The Kingdom and the Beauty

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Encounter the Assassination

"Alas..." Zuo Zuo sighed helplessly.
He looked at the grey sky and stopped talking.
Yu Zixuan looked around.
At this time, it was dusk and the stars in the sky were setting.
There was even a cry coming from the grass on the side.
However, Yu Zixuan didn't pay attention to this.
He didn't look at these things either.
He looked left and right just to look at Mo Yitong more.
He was embarrassed to look straight at Mo Yitong, so he could only peek at her secretly.
"I'm really depressed!" Mo Yitong said angrily, "So what if Third Prince just saw it?
He has done so many evil things and still thinks that he's a man of his own.
He likes to forcibly take what he likes.
Why don't you look down on Brother Zixuan!
Shua!" Mo Yitong pursed her lips and kept talking about Third Prince's bad and bad things.
Suddenly, a cold light came from a distance and went straight for Mo Yitong's neck.
Mo Yitong was shocked and quickly moved back to dodge it.
With a few sounds, the three of them were surrounded by men in black.
Mo Yitong said to herself, "No, no.
I'm going to silence them all." Yu Zixuan turned his cold eyes and watched this group of men in black surround the few of them.
His hand had already touched the handle of the sword quietly.
As long as the man in black moved, he would immediately fight with the sword.
These men in black were all covered with black cloth, and their faces could not be seen clearly.
Mo Yi Tong could only see the cold and sharp blade and the alert eyes of the man in black like wolves.
All of a sudden, a man in black stepped forward with his lightness skill and rushed straight to Yu Zixuan with a sword.
Yu Zixuan also quickly drew his sword to fight with the man in black.
Yu Zixuan was really a general.
With only two or three moves, the man in black fell to the ground with a cry and died.
At this moment, a group of black-clothed men came forward.
In a flash, there were only the whirring sound of the wind and the shining cold light.
Mo Yitong time-traveled here and learned a few punches and kicks to protect herself.
For a time, none of the three people was injured, but the black-clothed men were mostly injured and killed.
Mo Yitong secretly felt relieved and breathed a sigh of relief when there were only a few people left.
"It must be the Third Prince who sent people to kill us!" Mo Yitong said angrily.
Thinking of her own superpowers, she looked at those black-clothed men, spying on their recent past.
A picture was unfolded in front of Mo Yitong.
The mysterious man in black, who was wearing a Dragon Bloodline Jade Pendant, ordered...
He's the mysterious man who wears a Dragon Blood Jade Pendant again?
My guess is correct.
The prince sent someone to assassinate us!" Yu Zixuan and Zuo Qiu did not answer but just focused on dealing with the man in black.
All of a sudden, three men in black surrounded Mo Yitong.
Mo Yitong didn't notice for a moment, and the sword in her hand was knocked to the ground with a crash.
Hearing the sound, Yu Zixuan immediately rushed to protect Mo Yitong.
He kicked back with his left foot, and the man in black fell to the ground.
The sword in his hand struck out at the same time.
The two men in black fell to the ground.
Mo Yitong was scared and begged the gods in the sky one by one.
Suddenly, she felt a cold light approaching.
"Ah!" Mo Yitong's shout had not even reached the end when an arrow shot over from afar.
It carried the sound of wind as it shot straight into Yu Zixuan's chest.
Mo Yitong's eyes widened.
The arrow had originally been aimed at her, but Yu Zixuan had used his own body to shield her in front of her.
Mo Yitong watched as Zuo Zuo Zuo came to kill the man in black, and a warm current spread across her shoulder.
When Mo Yitong came back to her senses and called out Yu Zixuan's name, she could no longer hear an answer.
Yu Zixuan had already fainted and was lying on Mo Yitong's shoulder.
"Quickly return to the General's Manor!" Zuo Zuo shouted as he whipped Mo Yitong's horse with great force.
Mo Yitong held Yu Zixuan's hand tightly.
It was covered in blood and was warm to the point of reaching Mo Yitong's palm.
She allowed the horse to run as fast as it could.
She held the reins tightly with one hand and held Yu Zixuan's hand tightly with the other.
In this era, Yu Zixuan seemed to have become the most important person to her.
After killing the enemies, he quickly got rid of them.
Fortunately, the horses knew the way and the three of them returned to the General's Mansion.
Left- assistant carried Yu Zixuan back to his room and placed him on the bed.
By this time, Yu Zixuan had slowly regained consciousness.
He half-opened his eyes and looked at Mo Yitong.
However, his lips were purple, his face was pale, and his breathing was weak.
He could not utter a single word.
"What should we do?
What's going on?!" Mo Yitong shouted anxiously.
Zuo Zuo looked at Yu Zixuan's face with sweat all over his body.
He touched Yu Zixuan's pulse and then, with a cracking sound, he tore Yu Zixuan's clothes on his chest, revealing the wound that had been shot by the arrow.
The arrow was still inside his body, and the wound was already dark.
There was a disgusting smell around it.
"This is?" Mo Yitong looked at Yu Zixuan's chest in shock.
She couldn't believe her eyes.
"This, it's poisonous..." The word "poison" came out of the mouth of the left assistant.
Mo Yitong was shocked and almost fell to the ground.
Fortunately, the left assistant was beside her and held her.
Outside the door came noisy footsteps and gasps, followed by several physicians with medicine chests on their backs.
They flipped their eyelids, looked at the coating on their tongues, and smelled the wounds.
After a while, a few of the doctors began discussing with each other.
Mo Yitong twisted her clothes and looked at Yu Zixuan in fear, afraid that something would happen to him.
"Your honor." A senior doctor came up and made a bow, saying, "Don't worry, Your honor.
Although this arrow is poisonous, it is not a deadly poison, and it will only be poisoned for a short time.
As long as you take the medicine and have a good rest, it should be cured in less than a month." "Is this true?" Mo Yitong cried out in surprise.
"Yes, it's true.
This is the prescription.
Sir, please take the medicine on time.
Three times a day, and you can recover in half a month." "That's good." Zuo Qiu let out a sigh of relief.
He took out some money from his sleeve and distributed it to the physicians.
Then, he asked the servants to take the physicians away.