered his men to prepare the dishes himself.
Besides, how could she not tell that his son didn't want her to cause trouble for the princess?She watched as Bingfeng wolfed down everything without caring about his image.
Meanwhile, Xingchen Feiyue stood quietly at the side.
She shook her head helplessly and looked at Bingfeng with a gratified expression.
Her eyes were filled with her mother's love.
Even though Shangguan Waner didn't intend to pursue Xingchen Feiyue, it didn't mean that she didn't want to know the truth.
Why did the Fourth Princess follow her son?She didn't believe that her son had really charmed her.
Now that his son had grown up, it seemed like he should help her with the wedding."My lords, madam wants you all to go over." The four guards did not receive permission and were still serving as guards in the front courtyard."Yushan, tell me about the situation back then." The leader of the four guards began to explain the situation back then.
When he heard Xingchen Feiyue's Elemental Dance, he furrowed his brows.
When he heard that the Fourth Princess had unleashed another burst of flame, he immediately became shocked.
When he heard his son's body emitting a burst of icy blue light, Shangguan Waner began to reminisce.When she heard the Ice Maple Flame Breaker Shield, she felt even more unfathomable.
She knew her son better than anyone else.
The Fourth Princess, a level 5 mage, had been defeated so easily!"The princess made a bet with the young master to serve the young master the moment she lost, so she followed him back.
in my opinion, the Fourth Princess doesn't seem to be willing to do so." Yushan told Shangguan Waner about the whole thing.
"However, at that time, the young master emitted a powerful aura, and his eyes emitted a frightening chilling light.
Even if his subordinate was taken a look, it was as if he had fallen into an ice cellar."The guard recalled the scene at that time and was very confused."Oh, I got it.
No matter what tricks she's up to, as long as she doesn't hurt Feng Er, I'll let her go.
You guys can leave.""Yes."Shangguan Waner recalled the time when Yumu Qingfeng had been born 17 years ago.
His lower body had been frozen so much that he had lost consciousness.
It was unknown whether he was happy or sad.When they arrived at the dining hall, they saw Bingfeng wiping his greasy mouth with his hand.
"This child, he's already so old, yet he doesn't like to clean himself up." He took out a handkerchief and began to wipe his face.
Bingfeng didn't know what to do.
He didn't expect her to touch his body, but it was as if someone had done something to him."Mother...
Mother." Moments later, Bingfeng took a deep breath and called out the name he hadn't uttered in the last 17 years.
Although he couldn't accept having a mother like her, he realized that he didn't hate her at all.
In fact, he enjoyed the care she gave him."Hmm?" Shangguan Waner looked at him as he tidied up Bingfeng's hair.
Bingfeng suddenly felt embarrassed by Shangguan Waner's gaze, and lowered his head once more."Can...
can you lend me some money?" Bingfeng seemed to have made up his mind.Swish!?Just as Bingfeng finished speaking, Xingchen Feiyue couldn't help but laugh.
She felt as though Bingfeng was a child who had committed a mistake, waiting for his parents' punishment.
Bingfeng felt even more embarrassed when he heard Xingchen Feiyue's laughter, and his grave and stern face flushed red.Seeing this, Shangguan Waner thought that Bing Feng had caused some trouble outside.
"Give me the ring." Shangguan Waner didn't seem to have any intention of blaming her, but his words were still full of love.Instinctively, Bingfeng took off the ring on his left hand and handed it to Shangguan Waner.
As soon as he got out of the ring, he suddenly realized: Yeah, Yu Jieli should have money, right?Storage tools like Yujie were very common in Huhai Continent, and rich families would more or less buy one.When Shangguan Waner saw that Bingfeng Fengyujie still had several thousand gold coins, he was even more certain of what he was thinking.
Thus, he took out a card from his ring."There's 200,000 here.
Is that enough?
If not enough, Mother will go ask your father for it.
""Hiss!"Both Bingfeng and Xingchen Feiyue were taken aback.
He had spent 200,000 RMB in just one year, and the Yumu Clan was truly worthy of being the number one business giant in the Eastern Lands.
As a member of the royal family, Xingchen Feiyue was also secretly worried.
Bingfeng was even more shocked.
He had originally planned to have enough money for Tang Dao and that wave of Keyu, but he hadn't expected that his mother, who was able to earn 200,000 RMB in one go, would be an ordinary family's income of ten years."Enough...
enough."Bingfeng didn't decline much and accepted Yujie's hand."I'm a little sleepy today, so I'll go sleep first." Bingfeng had been reading all day today, and he was indeed a little sleepy.
He hadn't gone to school much before, but he had a crush on the ancient texts.
He liked the wisdom of ancient people, especially the wise strategist's words, and often indulged himself in them and forgot about time.If it were any other book, he would've been dizzy if he didn't read it for a few minutes."Alright, you guys go ahead.
Be careful tonight.
You still have injuries on your body." Shangguan Waner said as he stroked Bingfeng's head."Ah?
Oh.""Xiaoyu, prepare some water for me.
I want to take a bath.""Yes, Young Master."The little girl took small steps out.
He realized that his young master had changed and became a little cold.
He didn't like to tease himself like before.
Now, whenever he faced him, he was a little afraid."Hey, where am I going to sleep tonight?"Xingchen Feiyue saw Bingfeng pick up the book 'Starts' and looked at it as if nobody was watching it, so he interrupted him unhappily."Up to you.
You can sleep anywhere in the backyard."Bingfeng didn't even lift it up.
Instead, he focused on reading the book in his hand."Hmph, if I didn't want to figure out the reason why I lost to you, I wouldn't have stayed here with you.
You don't care about me, I'll go find that little girl later."Xingchen Feiyue grumbled in his heart."Can you tell me how you defeated me?"She patiently asked.She was a strong person, so she had to know how she was defeated by a second ranked swordsman.
Only by figuring out her weakness would she be able to defeat herself and continue to improve."I told you I never lost.
Do you believe me?"Bingfeng lifted his head slightly and looked at the beautiful woman in front of him with cold arrogance.
Although the princess was a little unreasonable, it seemed that she was still a little cute."Hmph, if you don't want to say it, then forget it.
There must be some powerful tools."Xingchen Feiyue pouted, but he thought to himself: As long as I'm by your side, it won't be hard to discover your secret.
Hmph."Hahaha..."Bingfeng suddenly burst into laughter, as though he had regained the feeling of looking down on the heroes once more.
He didn't know if it was Yumu Qingfeng's fault or if he had truly changed.
Now, Bingfeng discovered that conquering this girl was as pleasing as conquering an enemy.
However, this wasn't a desire to possess her, but a desire to prove his success."Xiaoyu, arrange a room for me.
I need to rest." Xingchen Feiyue helplessly walked out of Bingfeng's room."Huh?" The little girl widened her eyes and looked at Xingchen Feiyue.
"You're not sleeping with the young master?" The little girl's thoughts were simple.
No matter what kind of princesses or young misses you were, the one that the young master brought back should be his people."I'm not going to sleep with that annoying guy." Xingchen Feiyue was a little mad, and he stomped his feet."Oh.
" The little girl twitched her mouth, "But in the backyard, other than Master's room, only my room can sleep.
It's too late to pack up the rest, Young Master doesn't like to be disturbed.
So...""Alright, alright." Xingchen Feiyue interrupted the little girl's endless chattering towards his young master.
"Then I'll sleep in your room.
It should be okay to squeeze around.""How can that be?
You're a princess, how can you...""Okay, it's okay.
That's it.""..."The Water Marid is sparkling and translucent, and it's hard to express its agility every month.The mind-breaking thoughts were even deeper, and it was difficult for the gardener to hate her even more."..."The rustling sound of branches breaking through the air broke the silence in the backyard, and Bingfeng woke up early to practice the Sword Technique.
After so many years, he had already gotten used to it.
The little girl had also woken up early and prepared some water for Bingfeng to wash up.After breakfast and greeting Shangguan Waner, Bingfeng took Xingchen Feiyue out of the room.
He went to receive the Tang Sword first, but Bingfeng couldn't wait any longer.
Without the Tang Sword, he couldn't help but feel uncomfortable."Third Young Master, you're here." The shop assistant greeted Bingfeng from afar."Have you finished my knife?""Alright, I've already prepared everything for you.
I wanted to send it to your manor, but I didn't expect Third Young Master to personally come." Even though Haowen didn't mind the fact that Bingfeng was the Yumu Clan's Third Young Master, he still instructed his assistant to complete it as soon as possible.
Tang Yao's structure was simple, so it didn't take him long to complete it."Here's a thousand gold coins.
Your boss is here to give them to him." Bingfeng put down the money and picked up his Tang Sword and examined it carefully.
It couldn't be said that he had done quite well.
The blade was completely black, as though it wanted to absorb all the light in the world.
The blade of the blade shone brightly, emitting a chilling light that made Bingfeng cry out in love.Xingchen Feiyue glanced contemptuously at Bingfeng and disdainfully glanced at the Tang Sword in his hand.
He didn't say anything and looked outside.
Light weapons like light blades and swords were nothing in the eyes of those who were good-for-nothings.
Those who didn't know anything were used to play cool and attract girls.It turned out that these were the weapons that some experts thought highly of.
However, they were transformed into the symbol of coolness and handsomeness by the nobles and nobles.Therefore, Wangguang naturally wouldn't think that Bingfeng was some sort of outsider expert.
In fact, Bingfeng wasn't an outsider expert either.After leaving the smithy, Bingfeng didn't have the habit of taking the initiative to greet others.
The more Xingchen Feiyue thought about it, the more depressed he felt.
He had been defeated by an incompetent good-for-nothing.
It was truly a great humiliation.
Therefore, he didn't say a single word.
The two of them had just spent forty copper coins to buy a wave of money after running half of Yi City in silence.Xingchen Feiyue didn't care about a small wave, but he only cared about his own spoils of war."You can go back now.
You don't have to follow me anymore.
I can't afford a princess or maid.
"Bingfeng brought Xingchen Feiyue back to Greenwind Academy.
Firstly, he wanted to send her back, and secondly, he wanted to continue reading in the library."You...
what do you mean?
What kind of person do you think I am?
Do you want to drink it whenever you want?"Xingchen Feiyue was furious.
He hadn't discovered his secret yet.
Was he going to let this bastard play around like this?"Do you want to follow this young master all the time?
Although he looks ordinary, he can still be used as a vase to decorate the house."Bingfeng looked at the beautiful woman in front of him evilly.
From her delicate chin to slightly pouting lips, from her slightly tall twin peaks to her slender thighs.
She was only half a head shorter than Bingfeng, who was only 1.7 meters tall.
Her figure could also be considered the best.Faced with Bingfeng's unrestrained gaze, Xingchen Feiyue's cheeks flushed red."Hmph, I'll definitely defeat you the next time we meet." Xingchen Feiyue flung his head away angrily."I've said it before, I've never lost before.
I didn't have it before, and it won't happen ever since.
"Bingfeng looked at the Tang Sword in his hand.
It was as if he had returned to the past, and was so fearless of the challenge.
Xingchen Feiyue didn't turn around, but he was determined that in the future, he would be able to wash away his past shame and humiliate this arrogant fellow.
This was truly worthy of his reputation as a magic genius.Time passed quickly.
In the blink of an eye, a month had passed.
Bingfeng hadn't seen any relatives other than his parents during this month.
His grandfather Yumu Mujianghe liked to travel around, and his eldest uncle and third uncle had gone out to work, so his two older brothers naturally followed along.
His cousin Yumu Muqingcheng studied sword qi at the Azure Wind Academy, and recently began to train at the fringes of the Eastern River Mountain Range.He didn't see the perfect time for silence.
Bingfeng didn't even fully accept his parents, let alone those people who were indifferent in his impressions.
He usually went to the library of Blue Wind Academy during the day, while at night he concentrated on learning the Dao of Business.
Occasionally, when he didn't understand, he would ask his mother Shangguan Waner.In the morning, he tirelessly practiced "Ice Break" and "Twisting Scars".
In the afternoon, he would occasionally stroll around the market and listen to the news.
As for how he had defeated Xingchen Feiyue the last time, Bingfeng had also thought about the shadow in his mind, but he didn't see any results.Bingfeng wouldn't think about things that hurt his mind if he didn't understand.
There were some things that he would naturally understand when the time came.Bingfeng had been focused on the business world for a month.
Although he had read a lot of books on business, he didn't have any knowledge at all.
Apart from knowledge of the success of his seniors in the business world, he knew nothing about the business world.
He had originally thought that he would be able to make a name for himself in the business world.
But now, he couldn't help but doubt himself.Back in the Yumu Manor, Shangguan Waner called him out for a meal.
He didn't want to go, but after some thought, he decided to head to the side hall."Feng Er, come here.
Mother specifically ordered people to make you your favorite 'Braised Snow Pig' today.
Have some more.""Thank you...
thank you, Mother." Bingfeng took the snow pork from Shangguan Wan'er and continued to eat."How have you been learning these past few days?" Yumu Leiheng looked at Bingfeng, who was eating with his head lowered.
His son had grown up, and he knew what path he should take.
This made him very happy."The more I read those books, the more I don't understand them.
There are many things that are completely different from what I'm thinking.
I can't understand them." Bingfeng honestly expressed his thoughts."You don't understand?
What place can't you see?" Yumu Leiheng asked with a grim expression."Ah, let's wait for Feng Er to have a meal first.
It'll be cold soon.
How can Feng Er understand just by looking at those dry things?
Feng Er is already so old, so you should arrange some things for Feng Er to do.
Only in reality will you be able to grasp them faster.""Mm, okay.
There's a mine on the West Mountains.
You can go and manage it first.
I'll give orders to the owner.
""Feng Er, how are you and the Fourth Princess?
Why didn't you see her at home?" Shangguan Waner was still thinking about what happened last time."There's nothing between her and I.
Back then, I just couldn't stand her arrogance." Shangguan Waner didn't mention it, and he almost forgot about it."Feng Er, you're already so old.
When your grandfather comes back, we'll help you get married to the girl from the Lin clan.""Pfft!"The sudden revelation of such shocking news almost caused Bingfeng's mouth to spit out a mouthful of rice.
He raised his head and looked at Shangguan Waner, who was looking at him dotingly.
This sort of thing shouldn't have been a joke to him, right?
It seemed as though he had a childish marriage."Mom...
I'm still young.
It's still early to get married, isn't it?" Clearly, Bingfeng wasn't prepared for this.Back in his room, Bingfeng took out 'Programs' again, but the more he looked at it, the more confused he became.
There was no concept of the market here.
There was no definition of consumers, nor was there a distinction between consumers and producers.
It was impossible to grasp it in such a short period of time.He put on a coat and walked to the courtyard.
He raised his head to look at the stars in the sky.
Suddenly, his feet started to move, and he quickly climbed up the wall.
He lay on the roof and stared at the stars as he considered the path ahead.
Could it be that he had to live the rest of his life with the name of trash on his back?
But what could he do?
Cultivation was hopeless, and the path of business was uncertain.
What could he do?In the past, he would only know how to fight and kill.
Could he be commanding an army and armies to fight?
Thinking about it would only make him feel more depressed.
He might as well sleep together with the stars.