Eastern Fantasy
The Chaos Star
The supreme god of heaven: "How can you distinguish between good and bad, righteous and evil, and life and death?" "If you are good, you will live, and if you are bad evil, you will die." In this way, you and others are good people without evil thoughts.
They can be regarded as upright men.
you have good intentions in your hearts, and can you not kill evil spirits when rescuing them." "Lord God, the evil spirits can be condemned for their misdeeds, and if we have good thoughts to save them then

Chapter 163   Chapter 163
2024-01-19 20:35:22
Chapters   (163)

Demon Hunter's Codex
Forbidden profundity, Demonic code, glory of chaos; Venerable imprint, soul contract, pursuit of balance in risk. The world changed color, undercurrents poured in, gods and devils danced chaotically, and Qi swallowed the heaven and the earth. The cemetery is a corpse tomb, strange invasions, sacrifices, sleep,and licking of the abyss and a prison practice.In the ancient invasion, mankind organized an unprecedented self-defense and counterattack. How could high-tech weapons failed one after anot
Immortalization Souls of The Dead
Liu Ye, a top fashion designer, jumped down from the top floor of the Burj Dubai Tower because he yearned for the freedom to escape oppression, and crossed the world of fairy and demon dance. With strong willpower, I got 300 years of memory inheritance and a beautiful maid. Haha, that's right, Liu Ye started an alternative alien journey with a beautiful fairy and a very charming maid, holding heaven and earth in his hands and chaos in his hands. See how he conquered the whole alien continent!
The Chaos Star
The supreme god of heaven: "How can you distinguish between good and bad, righteous and evil, and life and death?" "If you are good, you will live, and if you are bad evil, you will die." In this way, you and others are good people without evil thoughts. They can be regarded as upright men. you have good intentions in your hearts, and can you not kill evil spirits when rescuing them." "Lord God, the evil spirits can be condemned for their misdeeds, and if we have good thoughts to save them then