The Dark monastery

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Before the End, The temporarily ended of

"I'm cute France, I'm going to start now." Kayen's suppressed voice was like boiling water, French's body was moving as if it was being awakened by these words.
Before she could respond, the fast-moving Ryan immediately pressed down on her, no longer giving her any chance to refute and lead her to experience the supreme joy of husband and wife again.
After the clouds dispersed and the rain dispersed, Frances had forgotten how many times he had gone to Wushan with Appen, and leaned his head against his sturdy chest, listening carefully to the heart that had danced wildly for her just now.
At this moment, it was calmly beating there, as if playing a sleeping song for her to urge people to sleep.
"Hubby, I love you so much." While in a semi-dream and half-sleeping state, France inadvertently revealed his deep-seated love for her.
Cayne, who was originally already exhausted, woke up as if he had eaten a tonic.
Seeing his beloved wife's futile appearance, he actually began to smile at her with malicious intentions.
"Wife, I love you so much!
To express the deep love that I am unable to describe in words, I have decided to love you again, okay?" Without waiting for a response from France when he was still asleep, he began to provoke France in an overbearing manner, causing the Frances to pant again and again.
This night, the one who was suffering was the little Ou Jie who was sleeping in the adjacent room.
Whenever he was about to fall asleep, he would be awakened by the noise which was inappropriate for children to make noise.
Even though he burst into tears trying to stop them from continuing, he did not react at all.
After that night's torture, perhaps he could be the first child in the world to experience insomnia.
During this night, some people were in love with others, while others were thinking hard.
Under the stars in the sky, the roaming God, Joe, was distressed by the mission he was undertaking.
Looking at the remaining 21 sacred cards in his palm, even as one of the gods, he could not help but sigh.
Back then, in order to end this hot potato as soon as possible, he had attempted to invade the card with divine power and peep at the faces of the future owners of the card.
However, fate was unpredictable.
After several invasions almost ended in a near-death situation, he did not dare to try his own life.
He was not afraid of death, but he was afraid that his future would be trapped in those cards in the future.
That kind of situation was really annoying.
Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel more distressed.
"Ah!" Suddenly, a scream came from behind him.
He was slightly shocked, but at the same time, he immediately looked back, only to see a pile of rocks and earth rising with smoke on the hill not far away.
God of Ranger immediately calmed down and realized that he had unconsciously come to the Dark Hill that had been swept away by Goddess Jade Di and Luxi Fa a few days ago.
A sigh came from the messy stones.
In a blink of an eye, Joe had come to the front of the pile of rocks, where there was a camp fire that had just been extinguished, but nobody was there to see it.
"Who are you?!" Suddenly, in a blink of an eye, a sharp sword was pointing at his throat.
However, as an immortal, how could he be knocked down like this?
With a thought, his body moved to the back of the person who dared to hold the sword to him.
But he did not expect that there was a master of the holy language behind the person holding the sword.
A storm of holy language struck out at the same time as his action, forcing him to use the magical power on his body.
You dare to attack the gods.
Are you going to rebel?" asked Joe.
He knew that the man was using the power of the holy language borrowed from gods, so he immediately condemned the man who used the holy language.
Only in this way could he stop this farce immediately.
"Please forgive me, master!" Elder Luo immediately knelt down.
Elder Fan En, who was on the side, did not dare to hesitate anymore.
He immediately dropped his sword and stopped fighting, kneeling down on one side with grief and indignation.
"What's going on?
Who was the one that made that sorrowful roar just now?
I was just resting and meditating at the foot of the hill, but I wasn't scared by this roar." Now that the battle had stopped, he no longer pretended to be a deity.
He, who had always loved the people, immediately asked in a low voice to find out what was going on.
"Please take pity on us, milord!
We have been trapped here for decades.
At first, in order to avoid the miasma of the Devil Realm coming out below this place, we had to leave the Devil Realm Incantation on us, but this also made it impossible for us to leave here.
Now, the passage of the Devil Realm has been destroyed, and we also want to return to our hometowns, but I don't know why we still can't leave here.
As long as we leave here a certain scope, we will die in the wilderness." Elder Luo clearly described what his companions had experienced.
Since the dark cloister walls collapsed, several companions who had intended to leave had died here.
The rest who knew they couldn't leave had to pile up stones and stones in order to shelter themselves from the rain temporarily.
Just a moment ago, Elder Fan En had been missing his female feelings.
After tossing and turning for a long while, he finally had no choice but to roar at the heavens, letting loose the sadness in his heart that he could not calm down.
Then, let me have a look!" After hearing about their miserable experience, Qiaok used his own power to detect the Magic-avoiding Seal on Elder Luo's body.
He suddenly found that this was not merely the Magic-avoiding Seal.
It was also mixed with a kind of restrained force, but the restrained force was not obvious enough, and even could not hurt or kill anyone.
When he thought of this, he closed his eyes and began to think about all the possibilities.
Seeing that he hadn't been able to get a response from Youxian Qiaoke for a long time, Elder Fan'en was even more impatient.
The real immortal was right in front of him, so he must have a great chance to leave here.
How could he calm down?
"God almighty, why not let me give you a try with my life so that you can see where the weird place is?" With his eyes wide open, Elder Fan En's figure shot out like a flying arrow, instantly reaching the edge of the line between life and death.
At the same time, a tiny light bulb that could not be seen by the naked eye suddenly emerged from the ground of the secret monastery.
Apparently, Reverence found some clues in those pictures.
"It's this light.
So it's the power of this magic circle!" Duke Chok shouted suddenly.
He immediately used his divine power to pull Elder Fan En back with all his strength, which saved his life.
It turned out that this dark hill was originally one of the passages between the human world and the Devil Realm.
When the Devil Clan was confined to the Devil Realm, the gods had already considered that it was possible for Sandan to still keep his Saint Power.
Moreover, as long as the Devil Clan had engraved the Devil-avoiding Seal, they could freely pass through the seal of the Devil Realm.
So they set up this forbidden magic array at the top of the dark hill to imprison the people who had the Devil-avoiding Seal on their bodies.
In this way, no matter how great the Demon race's abilities were, it would still be difficult for it to rise again.
It would definitely be impossible for it to come to the human world.
It was just that he had not expected that the demons would not use the method of avoiding the Mark of the Devil.
On the contrary, the humans on the ground had been engraved, and thus, the magic array had failed to become the tool to seal the demons.
On the contrary, the monks living in the dark monastery had suffered.
"Okay, I'll help you!
I'll stop the operation of the magic circle for the time being, so you'd better take this opportunity to leave!
However, don't come back after leaving, otherwise, you will still die." Before you took action, You God of Ranger did not forget to remind these human beings.
She was afraid that one day they would miss this place and come back to die.
After a short period of contemplation, most of them made a decision.
Most of them wanted to leave, but only a few of them were reluctant to leave, so they decided to spend the rest of their lives here.
"Alright, then when the green light starts to shine, all of you should hurry up and run out!
Those that slow will die!" Reverence Qiaok jokingly gathered his divine power and slowly placed his two palms on the ground.
In an instant, it was as if green light had appeared at the same time as fireflies in the sky.
He forced the formation to stop with his divine power.
At the same time, the people who wanted to leave scattered like the tide.
As they left, they could still hear the Director's last words, "Brothers, no matter how good or bad you were before, don't come back!" There were few people who could not hold back their tears when they heard this.
After all the monks in the dark monastery dispersed, the merciful roaming God, Joe, looked back at the others who were reluctant to leave.
Most of them were middle-aged people who were dying of old age.
If he did not finish his work and send Buddha to the west, these people would have to continue living in this pile of rubble and live a beast-like primitive life.
The helpless God of War, Joe, immediately picked up a few stone pillars and stones, which were still intact, and threw them into the air with his magic power.
In the blink of an eye, a small stone hut had been built.
Although it was not magnificent, it was still able to protect people from the wind and rain.
"Thank you for your kindness, great Divine God." With tears of gratitude, Principal Nuose wanted to kneel down and worship the God of War, Joe, but he was stopped by his divine power.
"That's all I can do for you.
Is there any way you can provide yourself with food and supplies for the people?" asked Joe worriedly.
After all, this place was like a ruin.
Even though they had their own material pipes in the dark cloister, they were probably all destroyed now.
"In fact, there are a few brave people nearby.
They come here every week to see if we lack supplies, so please don't worry about this for us." In fact, Director Nisse didn't want to let Youxian Joe to have more brains for them.
To be able to rebuild a small house to shelter them from the wind and rain was enough for them.
No matter how much benevolence they had, it was not something they could afford.
"That's good." Seeing that everything was fine, You Shen turned around and wanted to leave.
Later, he remembered that the scroll with the Rebirth Magic Formation was still here, so he turned back and asked the dean for it.
Knowing that this ancient magical scroll was a divine object, the principal naturally didn't dare to hide it.
He carefully took out the divine scroll wrapped in parchment from his inner clothes.
"You should know that if this thing is in the hands of the wicked, there may be unexpected bad things happening.
Although the chief of each clan is not easy to deal with, it's better to be careful.
I'll take this thing back and keep it." The Youxian God said as he put the scroll into his inner pocket, but he accidentally left the holy card in the inner pocket.
The sharp-eyed dean naturally immediately bent over to pick up the cards, wanting to save the wanderer's hard work.
This is not..." Seeing the sacred words on the card, the Director could not help but pause.
Those cards were written like "Death God", "War God", "Star" and so on.
They were just like the divination card used by the divination master.
Did God also need to fortune-tell?
The director thought for a moment, but he still respectfully handed the card in his hand to theaxis.
However, the suspicion on his face was hard to hide, revealing his curiosity.
Seeing his expression, God of Ranger understood why he was confused, so she immediately explained for him, "Haha!
Yes, this is indeed the same as the card used by the divination master.
However, you should think about whether the person who wants to divine the secrets should use a divine device.
Therefore, the cards used by the divination master are actually all imitations of this set of cards.
However, it is still barely enough to let them occasionally peek at unimportant things like the divine secrets." After learning the truth, the doubt on the Director's face was dispelled, but it was immediately replaced by a new doubt.
"What's the matter again?
Do you have any more questions?" Seeing the curious old man in front of him was frowning and thinking again, God of Ranger had to continue to comfort him.
"Well, why does this card only have 21 cards?
There are 22 ordinary cards used for divination, and this set of cards is missing one." The Director was originally afraid that the wanderer would be angry, but after seeing that he was not angry, he felt at ease and boldly spoke out his doubts.
"Oh, are you asking this?
That's because the card has found its owner!" God of Ranger answered naturally, but she did not think that how these mortals knew that the masters of these cards would affect the future of the world after they appeared one by one.
In the past, he was only able to meet the Quinn in Paris by chance.
He was so foolish that he had to stop anything in order to resurrect his wife.
He was the Quinn that was chosen by the "stupid".
"Oh?" Director Nars, who didn't know how to choose the card's owner, curiously picked up a card.
He thought it was impossible for a blunt human like him to understand the secrets of heaven in the relic, so he didn't intend to solve the mysteries of heaven by this way.
He just took a look at what was written on the card.
The pattern in the card showed a person standing in front of a table.
He lifted his right hand up to the sky, but pointed to the ground with his left hand.
Above his head lay number eight.
On the table, there was a sword, a staff, a basket of gold, and a round object that seemed to be copper.
At the bottom of the card was a line of words.
Magician - Conference of the Minister's Clothing—A GEOir Looking at the vaguely familiar face in the card, the dean desperately searched for relevant information in his mind, and his mouth was unconsciously reading, "Magician, Magician..." "Ah!
Why does this face look 80 percent similar to that of Kenyon?" An idea suddenly flashed through the dean's mind.
He remembered where he had seen such a familiar face before!
After hearing director Nuos's words, God of Ranger Zooey suddenly felt that the man in the magician's card was really similar to Kane.
"No, Kaiser is already a fool.
The magician won't be his." Rogue God Qiaok shook his head.
He knew that the pattern was originally the appearance of the owner of the card, but he was the owner of the "Fool's" master, so he would not be the owner of the "Magician" no matter what.
could it be his relatives or descendants?
Perhaps it's just someone who looks very similar to him?
Such a great god like you shouldn't have a problem knowing who the owner of this card is, right?" Director Nisse instinctively spoke out all possible inferences, but his last sentence shocked Zooey the most.
How could he not think of it?
He used to be focused on exploring the end of the world in the card, so that he was often nearly trapped in the card.
But if he only wanted to know the identity of the owner of the card, he should not have touched the last prohibition of the eternal taboo.
Qiaok, the rogue, immediately grabbed the magician from Director Kongs' hands and instantly sent his divine sense into the card, trying to find out the true identity of the owner of the card.
Under the dim sky, the man stood proudly in the air.
His cold and emotionless eyes stared in a certain direction, his brows slightly furrowing.
Beside him, the four dragon sons of the Dragon Race were baring their fangs and brandishing their claws, the fireballs, the tornado, the leech, the storm, and the four elements swept through the surrounding space.
No one could stop them.
This was the first image that Qiaok saw among magicians.
"Is this the end?" No, that was impossible!
"How could 'the magician' bring the end to this world?" His eyes widened as he stared at the man in front of him, who was also looking in his direction.
He was right.
This man did look like Cayne, but his eyes gave people the feeling that they were sharper and scarier than Kenyon's.
While Joe was still confused, the scene in front of him suddenly changed beyond his comprehension!
A bright light suddenly appeared on the man's forehead, and in an instant, four objects flew out of his arms, each with a cane, a sword, a cup, and a seal.
"Oh my god!
The Ring of Merbius?
Four divine weapons?
This..." Duke Choking wiped his face.
He did not expect the magician to be someone he should have known a long time ago.
However, what was even more unexpected was that Keane, who was holding the wing of true love, stood in front of the man behind the Ranger and said with a trembling face, "Ojie, do you really insist on doing this?" "Sure enough, in front of this man with a beeline on his forehead, who else could it be except for Ou Jie?" Joe, the Youxian God, was sandwiched between the father and son who were against each other, and he could feel the intense sadness and pain more clearly.
Although Appen's face was full of grief, Ou Jie was indifferent.
The four dragons around him seemed to be ready to take action.
Zhuanxu was waiting for Ou Jie to make the order to attack.
"O' Jie!
Why did you make this world fall into chaos?" Seeing that Ou Jie was still silent, Keane couldn't help but become a little anxious as well.
He sounded like he was scolding someone.
Ou Jie, who had never heard his father scold him, suddenly heard such harsh words from Cacusim.
He began to shed tears like a child, but his mouth refused to say a word.
"Why don't you talk?
Have you forgotten who is your father?
Although we have only lived together for six short years, you should still remember it, right?" Watching the child shed tears in front of him, and seeing Appen who had long wanted to rush forward to hug Ou Jie tightly, he felt even more heartbroken.
But Ou Jie's series of incomprehensible actions really made it hard for people to associate him with the lovely child from before.
When Appen mentioned the past, the expression on Ou Jie's face suddenly became complicated.
Finally, he said with both excitement and slight anger, "Do you know where I am?
When I was forced into a corner by the human race, where were you?
When I thought the demons would treat me well, but suffered a lot there, where were you?" Ou Jie first frowned slightly as he thought of the painful past, then he continued with a rather helpless and understanding look, "I know you love me, but you can't protect me.
So, I have to rely on myself to get back everything that originally belonged to me." "No, it's not like that." Kaiser wanted to argue, but he couldn't refute the fact.
"Daddy and mommy didn't give up on you!
In order to find you, mom even left Daddy alone and made our house split into many pieces!" Thinking of France, Kayn's face was even more painful.
He thought that the blow to lose his wife in the dangerous situation was already enough to make him want to live, but he didn't expect that the happy time of Tianming's reunion would not be long.
And because of the disappearance of Ayer, the family was separated.
"I know that.
I don't blame you.
But now I can't change anything.
I just want to go back to the Devil Realm and get back what Sandan owed me.
I don't want to bother about anything else." Ou Jie said flatly, and at the same time, he gave the four fierce dragons a secret signal behind him.
The four members of the Dragon Clan, who had been impatient for a long time, instantly pushed their elemental powers to their limits and untied the seal on the other channel to the Devil Realm at the same time.
"What will happen to this world?
It has nothing to do with me..." Before he left, Ou Jie meaningfully looked back at his father for the last time, as if he was bidding farewell to his father or repaying him with gratitude.
In the end, Kaiser still watched as Eart's figure disappeared into the darkness at the end of the corridor.
Magician had unlimited power, which represented all creativity and the symbol of the beginning.
As a magician, Ou Jie, who had been taken away by the demons since he was a child, what kind of road would he take?
All of this would be another story.
The end of one story was just the beginning of another story...
(End of the book)