Edgeless Heavy Sword

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Chapter 4

"Thank you, drunkard uncle.
If it weren't for you saving me today, my life would have been ruined," Yang Ruoxue said sincerely.Uncle, am I that old?
Perhaps my heart is already old.
Mofeng sneered inwardly, "Young miss, there's no need to thank me.
Did President Feng give you a paycheck?""She's done.
She even gave me three hundred yuan.
Little girl?
Uncle, you're not drunk yet, are you?" Yang Ruoxue pouted in dissatisfaction and puffed up his voluptuous chest.
Women at such a young age always hated people calling her a little girl.
Women at such old age always liked to pretend to be immature.
This was an eternal truth.Yang Ruoxue changed out of his work clothes, his light makeup, and his own clothes.
An old pair of jeans revealed her slender and charming legs.
The faded pink clothes couldn't stop her curvy figure.
Her plain face made her look as elegant as a Chrysanthemum.
Mo Feng glanced at her and couldn't help but acknowledge her natural beauty and beautiful figure."Yangruo Ruoxueguniang, don't you know how enticing you are to men?
Aren't you afraid that I'll turn into a mad wolf in the middle of the night?
Have you forgotten that I'm a man?""Hehe," Yang Ruoxue laughed gleefully.
Now that you know how charming I am, take it as a reward for your heroic efforts.""No need, I already said that I am a kind person.
Protecting beauties is my goal ever since I was a child.
For this sacred and great goal, I have practiced martial arts since I was a child.
This is my duty and duty.""Heh heh, you're such a person.
I'll give you a bit of sunlight to shine.
I already know a bit of your strengths.
You're ruthless and shameless, and your skin is thicker.
You must be familiar with the underworld, right?""Do you think that person doesn't seem to be me?
Is he some kind of good friend of yours?
When I was young, my nickname was pure little white dragon.
When I was three years old, I helped the old lady cross the road.
At four, I knew that the road was unscathed.
When I picked up a penny, I gave it to the police uncle.
When I was five, I went to the nursing home to give warmth to the old man.
At six, I would be.."Hahaha.
" Yang Xueruo laughed so hard that his stomach hurt.
"Stop, stop, stop.
Just blow it off.
What kind of pure little white dragon are you talking about?
Do you believe me?""Sigh, my heart is set on the bright moon, but I can't.
It's hard to find confidantes!" Mo Feng took a long sip of wine and sighed."Uncle, don't think I'm trembling.
It's not good for your health to drink like you." Yang Ruoxue looked carefully at Mo Feng.
Mo Feng's eyes flashed with deep pain and vicissitudes, and he remained silent.The two of them continued to walk on the streets without saying a word.
Yang Ruoxue thought to himself, Why is this man in such pain?
All of a sudden, what happened tonight flashed in his mind.
He said that Du Tianwei and Wen Gaoyang had offended him, and that Wen Gaoyang seemed to have only said a single sentence.
Even if he were to teach Wen Gaoyang so much, he wouldn't be willing to continue thinking about it.."Yangruo Ruoxueguniang, I'm going home.
You don't want to go back with me, do you?""Humph!
You're dreaming.
I'm going home now too.""Oh, I see.
By the way, you can't go home tonight.
You can stay there for a few days if you have any friends or classmates.""Why can't I go home?" Yang Ruoxue asked in astonishment."Haha, you're still a student, and you're still so naive.
If I've guessed correctly, the police have been waiting for you at your house.""Police?
Why are the police looking for me?
I didn't commit any crimes."Mo Feng looked at Yang Ruoxue's confused expression and inwardly sighed.
Students are students.
They have never walked out of society before, so they don't know the dark side of society.
"Although I'm the one who injured and crippled people today, Du Tianwei and Wen Gaoyang's father don't know who I am?
Where do I live?
But you're different.
Your family and living environment have already been investigated by Du Tianwei, so there's no secret to be found."Who are they looking for if they don't look for you?
This can be considered as a disaster for fishes, you understand now, right?"...""But I didn't hurt anyone.
It was them who wanted to harm me.
President Feng and the bartender can prove that I'm innocent and innocent.
The police can't come here recklessly either," Yang Ruoxue explained."You're a little girl, but you still won't admit it.
I don't know if President Feng is stupid or naive.
President Feng already knew that there was something wrong with that glass of wine, but why did he still want you to drink it?
He didn't dare to offend the Qing Gang, not to mention that he has a deputy mayor.
He's a high-ranking official at the provincial government.Did President Feng have the guts to testify for you?
Sigh, in your current state, she sold you out and you're still counting money for her?"...""Then what should I do now?
My only good friend has returned to Zhongjing in the past few days, and I'm not familiar with those students." Yang Xueruo cried helplessly.
Suddenly, his fists punched Mo Feng's body, and he roared, "It's all your fault!
It's all your fault!
You bastard!
You're trying to harm me!
I told you not to hurt those two beasts!""Why would you do this?
Why?"Outside the operation room of the People's Hospital in Huhai City, Deputy Mayor Wen Fenghai and his wife, the deputy director of the Trade and Commerce Bureau, Wangqing and Dujin, the eldest son of the Qing Dynasty, were both pale-white.
They paced around anxiously, staring intently at the lights in the operation room.
Wangqing's face was filled with pain as he wept non-stop.
Wen Fenghai shouted in frustration, "Stop crying!
Are you tired?"Wen Fenghai picked up his phone and listened for a while.
Then, he said coldly, "Chuguo, what?
Yang Ruoxue hasn't returned yet?
I've asked your subordinates to stay at her house for twenty-four hours.
I don't believe that she won't go home.
She's an accomplice, and she must be arrested.""..."Du Jin's hair was completely white, and he was a middle-aged man.
He looked at Leilong as if he were about to die, and his face was filled with rage.
A trusted aide walked up to him and said softly, "Boss, Leilong called just now and said that the woman hasn't returned home yet.""Heaven's Will!
Tell Leilong and his brothers to stay here and capture that bitch!" Dujin said ruthlessly."Yes, Boss."Two hours later, the lights in the operating theatre finally went out.
The door opened, and the nurses pushed Wen Gaoyang and Du Tianwei, who were unconscious due to anesthetic, towards the high-end ward.
Wen Fenghai, Wangqing, and Dujin looked at their respective sons' twitching pale faces, and a heart-wrenching pain surged in their hearts.Wangqing gently caressed Wen Gao's face.
Tears rained down his face and he couldn't make a sound."Principal Chen, Professor Li, how is my son?" Wen Fenghai and Dujin asked the two attending doctors."Mayor Wen, Mr Du, I, Chen Shoujie, am in charge of the Orthopedics Department's main saber.
I've already connected the fractured parts of Wen Gongzi's left leg, but the bones on his right knee and big foot have been completely broken.
As for Du Gongzi's right leg, I've already fixed the fractured parts, but the bones on his left knee and big foot have been completely broken."Mayor Wen, Duye, I'm very sorry.
Forgive me for being powerless."Wen Fenghai and Dujin remained calm and silent.
Wang Qingchong stepped forward and grabbed Principal Chen's surgical gown.
"President Chen, according to what you've said, my son's right foot won't be able to be treated.
He'll be crippled in the future.""Yes, Madam Wen.
I'm sorry.""I don't believe you.
You're a quack, and you're a liar.
My son won't be a cripple." Wangqing lost his mind and grabbed at the hospital chief's surgical gown."Enough.
Stop messing around.
Principal Chen is a famous orthopedics doctor in Huhai City.
He's an authoritative specialist in the Orthopedics Department, and he's entitled to a special allowance from the government.
President Chen, I'm sorry to ask you to come over late at night.
Thank you, Wen Fenghai." Wen Fenghai pulled away his wife's hand and thanked Principal Chen."Mayor Wen is too polite.
This is what I should do.
I understand Mrs.
Wen's behavior very well.
Forgive me for being powerless.""Scholar Li, how's my son's operation?" Dujin asked hoarsely as he held the chair outside the operating theatre with trembling hands."Mayor Wen, Mr.
Du, your two subordinates' lower bodies and testicles were all shattered by gravity, so it's impossible for them to do anything," Scholar Li said straightforwardly.Dujin slumped limply on his chair, his hands and feet trembling unknowingly, and tears flowed down his face.
Wang Qingyi immediately fainted upon hearing Doctor Li's words.
Principal Chen immediately called a nurse over to take a look at her in the ward.
Wen Fenghai sat quietly on the chair, his mind blank, and tears slowly trickled down his face."Heaven's Will, inform all the brothers of the Qing Gang to immediately take action.
Even if they want to flip over the sea of Qiuqiu, they still want to take out the bastard who harmed my son.
I want to cut him into a thousand pieces and make him wish he were dead, so that I can vent the hatred in my heart.
And that whore, she has been arranging people in her house and school for twenty-four hours.
As soon as she appears, she will immediately capture her and bring her back to the headquarters of the Qing Gang.
I want this pair of dogs to suffer a fate worse than death!""Dujin roared with bloodshot eyes."Yes, Boss."Wen Fenghai was awoken by Dujin's furious roar.
He calmly pondered for a moment before taking out his phone and dialing the other party's number.
He said in a deep voice, "Chu Country, send someone to bring back all the people with heavy metal and alcohol and request them to describe the couple's appearances.
The photos are posted on the internet.
As long as the criminal is found, there will be a bounty of one million for them to be wanted."Bringing a few people to the People's Hospital, there are also people here who recognize the couple.
No matter what, the murderer must be brought to justice."...""Mr.
Du, the police will come over in a while.
Ask someone to take them to the wounded subordinates and describe the appearance of the couple.
I will ask someone to post their photos on the Internet.
As long as the person who reported the murderer is found, the reward will be 1 million.
This way, although Qiu Hai is big, they have no place to hide."...""Mayor Wen is young and capable.
Sure, it's a good idea.
I, Mr.
Du, will pay five million.
I believe that the murderers who harmed my son and your son won't be able to escape from our mountain of five fingers.""I hope so.
The murderer is so cruel.
If we don't bring them to justice soon, it will cause harm and panic to the people.""Mayor Wen, if the murderer doesn't show up, I will capture the female murderer's family tomorrow and lure the snake out of the hole.
I wonder if this plan works?""Mr.
Du, I can't hear you.
I want to see my lover and son.
"Dujin stared at Wen Fenghai's silhouette and spat out a mouthful of sarcasm, "Hypocrite!"Yang Ruoxue said enviously, "Wow!
Uncle, I didn't expect your house to be in the Guiyuan District.
The price of the building here is at least 20,000 yuan per square meter.
There are three rooms and a living room.
It's over 90 square meters.
Adding the decorations, it'll cost around 2 million yuan.
Little capitalists, I really can't tell.""Haha, I've always kept a low profile.
I understand very well that you don't have that kind of eyesight."Yang Ruoxue responded to Mo Feng with a vomiting posture.
He frowned, "Uncle, you really are a drunkard.
The hall is full of bottles.
Do you drink at home too?
Sigh, since you took me in, I'll help you pack up.""Heh heh, I didn't expect you to still have the mood to be a Tianshu girl.
It's truly a kind of pure happiness!
Now that the sea has turned upside down, you still have this Yaxing to help me clean up my wine bottles.
The ignorant are truly fearless!""What do you mean?
The sea is turning upside down.
I don't understand what you're trying to say.
Please don't pretend to be mysterious, okay?""If I'm not mistaken, the entire street is full of people from the Green Gang.
They want to copy us out.
Your family has police waiting for us, waiting for you, the female murderer, to fall into a trap.
The people from the Qing Gang are hiding near your home, ready to take you back.
I believe that in less than five hours, our photos on the Internet will be made public and we will be wanted as murderers."...""Bah!
What female murderer?
I'm the victim.
It's all because of you, big bad guy.
It's as if you know everything.
How could there be photos of us online?
It's simply nonsense.""Haii!
You're saying that you're a highly talented student in the finance department of the Fudan University and that you receive a scholarship every year?
What era is it now?
It's the age of information network.
The police won't find people with heavy metal and alcohol to describe our appearances, and then put on a bounty on the Internet to search for us through human flesh?
It seems that there's something wrong with the education method in our country.
This kind of education will make people dumbfounded."Sorrowful!Yang Ruoxue looked at Mo Feng's pitiful expression as if he was a contemporary thinker.
He became angry from shame and rushed over.
He picked up Mo Feng's right hand and bit down hard."Hey, you're here again.
You bit me hard on the street just now.
You're a dog.
Stop, stop, stop, I'm bleeding.
It's my fault.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
Please be magnanimous.
If I don't show you the slightest bit of color, you won't know why flowers are so red!
How dare you call my great beauty Yang Ruoxue an idiot?
If there's a next time, I'll bite you to death!"