The Kingdom and the Beauty

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Prince Anxi

For a few days, Mo Yitong didn't have time to eat or drink.
Zuo Zuo looked for the man wearing the Dragon's Blood Jade Pendant all day long.
Finally, on one evening, Zuo Zuo came to Mo Yitong.
" "Yi Tong, I got it.
I'm so tired that I finally got it." Mo Yitong was extremely excited to hear this.
She put down the lotus seed in her hand and asked, "Who is it?" At that moment, Zuo Zuo's face suddenly fell.
He said softly, "Yi Tong, this person is not an ordinary person.
He is the King of Anxi in the Loulan Kingdom!" "Prince Anxi?" Mo Yitong asked confusedly, "Is it a prince?" "Yes, it's a prince, and it's not an ordinary prince..." ...
After Left Zuo Zuo to describe, Mo Yitong also understood the situation in the Loulan Kingdom at this time.
The current Emperor of the Loulan Kingdom was called Suo Wenhong and Prince Anxi was Suo Wenhong's biological uncle, the third younger brother of the previous emperor.
He was also called as Third Prince.
Suo Jin once made great contributions in the military war in the Loulan Country and settled the war in the west that lasted for 60,years.
He was conferred the title of Prince Anxi.
Suo Jinhong not only had outstanding military achievements, but also gained people's support in the imperial court and the common people.
More importantly, the previous emperor gave Suo Wenhong a large part of the military power before he died.
Therefore, in the Loulan Kingdom, almost nobody could offend him.
Even the current emperor was very afraid of him.
Mo Yitong was silent for a long time.
She was shocked and helpless.
If Prince Anxi was really the murderer, then Mo Yitong would probably never be able to take the blame in her entire life...
"What should we do?" Mo Yitong muttered to herself.
No way, absolutely no way.
Taking the blame for herself was not a big deal, but the safety of the people of the Loulan Kingdom was a big deal.
If they couldn't solve the case this time and punish the murderer severely, then more people would be killed innocently in the future.
"Brother Zuo Zuo, what do you think we should do?" Mo Yitong was struggling in her heart.
Should she continue to investigate?
why don't we seek instructions from the general?" Zuo Zuo's words reminded Mo Yitong, who gradually calmed down and said, "Yes, you're right.
Maybe the general has a way." After that, Mo Yitong and Zuo Zuowei found the general.
After Zuo Zuo Zuo met Mo Yitong, Zuo Zuo Zuo said outside the study, "General, Miss Mo asks to see you." When Yu Zixuan heard that Mo Yitong was requesting an audience, he quickly replied, "Please come in." The two of them quickly stood in front of Yu Zixuan.
"General!" Mo Yitong cried out anxiously.
"What's wrong?
What's found out?" Yu Zixuan stood up and asked with a smile as he looked at Mo Yitong's face.
Mo Yitong took a step back and told Yu Zixuan everything without a word.
After hearing this, Yu Zixuan was also shocked.
He opened his eyes wide and asked Mo Yitong, "Is what you said true?" "Yes!" Zuo Zuo and Mo Yitong replied at the same time, their eyes firm.
Yu Zixuan frowned slightly, thought for a moment, and said, "Today, I will take you to gradually turn into Prince Anxi.
Yitong, use your Samsara Disc to spy on Prince Anxi's past.
If it's really Prince Anxi's doing, I must find a way to bring him to justice!" Mo Yitong looked at Yu Zixuan's resolute appearance and nodded.
After discussing for a while, the three of them left to make preparations to meet Prince Anxi.
Yu Zixuan returned to his room, took off his heavy armor, and put on a blue-and-white robe.
He wore a blue wide belt on his waist and a jade pendant of emerald green on it.
Then he ordered his servants to take out an old saying and put it in his hand and walked out of the door...
At this time, Zuo Zuo and Mo Yitong had already been prepared.
They put on very ordinary clothes for servants and followed Yu Zixuan.
The three got on the horses and rushed all the way.
Soon they arrived at the legendary Prince Anxi's Manor.
"Here we are?" Mo Yi Tong looked at the red painted door in front of her in disbelief.
There were two majestic stone lions on both sides of the door, and the words "Prince Anxi's Mansion" were hung high above it.
The two words were golden and dazzling.
"God, I have lived for two lives, but I have never seen such a magnificent and mighty gate.
Even the Tian'an Sect in Beijing is inferior to it." "Let's go." Mo Yitong was lost in her thoughts.
Only after Zuo Qiu patted her did she come to her senses.
She bent over and followed behind Yu Zixuan in the same manner as Zuo Qiu.
"Go and report to your Prince and tell him that General Yu wants to see him." Zuo Zuo walked forward and said to a guard in front of the door.
The guard looked up at Yu Zixuan, who was dignified and dignified, and nodded, "Yes, I'll report to him immediately." After about half a cup of tea, there was a quick footstep coming from afar.
Mo Yitong looked down and secretly looked up.
Was it Prince Anxi who came to welcome them?
Zuo Zuo Zuozuo had said that General Yu had made a lot of achievements for the army of Loulan Country.
It was likely that Prince Anxi would not dare to underestimate him.
The red door opened with a crash, and an old man dressed in cyan cloth gown appeared in front of the three people with his waist bent.
Seeing this, Yu Zixuan quickly bowed and said, "Mr.
Butler, sorry to trouble you." "General Yu, there's no need to stand on ceremony.
My Prince is about to rest at noon right now and he hasn't woken up yet.
As servants, we dare not disturb him either.
If not, why don't you wait until His Highness wakes up..." The old butler's tone was modest and his words made it hard for others to believe their own ears.
Mo Yitong, who was standing behind Yu Zixuan, couldn't bear it any longer.
This general didn't need to pay his respects to His Highness's housekeeper, did he?
Moreover, even if your Prince slept at noon, he could let us in and wait.
What was the point of asking us to come back later?
"Aye!" Mo Yitong was about to speak when she heard Yu Zixuan say, "Many thanks for the housekeeper.
We'll come back later." With that, she bowed again and took two steps back before standing up.
She got on the horse and led Mo Yitong and Zuo Zuo Zuo back.
"Brother Zixuan, you don't need to do this, do you?
That old man is too arrogant!
Humph!" Mo Yitong went forward with dissatisfaction and stood side by side with Yu Zixuan.
"Yi Tong, no one can match up to Prince Anxi's influence in the imperial court.
Even the king has to give him some advantages, let alone a young general like me.
Let's go to the teahouse on one side for a rest first, and then go there later," Yu Zixuan said in a gentle and soft voice.
Mo Yitong was very dissatisfied.
She turned her head and glanced at Zuo Zuo, then pursed her lips and followed Yu Zixuan to dismount from the horse in front of the teahouse.
"Miss Mo, don't be angry.
The power of Prince Anxi is not talking nonsense.
Let me tell you, the king has a Princess Liu, who is delicate and charming.
She has always been very popular with the king.
However, Princess Liu was a little arrogant because of the king's favor.
Sometimes, she made the king delay his morning court.
Then, the beloved concubine asked Prince Anxi to kill her in the imperial garden." Zuo Zuo Zuo stood behind Mo Yitong and whispered to Mo Yitong.
Mo Yitong was suddenly stunned.
A prince wanted to kill the king's favored concubine...
"What's going on?" Mo Yitong wanted to know.
"I met Prince Anxi in the back garden.
Prince Anxi saw that Princess Liu was a beauty who wanted to occupy the land, so he was slapped by Princess Liu.
Then, Prince Anxi took Princess Liu's life and threw her into the Royal River..." Mo Yitong was shocked again.
Prince Anxi had actually flirted with his concubines in the imperial palace in broad daylight!
Mo Yitong was shocked, but she cursed in her heart, "What a bastard Prince, he's so lascivious, self-righteous, cruel, and heartless.
He should be sentenced to death!" After scolding Prince Anxi thousands of times in her heart, Mo Yitong sat on a chair on the side with soreness in her legs.
"What's wrong?
Are you tired?" Yu Zixuan asked gently.
He didn't know why every time he saw Mo Yitong's eyes that were as clear as water, he would have an indescribable feeling.
It was a kind of gentleness, but also a very enthusiastic feeling.
Zuo Zuo looked at the sun and said, "General, is it enough?" Yu Zixuan stood up and walked to the window, saying with a sigh, "Let's go to Prince Anxi's mansion." Upon hearing this, Mo Yitong's interest was piqued.
She happily followed behind Yu Zixuan, mounted her horse, and stopped in front of the vermilion gate.
Just like before, the servant in front of the door went in to report, and the old butler came out and said the same words of the same kind for the first time.
Mo Yitong was so angry that she was going to go up and scolded him regardless of the old butler in modern times.
Wasn't he too disrespectful to her?
Yu Zixuan smiled warmly and said, "Yi Tong, let's go back and come back later." The two of them returned to the teahouse and ordered tea and snacks.
The three of them sat down to rest.
"Brother Zixuan, why?
That King Anxi is too arrogant!
He did it again and again on purpose." "Hehe, you know that he's doing it on purpose.
Why are you still angry with them?
It's not worth it.
Since he wanted us to visit him three times before opening the door, we can wait..." Yu Zixuan smiled and patted Yi Tong's little head, as if comforting a child who had been wronged.
Mo Yitong's heart was even more furious.
"Three times, as your grandmother, I naturally can't say these words out loud." Mo Yitong looked at Yu Zixuan's gentle and caring expression and her face turned slightly red.
While Zuo Zuo ate the pastries and drank the tea, he kept looking at Mo Yi Tong and Yu Zixuan out of the corner of his eye.
He was a little disappointed.
Finally, at the third time, the butler welcomed Yu Zixuan in with a smile.
The three people came to the hall, but they didn't see anyone.
Yu Zixuan sat aside, and Mo Yitong and Zuo Zuo Zuo stood behind Yu Zixuan, waiting quietly.
Yu Zixuan alone drank tea.
After about an hour, King Anxi came out from inside.
He wore a large silk robe with a bright yellow belt.
He was sleeping with sleepy eyes and sitting on the main seat.
"Greetings, Your Highness!" Yu Zixuan hurriedly stood up and made a bow, speaking with respect and modesty.
The prince opened the teacup and took a sip slowly.
He then spat it into a copper bowl prepared by a maid by the side, making a beeping sound.
He put down the teacup and the maid left.
Only then did he smile and say, "General Yu, please rise.
There's no need to stand on ceremony." Yu Zixuan then stood up straight and stood to the side.
"Zixuan, what brings you here today?" Prince Anxi asked with a smile, stroking his white beard.
"Your Highness, I came today to ask for your advice.
A few days ago, I received a painting of a hundred birds perching for the phoenix, so I didn't know if it was true or not.
Today, please take a look at it.
If it is true, I will present it to you.
If it is false, I will destroy it." "Oh?
The painting of a hundred birds flying towards the phoenix?
Come on!
Present it!" The lord stood up excitedly.
Mo Yitong and Zuo Zuo walked up and presented the painting with both hands.
The two of them unfolded the painting.
Sure enough, a lifelike painting of a hundred birds appeared in front of everyone.
The lord took a few steps forward and ordered the servants beside him, "Come, get the weapon!" Soon, something like a magnifying glass appeared in the hands of Prince Anxi.
He looked left and right as if he had found a treasure and repeatedly applauded.
Mo Yitong seized the opportunity to use her extraordinary abilities to examine the Prince's actions during this period of time.
Mo Yitong was shocked.
How could it be?
She thought for a long time, puzzled and confused...
The prince and Yu Zixuan were still discussing Gao Yu's famous painting, but Mo Yitong couldn't listen to them at all.
They were completely caught up in this case.
"I'll take my leave then.
Your Highness, please take good care of this painting." Yu Zixuan called Zuo Zuo and Mo Yitong after he finished speaking.
The three of them left empty-handed.
Along the way, three horses were galloping side by side.
Mo Yitong was to the left and Zuo Zuo was to the right.
"Yitong, have you noticed anything?
Is this case related to Third Prince?" Yu Zixuan asked, and Zuo Zuo Zuo also turned his eyes to Mo Yitong.
However, Mo Yitong's eyes were fixed on the front.
It was unclear what she was thinking, but her hands were holding onto the reins, not moving at all.
"Yi Tong!" Yu Zixuan shouted.
"Huh?" Mo Yitong suddenly came to her senses and looked at Yu Zixuan and Zuo Zuo Qiu in confusion.
"I ask you, did you see anything through the Reincarnation Roulette?" Yu Zixuan repeated.
Hearing Yu Zixuan's question, Mo Yitong shook her head helplessly.
Third Prince probably didn't know that Yuanyang lady at all, let alone mention that he had once sent her the ring.
"Is that so?" Yu Zixuan was also surprised.
"Then we've come up empty-handed.
It's such a pity that I have the painting of a hundred birds flocking to a phoenix." Yu Zixuan couldn't help but feel dejected.
Mo Yitong looked at Yu Zixuan sympathetically and thought to herself, it seems that this matter has nothing to do with Third Prince.
However, Third Prince is such a selfish and cruel person.
Who else could it be besides him?
Mo Yitong touched the round Samsara Disc hanging in front of her chest and secretly asked, "Reincarnation Disc, Samsara Disc, are you really not a Samsara Disc?
Is the superpower that you brought to me invalid?"