Wulin Masters in City

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Secret Inquiry from the Church of Health

At noon the next day, Wang Xiaofeng got up from the bed with sleepy eyes as usual and urinated.
Then he turned on his second-hand black and white TV.
Listening to the news, this morning, he went from the city to the cliff side and found a man dying on the street.
His death was extremely miserable.
The police had been involved in this matter at present.
They suspected that it was a murder caused by a gang fight.
According to the identification of the medical examiner, this man had fallen to death from a high place...
The reporter had just mentioned it, and Wang Xiaofeng saw a familiar body in disbelief.
He was stunned.
When the news ended, Wang Xiaofeng quickly searched the room of less than 20,square meters and found the thread-bound book named "Jiuyang True Script" in a small seal script in less than a moment.
However, Wang Xiaofeng still looked disdainful.
He threw the book to the side and laughed, "Peerless kung fu?
Zhang Wuji?
Zhang Liang?
Ma Xiaoyun?
I think the uncle should be drunk and fell from the top.
It's not a murder case.
The policeman must have seen too much Ke Nan!" Heavenly King Xiaofeng only thought about Zhang Liang's death and what he said when he was dying.
He just lived the plain life as usual!
At 1:30,in the morning, Wang Xiaofeng still rode his bicycle to the store from his residence.
There was no obstacle on his way.
It seemed that the police had taken back Zhang Liang's body and cleaned up the bloody streets.
There was no talking that night.
Around three o'clock in the afternoon the next day, Wang Xiaofeng was the most sleepy time in the class.
Suddenly, the door of the store was opened, and more than 30,people came in from outside.
Each of them was dressed in a suit and had an extraordinary aura.
Everyone seemed to be full of domineering aura, which made people dare not look straight at them.
When Wang Xiaofeng was free, he would stand with several waiters on the first floor.
When he was busy, he would go to the private room on the second floor.
There were so many customers in the restaurant.
Wang Xiaofeng scolded them in a low voice and received them with a smile.
As usual, there was no mistake and the guests enjoyed such enthusiastic hospitality.
At this moment, a strong man with a treacherous face, with a mustache, said as he undressed, "It's really a pleasure to live in this city.
After last night's search failed, you, Taoist Ma, were so magical that you even had a sect in this city, which helped us to avoid the pain of sleep in the streets.
In fact, it's all right.
If this matter is spread to the disciples in the sect, I'm afraid that we will lose our faces in the Pacific Ocean." "Hehe, no no no.
Leader Qiu can't say that.
I can't bear it.
Although looking for the Buddhist sutra of Jiuyang, we don't have to push too hard.
After all, it's not easy to find it in a sea of people.
So we can only wait at ease and send me to search for the disciples in the mortal world.
After all, in this city, his ability to find things is much better than ours!" This person was Ma Yunliang, who forced Zhang Liang, and these 30,people were also the leaders and elites of the various sects in the Jianghu world.
"Let's put it aside.
We slept really well last night.
The delicious Jiayao was even more fragrant the next day!
In the afternoon, your disciple took us to the romantic venue in the city.
I wonder how this guy is doing!" A fat man sitting next to Wang Xiaofeng said with a lecherous smile.
"My Ma Yunchou's disciple's store must be extraordinary.
I'm sure everyone will be satisfied!" Ma Yunchou said with a lewd smile.
At this moment, when Wang Xiaofeng heard the words "Jiuyang True Scripture", he suddenly became excited in low spirits.
He immediately looked at the thirty or so people with shining eyes.
At this moment, when he heard Ma Yunchou's self-introduction, he felt so excited and nervous that he was about to burst out.
They were so nervous and excited.
He thought to himself, "Did they force Zhang Liang to death last night?
Judging from their dressing and temperament, they should not be the swindlers.
Is Zhang Liang telling the truth?
Jiuyang True Scripture?" Ma Yunchou noticed the disdain shown by these young waiters.
She wanted to kick up a fuss, but upon thinking that this was a city, it would be troublesome to kill someone.
Her eyes immediately rolled as she thought to herself, "These young waiters are not tight-lipped.
If we spread the story about the Pure Yang Scripture to the outside, although it might be a piece of cake, but it can also cause a storm as time goes by.
And with the search of my disciples, the whole city will soon become noisy, looking for the Pure Yang Scripture." Shortly after, Ma Yunchou pretended to smile at the crowd and said, "Alas, a day has passed and my disciple hasn't gotten a piece of the Pure Yang Scripture yet.
It seems that he has to exert a little bit of power.
After we are done playing, I will ask my disciple to give me a million dollars to find the location of the Pure Yang Scripture.
There must be a brave man under the expensive money.
I am afraid that compared with the fact that the Pure Yang Scripture still exists in this city, it will be hard to escape." "Haha, yes, but how can we let Adept Ma pay for this matter alone?
When we return to the Jianghu world, I will prepare a lot of gifts to pay a visit to you!" Sect Leader Qiu bowed with a smile.
Wang Xiaofeng had no obligation to listen to their conversation.
His mind was full of the "Nine Yang True Scripture" as he thought, "Am I wrong?
Is the scripture true?
Otherwise, they wouldn't have given me a million yuan for it.
No, I'll have to go back and study it after work.
If the scripture is true, I can not only make a fortune, but also get a lot of martial arts.
At that time, the beauty will naturally not be able to escape from me." At 2:30,in the morning, Wang Xiaofeng returned to his residence on time.
He took out the 'Nine Yang True Scripture' from the pile of pants that he had never washed before and couldn't wait to turn to the first page.
The first sentence he said was, "To practice the 'Nine Yang Divine Skill', one must have a good understanding, patience, and patience.
After learning it, one needs nine years to master it.
In addition to special opportunities." Wang Xiaofeng thought gloomily, "Nine years?
I'm already thirty years old.
On TV, Zhang Wuji has just been practicing for a few years, and the Major Moving Heaven and Earth is only a few days' time.
Forget it, let's forget about it.
Zhang Wuji's opportunity is too good, and it's Zhang Sanfeng who made him drink, and the King of Medicine gave him medicine.
I'm afraid I won't live a good life.
It's okay if I can get the one million dollars, but if I can't, I'm afraid I'll have to continue working.
Don't think about it, let's keep watching." "The Nine Yang Divine Art is divided into nine layers.
The first layer, Tai Chi Gathering Qi,face to the east and stand naturally.
First, focus on your Dantian for three to five minutes, and then use the breathing method.
The Yang Qi in the skies will be breathed out from time to time.
The Yin Qi underground will be absorbed by the spring and gathered into the shape of Tai Chi in the Dantian.
It will rotate slowly and the mind will be either separated from the rest.
Don't forget and help.
You can practice for at least two hours each time.
You can practice the next step after 30,days.
Remember!" Wang Xiaofeng let out a sigh and said, "Fortunately, there are diagrams here.
Otherwise, who knows how to sit and suck on them!" Wang Xiaofeng immediately sat cross-legged on the bed and began to practice the Nine Yang Divine Skill.
Two hours passed very quickly.
After sitting cross-legged for about fifteen minutes, Wang Xiaofeng felt a warm current flow from his central dantian.
Whenever the warm current passed by, Wang Xiaofeng would feel less tired.
As time went by, Wang Xiaofeng woke up.
He felt full of strength and his spirit was better than a beautiful sleep!
This made Wang Xiaofeng happier to practice.
He didn't even need to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
It was not until 1:30,a.m.
that Wang Xiaofeng suddenly opened his eyes.
He first blinked uncomfortably, then shook his head and said with a wry smile, "Fortunately, my biological clock is accurate.
Otherwise, if I were late, I would not only offend my colleagues, who have been tired for a day, but also be paid black wages by the boss!" At this point, Wang Xiaofeng just cleaned up a little, then got on his bicycle and went to the 'Fury Martial Arts Club House'.
Life was originally plain, and a month passed quickly.
On this day, Wang Xiaofeng was still in charge.
At about three o'clock in the afternoon, more than 30,people entered the "Qinghuang health club".
However, after a month's search, Wang Xiaofeng could obviously see the anger and depression of these 30,people.
However, the difference today was that among these 30,or so people, there was actually a person who made the boss have to personally come out to meet him,the Howling Tiger.
At this time, Yuan Xiaohu walked behind Ma Yunyou, muttering as if he was reporting something.
As soon as he arrived at the changing room of the bath hall, he heard Ma Yunji shouting, "You are a useless good-for-nothing.
It's been a month.
Except for finding the good-for-nothing who can't be dead anymore, you don't have any clue about the Buddhist Incantation of Nine Yang.
You have really lost the face of your teacher." "Master, it's not my fault.
All the gangsters of the Black Tiger Gang are looking for the location of the Buddhist Incantation of Nine Yang, day and night.
I've tried my best, so there is only one way left.
If I can't even solve this problem, I really have no idea!" Although the words of Xiaohu should be whispered, his tone couldn't change much, so he said arrogantly.
But from Ma Yunchou's appearance, it could be told that she was used to the tone of her disciple.
She asked at once, "Is there any other way?" "Go to the TV station, newspaper office, and the media covered by these publicity surface to make some bounty advertisements.
If someone gets the family's bad situation, I believe that he will soon call us." Yuan Xiaohu said with a smile.
"Hum, in this month, your little gangsters are also shouting about the bounty of looking for the Nine Yang Scripture.
But they still didn't get the reward.
It's just that before the better way, I have to bother you to go to the TV station and these media!" Ma Yunchou said.
Then she led the angry team behind her, using ways to reduce their anger.
Wang Xiaofeng, who was listening next to him, was not a brainless person.
At the moment when the original Howling Tiger proposed a money offensive, he saw the insidious smile on the mouth of the former Howling Tiger.
Those who knew him all knew that he was sinister, cunning, and cruel.
Except for treating his own people, as long as it affected his interests, he would be dealt with by his thunderbolt means.
Wang Xiaofeng laughed in his heart.
"Fuck, how could I be so stupid to offer them to you with both hands obediently?
I want the money and my life!" At noon the next day, Wang Xiaofeng turned on the TV and read the afternoon news after practicing the Nine-Yang Divine Art.
After reading some important toolboxs, the host changed the topic and said, "Next, there is a letter of Revelation!
Ma lost a book of 'Nine Yang True Scripture' on the road to the cliff in the early morning of January.
Please pick up the book and contact Mr.
Ma as soon as possible.
The reward is one million yuan.
The phone is,13XS XXXX!" A sinister smile appeared on Wang Xiaofeng's face.
He wrote down the phone and said, "Okay, from now on, we'll work hard to cheat you with one million yuan." Then Wang Xiaofeng did not continue practicing, but put the U disk and copied the first part of cultivation method into his pocket and ran to the Internet cafe.
When the first level of cultivation was recorded on the U-disk, Wang Xiaofeng still felt that it was not appropriate.
If Yuan Xiaohu knew that the trading person belonged to their store, how could he escape?
Even if he had mastered the first level of the Buddhist Scripture of Nine Yang, and his strength was a lot stronger, Wang Xiaofeng knew that there were many ants that could kill an elephant.
Otherwise, Zhang Liang wouldn't have died under the siege of so many people.
Wang Xiaofeng thought hard and finally came up with a plan!
A week later, Ma Yunchou received a phone call.
The number was left by the one who provided the clues of the Buddhist Incantation of Nine Yang.
It had been heard several times in the past few days, but most people were either naughty or deceitful!
However, it was different today.
"Hey, are you a book picker?" "Yes!
The Buddhist Scripture of Jiuyang is now in my hands.
Now send your fingerprint to this number, and I'll prove it to you!" This was a composite note.
Obviously, in order to cover up for himself, Wang Xiaofeng took a week to record the recording in the computer and was fully prepared.
Ma Yunchou picked up the phone with a busy tone and said to her subordinates, "Bring your boss here!
Tell them I have something important to talk about." After a while, Yuan Xiaohu came in anxiously from outside the door and asked curiously, "Master, what happened?" "Just now I received a phone call from someone who had found the Buddhist Scripture of Nine Yang.
Now he wants to use the electronic chapter to prove to me.
Can you find out the whereabouts of this person?" It seemed that Ma Yunchou's shrewdness also wanted to kill people and take the goods.
It had nothing to do with money.
After all, Ma Yunchou wouldn't allow anyone who had read the Buddhist Scripture of Nine Yang to stay in this world.
"Okay, I'll check it out!" It seemed that they had recorded the notes of all the people who called.
After less than 15,minutes, Yuan Xiaohu came in with a black face and said, "Master, that person uses the composite sound.
After our hackers removed the composite sound, we found that the voice was not issued by a person at all.
It must have been made by piecing together a word on the Internet.
And from the address of the phone number, this person used the network phone, an undiscovered communication tool, to contact us.
It seems that this person is on guard against us!" "Well, I have to find him anyway!
In this case, send an Fiber-Seagull number to me.
I'd like to see how he can prove it to me!
I hope he is not a liar this time!" Ma Yunchou looked at the blue sky and said angrily.
In the past few days, the people who dared to call and deceive the Black Tiger Gang had all been slaughtered.
With the power of the Black Tiger Gang, these family members who were killed were angry but dared not say anything.
After all, the Black Tiger Gang had too many connections behind it.
They, these minor people, could not deal with it!
After a while, Yuan Xiaohu excitedly ran to Ma Yungu and said, "Master, that man just sent an E-India.
It may be the Buddhist sutra of Jiuyang, which master wants!" "What?" Ma Yunchou gasped with disbelief.
The man must have had his own reasons for doing this.
But to her surprise, Xiaohu's eyes flashed and Ma Yunchou appeared suddenly on his computer.
She stared at the screen, her eyes transfixed upon the numerous words on it!
"Why are these words written in runic scripts?
I can remember that these are runic scripts from the Chuyang Sutra, and the background of the scripture is hardly one of thecolation MONUCs!
But this is the very first form of meditation from the Underworld...
This is..." "Master, that man must have been reading a book on the computer and sent it to us.
It seems that this man is very scheming and heavily guarded!
If it goes on like this, we will be in a passive state!" The Soaring Tiger punched on the wall, and with a "dong", the wall actually left a shallow fist print under the punch of the Soaring Tiger.
How devastating the destructive power was.
However, Ma Yunchou was not surprised.
She sighed and said, "We can only wait for the news passively.
As soon as the man told us the bank account, we can find him.
We can only kill him in the end.
I believe that even a genius like Zhang Wuji can't reach the Great Completion Realm in this month." "Master, you are knowledgeable and what you said is true.
I am too eager for quick success and instant benefits.
I hope you can punish me!" The Howling Tiger flattered him calmly and bowed.
"Xiaohu, in fact, among all the disciples, you are the one I admire the most.
You not only have a good aptitude but also a clear head.
Even a person of your character like you has won my heart.
After this matter is done, I will teach you everything I have learned for my whole life, so that you can carry forward our sect's martial arts in this city!
Well, now is not the time to talk about this kind of thing.
Give us the conditions and tell him the time and place of the deal!" Since he knew the whereabouts of the Buddhist Incantation of Nine Yang, the two masters began to change their relationship.
On the other hand, Wang Xiaofeng sneered and walked out of the Internet cafe, thinking, "Ma Yunchou, Yuan Xiaohu, if you two find a nobody like me, you will definitely kill him soon.
Actually, even the primary school students know the importance of the 'Jiuyang Sutra'.
With the jealousy of humans, there will be no room for the second person who practices the book.
But I can't easily reveal his card.
Don't forget that I'm also one of the inside ghosts of you.
If I go to work and get off work like before, I'm afraid you won't be able to find out that the person behind the scenes is me, right?
The person who wants to make a deal with me in the market square?
He doesn't ask me to come out, so he doesn't ask me to.
But I'd better promise you that you will be happy for a few days and relax a few days.
Otherwise, the Black Tiger Gang will be so hard to find out.
I'm afraid that I will show my secret if I don't pay attention to it.
It won't be fun then."