A Ghost

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Great End

When I got home with Ji Yan, I found an invitation in a luxury package in his mailbox.
And when I opened the wax cover, I could still smell the fragrance.
Ji Yan looked at it with a long-lost smile.
I asked him what it was.
He said that it was a childhood playmate, hoping that I could attend a party, just this evening.
Ji Yan also said that this person was the daughter of his father's good friend.
The two families used to live very close to each other, so he often played with the girl when he was a child.
But when he was ten years old, the girl moved.
"Oh, then we're childhood sweethearts." I joked.
Ji Yan waved her hand and smiled, but didn't reply.
After a long time, I said, "I only think she is my sister.
But since she invited me, I have to give her face.
There are too many things happening today.
I planned to go to her house to drink together." I was very interested in this.
Besides, from the invitation, I could tell that this person had a strong background.
Sure enough, half an hour later, a black Lincoln limousine stopped in Ji Yan's house.
Ji Yan was also surprised.
When the door opened, a girl wearing a white silk mesh mask came down.
She wore a white fur hat, so I could not see her appearance clearly.
But judging from her figure, she was indeed good and very high.
Moreover, her clothes were famous brands.
She was indeed the daughter of a rich family.
The people who got off the car looked at us, then walked in front of Ji B's face and unmasked him.
She was indeed very beautiful, but what moved them even more was her elegant temperament.
Especially her nose and fair skin that made her look like Audrey, giving others an indescribable sense of appreciation.
"Brother Ji Yan, I haven't seen you for a long time." The girl said with a smile.
Ji Yan also smiled and introduced me.
Only then did he know that the girl's name was Qi Ya Qiong.
It turned out that she invited Ji Yan to come because her cousin who had just passed away had left a large inheritance.
All qualified heiresses were invited to her uncle-in-law's house six months ago to wait for distribution.
After all, I was an outsider, and plus the girl's family was far away, so I had to temporarily separate from Ji Yan.
The car soon disappeared.
It seemed that these days would be boring.
However, Ji Yan left behind a lot of notes about expeditions in the past and his father's books and manuscripts.
They could be used to kill time if he had nothing to do.
He picked one book from it casually and went home by himself.
At night, the TV was boring.
He didn't understand why the online TV station still stayed in the 21st century, playing boring TV shows and boring variety shows.
Of course, I was bored too, so I washed my face and bed early.
I was afraid that I couldn't fall asleep so I took the notes and read them.
Who knew that after reading the first chapter, I couldn't fall asleep.
The first passage was called the meat talisman.
In fact, it felt the same as the diary, but there was no time to record it.
According to the way of explanation, it should be written by Ji Yan's father.
"I just came home yesterday, and I was told that a family moved in.
It was too late, so I didn't want to disturb them.
I didn't expect them to come on their own initiative." I opened the door and saw a pregnant woman dressed in a wide beige robe.
Her left hand was supporting her stomach, and her right hand was being supported by a young man.
The young man looked very terrified, as if he was holding a curtains of the Lotus Lamp.
Although he was half a head taller than the woman, he bowed his waist and looked humble.
In fact, he looked much shorter than the woman.
The woman had short hair and dark skin.
She looked delicate and pretty.
Noticing my surprise, she introduced herself with a cheery smile, saying that she had just moved in for a short period of time.
Then she chose a quiet and elegant place to raise the baby, for she was going to give birth soon.
In fact, I was quite pleased to find that I had not heard a child's laughter for a long time since the birth of Xiaoyan.
I told the woman that I would take care of each other if there was anything wrong with the woman, and the neighbors would take care of each other.
After my introduction, I knew that they were doing small business.
I would rent a house next to my house for production and two bedrooms, which would kill two birds with one stone.
The woman said her name was Tang Lan.
I asked about the name of the owner, but he flickered his words, as if he was very embarrassed.
Instead, Tang Lan said that she was most afraid of strangers when she met men, but in fact, she was very easy to get along with.
Then they left.
Looking at their backs, I suddenly thought, "If I was doing business in a small shop, why would I be afraid of strangers?" And the expression of the man was too strange.
He looked more like a servant than a husband.
But there were many people feared in the world, so it was not strange." But I had never expected that there would be so many strange incidents ever since the couple moved in.
For me, I could either go on a vacation outside, or go home to organize notes or records.
Although I did not need a very quiet environment, the voice of my new neighbor sounded a little too noisy.
It sounded like it was being renovated.
After enduring for an hour, I decided to visit the country as per yesterday.
By the way, I also mentioned some of the best hawthorns and red fruits I brought from Shandong.
I ate them well after production.
In addition to the door, I came to the door of their house.
The door was not closed and was half-closed.
I stood outside the door and shouted, and a young man came out.
He had a lot of sweat on his forehead, and his eyebrows were also wrinkled.
I thought that he must have been very disgusted with the people who called the door when he was busy with his work just now.
However, he immediately adjusted his expression after seeing me, and deliberately put his right hand behind his back.
It was a little hot, so he only wore a vest, a plaid shorts, with a tiger's tong in his left hand.
He stood in the doorway and said with a smile, "Mr.
Ji, what's the matter?" I showed my friendliness and handed the hawthorns to him.
The young man was surprised.
But he quickly accepted my offer.
"It's our store's trouble.
I heard that Mr.
Ji likes to write.
Although I'm old, I know that you must calm down when you write.
How can you calm down if you don't calm down?
It's just that you're in a hurry to open the store, so I'm sorry that I offended you." He said it very sincerely, and I didn't continue to emphasize it, so I asked him about his wife's recent situation as usual.
But it was strange that the young man didn't invite me in, and his right hand was always behind his back.
At first, I did not think much of the strange neighbor couple.
The renovations of the shop were completed soon, and it was convenient for everyone to have a convenience shop.
Later, Tang Lan and her husband became very familiar with everyone.
But they never knew where they were from when they were talking to each other.
They talked in a very uneven accent, and almost changed at any time.
There were many discussions behind everyone, but the two couples always smiled and greeted each other.
A month passed, and gradually everyone forgot to guess their identities.
Because I got used to getting up early, it was the darkest and quietest at that time, which was suitable for thinking and writing.
However, since Tang Yulan and her husband came, I often heard the sound of someone pouring things in the morning.
In fact, there was no need to get up so early when pouring garbage, or there was something special about the garbage.
The neighbors liked to sit together and taste other people's dishes when they ate.
This habit became acquiescence.
Whoever made delicious food would invite their children to taste.
Sometimes children themselves would go there on their own and secretly pick them up with their hands.
Even if adults saw them, they would pretend that they didn't know.
Yesterday, Tang Lan was sitting outside with a bowl of rice.
She also liked children very much, even to the extent of spoiling them.
No matter which family they were from, as long as she saw them, she would ask them to come over to tease them or to stuff them some lollipops, fruits etc.
The children also liked this beautiful and kind aunt very much.
After a long time, sometimes she was so unscrupulous that even the parents of the children felt a little bit angry and a little embarrassed to watch her.
But the two couples had been smiling all the time.
Everyone was surprised that the woman who was about to be a mother loved children so much.
Tang Lan loved the nephew of her fourth aunt the most.
The boy was big-headed.
The man inside cried out, and Tang Lan and the child teased him.
Then they went in and put the bowl on the ground.
Seeing that there was meat in the bowl, her nephew took a piece of meat and was about to put it in his mouth when Tang Lan saw it.
What happened next almost surprised everyone present.
Tang Lan, who had always been kind to the children, suddenly rushed over like a lioness, knocked over the meat in the child's hand, and then shouted while grabbing the child.
"This meat can't be eaten!
Can't be eaten!" The child was stunned on the spot and then burst into tears.
Fourth Aunt also ran over with her chubby body, and pulled the child over from Tang Lan's side.
Then she put her waist on the other side of the nose and began to curse, saying that it was no big deal for children to eat meat.
The child from everywhere grew up without eating their neighbor's food.
Tang Lan bowed her head and said nothing, letting Fourth Aunt scold and giving advice to the people next to her.
"You didn't fall down!
Don't worry!" After scolding for a long time, Fourth Aunt thought it was not enough and couldn't stand it anymore.
When I was about to go over, Tang Lan, who had been lowering her head, suddenly raised her head and looked straight at Fourth Aunt.
Fourth Aunt was stunned and couldn't say anything.
At that moment, I was also shocked.
Tang Lan's eyes were like that of a wild beast, which were absolutely not human's eyes.
Fourth Aunt did not dare to look at her anymore.
She bowed her head and cursed a few words, and then began to scold her little nephew.
The two left while crying.
Seeing that there was no fun to watch, the onlookers also left.
At this time, Tang Lan's man came out.
He held Tang Lan's shoulder and patted it lightly.
I saw that Tang Lan's eyes were full of tears.
The couple embraced each other and walked in.
I looked at the meat on the ground and suddenly felt very curious.
Just as I was about to go over and pick it up, a young man suddenly blocked in front of me and took it away.
I clearly saw that there was a very strange object pasted on his right wrist, but it was too fast to see clearly.
As time went by, Tang Lan's delivery time was almost over.
Their shop was still doing well.
Although others had forgotten about it, I was still curious.
Maybe this was not a good quality, and it would be more appropriate to say that I liked it.
During this period of time, I had been making friends with them and chatting with them.
They were very respectful to me, but they did not mention the key points, such as the background or their identities.
The two of them were vague.
Until today, I had been talking about the children with them.
I asked Tang Lan, is this her first child?
Tang Lan was shocked and then stopped talking.
Her husband next to me sighed.
"When it comes to having a baby, no one lives a life worse than ours." He seemed to want to go on, but he was immediately pulled by Tang Lan with his sleeves, and they went back with the excuse that Tang Lan wanted to take care of the baby.
This made me feel even stranger.
Moreover, I had never seen Tang Lan go to the hospital for examination.
Although she had a big belly and it was very inconvenient to walk, she had never mentioned when the child was going to be born.
It was funny to think that even the wife said that I was more proactive than caring about the birth of her son.
Finally, I had a chance to go into their house, but it was better that I didn't go in.
On that day, Tang Lan's husband came to me.
It seemed that he had something to ask me, but he hesitated.
He put his right hand in his pocket.
It was very hot, but he wore a pair of trousers.
And I seemed to smell the smell of blood.
The young man explained that he had killed a chicken for his wife and stewed some soup, but he had to go out to take care of his own business.
It was not a problem for me to take care of the neighbor's business.
The man thanked me for leaving and told me that the stewed chicken was in the pot.
When Tang Lan woke up, she would eat it.
I went into their room, and this was the first time in a few months that I had visited my neighbor.
The room was very tidy.
It seemed that both husband and wife liked to clean up.
Although a lot of goods were piled up next to them, they were well-organized.
Tang Lan was resting inside, and I could not disturb her.
So I sat outside and looked at the chicken soup on the stove.
As I looked at the steam rising from the stove, the smell of meat gradually came to my mind.
I tried to smell all kinds of meat flavor, but I couldn't figure out what kind of meat flavor it was.
Anyway, it was not chicken.
I was not a child after all.
If others knew that I cooked in the pot, they would laugh at me.
The meat's smell came out again and again as if it was one hand.
It swept over my heart.
Finally, I couldn't help but walk over and looked around.
There was no one around, and I felt like a thief.
It was a clay jar with a grey base and a black base.
It looked a little old, and the meat inside was already beginning to roll violently.
The white and delicate meat was wisps and wisps, but they were very thin and not big.
The smell of the meat came to my face, and I was more certain that it was not chicken.
There was a pair of chopsticks just beside me.
I immediately picked up a piece of them, which was very slippery and almost impossible to hold.
But I managed to take it out.
I hesitated for a moment while holding the meat.
What would happen if I ate it?
I moved the chopsticks to my mouth hesitantly, but I couldn't eat it at all.
So I decided to take the chopsticks back and see if there was anyone behind me.
However, I suddenly felt that there was someone behind me.
I put the meat back into the crocker.
As expected, Tang Lan held her belly with one hand, and the other against the wall, looking at me coldly.
This situation was really the kind of embarrassment I had never encountered in my life.
The two stood there dumbfounded and didn't say a word for a long time.
Ji, this meat was made by my man for a pregnant woman to eat.
You are not suitable." She finally spoke.
I nodded and told Tang Lan about what the young man said just now.
Then I fled away immediately.
When I stepped into the room, I saw that Tang Lan had already started eating.
About half a month later, I was awakened by the hurried noise of the door.
I comforted my wife and son and took a coat to open the door.
Although it was still hot in the daytime, it was still hurtful to blow too much cold night in autumn.
I opened the door and saw Tang Lan's husband.
His hands were full of blood and his face was full of them.
I was almost shocked.
I didn't feel sleepy anymore.
I immediately asked him what happened.
The man looked anxious and a little excited.
"Lil Lan is going to give birth!
But I can't deal with it.
The child's head is stuck, and I have no choice but to find the teacher!" He was too anxious to speak clearly.
It took me a long time to understand.
Under the moonlight, I saw a box of matches on his right wrist, which was the size of a match box, and it seemed to be painted with a talisman.
It looked familiar, but I couldn't remember it at the moment.
"Why didn't you send her to the hospital?" I woke up the patient immediately.
She still knew something about delivery.
The man lowered his head and did not speak.
He washed his hands and pulled me aside.
Ji, it's not that our husband and wife are hiding things from you.
It's just that it's hard for us to open our mouths.
After Xiao Lan gives birth, will we tell you the whole story?" Since he said so, I didn't ask much.
I just blamed him for not paying attention to the signs of his wife's production.
The two families were busy until dawn.
Fortunately, Tang Lan finally gave birth to a baby.
The baby was very beautiful, just like Tang Lan, crying loudly.
But the first thing Tang Lan did after she regained consciousness made me feel strange.
Her eyes might not be very good because of excessive bleeding, but she insisted on touching the child.
When her hand touched the child's face and mouth, she smiled reassuringly and then fell asleep.
When Tang Lan's husband finished his work, he invited me to his house and told me the whole story.
"Has your distinguished self heard of 'Tian Feng'?" The male suddenly asked.
I was extremely shocked.
I had only heard of Tian Feng in legends.
Rumors had it that Tian Feng was a strange disease.
Normally, when children who were born with a 'Tian Feng' title were born, they would never open their mouths.
In addition, they wouldn't be able to open their eyes, and soon after, they would die in pain.
Moreover, Tian Feng seemed to have no solution.
Rumor has it that it was related to their parents.
As long as they gave birth to a child from Tian Feng, every child that was born in the future would undergo the same tragedy as before.
"The three children in front of me and Xiaolan all have been sealed." Although it was a very ordinary sentence, it shocked me very much.
It was no wonder that Tang Lan was so good to the child.
But I looked at the child in the cradle with a strange look in my eyes.
That child was very normal.
"I know you're very strange.
I'll tell you why now." The man stood up and walked into the kitchen.
When he came out, he was holding a kitchen knife in his hand.
Ji, you have seen much of the world, but I hope you don't panic later." As soon as he finished his words, he rolled his trousers up to his thigh and cut a large piece of meat off with a kitchen knife!
Immediately I had a disgusting feeling.
I started to know why Tang Lan didn't let his nephew eat meat.
However, something even more strange happened.
The wound that had just been cut by the knife was quickly healing.
I could even see the bud on the side of the wound wriggling like tentacles.
The whole process was as fast as tearing cloth with needles and thread.
In less than a minute, the wound recovered as before, as if it had never been cut before.
However, the man's large bloody piece of meat let me know that it wasn't an illusion at first.
"Meat Rune!" I finally understood and shouted out unconsciously.
The man was very surprised, but then he also said frankly.
"Sure enough, Mr.
Ji knows it." He paused and stretched out his right hand.
"Yes, this is the meat talisman." "The meat talisman is rarely recorded in the previous medical literature, but there was indeed a rumor that the meat was inexhaustible when it was originally attached to the body of the livestock.
Later, the Hua Tuo was used to fester the wound, and it was improved into a panacea for treating external injuries with decay.
Although its effect was not as magical as the meat talisman, it was also very effective.
Unfortunately, the prescription was no longer available with the throw of the jailer's wife.
But how do you know about the meat talisman?" I asked.
The man shook his head and said nothing.
But he said nothing.
"Xiaolan was born three times, and she was almost crazy.
Later, a traveling Taoist came to their hometown and said that the sky could be solved after learning about the situation.
But they must use the husband's meat as medicine and make it into medicine from the day of pregnancy until the birth of the fetus.
At first, Xiaolan did not agree to this method, because I am afraid that it will not be enough even if I turn into a bone after eating it.
Later, the Taoist couldn't resist repeated requests, and left a charm, saying that it is a meat charm.
Once it is attached to the right wrist, there will be no life risk.
Give an explanation, and when the child is born, the talisman can be taken." As he said that, the man touched the meat charm on his wrist, seemed to be emotional.
"Actually, as long as the mother and son are safe, it's nothing even if the flesh of my whole body is cut off.
I didn't intend to tell others, but I know Mr.
Ji's character, and you helped me so much, so I'm really embarrassed to hide it from you.
In fact, we're not natives.
We're just afraid of encountering trouble with acquaintances, so we moved out.
Since everything's fine now, we'll wait for the mother and son to recuperate for some time before returning home." It could be seen that the child's safe arrival made him very excited.
Finally, the Tanglan couple moved away.
The name of the child was given by me.
I didn't agree, but they insisted.
So I named the child Tang Xiao, hoping that he would not let his parents down.
As for the meat talisman, the couple said they would give it to me.
Of course, I was happy.
After all, it was a rare opportunity.
Sometimes I also wanted to put the meat talisman on my body to try, but I gave it up after getting the knife.
It seems that I didn't have the courage to sacrifice myself and couldn't cut the meat to feed the eagle as Buddha said." I turned to the back and found a piece of charm in it.
Although it was yellow, I also had an impulse to try it.
But I thought about it.
It was too late.
If the charm was expired, I would not even be able to use the slip of paper tomorrow.
In this way, I watched some stories every day, waiting for Ji Yan to come back.
A few days later, Ji Yan came back with her childhood sweetheart.
I couldn't help giving him a thumbs-up secretly.
During the meal, Ji Yan and I chatted for a while and asked if they had finished all their tasks.
Ji Yan smiled and said in a low voice, "Yes, everything went smoothly.
I thought there was something wrong this time." I couldn't help but burst out in laughter.
"Did that silver-haired man who was mentioned by the runner last time not come to see you recently?" Ji Yan smiled and said, "I should have guessed who it is, but then the future story will be more interesting.
It will not let us have nothing to do from now on." Looking at Ji Yan's winking face, I couldn't help but laugh and echoed, "Yeah, this way, the story will be more exciting in the future."