The Game is Slaughter

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Water Drop of Fleeing

The major media had already dug out Xiao Yu's information.
Half a year ago, Xiao Yu was just an indoors man who stayed at home all day.
Unexpectedly, a man's weight was less than 90 pounds.
Although it seemed that Xiao Yu's body was much stronger and weighed more than 100 pounds, compared with other people, she was still much inferior.
Her movements were not agile and she had no strength.
She did not practice archery, nor martial arts, freestyle or other sports movements.
In such a violent game, he was doomed.
Xiao Yu timidly walked into the hall.
Other people who had already come in stood on the patterns of their planets, holding their weapons in their hands.
Xiao Yu saw that the first to come in was a bow and arrow, and the dagger on her waist.
With the bow and arrow in hand, her whole person changed.
She changed from a timid and nervous girl to a confident and imposing archer.
Needless to say, she must have practiced archery often, and her shooting ability was also very outstanding.
Therefore, after having the most familiar bow and arrow in her hand, her spiritual appearance had a huge change.
Wu Nan, the Starlord of the Overlord, was holding a huge ax in his hand.
The ax and his giant figure were a perfect match.
Xiao Yu didn't even want to resist when she saw him.
If she met Wu Nan in the game, Xiao Yu would have no choice but to be slaughtered.
In the center of the hall, there was a long row of weapons racks with all kinds of weapons on it.
Some common weapons like knives, spears, swords and halberds that Xiao Yu had seen on the earth, some uncommon weapons such as double-section sticks and meteor hammers, and some weapons that Xiao Yu had never seen before.
It was estimated that these weapons were weapons used by other planets.
Xiao Yu didn't have too many choices.
He went straight to the weapon rack and took a sword about one meter long from it.
There was no pistol or something like that here.
If Xiao Yu had a sniper rifle, it would have increased her confidence.
When playing games, he always chose a sniper and then hid in the corner to play dirty.
He never charged into a battle.
However, there were no guns to choose here.
He could only choose this most commonly seen sword.
Although he did not know how to use it, it was much more confident than choosing other weapons.
"Try your swordcraft." A cold voice said.
Xiao Yu carried the sword and walked to the weapon rack with hesitation.
There was a sandbag-like thing on it, and the word "sword test platform" was below it.
Xiao Yu held the sword with both hands, and with a move of her hand, she chopped the Huashan Mountain directly up and down.
The sword hit the sandbag and chopped off the length of about an inch.
"Shh." Suddenly, a hubbub was heard.
It was as if there was someone watching him fight outside the hall.
This sound was much lower than the other people's voices he heard.
It was likely because his results were too bad.
Xiao Yu walked to her position and stepped on the pattern of the Earth Star.
Several people came in successively.
After performing, these people got a much louder sound than Xiao Yu did.
In the sky of the hall, there were twenty human heads hanging.
Next to the 20 people heads, there was a column-like object with numbers on it.
Xiao Yu looked at it and found that the number of Wu Nan from the Overlord Star was nine thousand, Jun Yan was five thousand, and his own number was just zero.
Xiao Yu suspected that this was a bet.
Her number indicated that there were many people betting on her.
From this, one could see that Jun Yan was quite strong.
After all the 20 people came out, You Kajen walked out.
His smile was sincere this time.
He bowed to the four sides and then walked to the middle of the 20 people.
He glanced at them and said, "Well, you guilty envoys have chosen your own weapons.
Soon, you will start the game of the Sovereigns." He stretched out his hand and waved.
An illusion lantern curtain-like thing was hanging down on the untransparent roof.
There was a row of faces on it, and the top was Wu Nan.
This Overlord Starman was obviously in the first place.
The last one was Xiao Yu.
"Look at your opponents.
From the moment you entered the game, they were your opponents.
Well, I'll tell you the detailed rules.
The first step is to divide into groups.
You will have 20 people who will be divided into four teams, and five people in each team.
Every three days, I will release a task.
The most successful team will get a reward, and the worst one will have no reward.
The worst one will have to be elected and choose the one who has been eliminated.
This person will be executed directly." You Kajen suddenly lowered his voice mysteriously.
"By the way, I'll tell you a secret.
There's a pardon talisman hidden in a certain place.
The one who has this pardon talisman can make himself escape death, and the one who has second place will die instead of him." You Kajen stood up and carefully smoothed out the wrinkles on his clothes.
Then, he said, "Well, ten minutes later, the transfer will start.
You will enter the game of the Sovereign.
By then, you will know who will be in the same team as you.
Good luck to you." Xiao Yu looked at the others.
Except for Wu Nan, everyone else was very nervous.
Even Wu Nan was a little uncomfortable, and he shouted and wiped the sweat from his palms, not knowing whether it was because he was nervous or excited.
Xiao Yu's hand had already soaked the handle of the sword.
He silently prayed that he would never be in a team with this Starlord Wu Nan.
Facing this giant, he didn't even have the slightest heart to resist.
Xiao Yu looked up and saw that there was a number on the curtain counting down.
Xiao Yu quickly prepared for it.
She wanted to wait until the time was up and run away as soon as possible.
No matter who he was in the same group, he was no match for others, and he would inevitably die.
As for the waterdrop that could save his life, he really didn't know what it was.
six..." The numbers on the screen were getting smaller and smaller, but Xiao Yu's heart was beating faster and faster.
He didn't care about other people's feelings.
His heart was beating so fast that it almost jumped out of his throat.
one!" With a "swish" sound, Xiao Yu felt that she fell heavily.
He staggered and got up, then he rushed out and did not see clearly the surrounding environment and the traces of others.
After staggering for two or three times, he finally stood firm.
But when he ran up, he bumped into a big tree, which made him so painful that he couldn't stand straight.
He didn't know that there was a sneer of contempt coming from the roof of the high roof where they were sent to the place just now, as if they were looking at Xiao Yu's performance.