The Intoxication of Colors

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Chapter 4

An Ruoqi was e-mailing a computer to a foreign boss to report on the work here.
He didn't need to work today, he could just finish his work at home.
She was the only one left here.
She had no relatives.
She only had one friend, but she felt lonely without any relatives.
However, she was used to it.Ever since she knew that she was not a human, she had understood that loneliness was something that she would never be able to get rid of in this lifetime.When she was four years old, she looked the same as other children, no different.
She also played with other children.
At that time, she was too young and forgot how she felt when she was with someone else.
There was a little kid who had fallen into the water when he was playing by the river.
She didn't know what to do.
She just cried desperately there, hoping that someone could watch and hear her crying, but she couldn't shed a single tear.She stretched forth a hand to grab the little girl, but was dragged into the water by the little girl.In the water, she struggled like the little friend.
She watched as the little friend slowly sank down while she herself sank down.
Because she cried and shouted, she drank a few mouthfuls of water.
When she was underwater, she was surprised to find that she could see everything clearly as long as she kept her mouth shut.
It was not like the little friend was dead, not breathing at all.Later on, she was rescued by someone, but her stomach was bulging.
Because she drank too much water, nothing else happened.This was too magical.
He had actually lived underwater for nearly an hour.
And her family explained to others that "My child had learned the Qi Condensation Art since elementary school, so she could do this.
This reason was too far-fetched in the eyes of others, but she believed it herself.When she was ten years old, she, like other children, went to school together and went home together after school, smiling so brightly.
One day, she climbed to the balcony to dry her clothes, and accidentally the wind blew them down.
She reached out to grab the clothes.
The clothes were caught, but she also fell down.In midair, she was extremely afraid.
When she thought that she was going to die from falling to the ground, she realized that her feet were suspended in the air, and she was actually flying into the sky.She was shocked and fell heavily on the ground.
Since then, she had thought that she was different.
She even suspected that she wasn't human, because how could she fly into the sky?"Grandfather, I want to ask you something.
Am I human?" An Ruoqi, who was fifteen years old and had graduated from junior high, asked this question."Why do you say that?" Grandpa looked kind.She told Grandfather about those things, and Grandfather smiled."Grandpa will tell you everything when you graduate from university.
The most important thing right now is to study and complete the mission I want to give you.
"Ever since then, her grandfather had asked her to practice a martial art every day.
However, it was different from the martial arts written on TV and books.
Later on, she found out that it was the Demon Subduing Art.At 18 years old, she got her wish and got into the University of F, a major university in the country.
Before leaving this city, her grandfather told her his family's mission and his unhuman fate.
She wasn't too surprised because she knew that she was different from everyone else.When she was 20 years old, her grandfather had left and passed away.
At this time, she had finished practicing all the magic suppressing arts.
There was no one in this world that she couldn't subdue.
Her grandfather seemed to have fulfilled his mission and left.She did not feel too sad.
When her grandfather had been alive, he had told her, "Their race is destined to be lonely forever.
If one day a person can accept her identity, then she will meet the lover in her life.
They will be able to get married and have children, so that they can fulfill their mission like Grandpa.
""...""Ruoqi, do you have time today?
I'll treat you to a meal!" An Ruoqi picked up the phone.
It was a woman's voice.
This woman was her university classmate and her only friend."Alright, let's meet at the entrance of the Huahua Mall.
I really want to eat spicy hotpot there..." An Ruoqi's voice was gentle."Mmm, 11 a.
You have to hurry up.
We'll be together soon.
"This was her only friend in this world - Jiang Pingluo.
Back when he was at University F, when he first found out that An Ruoqi didn't have a family, he said to her, "Ruoqi, do you think I'm your best friend?
I can be your older sister.
Haha, I'm older than you by a month." This was a form of sincerity and not pity.
An Ruoqi was very touched and glad to accept it.When An Ruoqi first told him that he wasn't a human, but an alien, Jiang Pingluo's expression was calm.
He said to An Ruoqi, "You didn't harm me.
I don't care if you're an alien.
Besides, even if you're an alien, so what?
Could it be that you'll kill all of us?
Haha, I'll listen to big sister.
Big sister will protect you."Since then, An Ruoqi had been convinced that Jiang Pingluo could be her true friend.
Before her grandfather's death, he had told her that if humans didn't mind her identity, then this person could be her friend or lover.Although she was lonely, at the very least, she had met this friend of hers.
She believed that the heavens weren't bad to her.
As for her lover, she had never thought about how the boy she loved would look like.
Even though there were some boys chasing after her back to school, she couldn't see any sincerity in those people's eyes.
If she casually told others that she wasn't human, they might have taken her away and sent her to a mental hospital.She was the most gentle and pleasant girl in the school, but she was also the most lonely one.This was especially true for her after work."Aluo, aren't you afraid of me at all?" she used to ask Jiang Pingluo this way."Heh heh, we've known each other for almost six years now, haven't we?
What's there to be afraid of?
It's not like I've never seen your Demon Subduing Art since young.
Besides, you won't hurt me, right?" Jiang Pingluo smiled.
In Jiang Pingluo's mind, Ruoqi was the most gentle girl in the world.
What does it have to do with whether she's human?
He's far better than those hypocritical women.."It's not like I've never seen your Demon Subduing Art before.
Besides, you won't hurt me, right?" Jiang Pingluo smiled.
In Jiang Pingluo's mind, Ruoqi was the gentlest girl in the world.
So what if she was human?
She was far better than those hypocritical women."You...
It's just that you haven't seen monsters before.
If you see them, you'll know how powerful I am.
""Heh heh, I really want to see what the demons you speak of look like the other day.
Are there any monsters like handsome guys?
I'll be your boyfriend after being tamed by you.
"An Ruoqi was completely speechless.
How could someone in this world look for a handsome man to think of a monster?
The beauty of a monster wasn't something that humans possessed, so she didn't know why.An Ruoqi recalled the past and a faint smile appeared on his face.
It was spring.
It was the time for all things to recover and the weather was very comfortable.At eleven o'clock in the afternoon, An Ruoqi arrived at the building.
She didn't know why, but after arriving here, she felt a faint demonic aura.
However, there weren't many demons in this world, so how could they still be living in the mortal realm?"Ruoqi, what are you thinking about?"Jiang Pingluo patted An Ruoqi's shoulder from behind, shocking him!"I keep getting the feeling that there's a monster nearby," An Ruoqi replied thoughtfully."Sigh, don't be like this all the time.
What kind of monster is there in this world?
Didn't you say that you haven't encountered any monster since you grew up?"An Ruoqi couldn't help but feel uneasy.
However, she didn't want to say anything to Jiang Pingluo, because if she said too much, Jiang Pingluo would be scared."Alright, let's go in and eat.
Let's eat spicy hotpot."Sitting down in their seats, they ordered a large pot of vegetables that they were eating, making An Ruoqi drink hot water.
Unfortunately, the more they drank, the more spicy it became!"Haha, look at how hot you are.
Ruoqi, look at that girl's purple hair!
She still looks like she's blind with her eyes closed!" Jiang Pingluo smiled at An Ruoqi as he pointed at a corner below.An Ruoqi followed Jiang Pingluo's finger and looked over.
Indeed, it was a long, lilac hair draped over his shoulders, and his face was somewhat pale.
He squatted in a corner, and someone had thrown some money at him.
He also looked at it as usual, and it felt like he was looking for food.
However, when he took a closer look, he knew that this person wasn't blind, because it was impossible for a blind person to neatly put away the paper tickets that had been tossed to the ground.
After all, when the paper tickets were tossed to the ground, there wasn't any sound."After you finish eating, you should head back first.
I might have something else to do..." An Ruoqi said.
Actually, it wasn't that she had something to do.
She just wanted to walk past the purple haired man to take a look."Haha, alright..." Jiang Pingluo laughed evilly.
She seemed to have noticed that An Ruoqi's target was the purple-haired girl.