Desires At Late Night: The chief spoiled lover

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Lust Beauty (3)

However, it was another rainy day.
While he was upset, he gained something else under the cover of the willow.
He gently licked his lips.
"Not bad, I think it'll be fine to try it." The more mature women she had, the more bored she became.
He waved his hand at the little girl, and his voice was irresistible.
"Get in the car." She looked at this man in a daze.
Her forehead was burning hot and her whole body was cold.
What did he say?
"Did he ask me to get in his car?" Under normal circumstances, Shu Xiaoxiao would definitely refuse.
Shu Xumo was most afraid of his daughter being cheated.
He had always told her not to talk to strangers ever since she was a child.
He didn't want to drink what a stranger handed to him.
He got on a stranger's car.
The most important thing for a girl was her innocence.
She had always been obedient to her father's demands, hoping that her father would think that she was a good daughter and be proud of her.
But what was it now?
Father did not love Mother at all, nor did he love her.
Father might have simply regretted bringing her into this world!
He thought of his father's ugliness, of his father's laughable and savage face, and of his entangled snow-white body...
A man and a woman.
Wasn't that what they were all about?
If you can do it, what am I afraid of?
Shu Xiaoman's eyes suddenly darkened and she said, "Okay." After that, she strode towards the man's car.
Her petite body was determined in her steps, and her eyes were filled with stubborn flames!
The man was a little surprised by the little girl's consent.
This little girl seemed to be born in a country.
Could it be that she was not wary of people at all?
— Or had someone played with it?
It didn't matter a long time ago?
This was more likely.
"Many of the present Chinese students have had a miscarriage several times!
A trace of disdain flashed through his mind, and he was about to drive her away with a smile.
He really didn't mind, but he never liked to play bad stuff.
He was a man of high status.
He played with either the champion or the female star.
Occasionally, he changed his taste and bought something from the folk, but he didn't want a bad guy.
But at this time, Shu Xiao had already taken the lead.
She opened the door and sat in!
Her entire body was covered in water, and she did not wipe it at all.
She sat casually on the passenger seat next to him.
Her petite figure looked even more pitiful against the large seats.
Her sitting down directly caused the rated rated rated rated rated as an Irish goat skin cushion to be soaked in the sewage, and the damage was millions of yuan.
The man tried to hide the anger in his heart, but he still frowned deeply!
The cushion was purchased in Paris a week ago.
It was a limited edition, inlaid with the Sedlar's Magic Crystal and expensive South Africa diamonds.
There were less than ten of them in the world, and they could not touch even a little water.
But she was ruined by such a little woman.
His handsome face was ashen, and beneath his thick eyelashes flowed a trace of disdain.
If it weren't for the fact that the man was still a bit beautiful and he let her in, he would have asked someone to kill her.
His thin lips curved with sarcasm.
"Miss, before you enter someone else's car, please clean the water on your body first.
Don't break other people's things.
This is basic etiquette, understand?" Shu Xiaoman didn't even look at him.
It seemed that he was not sitting in the Bugatti sports car which had a market value of three million yuan but sat on a bench in a park in half a year.
She had no interest in this man at all, no matter how handsome he was.
She just wanted to calm down and find a place to hide the wound in her heart.
The man looked at her indifferent look and felt a surge of anger in his heart.
With his current appearance and his coquettish car, he could easily attract the attention and attention of countless women when he was in a place where there were piles of women.
Even if he threw the car to the corner, there were countless small cards with numbers on them.
This was the first time that a little girl did not like him!
He pursed his lips and snorted with dissatisfaction.
"What kind of quality is that?
Didn't your parents teach you how to look at others when you speak?" Speaking of her parents, Shu Xiao's heart was filled with anger and sorrow.
Was that person qualified to be his father?
She pursed her lips and stared at the cloudy sky without moving.
He completely ignored the man's burning eyes!
Say something!" There was a flash of killing intent between the man's eyebrows.
The girl turned her head sideways, and the tip of her nose was as delicate as crystal.
Yanhong's small mouth was red, and she was stubborn.
"Sir, you asked me to come in.
You have to be polite even if you want to invite someone to come in.
Didn't your parents teach you?" She turned a blind eye to him, and her sharp teeth were deep and thorough, which provoked the man!
—Isn't she just a little woman?
Why must she be so proud?
"He said his parents?
Does she have the right to say that?" When he took a closer look, he narrowed his eyes.
The curve of her cheeks was like a newly bloomed flower, and the earlobes were white like drops of water.
As he opened the collar, the arc in front of him was even more attractive.
She trembled slightly, as if she was luring someone to pluck some fruit!
He bared his snow-white teeth and smiled evilly.
That smile was like that of a wild beast!
All of a sudden, he clenched her waist from the back!
Yes, it was thin enough and flexible!
It was the kind that all men liked to knock down!
He could not wait to see her struggling!
She was caught off guard, her small body struggling with everything she had, but how could she beat a strong man!
Her petite body quickly fell on the passenger seat.
What was even more embarrassing was that her head was directly lying on the man's body!
At this time, she finally discovered the danger she was in, and her heart beat fast!
Did she have such bad luck that she not only ran into her father's crime today, but she was also being insulted by a pervert...
She was really the most unlucky girl in the world...
"God, what's wrong with me?" Why did she agree to his invitation so easily?
Her sight was obscured by the wet hair, and she couldn't see the man's face at all.
She only felt the heat of his mouth, itchy, with a trace of smoke, mixed with the man's unique sexy breath...
Infuriating, his entire body was limp and limp...
Xiaoxiao felt her throat dry and her heart beat faster.
She shouted angrily and urgently, "Let me go...
let me get off the car..." "Miss, the same sentence is for you.
It's you who promised me to come in!" "How dare you!" "Don't blame others for your bitchy behavior, got it?" The man looked down at her, his eyes full of disdain.
"You are such a big rogue!
You..." "Thank you for the compliment." "Go to hell!" "Oh?
We'll see who's dead later...." With a cold smile, he reached out his hand and roughly smoothed her hair, which was wet like seaweed!
He wanted to see what this little woman looked like.
Was it worth to play with her?
If it was too ugly, he would throw it out immediately!
He never bickered with the ugly woman!
Feeling the smell of smoke between his fingers, he pushed her hair away with his powerful and slender fingers.
She felt choked and uncomfortable!
However, there was a kind of indescribable heartbeat.
It seemed that although it smelled bad, it wanted people to smell it a little longer...
It was so strange...
Why did her father...
smoke occasionally, but when she smelled his smell, she only felt sick.
She was born to hate the smell of tobacco, so Shu Xumo never smoked at home...
But this strange man, this big bad guy, why did the smell of his cigarette make people feel absent-minded?
His heartbeat was like sitting on a roller coaster...
It was so strange!
In order to cover up the panic in her heart, Xiaoxiao pretended to shout, "What are you doing?
Don't touch my hair...
Otherwise, I'll call someone!" Although she pretended to resist desperately, her voice was as touching as a kitten's.
The man's heart tightened!
"Miss, you don't have a hairstyle now, so stop struggling.
What's more, I don't like this kind of seduce.
Since you want to seduce me, you'd better be obedient." While speaking, he did not stop moving his hand.
His fingers brushed past her eyelids, nose, lips...
Gentle, but also a vigorous inspection.
It was like looking at a puppy, whether they would buy it or not.
However ...
She was really small...
Lying on his knees like this, his entire body seemed to be only one-third of his size.
It was soft and boneless, so small that he thought he was going to crush it with a pinch.
She really felt that she could be called Xiaoxiao, just like a little cat.
It was not bad to put it on her knee.
She didn't know when her little face turned hot and red!
It turned out that...
this man thought she was going to 'seduce' him...
He felt so good about himself...
She really wanted to swear at his eighteen generations of ancestors, but her throat seemed to be blocked and she could not say a word...
The man looked at the face that he had brushed open with his own 'sea belt' in satisfaction!
Even though this little woman had her eyes tightly closed, he could not see whether her eyes were beautiful or not.