The Dark monastery

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The Regrets of Rescuing Love 20 Years Ag

In the Tenebrous Apostle, in Appen's great power, he revealed the entire matter to Rinloran, his own father.
When he heard of the unfortunate incident of his daughter, he couldn't help but burst into tears.
He had no idea how long it had been after he had summarized what had happened.
At the scene, except for the speaker, Kaiser, and the listening Elder Fan En, none of them could resist the invasion of sleeping monsters and fall into a dream.
"I didn't expect that my wife would actually give birth to such a cute daughter for me." After being silent for a long time, Elder Fan En finally opened his mouth and spoke out his emotions.
However, when he heard Elder Fan En's words, he thought that Elder Fan En did not know that there was actually such a girl in this world.
"She really looks like her mother!
It's almost like she was carved from the same mold!
If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't have been able to recognize her at a single glance." Not noticing Keane's puzzled and puzzled gaze, Elder Fan En was using his doting gaze to watch the unconscious Frances.
Perhaps he was thinking about his wife?
He actually stared at France, and at the same time, he revealed a happy smile.
"You must be very curious.
Why did I seem to have no idea that I had France's daughter from the start, am I right?" Turning his head, he saw Elder Fan En, whose face was filled with confusion.
He was trying to gather all the stories together.
Just now, Kane had already given out the puzzle that belonged to him, and now it was his turn.
Thus, Elder Fan En cleared his throat and began to open the jewelry case that had been buried deep within his heart for a long time.
His story happened more than twenty years ago...
"Company Leader!
The Pope is at the Sleeping Palace.
He has something urgent to discuss with you!" Fan En, Reisgem, who had just ascended the throne of the Holy Sword Knights this year, was also the youngest captain in history.
At that time, he was at the peak of his youth's ambition and spirit, and he always had a confident look on his face.
Coupled with the fact that he had just married his long-lost girlfriend, it could be said that double joys came to his door.
Now he was standing at the peak of the highest peak of his life.
I got it." After he casually tidied up his clothes, he got up and went to the Pope's bedroom.
"Fan En!
You're finally here?
Come, sit down." In the Holy Emperor's bedchamber, there was already a man standing by the Holy Emperor.
Fan En took a closer look and found that Fan En was defeated by one of his men in the group leader's trial.
It was also the teacher of Kajen's sword skills, Billy's repeated.
Thank you, Pope!
May I ask what's the pope's important matter for today?
Is it so urgent to call me here?" Fan An saluted respectfully to the Pope and then sat down on the other side of Billy.
A traitor who betrayed the Will of the Divine has appeared in our church, and he escaped last night." The Pope said in an understated way, for the Mayow joss was just a piece of cake.
However, the appearance of a traitor might greatly affect the morale of the church.
If so, there might be an accident that the common people did not trust the church.
Do you want me to summon my knights to find the traitor?" Fansen had misunderstood the Holy Emperor's intentions.
To find the traitor for the sake of a traitor?
Could it be that the traitor was an extremely important figure?
"The Pope's intention is for you to pay attention to the traitor's movements.
Be careful not to make him the enemy of the church and the people!" As soon as Billy added, Fan An rolled his eyes at him.
His eyes seemed to say, "Are you the Pope Billy?
You're just a loser in my hand.
Do I need to listen to you?" "That's right!
There have always been special spies responsible for dealing with the traitors.
I just hope that you can help us to watch out and prevent the traitors from making a big deal out of it." The Pope's words made sense, and Fan En could only nod to show that he did as he was told.
"Oh, right!
I haven't asked the Pope yet.
What's the name of the traitor..." It suddenly occurred to Fan Huaying that he didn't even know the name of the traitor.
How should he pay attention to the traitor?
"Jesus." Fan En was paralyzed as soon as the Pope spoke the traitor's name.
So this was the reason why the Pope had asked him to come?
How could the best friend he had known in his entire life be a traitor to the church?
How was this possible?
How was this possible?
"Could it be...
a mistake?" Fann wished to hear from the Pope that he had made a mistake.
But on the face of the silent pope, his expression was very certain that the traitor was indeed a traitor.
Billy, who should have snickered earlier, turned away without a word.
"I know you're very sad.
No one could have imagined that Jie would be a traitor." Billy's voice was as low as a nightmare, but it still stung Fan An's heart word by word.
"I see.
I'll pay attention to it." Fanen suddenly understood.
"So, the reason why the Pope is so anxious to find him is actually to hope that he can solve this problem by himself, isn't it?" How could the leader of the knightage's best friend be a church traitor?
If the elders of the church knew about this, his knightage's head throne would definitely be lost.
Thus, most likely, because the Holy Emperor trusted him, and believed that he had the ability to resolve this problem, he would come looking for him.
Perhaps, only Fanne, who was the best friend of 'Jesus', was capable of solving this problem.
But, Jie?
Why did you betray the church?
Why did you, the most devoted god, become a traitor?
Where are you now?
Fan En was puzzled by your friend's behavior and couldn't find a reasonable explanation.
"Thank you for the Pope's love!" Fan En, who had regained his senses, bowed to the Pope once again before slowly leaving the palace.
His mood now was like being covered by dark clouds, and he returned to his home in a gloomy mood.
What's wrong?" When he stepped into the room, he saw his worried wife Lisa asking him with concern.
"J...Zhe...He betrayed the church!" After returning home, Fan En finally could not help but shout out loud.
He tightly hugged Lei Na's body in an attempt to find comfort.
Lei Na could only gently rub his broad and sturdy back, comforting this big child who appeared to be a strong adult.
"Perhaps Roger has his difficulties?" Felt's words made Fan En think the same.
However, on the way back, he couldn't think of any reason why Jie wanted to betray the church.
"That's right!
There is one thing that I think I must tell you first!" Seeing that he was no longer distressed, Rebecca excitedly wanted to let Fan En know the secret that she had hidden for almost an entire day.
Her pretty little face blushed before she spoke out the secret in her heart.
"What's wrong?
Didn't you say that you want to keep a secret?
Why did you blush before you even said it?" Fan En, the guy who didn't know the situation, was still puzzled, causing Lanna to pout.
"I hate you!
I'm going to be a mom!" After saying that, she shyly ran into the bedroom, leaving Fan En, who was suddenly enlightened and overjoyed, shouting wildly outside.
Was this the real joy in life?
As Fan En's father for the first time, Fan En felt as if his heart was going to fly out of his body.
Old friend, are you going to be a father?" Caught off guard, a sudden "congratulations" rushed in from outside the door, and Fan An's heart was tightened again.
It was Roger!
Fan En dashed out of the door.
He saw an officer wearing a completely windless black long journeying cloak grinning foolishly at him.
A wave of gloomy air rushed into his head for no reason.
Fan En actually took out the sword hanging behind him and went forward to greet this good friend who had made trouble for nothing.
"Why did you betray me?" Fan En waved his sword horizontally, but Jie gently jumped and avoided it.
He didn't change his smile, but slightly shook his head to show that he didn't agree with what Fan En said.
Then why did the Holy Emperor call you a traitor?" Fan En jumped up, the longsword in his hand dancing like a flying dragon.
It turned out that he had attained an expert level of swordsmanship at such a young age.
However, Jie's figure was as crafty as a flying rabbit and as leisurely as an eagle.
The longsword in Rinvanne's hand was just like a shoulder pole with a bamboo stick.
Fortunately, Fan En's sword move was just to vent the dissatisfaction in his heart, not to hurt people on purpose.
Otherwise, he wouldn't have shown mercy so easily, would he?
"I can't say it!
You can't believe it either.
I'm just here to say goodbye to you.
I'm leaving.
I'm going to a place where the church won't be able to reach.
Goodbye, farewell, good-bye." With these words, Jie stepped forcefully on Fan En's last sword tip and used such an incredible method to leap up into the sky.
A giant roc that had been waiting somewhere for a long time opened its wings and flew, causing Jie to drag the ropes tied to his ankles and disappear into the depths of the sky.
"Damn it!
You damn hero!
If you are wronged, why don't you stand out and make it clear?
Why do you have to use this trick that will make you disappear forever?
You just wait!
I will dig you out and make it clear!" Looking at the figure of his good friend who was gradually disappearing, Fan En stubbornly said the heroic words that he must catch Jie back.
Then, precisely a few months after being unable to wait for Luthor to be born, under the detection of many, Fain finally knew that Jie was hiding in the church's restricted area, that dark black monastery on the dark hill that was known as the dark hell.
Just as Fanne was hoping to quickly resolve this matter as soon as possible, he endured the pain and left the dying Leina.
He embarked on the journey to catch his good friend, 'Jesus'.
Only, it was hard for him to imagine that he had actually been gone for twenty-plus years after parting for so long.
Even the child he hadn't met had grown so big.
Then did you manage to win Jie Bebe's heart?" Cayne was very curious.
How had the enmity between them and their friends been resolved?
If one day, Ya'an became a traitor to the Church, although this wasn't something very likely, what would he be capable of doing if it were him?
Would he be like Mr.
"Finally, when I arrived here, Smarty told me that he had joined the Dark cloister a long time ago.
At that time, when I heard what he said at the gate of the cloister, I simply thought that he had fallen into depravity." Fan'en's memory was not over yet, and the journey of the story started again...
Fan En was standing at the gate of the dark monastery, watching the best friend of his life, Jie Bebes, actually became a betrayer of the church.
That monk's robe, which had a dark black imprint on it, really caused Fan En to feel a great anger in his heart.
The fury that was created from being betrayed and deceived was unleashed in an uncontrollable manner just like that.
"Damn it!
Didn't you say you didn't betray the church?
Then how are you going to explain your current clothing?" Fan En shouted as if he was roaring.
Jie, who was questioned, remained expressionless and did not express any opinion.
"Wasn't it that last time I didn't teach you a lesson?
That's why you made such a mistake again and again?" Fanlon was truly angry.
He didn't expect that Roger would still stare off into the distance, not saying a single word.
"Let me tell you!
am really angry!" Fan Lao was unable to suppress his anger.
His eyes widened as though they were about to spit out fire.
Jie merely glanced at him indifferently and did not take it seriously.
A sword glow suddenly flashed.
Last time, the sword that did not have any killing intent was once again pulled out by Fan En.
"You really want to fight?
Alright, I will accompany an old friend of yours." Out of Fan En's expectations, Jie had actually also taken out the two daggers which he had seldom used at his waist.
One red and one blue dagger was quite eye-catching.
"You...!" Fan En was so angry with his old friend that he was about to lose his mind.
In the air, Fan En was the first one to attack, while Fan De'er was the first one to stab him in the heart.
However, Jie wouldn't be killed for nothing.
He turned sideways, changed his body, and attacked Fan En's vital part in the waist with his two daggers.
"Hmph!" Fan En used his strength, lowered his body, and turned around with the help of the force.
The longsword met the two daggers head on.
At the same time, Jenne revealed a strange smile towards Fanane.
"Have you forgotten what sort of daggers these two are?" Before Jenne finished speaking, Fain had already thought of the origins of these two daggers.
These two daggers were magical artifacts which each possessed the soul of a monster.
The red one was a magic dagger that inhabited the soul of an ancient monster known as the 'Serromang Snake'.
The blue one was a treasure forged together with the blood snake of the water-element monster, 'Baison'.
Once, Fan En had personally witnessed that in close combat with his opponent, he had summoned these two magic snakes to attack his opponent.
Of course, that extremely unfortunate person ended up with being cruelly tortured to death by fire and drowning at the same time.
It was also because this move was too cruel that Jie always tried his best not to use these two daggers.
However, if the opponent was someone as strong as Fan En, plus he could be considered to be the one who understood him the most.
Hence, the chances of him to survive without using this move was really too slim.
Fan An, of course, knew this as well.
He would not be an idiot who would die so easily.
Just as he knew Jie, he had already started to sing the holy language while he was still talking.
"You're overestimating me!" Jie was actually on fire, too.
After a loud roar, he actually raised his double blades and they slid along the edge of the edge of the long blades, stabbing towards Fan En's heart.
"Fall of the Holy Spirit!" At the same time, Fan En raised his pair of daggers to parry the deadly attack.
He then used his unique skill.
The power of the sacred text shot directly towards the sky from the tip of the sword, and even the haze in the sky seemed to be cut by Fan En's sword.
The sunlight that rarely appeared on the dark hill broke through the black cloud's restraint and shone brightly on the hill.
It was like a bright curtain opening up in the dark sky of the dark hill.
This was the prelude to the Sacred Spirit's Anger.
Just as Roger was about to seize the initiative to summon the two snakes to attack, Fan En's sword began to glow with a white-golden light.
The metal that originally belonged to the sword seemed to have been melted by this light and gradually faded into the light.
"Benson!" Jie had never thought that he would summon the name of "Benson" as quickly as he could.
A blue-colored magic stream of water had erupted from the short dagger like an unstoppable flood.
Fan En knew that when the water came down, it would turn into a ferocious water snake and devour all the prey in front of it.
"Ah!" Just as Fan En knew that there was no way to retreat and subconsciously closed his eyes tightly, he heard a strange wail.
"There are only the two of them here.
Where are the others?" Fan En suddenly opened his eyes, only to see the water snake biting a foreign black clothed man tightly.
The Jie's blue dagger was stabbing into the chest of that person.
Before Fan En had the time to ask what was going on, another figure suddenly appeared.
The figure raised his sword and was about to stab Jie, who was already unable to withstand the sneak attack.
"Jois!" Seeing his good friend suddenly fall into danger, Fan En, who attached great importance to his friend, immediately thought of rescuing his friend with his sword, regardless of whether he was a traitor of the church or not.
Fan En had just finished preparing the "Fury of the Holy Spirit" and was about to kill Fan En with his sword, so it didn't matter whether his opponent had a chance to survive or not.
"Go and die!" The figure of the assassin was still in midair when a sword suddenly pierced into his heart from Fan En's armpit.
The long sword pierced his heart and he died on the spot.
"Hey!" The man had just died, and a few more people rushed into the battle from not far away.
As soon as Jie just took back the Blue Dagger, he was immediately surrounded by Fan En again.
"What's going on?
how did you get chased?
These people are..." While paying attention to the enemies' movements, Fan An distracted himself to ask about the ins and outs of the matter.
"Then don't bother about them!
You're just trying to get involved in this mess!
These people are the Pope's assassination troop!" Jiecai revealed their identities.
Those people rushed over without any hesitation after seeing their identity being exposed.
They didn't seem to have any intention of keeping the other party alive.
"Assassination?" Fanseer suddenly understood.
So this was what the Holy Emperor meant when he said there would be someone else dealing with the case?
Would that person, who loved the people as much as his children, have his own assassination squad?
Were these people considered comrades of the church?
Then...didn't he just kill one of his own?
You are also one of us, aren't you?" Fan En blocked the blades and spears that were attacking him while trying to speak nicely with these assassination troops.
Originally, he had believed that those people would not be so ruthless if they were really his people.
However, those people had simply ignored them and continued their actions of asking for their lives.
In the end, they had no choice but to give up their naive thoughts.
Fan En, who was unwilling to part with the killer, had also been mercilessly hacked and killed by them a couple of times because of his carelessness.
They won't listen to you anymore.
They swore their loyalty to the Pope." The assassin had long since been scattered by the other assassin, trying to change the extravagant hope of reconciliation in Fan An's heart.
The red and blue daggers in his hands were like vipers that pierced through his heart.
It was unknown just how many assassins had tried to kill him.
Except for Fan En, there was no more soul, except for the first person who was killed in a critical situation just now.
The long sword in his hand, which still had the effect of the Anger of the Holy Spirit, could not be used at all.
"I...I really don't want to kill my own people!" Fan En let out a furious roar, and the longsword in his hand burst forth with an explosive force, forcing back the group of people who were planning to surround and attack him.
Unfortunately, no one paid any attention to his helpless heart.
The second batch of soldiers surrounded him again.
At this moment, his deep, helpless, and extremely painful emotions had drowned out all of Fan En's conscience.
At this moment, Jie knew how much pain Fan En's heart was in.
That feeling was probably the same as the first time he killed someone who went against his conscience.
She obviously didn't want to kill him, but she was forced to kill him.
Was it really destined to kill him?
Normally, it was easy for Fan En to get angry.
But, if he got angry and wanted to kill someone, things would be totally different.
Now, it didn't matter whether he was angry or not.
In order to survive, he could only kill people for self-protection, but the people he wanted to kill were his own people!
Just as Fan An realized that he had to kill or take action, he slowly pushed away the longsword that was still glowing with a white golden light.
Following that, the figure of an assassin crashed into the blade of the longsword like a moth pouncing into a flame, and was instantly killed by the blade, which pierced through his body.
Fan En, who had been suppressing the power of the Holy Sword "Fury of the Holy Spirit", no longer retained the power of the sword and released all his power.
A beam of white and gold light shot out from the tip of the sword.
It instantly tore apart the body of the person who had just been stabbed by the sword, and then stabbed towards the next target.
Following that, it exploded again, and then struck the next target...
It was like an endless massacre, until Fan En's enemies fell one by one.
Holy Sword was a series of sword skills developed by the church to deal with undead demons, and the most significant feature of undead demons was that they would constantly regenerate and revive.
Therefore, in order to restrain the characteristics of undead demons, the leaders of the Holy Sword knightage must learn this move "F SDP of Holy Spirit".
Only in this way could they survive when they encountered an undead monster alone.
However, how could Fan En have expected that the Holy Sword skill that he had practiced painstakingly in the past would be taken out in such a situation to be used as a move to kill his own people.
Originally, he just wanted to use this skill to resist Jie's Twin Snakes Summoning, but now it became a tool to kill people for self-protection.
"Fain [Feng'en]!
Don't be too careless!" Just as Fain was pondering the principles of killing, he didn't notice at all that the other group of assassins were trying to kill him.
Jie shouted out in a hurry, and at the same time, he summoned the Water Snake, Bayerson, and the Fire Snake, Scorchesmang, on his two daggers.
In an instant, blue water and red flames wrapped around those assassins around Jie like ropes, drowning them alive or being roasted to death by the fire.
A man in black who seemed to be the head of these assassins suddenly rushed out from the dark, and attacked Fan En, who was still confused, when Jie was still unable to move.
Fan En only felt a sudden stinging pain behind him, and then he was stabbed and lay down on the ground.
Looking up at the killer who attacked him, he couldn't help feeling shocked.
"That man, is...
is it Billy?" "I...
I didn't want to kill you, bravo!
it's you who meddles in other people's business, isn't it?
Now, you can't blame me either!" After landing a hit, Billy just stood there, looked down at his masterpiece, and murmured to himself.
It seemed that he couldn't accept that he would give up his honor as a knight and choose to conduct sneak attacks.
"Ah!" After getting rid of those annoying minions, Jie finally arrived at Fan En's side to rescue him and immediately joined the confrontation with Billy.
Hey, obviously, the Pope told you to kill Fan En, but you let him go?
And let him take away my captain's throne?" After seeing Jie, Billy got so excited that he spoke out all the conspiracy.
Perhaps, it was because Billy firmly believed that they had no way out.
I don't remember that I once promised to help a villain finish his despicable conspiracy." Jie, with a smiling face, still looked down upon Billy.
If only Billy, a second-rate man, was there, he would not care.
However, what made Billy so confident to oppose them so that this situation was strange to him?
"Don't think you're such a noble man!
Weren't you also one of the twenty-six shadow killers who killed without batting an eye?" Billy suddenly disclosed Jie's true background.
Fanen, lying in a pool of blood, was also shocked.
Shadow Killer?
Had Roger been like these men in black in order to kill people for the Pope?
No, though Roger was a little frivolous, he definitely did not look like someone who would not take a human life seriously!
"I don't deny it.
But that was already something that happened a long time ago!" Jie withdrew his smile.
He knew that Fan En would definitely waver because of this.
Fan En!
I can't believe it, can't I?
He promised the Pope that he would use your life in exchange for his freedom.
But I didn't expect that he went back on his word at the last minute!
But thanks to you, my good brother, who keeps tracking his whereabouts, we can find him so quickly!
Hehehe," Billy now said in a proud and arrogant tone that was different from usual.
When he finished speaking and took out his swords, Kaiser and Roger found that it was a very strange sword.
The whole body of the sword was pitch-black, even darker than the night sky.
"That's...!" As if he had seen something wrong, Jie let out a cry of forgetfulness.
Then Billy followed suit and waved that black and deep sword.
At the same time, the pitch-black sword seemed to respond to his dance, emitting black Qi in all directions.
"The Pope gave me the 'Black Night of Death' specifically because he saw me so loyal!" Billy laughed mischievously.
It turned out to be an ancient demonic sword called "Black Death Night".
It was said that the demonic sword would drive its holder, who was unable to control its power, to the verge of death, and then devour their souls in one breath.
According to reliable records of the church, this "Black Night of Death" was said to be built by a famous teacher of the Devil Realm.
It was said that in the process of manufacturing, 99 demon lives were sacrificed, and nine kind and pure human virgins were used as sacrifices.
Legend had it that this sword would eat the soul of its owner, whose strength was inferior, and cause it to go crazy in killing.
Because there were demons everywhere in the Devil Realm, the sword was used by the demons of the Devil Realm, so it would not cause any morality or life problems.
However, since the Devil Sword fell into the mortal world, it had already caused countless tragedy and pain to human beings.
According to the ancient documents, it should have been sealed in the church's most advanced Bounded Domain, but now it was held in Billy's hand?
It seemed that the pope really wanted to kill them at all costs.
The pope has really picked the right good thing and sent it to me!
This 'Black Dead Night' is really a perfect weapon for killing!" Even the tone and the look in his eyes had become different from that of two people.
"It must be the demonic sword that began to swallow the master's soul.
Poor Billy.
He must have not known that he had become the pope's pawn.
Billy responded by waving the demon sword "Black Death Night".
Not only the demon sword itself, but also the dark clouds on the dark hill, as if summoned by "Black Death Night", quickly gathered together, and it was even thicker than before.
Therefore, the visibility on the dark hill was getting worse and worse.
In the end, even Jie raised his hands, but he could not see his fingers.
It was as if everything in the world was swallowed up by the strange darkness.
"Hehehe!" Billy's mind was almost swallowed up, and the weird laughter he made instantly spread throughout the whole Dark World.
"Fire Serpent!" Jie once again placed the red blade in front of his chest.
The Serroman Serpent he summoned was lit up like a candlelight, but it was only three steps away from Jie.
It was pitch black.
"What's wrong?
Can't you see it?" A sword quietly came to his back.
Fortunately, he dodged quickly and avoided the sword that was about to pierce his heart, but his left arm was slightly injured.
[There's only one way to increase the burning brightness of the fire snake, but...
can I continue to fight in that way?] Jie thought in his heart, [After removing this annoying dark factor, how much of a chance can I win.] After which, he gritted his teeth and ignored the fact that the red dagger was stabbed fiercely into his injured arm.
The fresh blood flowing out of his body was stained by the red dagger, and as if oil had met with sparks, it began to burn even more fiercely, continuously sending the flame into the body of the Serroman Snake.
In less than three seconds, Scorchesmanas danced like a madman, and all the darkness he passed turned into a world of light.
Moreover, he was still closely chasing Billy, who was moving in the increasingly rare dark space.
It seemed that he targeted Billy as a prey.
You can enjoy such a small snake by yourself!" With a flash, Billy slipped in front of Jie, followed closely by Randman Snake, and triggered a series of burning and explosion.
It's really the most ironic ending to be bitten to death by my snake!" Billy stood on the side and watched indifferently.
He did not find that Fan En had propped up his wounded body at the moment and raised his sword to cut toward his head.
"Do you think I don't know your action?" At the same time Billy said, Black Death Night found new prey again.
With a backhand stab, the black long sword went into Fan En's stomach.
Before Fan En could lie on the ground, he was supported by Billy, as his old wounds had not healed.
Old friend, don't be in such a hurry to die!
I haven't finished speaking yet.
Your wife should be going to hell with you soon!
The Pope will send assassins to kill her in the next few days!
Relax, we will have companions on the road to hell." An ear-piercing, evil laugh continued to reverberate in Fan En's gradually unconscious mind.
Although he was unwilling to give up, he had already reached the end of his life and had no choice but to give up, right?
My beloved Lilna!
Your husband, I'll go to hell first and wait for you!
Fan En, who felt as if he was on the verge of death, suddenly felt as if he was being surrounded by a warm and intense beam of light before he lost consciousness.
He had no idea that he had come back from the gates of hell.
The intense light in his consciousness was the divine light of the advanced-stage sacred text, which was used to heal people in times of danger.
Fan An, who had lost all consciousness at this moment, still didn't know who had saved him...