Supernatural Abilities
Alchemist Huang
Martial arts is the quintessence of the Chinese nation, and I foolishingly believe that it should be better than the four great inventions.
Because martial arts can not only make people strong and healthy, but also is a profound knowledge.
We all know that the human body has potential, so let's let our imagination go and enter the unreal world.
The Game is Slaughter
I'm tired of reading gold fingers that are even more oxen than the exterior. I'm tired of the online games that are so lucky that my opponent is an idiot. Come in and take a look at this real, thrilling, cruel and struggling 'Kill and Game'.As a nerd, Xiao Yu was selected as Earth Envoy to participate in a game of gods with only one survivor. His life and death directly involved the life and death of 7 billion Earth people. As the weakest candidate, he could only rely on his efforts and wisdom t
Reincarnation Resentment: Beauty Curse
By chance, my best friend Wang Dadan and I entered an ancient tomb. The corpse in the tomb was actually a hundred-year-old, unrotten, gorgeous female corpse. We had thought that we would be able to find something useful, but on the way back, because Dadan coveted the beauty of the female corpse,he secretly carried her home under an excuse, but a series of revenge ensued from her.
Conspiracy Dungeon
Li Ergou was originally a worker in the city, but he was arrested for saving a female student who had been bullied by a gangster. In prison, Li Ergou met a crazy old man. Later, several murders occurred in prison.Li Ergou slowly understood that all of these murders were done by the female student he saved. However, there was no explanation. He was also imprisoned because of the female student.While Li Ergou was in a state of deep worry, the old man took a few words beside him everyday. These wor