Hidden Mist Swirl

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Chapter 5

Half a month later, Starfall's group finally arrived at the Tianxuan Kingdom's capital, Maple City.As soon as they entered Sky Maple City, a troop of guards appeared.
The leader bowed and said, "Your Excellency, you're finally back!
Your Excellency wants you to return to the manor immediately.""Got it!
You can leave now." After Xingluo dismissed the guards, he heard Yichen explain to Yuelian:"Xing Luoluo's surname is Si Kong.
In the entire continent, this surname is extremely shocking.
Because their family is an army noble family, and Xing Luoluo is the youngest Count on the continent.""Is the Count very big?" Yuelian asked.After hearing her question, the three of them stared at her as if they were looking at a monster, making her feel that something was wrong.
"Is there anything on me?"Xingluo shook his head and asked her, "Don't you know what a Count is?"Seeing Yue Lian nod, Yi Chen and Lone Shadow's expressions were extremely strange, especially Yi Chen's.
His face was cramped.
"If you want to know, go to Xing Luo's house.
Xing Luo's house is very big, so you don't have to worry about not having a house.""What about you guys?
Aren't you going to Xing Luoluo's house?""Hehe!
We've been out for too long, so it's time we went home to take a look.
Alright, it's time we left.
Goodbye!" After Yi Chen finished speaking, he winked at Xing Luo and left with Lone Shadow, leaving behind Xing Luo and Yue Lian."Let's go too." Xingluo said as he led Yuelian away.On this side, the squad leader who had just sent a message to Starfall was standing respectfully in front of an elderly man."Say, Xingluo brought a girl back with him?" the old man asked."Yes, Lord Duke," replied the squad leader.
It turned out that this old man was Xingluo's grandfather, one of the three great dukes of the empire, the grand magus Si Konglang."How does that girl look like?""My lord, the girl's face is covered, so I couldn't see her clearly.
But according to my guess, the girl's appearance is definitely not inferior to Miss Ouyang's.""Aren't you under Lingling?
This is interesting."Yue Lian followed the descent of the stars and walked across the streets.
The two of them were speechless.After a long time, Xing Luo turned into a street.
Yue Lian raised her head in surprise.
She discovered that there was almost no one on this street, and it was very different from the bustle just now.
Moreover, the houses on this street were much larger than other places.Doubtfully, she stopped before a house at Starfall.
She found that even on this street, this house was the largest.
On the door hung a plaque, with three large words written on it: the Duke's House.Yuelian looked at Starfall and explained, "This is my home." Then, he led Yuelian inside.As soon as the servants in the room saw Starfall, they seemed to have exploded and started to get busy."Young Master!" A servant dressed in yellow came in front of them, "Old Master asked you to come back, so I went to see him in the study room.""I got it!
Qiuer, go get someone to tidy up the Misty Moon Restaurant and take Miss Yuelian to rest." After giving the order, he turned to Yuelian and continued, "Yuelian, I'm going to meet Grandfather.
You can go rest at the Misty Moon Restaurant first!"Seeing Yue Lian nod, he headed for the study."Miss Yuelian, please follow me in this direction!" Qiuer said as he secretly examined Yuelian.
Because the Misty Moon Pavilion was located right next to the young master's Xuanxing Pavilion, no one had ever been able to move in.
And who exactly was this girl who had returned with the young master?
How could the young master care so much about her?Yuelian knew that Qiuer was looking at her, but she was merely a guest.
She wouldn't be staying here for long, so why bother?
If Xing Luo knew what she was thinking right now, she wouldn't know how painful it would be."Grandfather!" Xing Luo came to the study and saw her grandfather."You're back!""Mn!""You're too daring!
How dare you chase after Jiu Weihu?!" Si Konglang was suddenly enraged."We just want to test our abilities," Starfall explained."Suspense!
Alright, tell me what happened."Xingluo recounted how they had hunted and killed Jiu Weihu, except for the scene of Yue Lian's appearance.
Then, he took out Jiu Weihu's demon core and placed it on the table."Alright, let's forget about it this time.
Let's not do it again.
Keep the demon core!" Sikong Lang unexpectedly was very magnanimous, causing Starfall to feel a chill."Grandson, I heard you brought a girl back with you?" Si Konglang looked as if he were an old man.As expected.?Xingluo thought to himself, but he didn't dare to say anything, "Yes, Yuelian met his grandson on the way here.
When I saw her alone, I brought her back to the capital.
She's currently in the Misty Moon Restaurant.""Mount Fog Pavilion?" Si Konglang snickered inwardly.
"Then how do you plan to arrange her in the future?"Xingluo remained expressionless, "She naturally has to decide what to do in the future.
How can we interfere?""Is that so?" Lao Huli asked."That's right." Xiao Huli responded affirmatively.The moment Yue Lian arrived at the Misty Moon Restaurant, she was enchanted by the scenery inside.Looking around, there are flowers and trees everywhere.
A small building is hidden in it.
There is only one path to the building in the garden.
Standing by the window, the scenery behind the house is all seen: a fake mountain stands behind the house.
The mountain is full of water.
All kinds of small fish are swimming at the bottom of the water.
It's a little fun.
Next to the fake mountain, there is a stone table and two stone benches for playing chess..Looking around, there were flowers and trees everywhere.
A small building was hidden in it.
There was only one path left in the garden that led to the building.
It went up to the small building and stood by the window.
The scenery behind the house was all seen: a fake mountain stood behind the house.
The mountain was full of water, and the fish at the bottom of the water were swimming happily.
It was a little fun.
Next to the fake mountain, there was a stone table and two stone benches for playing chessYue Lian was lost in this beautiful scenery, and thoughts that had been buried in the depths of his heart for a long time surged forth.She recalled her five years of living on the Hidden Fog Island.
Although she spent most of the time in the Heart Refining Pavilion, her father's concern for her, and the mountains and rivers on the island, had long been imprinted in her heart.
In the Hidden Fog Island, even though there were only her father and her, the island was peaceful and filled with a natural aura.
Over there, she could rest easy and live the life she wanted.She thought of the years in the blue light again, of the gentleness of the king, the silence of the shadow, the pity of the cold girl, and the humor of the pavilion.
Though they did not say anything, they were all silently watching over her and taking care of her.
They carried heavy burdens on their own, yet they still taught her meticulously, hoping that she would change her destiny.A drop of blue light flashed in front of her like a lantern.White Tiger and Demonic Forest's demonic beasts might be scary to others, but in her eyes, they were the most adorable group, but they were forced to become enemies with humans.Why?
Why?Yuelian seemed to have seen the scene of her killing Jiu Weihu again.
Jiu Weihu's eyes were wide open, and he stared at her resentfully, as if he was complaining.
That's right, Jiu Weihu didn't commit any crimes, but he died under her sword.She recalled everything that she saw on the road to the capital: a group of noble children, in order to steal a young girl, actually beat the young girl's family to death; some poor people couldn't even eat food, while nobles lived a life of drunkenness...She hated nobility.
Although she did not understand, the Count was also nobility.
It seemed that Xing Luo was a Count and she hated nobility, but she lived in his house.Father, Yu, Ying, Han, Xuan, Xing Luo, Yi Chen, Solitary Shadow...
A figure appeared in her heart, appeared, and disappeared.Why?
Why do I have to leave the Hidden Fog Island?
Why do we have to suffer?
Why do we have to face all of this?
Yue Lian shouted in her heart.Sleep!
Forget it!
This way, it won't be painful anymore!
She fell into the darkness step by step...After leaving the study room, Xing Luo went straight to the Moon Fog Restaurant.
As soon as he entered, he saw Yue Lian standing in front of the window with a pained expression."Oh no!" Starfall was shocked.
"Yue Lian!
Yue'er!" he called out, but Yue Lian didn't respond."I don't care!
This is the only way.
"Xing Luo hugged Yue Lian and tried to sink his consciousness into Yue Lian's heart.As he searched, he called out Yue Lian's name.Starfall was horrified to discover that Yue Lian's consciousness was in complete darkness.
If he didn't find her quickly, he wouldn't have had enough time.
He resumed his search.
Finally, he found Yue Lian curled up in a corner."Yue'er!
Yue'er!Yue Lian raised his head and looked at the young man in front of him, a sense of familiarity flashing through his heart.
"You, who are you?""I'm Xingluo.
How is it?
Do you remember?""Xingluo?
I think I've heard of him somewhere?""I'm your friend!
Come, Yue'er, give me your hand and we'll go out together.""Why go out?
I like this place.""You can't stay here.
Otherwise, everyone will be worried.
""Everyone?""Your family, and me!""Family?" Something flashed across Yue Lian's mind.
"Yue'er, you have to find out where the legendary secret of the clan lies.
Don't sleep anymore.""Who?
Who are you?" Suddenly, she remembered, "Father, it's father!""Little girl, you're too naughty.
You actually hid alone and didn't come to chat with me!" Xuan put on an exaggerated face."Brother Xuan!""Yue'er!" It was the cold girl."Yue'er!" Yue called out."Yue'er!" Shadow's face revealed worry."Yue'er!" Xingluo stood in front of her and disappeared without waiting for her to say anything.Yue Lian woke up, and his surroundings brightened."I'm sorry!
I made you worry!" Yuelian cried.Back in reality, Xingluo was still holding Yuelian in his arms as he stared at her with a pitiful expression on his face.
All of a sudden, tears streamed down from the corner of Yuelian's eyes, shocking him.
He gently brushed away her tears, his heart filled with mixed emotions.After a while, the corners of Yue Lian's eyes twitched.
She opened her eyes and discovered that she was lying in a person's embrace.
When she raised her head, she met Xing Luo's eyes.
The two of them stared at each other for a long time, momentarily speechless.After some time, Xingluo said softly, "If you want to cry, just cry!
Don't hold it in your heart."These words had stirred up Yue Lian's long-term worries.
She lay in Xingluo's arms and wept bitterly.After a long time, Yuelian finally stopped crying, "I'm sorry!
I even wet your clothes.""It's alright.
As long as you're fine!"Yue Lian stood up, and Xing Luo sighed in disappointment."Big brother Xingluo, why are you here?" Yuelian asked awkwardly."I came to see you, but I found that you've actually gone crazy.
What's wrong?
Don't you like this little building?""No, Yuelian shook his head.
"I really like this place.
I just remembered a few things from the past.
I didn't expect that I would go crazy.
Thank you so much this time.""Don't be silly.
Just say it in the future.
Don't hold it in your heart.
There was an awkward atmosphere between them."I..." The two spoke at the same time."Go ahead!" Xingluo said."No, nothing.""Oh, I see." Xingluo was a little disappointed.
"Then you should rest well!
I'll bring you to the capital tomorrow.""Mn!
Bye!"When Yue Lian saw Xing Luo leaving, he cursed himself for being possessed."We can't do this in the future!" Yuelian muttered to himself.