A Ghost

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One Finger

The leaders came.
Because of the previous preparations, the municipal leaders confirmed the work of my hometown and promised me 40,000 yuan verbally.
I believed that as the secretary, I should get rid of the word "side" quickly.
Finally, the inspection leaders were sent away.
At night, it was another celebration, and the meeting place was still the restaurant.
He was going to go back home, but he was held by me and my brother.
How could he be absent from such a celebration banquet?
He had eight people in the country and occupied a private room, so everyone was very happy.
He knew that he could drink wine.
Usually, they would laugh at each other, let alone when he was celebrating.
Naturally, one cup after another, he would drink to his heart's content.
After 11 o'clock, the party ended.
Xiaowang and Changhe held each other's arm and mumbled something.
The other five leaders were Zhang Yangyan, who was in charge of propaganda work, Liu Rongcheng, who was in charge of tax collection, Li Langming, Zheng Mingjian, who was in charge of political law, and Li Country, responsible for sales and marketing.
Their family was close to each other, so they went back after the party was over.
"Come on, Changhe," Xiao Wang muttered, "Your smelly feet are so thick that you're dying when you go back to sleep today.
His snores are like thunder.
I don't know how my sister-in-law can stand you.
I don't want to sleep with you." I couldn't help but laugh.
Xiao Wang has a clean-up habit.
He was like a girl's boudoir in the room, clean and dirty.
"I don't want to sleep with you.
I'll go home!
I'll go back to sleep today!" Dahe was obviously not confident when he said this.
"You, do you dare to go back?" It seemed that what happened yesterday was brought up again.
"Why don't you dare to do it?
Of course I dare.
You talked so much yesterday.
Do you dare to go that road with me?
Let's see who is scared to pee in his pants first!" Changhe was a native cadre.
He had not graduated from high school, so naturally, he had nothing to say.
"Okay, let's go now.
I don't believe that if there's a ghost, I'll beat him till he cries like a ghost!" I had no idea what happened to the river.
I was so excited about the wine that I decided to send the river home and see what is wrong with the Farsight Village.
I clung to the shoulder of the river and said, "Let's go together, brothers.
No matter what happens, let's do it together!" It was the tenth of July.
The weather was not very good, but at 11 o'clock, the moon was still exposed through the clouds.
When they looked up at the moon, they could see clearly about 30 meters away.
Whether it was a human or a ghost, under such moonlight, there should be three people walking together, so there should not be any danger.
Along the way, Lord Wang sang a song loudly.
In fact, we heard the description of Changhe.
And at that time, looking at the river, we were a little worried and didn't know what we would see.
We believed that Lord Wang only hid the uneasiness in his heart by singing.
However, Chang Xi was silent and didn't argue with Lord Wang anymore.
If it wasn't because of tiredness, it was because he was afraid.
But because of us, he couldn't reveal his identity.
Moreover, he still gambled with Lord Wang.
I paid attention to any movement in the world.
On the 15th day of July, no one would walk outside more than 8 o'clock in the night, even if the moon was bright.
I believed that if we hadn't drunk wine, we wouldn't have appeared here.
The closer we got to the entrance of the distant village, the more uneasy I felt.
But now, I, Little Wang, and Changhe, no one offered to go back.
They refused to show weakness to me.
I, I am not bold, but I have a strong curiosity.
What's more, I am a leader.
If I mention going back now, it will damage my prestige in the future.
I don't want to go back, so naturally, there is nothing to stop us.
When I arrived at the place mentioned by the river, Little Wang stopped singing and closed his mouth tightly.
I turned around and saw the mouth of the river trembling.
His eyes were full of fear and uneasiness.
After all, he had been scared once.
Little Wang did not laugh at him, but just held his hand.
At this time, there was no need to say anything.
There was a breeze that stirred the grass, making a slight rustling sound.
In the quiet night, this kind of sound was extremely clear and a bit shocking, because the image of the things described in the river existed in the heart.
If it was the first impression that occupied the mind, now the three of us were all thinking of a headless image, but the image in the river's brain was clearer.
I shook my head.
Perhaps the river was just a quiet night walking alone.
I remembered the legend about the ghost festival, so I had a hallucination.
If I could not get out of this illusion, maybe I would also have a hallucination.
I ignored my own thoughts, tried to erase the image described by the river in my mind, and then began to think about Zi Yue.
I thought that my feelings for Zi Yue in the past were because of a gentle and virtuous woman, and that gentlemen were easy to get along with.
However, that was just a vision, just like the ghost in the river's heart.
However, right now, this vision had become clear in my mind.
I recalled how every frown and smile she made after meeting Zi Yue, each time she turned her eyes and each time she turned around, I thought...
Zi Yue had already walked into my heart.
As for whether she had already walked into my heart, or if she had walked into my heart tonight, I did not want to investigate it.
Of course, in such an environment, I had no time to explore.
We walked slowly.
We had already walked half of the way, but we saw nothing except for the rustling of the wind and grass.
"Ha ha ha ha..." ...
a long ghost story?
Little Wang suddenly burst out into laughter.
In this quiet night, it was particularly ear-piercing.
I and the Changhe jumped in shock.
They looked at Little Wang and saw that he was laughing uncontrollably.
He was laughing so hard that he bent down and held his stomach, gasping for breath.
I said lightly, "Little Wang, are you crazy?" Little Wang laughed and pointed to the river, saying intermittently, "I said that this guy is timid.
Hahaha, what ghost, haha, what headless ghost, hahaha, you are full of imagination, making us travel for nothing, hahaha..." There was a hint of a smile on my face.
In the beginning, we were all nervous.
Everyone was very nervous, but now not only Xiao Wang, but also I thought that the Changhe himself was scaring ourselves.
Xiao Wang's laughter now made our hearts relax.
We felt a sense of relief.
The face of the Changhe was pale and red.
He muttered, "Maybe it won't come out today..." Little Wang said with a sneer, "Oh, it has gone to its relatives, huh, huh, huh!" I couldn't help laughing.
Changhe smiled at me.
I was too embarrassed to say anything about Xiao Wang, but he was not convinced and his face became ugly.
I smiled and put my arm around his shoulder and said, "Well, Changhe, I will go back after we get out of this village.
You go back and spend time with my sister-in-law.
Hehe!" Chang Xi didn't say anything.
He was not a wordy person.
He was a bit stubborn.
Since he was sure that he had seen it, he wouldn't turn the tables so quickly.
But he didn't see anything tonight, so he couldn't say anything.
But obviously, what I said made him happy.
He just got married and the couple had a good relationship.
At this time, he was at home, so he didn't care about Xiao Wang's ridicule.
I suddenly sighed with emotion in my heart.
"Is it a man after marriage?
Because someone can love him, his life will become suffocate?" After graduating for a few years, I was assigned to this town, and my parents were nowhere to be seen.
My girlfriend, who had sworn an oath of loyalty to me in university, had also changed her mind due to the issue of distribution of work.
My relationship had once again fallen into a blank.
Zi Yue was an outstanding girl, and regardless of whether it was looks or speech, she was the best in this town.
It was as if there was a direction in which my feelings should be headed.
If I wanted to determine the target, it was naturally not Zi Yue.
Zi Yue, on the other hand, had always been like the moon in the mirror, or perhaps tomorrow, I should express my feelings for her.
Little Wang was still laughing loudly.
It was as if a small dam that had been blocked for a long time suddenly had a hole missing, and as a result, water began to flow uncontrollably.
Suddenly, the river screamed in fear.
There was an indescribable fear and trembling in its voice, cutting off Little Wang's laughter.
I turned around in surprise.
Under the moonlight, the long river's pupils were clear, and its legs were trembling.
It seemed that it would fall down at any time and look straight to the right.
Little Wang said, "Changjiang, hehe, you are not convinced.
I..." Then he turned to look at the river.
With only one look, he was frightened by the expression of the river and swallowed his words.
Little Wang's eyes met with mine, then they turned around and followed the river's gaze.
About 100 feet to the right, there was a blurry image.
Little by little, it was clear, and I could see the hands, feet, body, and the fluttering clothes.
However, there was no head, really no head!
Little Wang made a strange cry and turned to run.
The river followed him and began to run.
Out of instinct, I also wanted to run, but I couldn't move my feet.
Maybe at this time, I forgot the word run.
I took a step back and then took another step back.
The image didn't move further, but just stood there quietly.
I stared at it and didn't know what kind of mind was supporting me.
I just wanted it to come after me.
Could I run away from it?
In this case, what was the point of my running?
It turned out that the river was not lying to us.
It turned out that the river was not a illusion in the mind.
It turned out to be real and a real ghost.
My mind was completely blank, including the purple moon that I remembered before.
I stood there facing off against the shadow.
I didn't know what it would do next, and I didn't know what I should do.
The silent night, the pale moonlight, the rustling sound of the wind, and the headless image in front of her...
Interweaving, intertwining, and occupying my entire mind!
July was still very hot and early, but I felt cold all over.
Cold sweat ran down my hair and ran down my cheeks, and my clothes were wet in a flash.
They stood face to face for nearly five minutes.
In my opinion, five minutes was longer than five years.
At this time, I saw clearly that it slowly raised its hand and slowly stretched out a finger and index finger.
In the bleak moonlight, the finger was pale and clear, and stayed in the air for about ten seconds.
Then, when I looked at it carefully, there was nothing left.
I looked around.
Under the moonlight, I could only see the grass moving, no figures, no clothes, no fingers...
Everything felt like a dream, but my clothes were soaked, and I ran far away from Little Wang and the river.
My legs were soft, proving that what I saw was not illusory.
I dragged heavy steps forward.
I didn't know where was ahead, what I was going to do, and what else could I do except for walking forward.
After more than ten steps, I slowly returned to my mind and felt something.
My legs were still weak, and I sat on the grass.
At this time, the moon showed its beautiful face behind the clouds.
The night was still cold and gloomy!