Eastern Fantasy
Ring of Earth God
Under the curse, revitalize the decline of the nation!
Heroes, bone rings, embark on the road to rise again!
Turn the tide or doomed?
Blood-stained long Ge, swaying heroic tears!
The ancient five precepts, shock the demon soul!
Heroic arrogance, double cultivation of magic and martial arts.
God kills God!
Demon block and kill the demon!
Earth God Bone Ring!
Rise strong!
Open the road to the revival of the Copper Dynasty for you!
Prequel of Lonely Heart in Chutian
Alas! There is no perfect universe in the world. In a word: human feelings, if you speak, you want to listen, and if you act, you want to succeed. Don't let the years pass. Meditate and think. If you compare the mind of doing things ten years ago with the knowledge of today, what is it? Lose? Win! Everyone has a legend in his heart and dreams of becoming a hero. However, have you ever thought about how to be a hero? I don't know that everything has a process. I don't see the hardships of the jou
Rebirth: True Love Is Endless
There is an ancient prophecy: Wu Qingcheng and Yue Nonghen, the pair of people who are under the curse by gods, will appear in the 21st century! In their past lives they were teachers and disciples who sympathized with each other and lovers who respected each other like guests. However, because of a fatalistic act and a senseless infatuation; he slaughtered thousands of gods for her, and devoured the world...
Divine Night Thunder Driving True Secret Art
Many years ago, the sky in the Middle Earth World opened a crack , and from the endless demand under the middle arm, it turned into the six thunder pit hell, producing six Taichu Tianlei. After that, the six Taichu Tianlei broke through the shackles of the lightning pool and disappeared from the world. After the ages, Sun Sijin had obtained Shen Xiaozong's number one merit law, the [Divine Night Thunder Driving True Secret Art] cultivation method. From then on, he began his grand and magnificent