Wulin Masters in City

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Staring at Yun Fan and Ji Canghai

Wang Xiaofeng knocked on the door of room 206!
"Damn, which blind little bastard is disturbing my work!" In less than ten seconds, room 206's door was opened, and a bald middle-aged man with glasses came out of the room.
His face was full of anger.
He stared at Wang Xiaofeng and scolded him in a strange tone.
Didn't you just call the waiter?" Wang Xiaofeng asked doubtfully, but he thought in his heart, "Hum, it's better if you don't call the waiter.
When I anger you, you will inevitably complain to my manager.
Then I will lose my temper.
Naturally, the boss will hesitate to go home.
It doesn't matter if the boss gives me a salary this month or not.
Anyway, I have a million yuan in my account.
I'm not afraid of no food." "It's me who called you, but the efficiency of your waiters is really low.
How long has it been?
Ten minutes!
Could it be that your damn kidney failure has only climbed up now?
I'm almost done with it.
Fuck, you knock on the door at the crucial moment.
If I don't stand up, I'm going to break your dog leg!" The middle-aged man with the bald glasses with the temperament of a sissy scolded angrily.
"Ten minutes?
It hasn't been five minutes since I was called here from the cashier.
Besides, the service time set by the health club doesn't exceed fifteen minutes, and I arrived within the time limit.
I hope you won't be angry.
If you are dissatisfied with anything, feel free to talk to our manager.
If you can't do it, you should go to the hospital for your own illness!" Wang Xiaofeng said to this sissy according to his previous temper and tone.
"Dude, how dare you speak to me in such a tone?
Do you want to quit?" At this point, Wang Xiaofeng hit Wang Xiaofeng's left face with his towel naked and suddenly changed the situation.
Wang Xiaofeng couldn't get used to it.
He had just practiced the second level of the Jiuyang Divine Art, but even with the power of ordinary people, he couldn't break the Jiuyang Divine Art that protected him.
"Bang!" Wang Xiaofeng was hit by this sudden punch, but even with the Genuine Qi of the Jiuyang Divine Art, he still made the middle-aged man take a step back.
Then he suddenly cried out, "Good, you're so hard.
You have guts.
You'll see it later!" At this point, the woman walked into the room and slammed the door heavily, leaving only Wang Xiaofeng's fiery eyes behind.
She was telling herself that she had to endure it for several days.
Otherwise, all her efforts these days would be in vain.
Thinking of this, Wang Xiaofeng rushed back to the bath hall angrily.
At this moment, the fat man had already woken up, because the manager was going to work after five minutes.
If he didn't become sober, he might be perceived by the manager.
If he didn't, the manager would blame him for a small matter, it would be a big deal to deduct his salary.
Just then, the fat man saw Wang Xiaofeng standing back with anger on his face.
He asked curiously, "What's wrong with you, Maniac?
Did you have your butt blown up?" "Fatty, don't make trouble there.
My heart is in a mess!" Looking at these friends who were about to separate, Wang Xiaofeng was actually reluctant.
After all, they had been together since the beginning, and they had spent a year together.
There was more or less some feelings between them.
What's wrong with you?
Did something go wrong when you were serving the guests just now?" The fat man asked in confusion when he saw Wang Xiaofeng's reaction.
He remembered that he had just been a waiter at the cashier.
Wang Xiaofeng nodded and said, "It's the sissy in Room 206.
I got here within the time limit, but he said that I was not good at service and that damn thing gave me a punch.
How can I not be angry?
It seems that he will definitely complain about me in front of our manager after he finishes his work!
It seems that my work is not guaranteed." The head of the plane blinked his small shining eyes and said, "Brother, there are a lot of places that lack service personnel in the whole world.
If we don't do it here, there are some other places.
Plus, you look like a rich woman.
Maybe one day you will be kept as a mistress by a rich woman.
Then you won't have to worry about eating, dressing, and playing.
If you really get there, don't forget us!" Wang Xiaofeng laughed to himself, "You are the one in charge of all this.
This year, you saw that I was easy to bully, so you blamed me for everything you did.
I didn't want to destroy our relationship at the same time, so I couldn't help you.
Otherwise, I would have taken revenge long ago with my personality.
And today you saw that I was about to get greedy, and you are such a villain.
Do you think I would really remember you?
However, Wang Xiaofeng wouldn't forget all these polite words.
He immediately smiled and replied, "Yes, yes.
If you really get along with me, how could you forget those who take good care of me every day?" Wang Xiaofeng stressed the words 'take care of me' on purpose, and the plane instantly lowered its head in shame.
However, this fat man was a warm-hearted person.
He immediately said reluctantly, "Lunatic, I really don't want to let you go.
But when the manager really asks about it, we can get a confession and say the sissy one at the same time.
I believe that the manager won't fire you for such a trivial matter." Wang Xiaofeng looked at the fat man gratefully and said, "Thank you.
But to be honest, we've been working here for a year.
Even if you didn't contribute, you must have worked hard, right?
Let's not mention the salary at all.
Just say that you have been working for such a long time without giving us the position of a little director.
Now the supervisor has just been applied.
Don't look at how high the educational degree of the little director is.
This matter has made us so cold-hearted.
I felt that there was no future here.
I used to think if the original boss could draw some people from us to follow him.
But now!
Even if we died here, I'm afraid that there is no hope for us at all." "Well, since you have said so, there is nothing I can do.
Anyway, I have been used to the pace of living with a rest day after day.
If I suddenly leave work, it is really not used to it!" The fat man said.
Then they chatted for a while.
When they arrived at the manager's office, it took them two minutes.
The manager walked into the bathing hall aggressively, and his eyes were burning like fire.
He stared at Wang Xiaofeng and said, "Wang Xiaofeng, come with me." When the fat man and the head of the plane looked at each other, Wang Xiaofeng smiled slightly and thought, "It's finally time for it.
I can finally leave here and fly." Thinking of this, Wang Xiaofeng strode behind the manager.
At this moment, he was determined to go, afraid that the manager would not refuse him.
Seeing that Wang Xiaofeng had left their sight, the fat man and the head of the plane began to gossip.
"At the front of the plane, I think Maniac is in suspense this time.
After all, he has done a lot of bad things before.
I don't know what's wrong with Maniac this month.
He would basically make some mistakes that shouldn't be done.
Maybe he really didn't want to do it, so he was absent-minded every day." The front of the plane was not in the mood to talk about it now, because he found the most important problem now, that was, if Wang Xiaofeng left, who would take the blame for him in the future?
He immediately shook his head and sighed, "Hey, good brother!" The fat man beside him thought that the top of the plane also didn't want to leave Wang Xiaofeng, because the two of them were closer than him!
If he knew the idea of the front of the plane, it would be strange if he didn't vomit blood.
At this moment, Wang Xiaofeng and the manager had already arrived at the door of Room 206,on the second floor.
The manager first knocked on the door.
When the sissy opened the door, he first glanced at the manager and then at Wang Xiaofeng, who was following him with an indifferent look.
The anger in his heart rose again and he immediately said, "Manager, you are here." The manager smiled reverently and said, "Well, now I bring this boy to you.
If you are angry, just vent it on him.
As long as you calm down, you will be better than anyone else.
You must not hold your anger in your heart, otherwise, it will hurt your health!" "Well, I'm not that stupid.
This guy is so hard-boned that his own fist will swell after one punch.
He immediately said, "Fuck, I'm such a kind person.
I won't vent my anger on such a kid who hasn't grown up yet.
Besides, is my tolerance so small?
But I don't want to see this kid in the future.
I'll be angry when I see him!" "Yes, yes, I will follow your instructions to handle this matter, and I hope that you can have a good time!" The manager bowed like a prawn, which made Wang Xiaofeng disdainful.
It was not until the sissy closed the door that the manager changed his fierce look and scolded Wang Xiaofeng at the door, "Damn you, who gave you the courage to offend the guests?
The waiter's rules are fucking disintegrating?
Do you know the guests are our god, and they are our food parents?
Look at your expression of disgust.
Everyone wants to beat you.
What do you mean?
Are you fucking tired of it?" "Manager, I don't want to say anything else.
I did come here according to the rules of the waiters.
It's this customer he was wrong first, so I just said a few words!" Speaking of this, Wang Xiaofeng changed the subject and said, "But for the sake of the store, I think I'd better not do it.
Otherwise, I will make the guests hate me if I stay here in the future.
If I affect the business of the store, it's not worth it.
After all, my monthly salary is not enough to pay these guests once, isn't it?" "You!
Okay, you don't have to pay any salary now!" The manager did not expect Wang Xiaofeng to speak to him so sharply, and he was so angry that he cursed Wang Xiaofeng.
"A salary?
It's only 700,yuan a month.
I've been working for a year, and the salary is still the same.
Someone will work for you in a shop like this because of the former boss's face.
But now that you have resigned me, I have nothing to say!
Even if I work for you for a month, I don't want the salary anymore." Speaking of this, Wang Xiaofeng turned and walked downstairs, even without giving up the manager who was stunned on the spot.
At this moment, Wang Xiaofeng went back to the bathing hall and quickly took off his work clothes.
He put on his own cheap clothes and said, "Well, brothers, I'm leaving.
You must work hard and don't follow my footsteps." At this point, he walked toward the gate, ignoring the fat man and the Mutana's expression at the front of the plane.
At this time, she told Wang Xiaofeng to go to the second floor to look at Wang Xiaofeng's back with guilt.
She didn't know how she felt.
Wang Xiaofeng, who had left the 'Palace of Supreme health', did not feel vexed or distressed after he lost his job.
Instead, he looked rather relaxed and happy.
Upon returning to his residence, he heaved a sigh of relief and muttered to himself, "We've finally gotten out of this damned cage.
We can finally extend our plans for the future.
But should we leave Z City?" Wang Xiaofeng had always been hesitant regarding this question.
This was because he knew that Ma Yunji would return to the martial arts world with the elite experts from various sects.
It would not appear again for the time being.
After all, he would quickly invest himself into training after obtaining the True Book of Jiuyang, so he would definitely not bother about other things.
When he found out that the Scripture of Jiuyang was fake, God knew when it would be.
At this moment, the only person who could threaten Wang Xiaofeng was the Black Tiger Gang.
But after this incident, as long as he hid in the dark, even if the original Xiaohu had overwhelming power and wisdom, he would not be able to touch a small figure like him.
Moreover, he was not the only master in Z City.
Wang Xiaofeng smiled coldly as he thought of this.
He made up his mind and muttered, "Why should I leave Z City?
Now you take the fake Jiuyang Sutra and I'm afraid that you will suffer from Qi Deviation in a few years after practicing it.
Now, although I have no martial arts moves, I'm afraid that ordinary people are no match for me with my powerful internal strength.
In this case, if my internal strength is fully used, I believe that it will not be long before I leave Z City.
By then, I don't know who will threaten me." After knowing his future development route, Wang Xiaofeng continued thinking.
The most important thing at the moment was not the question, but how to take out the one million yuan.
Wang Xiaofeng knew that he should not take the money easily.
After all, Yuan Xiaohu was the boss of the underworld from the upper class.
He knew well about the intrigues and schemes of the upper class.
Besides, he had a legendary past, so the tricks should be perfect.
This time he lost mainly because of his master's urgent demand for success and his own safety.
That was why he barely won.
But now he must find a hacker to keep an eye on his bank account.
He believed that as soon as he moved the money, the original Xiaohu would definitely know it at once and find him.
He had to think of a perfect plan.
That night, Wang Xiaofeng had a good night's sleep.
It was not because he was lazy and did not practice, but because he had been practicing for so many days.
Even if practicing the Buddhist sutra could relieve his physical fatigue, the pressure on him was too great, which made Wang Xiaofeng unable to bear.
Sleeping could help him relieve the pain, so that he could prepare for the next crucial plan with a more optimistic attitude.
The next morning, Wang Xiaofeng went out after having breakfast.
Walking on the street, Wang Xiaofeng's face gradually sank into worry as he felt the sun shining on him and the somewhat chilly autumn breeze.
He wondered how his parents were doing in the twinkling of an eye.
Unfortunately, he did not have time to go back this year.
After all, he was young at that time.
He was ridiculed by others when he was in college.
When it was quiet at night, when he went out to pee, he often saw his parents weeping with headaches.
Wang Xiaofeng knew that it was because he did not go to college.
Not only himself, but also his parents would be looked down upon and looked down upon.
Wang Xiaofeng was born in a small town with a backer.
Before he was born in college, his family was happy and blissful.
His father was kind and filial to his sons, which made many envious.
Unfortunately, Wang Xiaofeng didn't like to study.
When he was a child, he liked to use petty tricks to stealthily alter the scores of the examination.
He also made mistakes to let his parents take a closer look at him, which made them feel very psychological.
Unfortunately, after the college entrance examination, Wang Xiaofeng's fake mask was finally broken, and his family's hope turned into water and flowed down!
At that time, Wang Xiaofeng didn't feel anything, but he just didn't want to go to school.
Finally, he stayed at home for two months and waited until the school was about to start.
When he saw his classmates and friends step into the university journey, his heart was empty, and he saw their eyes looking at him with disdain and ridicule.
At that time, Wang Xiaofeng finally felt humiliated!
But he was asking for it, so he had to solve it himself.
So at that time, Wang Xiaofeng boasted firmly, saying grand words, "I swear I'll never return if I fail..." Wang Xiaofeng shook his head with self-mockery.
He thought, "I've been working hard and rolling around in the city for so many years and didn't make any achievements, but I'm still suffering from the promise of 'I won't return if I don't succeed'.
I left for five years!
I didn't call my parents for five years not because I didn't want to call them, but because I didn't dare to.
I was afraid that my parents would worry about me, but also because I didn't have the ability.
In short, at this moment, Wang Xiaofeng was full of fighting spirit and motivation.
For his own future, in order to respect my parents, if I didn't succeed, I would die." Thinking of this, Wang Xiaofeng's eyes lit up and he walked quickly to the Internet cafe.
First of all, in order to get money, Wang Xiaofeng had to use someone else's card to replace him in the disaster.
He immediately posted an advertisement online for " hundred yuan to buy an empty bank card", and then waited for someone's call at the door of the bank.
At the same time, he also wanted to find a person in need of money to help at the door of the bank.
He waited for another morning and at noon, no one called him.
He thought, "I'm afraid that my advertisement is already heavy.
Forget it, I still have to rely on myself.
It's still not enough to rely on advertisements.
And just at this time, a middle-aged civilian workers strode into the bank from Wang Xiaofeng." Wang Xiaofeng's lips curled into a smile.
When he saw the man stop by the elevator, he went up to him and said, "Hello, Uncle.
Do you have time now?
I have something urgent to discuss with you." When the middle-aged civilian worker saw Wang Xiaofeng's goods, he immediately asked warily, "What's the matter?" "Uncle, can you help me get a bank card?
My wallet was stolen.
I have been hungry for a day.
I was waiting for my parents to transfer money to me, but I didn't have a bank card.
I was in a hurry.
Uncle, help me get a bank card.
When my parents transfer money to me, I will return the bank card to you, okay?" Wang Xiaofeng pretended to be pitiful and said.