The Real Dragon Warrior

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Chapter 2

Ten thousand meters up in the sky, a Boeing airplane zoomed past.
Its front and landing cabin opened slowly, and a tall figure jumped down from the cabin.He did not change his posture, nor did he open his parachute.
He straightened his body and fell straight towards the ground.A muffled sound rang out as the man crashed straight into the ground, leaving behind a meter thick hole.
Two thick arms extended out from the pitch-black hole and gently pressed on the ground.
Xiahou's entire body was covered in dust.Only Xiahou, who was able to use such an arrogant method to descend, was able to practice the eighth promotion of the 9th promotion of the Profound realm.
His body was tougher than the diamond, and his defense and self-restoring strength were astounding.A Toyota pickup truck used to be used by the citizens of the United States slowly ran over.
Two young men dressed in dirty work clothes jumped out of the vehicle and gave Xiahou a thumbs up, "Brother Four, you really are a top-class expert in our bureau.
Even Boss Azure Dragon wouldn't dare to jump down from a height of 10,000 meters!
Tsk tsk, you're amazing!"Xiahou shook his slightly dizzy head and coughed heavily.
His coughs were both resounding, and with a throat sound, his spacious lungs could still echo.
He stood in a standard posture with his hands behind his waist.
Xiahou said seriously, "Be more serious during the mission period.""Are there any witnesses nearby?"One of the young men immediately pulled out a small device and glanced at it.
"According to the drones we released, there are no large creatures within 20 kilometres."The other person took out a three-dimensional image generator and put it on the ground.
After some operation, the internal structure of a building appeared in the hazy blue light.
"This is the image of the outside of the base of zero 53.
The inner line can't get all the drawings.
He only knows two limited passages to the core area."Fourth Brother, your entry point is here!" A flashing red dot appeared on the structure map, and the young man used his finger to touch it."This is a storage room for miscellaneous items.
There are very few people entering and exiting.
There is a set of uniform and wireless earphones inside the base.
After changing clothes, we will listen to the internal line's arrangements."Xiahou glanced at his watch and nodded, "In that case, don't waste any more time.
This isn't the first time we've done something like this.
It's 2137 p.m.
If I don't come out in two hours, the escort team will all retreat." He glanced at the two young men and smiled, "If I'm done for, tell Little Worm, Little Cat, and Little Bird to take revenge on them.""However, I'm not that unlucky, right?"The three of them laughed softly at the same time.
After discussing a few more details, they followed their standard procedure.
A layer of earthen yellow light enveloped Xiahou's body and drilled into the ground.Two red dots appeared on his watch.
One represented Xiahou, and the other represented his hidden storage room.Relying on his earth element supernatural ability, Xiahou easily passed through the outer barrier of Zone53 and entered the storage room at the lowest level of the base.
He found the wireless earphones in a wooden box in a corner and stuffed them into his left ear.
Then, he took out his black tight-fitting uniform and put them on.
Xiahou suddenly widened his eyes and smiled bitterly.Xiahou's clothes fit his body well, and he was built according to the standard height of 190cm.
However, Xiahou's body was abnormally tall.
He wore those clothes, and his arms were exposed by a foot of his sleeves!
"Unfortunately, I knew something like this would happen.
It's not the first time, but it's not the second time.
Why do these internal channels always seem unwell when they prepare clothes for me?"Helplessly twisting his body, Xiahou used his ki to compress the structure of his arm by more than a foot.
His arm looked even thicker, and his body was even more strange.
He could only carefully open the storage room's door and peek outside.A clear voice came from the headphones.
"Don't complain.
With your body, it's not bad to find suitable clothes.
Don't make a sound.
There are cameras in the storage room, but I control them.
Listen to me, there's no one outside the door right now.
There's an elevator two hundred meters to the left.
The elevator password is A993572x, lower to the lowest floor."..."The moles controlled their cameras??Xiahou silently followed the instructions of the moles.
His heart was already filled with admiration for his colleagues from the Secret Service.
They seemed to be able to bury moles in every department in any country.
This ability was something that Xiahou couldn't compare to.The elevator went straight down to the lowest floor.
At the door's opening, a woman wearing the shoulder badge of a major suddenly walked in.
She casually glanced up at Xiahou, who casually asked, "Which department are you from?" She glanced at the uniform on Xiahou's body.
Apart from the few military officers in this base, the uniforms of the other staff members were almost the same.
There was no clue at all from his clothes..Xiahou followed Kailin's instructions and smiled, "Major Kailin, do you not recognize me?
But our leader, hehe!" He glanced at the lieutenant commander's chest with an odd gaze.After a moment of stunned silence, the lieutenant commander cursed in embarrassment and anger, "Are all of you from the internal security team a bunch of hoodlums from the army?" She shook her head haughtily, and then pointed at the elevator doors, "Are you going to come up with me?" She glared at Xiahou's arm that was almost bursting out of his clothes, and couldn't help but gulp..The mole chattered non-stop, "Kailin, you're famous for your charisma.
As long as you have a little bit of charisma, you'll be able to pull her into the game.
Be quick.
I don't care which department you're from, but we only have a little bit of time."Hurry up, hurry up.
Do you think it's easy for me to open a top secret communication channel within the base's authority to control computers?
If I were to be discovered, I wouldn't be afraid of dying.
However, dying was as worthless as the eleven brothers.
I would lose out."..."Xiahou walked along a brightly lit corridor.
There were many small hollow spaces on both sides of the corridor, where there were one or two burly men armed with guns.
They glared fiercely at Xiahou."Ignore them.
They are the same as you.
They are soldiers of the internal security team.
Your clothes have the A.I.
Chip on them, and I have transferred my authority to the highest level I can reach.
If nothing happens, they will be putting up a show before the scanning devices call the police."There was a thick metal door in front of them.
The introvert's instructions came through the headset again.
"There's a magnetic card in your pocket, swipe the card through the card reader device on the door, and then enter the password Z53143732.
The password doesn't make any sense.
It's used to detect your fingerprints."But I've already done everything.
You can do whatever you want."The metal door opened.
Under the vigilant gazes of the soldiers, Xiahou strode in."Attention, from now on, there is an energy barrier in the space.
Try not to expose your power.
This is also why I want you to sneak into the storage room outside.
Zone 53 is a hasty base.
There are many places that are perfected, but the internal power is very strong.
Don't underestimate them."I still don't understand how my companions were exposed."It was a strange space, like a straight turret.
The round turret was five hundred meters in diameter, almost a kilometer up and down.
Steel beams protruded from the metal walls around them, and the iron beams held the circular areas, big and small, in the air.
Through the transparent walls, you could see people busying themselves with strange instruments."This is it.
The only thing I can do is to get you close to the core area.
However, the rest will depend on your personal abilities.
The core area is at the bottom of the cannon barrel, and the most important secrets are inside.
I hope you can obtain their research materials.
Good luck!
I cannot reveal it.
From now on, there is no connection between us.After a while, the insider suddenly smiled.
"If I hear the alarm later, I'll do my best to create the conditions for you to escape...
I wish you well.
I hope that you won't be discovered by your acquaintances and that you won't be exposed too soon.""..."His ears suddenly scalded, and countless electric sparks appeared on his earphones, and they were destroyed on their own.
Xiahou muttered to himself, "Friends?
I don't think that's possible, do I?
There aren't many people who can survive our fights.
Occasionally, the White Tigers have also caused some of the lucky ones to lose their arms and legs, so they won't continue to serve."..."Xiahou shook his head in astonishment, only to realize that most of the workers in this large space were wearing snow-white work uniforms, and his black uniform was exceptionally eye-catching.After thinking for a while, he walked straight to the fully transparent elevator in the middle of the room.
Xiahou stood in the elevator and casually pressed the button on the bottom floor.
He stood calmly in the middle of the elevator.
As the elevator slowly descended, he smiled at the researchers in the round and transparent room.The researchers were stunned for a moment and smiled back at him.
Then, they focused all their attention on the instrument in front of them again."What exactly are they researching?
At twenty-one o'clock in the night, they're actually still working?
Could it be that they're in shifts from three classes?
However, it doesn't seem too difficult.
The security here is much worse than Zone 51's.
Or perhaps they don't think we're going to set our sights on this place?" Xiahou was a little curious.
The defenses here were a million miles apart from what Yangtong had said.
Wouldn't it be easy for him to sneak into the core of their cores with the help of an intercom?."Perhaps they don't think we'll be able to set our sights on this place?" Xiahou was a little curious.
Compared to what Yangtong had said earlier, the defenses here were thousands of miles away.
With the assistance of an insider, wasn't he able to easily sneak into the core of their core region?The elevator stopped.
Xiahou walked out of the elevator, but his heart sank.Right in front of him, there were a dozen or so men dressed in the same black uniform.
They happened to block the only door leading to the core of the base.
If these men didn't release their Origin power, it proved that they weren't weak."Are all the defenses here?" Xiahou was a little worried, "There are so many super powerhouses at the entrance, so what about inside?"His heart sank, but a cheerful smile appeared on his face as he walked over to them.
"Hey, is there anyone willing to play a blackjack game?
This kind of shift is too boring."One of the super powerhouses looked around and lowered his voice.
"Do you want Boss to punish us to run around the base ten thousand times?
Oh, newcomer?
Which department are you from?"Xiahou squinted his eyes and casually said the name of a team he had met before, "Red Arow, what about you?"One of them exclaimed in shock, "Are you from the same department as me?
Why haven't I seen you before?"A thick force hit their chests at almost the same time, like an earth dragon's rage.
The pale yellow Yuan Power had already shattered their bodies into pieces.
Xia Hou helplessly looked at the dozens of men standing stiffly on the ground and sighed, "Carry out the second plan and destroy this place.""If you can't get the information, it will be destroyed.
It's better than letting someone master some advanced things and use them on their own head.In fact, once their Four Spirit Generals took action, it usually meant that they would be destroyed.
Other missions of different natures were rarely handed over to them.With a punch, the two-foot-long alloy gate in front of him shattered into pieces in the middle of the earthen-yellow light.
Xiahou's tall body swayed as he charged in.
The security system inside immediately activated, and countless tongues of fire swept across his body.
However, as soon as all the bullets touched his body, they were immediately sent flying.Twenty-plus super powerhouses pounced on them from all directions.
Xiahou merely stomped his foot on the ground, causing a strange roar to ring out in the air.
Tens of massive yellow Yuan Power surged out from the ground, wrapping around these super powerhouses like giant pythons, causing them to become all kinds of strange shapes.
They were thrown far away..The uniform on his upper body exploded, and Xiahou returned to his original appearance.
His two arms, which were much longer than an ordinary person's, casually waved about.
Each strike contained tens of thousands of jin of strength, causing a group of elite soldiers who had appeared out of nowhere to cry out in pain.
They were thrown out like sandbags..Two extremely powerful auras suddenly shot over, and a voice angrily roared: "It's you again, Black Tortoise!
Do you still remember me You damned fellow, why do you four Spirit Generals always appear every time we have a little good news?" These two auras were extremely strong, and compared to the super powerhouses just now, they were simply different from clouds and mud..Xiahou raised his head and looked at a young man wrapped in raging flames with his hands spread out helplessly.
Are you alright?
I'm sorry, your brother was killed by the White Tiger.
You can't push all the blame on me, can you?" A strange sound sounded in the air once again.
It was as if the air around him had been hollowed out by this punch, and Xiahou's fist had grown to a size of a foot, as if the iron hammer had struck Bier's stomach..The flames outside didn't do any harm to Xiahou.
Bier opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood that was filled with lung and liver fragments.
One of the [S] class experts was beaten to death by Xiahou with a single punch.
The other beautiful young woman, whose strength was equal to Bier's, cried out in alarm.
She immediately raised a gust of wind and retreated dozens of meters away.
She cried out in horror, "Monster!"Dragging his two long arms, Xiahou furrowed his brows, "I'm a very normal man.
What kind of monster is this?
Pfft!" With a loud shout, a ball of earthy yellow Yuan Power exploded around the girl.
The girl let out a muffled groan, and blood spurted out of her seven apertures at the same time.
She looked up and fell to the ground..Xiahou kicked open yet another metal gate.
The gate, which weighed almost ten tons, swung about in a disorderly manner, scaring more and more soldiers around him, and they slowly approached the core area of the base.
As he displayed his terrifying combat prowess, Xiahou complained, "I knew it would be like this.
Every time I went out on a field trip, I would always be like this, and I would always start practicing martial arts!
Why can't I steal things and leave just like a bird?
Master hasn't found any traces yet?".While displaying his terrifying battle prowess, Xiahou complained, "I knew it would be like this.
Every time I went out on a field trip, I would always start practicing martial arts!
Why can't I just leave after stealing something like a bird?
Master hasn't found any traces yet?"Xiahou smiled bitterly and threw the metal gate more than twenty meters away, smashing apart two armored cars that popped out of nowhere.
Xiahou sighed and said, "So, I can only work as a messenger or cleaner." With another kick, the metal gate in front of me, which was ten meters tall and six meters wide, shook violently.
It was two meters thick.Xiahou was stunned for a moment, and a foot thick earthen yellow light burst forth from his body.
He let out a roar, as if hundreds of SWAT officers had exploded at the same time, knocking over hundreds of soldiers who were cowering behind him.
He slowly threw a punch towards the door..Like a drum beating, the huge metal door flew out of the door frame, flying more than a dozen meters away.
Inside the study room, Zone 53 let out an angry shout.
The door fell to the ground with a bang, and bright red streams flowed out from below.
Countless unlucky ghosts were smashed below.